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Everything posted by Nalytha

  1. Oh snap. Phil bringing down the hammer.
  2. Here is a picture giving a better idea of the water. 
  3. Thank you so much for your advice. I'm going to look into those possibilities. Lol@ the PG Swing. Sometimes I feel like the most prudish person on Second Life. All of my furniture is PG. I refuse to buy adult versions.
  4. I don't think I can do a beach, due to the covenant that says we must stay in theme. There are beach themed parcels. When looking at neighbors I see some use something like a small wooden dock. The water behind me is sea but the water in front of the house is more like a river. There are houses on the opposite side of it. I will try to take some pics
  5. You can either get a Linden home or purchase 512 sq meters on the mainland. Owning land on the mainland costs a montly fee. Non premium members would usually have to pay $5 a month to own 512. Because you are premium, you do not have to pay that. The perk of the Linden home is that the house does not count against your prim allowance. If you buy land, your house will count against your prim allowance. If you chose a linden home, go to it and right click the land. Click abandon land. Now you are free to find some mainland. Simply right click the land you want and press buy. Be warned, if you buy more than 512 sq meters, you will be charged a monthly fee.
  6. A couple of places I've found to make friends. Commune Utopia http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/125/170/23 The Blarny Stone Pub http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dublin/83/83/25
  7. I was thinking of some sort of assortment of plants to cover up that raised portion of the patio. And maybe some leaves under the trees (which are mine and I have different colors) Not really sure what to do in front of the stairs. Some sort of path? I don't know. 
  8. Yes, they would need to create the page under their authentic account, but can name it whatever they want I believe.
  9. By horizontal yellow lines, do you mean the patio wall and the garden planters?
  10. Thanks Alwin. Yes, there is a covenant here. So as far as the ground goes, the only rule I can find is no complete ground cover texture. Items are fine, but you can't for example put a platform of new grass or something like that.
  11. I was wondering if anyone could give some landscaping advice for my home. More specifically, what I might do about the green space that is in front of my house and touching the water. My land extends into the water a little bit, so that is up for suggestions as well. I'm extremely bored and I hope this is the right subgroup to post in. Thanks in advance! 
  12. A few suggestions: 1. Take a look at everyone's profile. In public chat, make comments on their profiles or avatars. Someone's profile says they like to travel? Try saying "<Name here>, I see you like to travel. Been to any interesting places recently? I recently visited <insert place here> and loved it!" 2. Make comments on people's avatars. Most people invest time and some invest considerable money in their appearance. Many appreciate being noticed. Even better than the generic "You look great," try something like "<insert name here>, I really like your wings. They are a great touch!" or something along those lines. 3. Fill out your own profile and really take your time. Most people are only going to check your profile once. So really make it count by filling it out as if this is your only chance. Upload some nice photos and clearly state if there is anything you are looking for or not looking for. This is a great opportunity to help save people wasting their time with you. (For instance if you don't want to have sex, are not interested in relationships, only want sex with a certain sex, etc.) 4. Make your avatar stick out, if you want. For example, I am almost always with a KittyCat. This makes me pretty memorable. 5. Keep the focus on OTHER people. People like to talk about themselves. Ask questions about them instead of focusing on you. It may seem unfair at first, but this actually benefits you. This really helps you learn more about that person quickly, and thus identify if you want to invest much time in pursuing a friendship with them. 6. Landmark places and quickly scan them multiple times. Often you might just miss someone by a few minutes. They arrived and found no one there, so they left. You arrived and found no one there, so you left. Spend five minutes or so somewhere and try back again later. 7. Remember people. People really like if you remember things they've previously said. Someone said they weren't feeling well? Next time you see them, ask how they are feeling. Someone recently told me they are working on a book, so I frequently ask them about it. If you have trouble remembering details, use the note function in their profile. Good luck.
  13. Maybe he/she could create a Facebook page instead of a profile. Celebrities do that and fictional characters have pages.
  14. flowersforkain wrote: Not being condescending or negative, just genuinely surprised, that's all. Actually, from my time here on this forum, I am actually surprised if he hasn't seen it. This seems like something that would pop up often here from veterans tired of giving the same answers over and over.
  15. What he linked is very popular. It's called Let Me Google That For You and it's kind of a meme, a joke. A way to point out to someone that they could have had the answer to their question in seconds if they had just tried Google first. "Google" has also turned into a verb, so the exact search engine you use doesn't matter, hence the page you saw illustrating the point that you can choose from several. If you kept watching, it illustrates what happens when you search for these terms.
  16. I think you are both right. Some of the most helpful answers I've found here are links to help pages. Sure, someone could have just answered my question, but what they taught me was more important --- how to find the answer myself. Of course, you can point out that Google is someone's friend in this case politely =) FWIW, I had never considered using Google for this purpose (finding a prim count of an object), so I learned something too!
  17. You probably want to find a large sandbox. This should help. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_retrieve_coalesced_items
  18. Disclaimer: The following is simply my humble opinion. I can't speak for everyone. So, a couple of things stand out: 1. Your computer issues with FPS, bluescreens, etc. My suggestion is whether you stay in Second Life or not, really take a look at your computer. Uninstall unnecessary programs. Personally, I like to put a fresh install of Windows just to clean things up a bit, usually at least once a year. Make sure your computer is free from viruses and whatnot. Just as important, take a look at your hardware. There are free gaming benchmark tests (google computer benchmark). If you are on Windows, you can check "system information" for some standard stuff. Now take a look at how behind some of your stuff might be and consider upgrading within your budget. This will increase your Second Life experience as well as other online games. 2. Your concerns about account security. I have been here a few years, I even have two premium accounts. I regularly buy lindens and I've never had any issues at all. So I can't really comment any further than to say that I find everything to be secure. 3. Is Second Life Active? Yes and no. It really depends on what you are looking for. There are still a ton of people in Second Life. Many people are still adding to the creative world that is here. You can find new sims, attractions, events, etc. That being said, it can feel a tad lonely. You have to really work to make friends and you need to find the more populated places. Personally, I enjoy the Blarney Stone Pub and Commune Utopia to make friends. But even when you have a bunch of people standing around, chat can still be empty. I don't know if it's because everyone is waiting for someone else to talk or if it's because people are having private chats. Whatever the case, you really need to make an effort to get the chat going if that's what you want. To summarize, it's free. It can't hurt for you to pop in and see what's going on. No one can really answer all your questions because most of the answers are subjective. If you are having lots of hardware/graphics problems and you can't afford to upgrade your system, I would actually recommend finding something else to do that isn't so hard on your system. You can always return at a later date.
  19. You can purchase Lindens from your account page on the website. If you are asking about how to get Lindens without paying for them.. well, you could apply for jobs, make and sell items, DJ, blog, buy and sell realestate, etc.
  20. Two year old thread. That's an impressive grudge =)
  21. You could abandon your Linden home and buy land on the mainland. A same size plot would have the same prim allowance EXCEPT that with the Linden Home, the house itself does NOT count against your prim allowance. The first 512 sq meters does not have a monthly fee (you would have to purchase the plot however from the seller for a one time fee.) Now, you could pay a monthly fee for the right to own a bigger piece of land, and thus have more prims. All of this information is available from your account page. It will break down the monthly tier allowance. If you want to avoid paying real cash every month to Linden Labs, you could consider renting from another resident. This would mean you are paying in the in game currency, Lindens. You have many options here. You could rent a skybox (house in the sky), apartment, land, etc. The prices here are going to vary drastically. If you are strapped on cash, I suggest looking around at the real estate rental market. Off the top of my head, I can suggest Maven Homes. I liked that one and found the pricing good. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maven%20Isle/214/114/24 Something that I did was to get an alt account to ALSO have Premium. This gave me some extra Lindens coming in weekly. But more importantly I formed a group and combined my tier allowance. So, account one had 512 sq meters allowed tier free, and so did account 2. I put them in a group and deeded the allowance to the group and was able to buy a 1024 piece of land without paying a monthly fee. If you are on a budget, I would suggest finding the cheapest piece of land you can find (you can find price listings in your viewer and sort by how much Lindens they are per square meter). It doesn't matter if it's ugly as heck. Put a platform on the land and raise it to the sky or a skybox.
  22. I have a couple of questions. 1. Today I tried a couple of demos. In the picture, it's the freckles on my face. You can see the word demo on my face. I removed (and even deleted) the demo and yet this won't go away, even when I completely remove the Catwa and reapply it. Any suggestions?  2. I am trying the Catwa head with a Maitreya body. My question is when I'm shopping for makeup, do I need to find a brand that has some sort of skin compatable with Maitreya so I can match my body skin tone to my face?
  23. You can not put a skybox in a Linden home or above it. You can however abandon the Linden Home and opt to buy a 512 piece of land to put your skybox on =) As a premium member, you have two choices when it comes to land: 1. Use a Linden home, which is 512 sq meters. 2. Buy 512 sq meters on the mainland and not have to pay a monthly price that non premium members would usually have to pay.
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