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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. the only thing you can do is report it to LL by sending in a ticket, and change your passwords. If you had paymentinfo on file it's most likely too late, so be sure to watch that very carefully and block the accounts when you see it's corrupted.
  2. because it's not in the RP section i assume you'r a real priest? what denomination if i may ask?
  3. you can run sl on that, but the results will be less than on dedicated mid or high end graphic cards onboards are quite ok for normal use as office or youtube, but SL is hungry and will eat all the memory it can get
  4. it is not misleading, the info is clear on the Blog feeds: There is a 50% discount for the first quarter at this moment. after that you will pay the normal rate, so that shows up in your account info.
  5. yes, if you don't have permission form the creator it is still NOT allowed
  6. really great you support the venue owners with your tips, but realize most DJ's don't get wage but play just for tips. So your good intentions/reasons to give it to the owners doesn't make the ones who really work for you get anything. Thats how SL works... good intentions to change that will not work.
  7. for me your question is a bit confusing and i read it different than the other answers you got. As i understand it you want to give the mesh body Artificial Intelligence... AI and not use of a Animation Overrider. If the body is mod you could try with a kind of pupeteer scripting, but most easy would be create a alt and make it a bot, controlled by a second viewer/text viewer. There are several scripts at MP to create a bot that lets it follow or other controls,. If you search google with some terms like AI /bot/ Second life ...and so on.. i'm sure you get some usefull links
  8. if your account was hacked you wouldn't be able to log in at all, most likely there's something with your connection shut down everthing, restart modem/router, wait a few minutes and restart your pc, and hope that helps
  9. the best check for a market is: start and see what happens
  10. can be several things happening... first what i think about is a bad connection, or wifi, try to restart your router and try again wired if you are on wireless normally. Second because you speak about assets it hink you try to upload mesh?... did you complete the Mesh tutorial at the account page?
  11. most likely you will say i'm rude again, but there is nothing like "fake lindens", paying somebody will never get your account hacked.
  12. if you want a mainland parcel at sea you have to find one yourself and buy it. The prices at water will be seriously higher than "land"parcels. Seen some for several thousends... so be prepared to look around before you buy, i'd recommend a protected parcel, in that case a neigbour can't block your water.
  13. yes you can buy mainland with oceanfront, but won't be cheap if you mean a Linden home, that will be random given out to subscribers, you can try it but the chance you get a nice located one is very low. But you can abandon up to 5 times a day till you have one you like.
  14. ehm... perhaps just an idea, but ever thought to use google? https://www.google.nl/search?q=mio+0.&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=mMiDVYH1O6Tm7gaV5oOAAQ#q=mio+0.1
  15. be also sure where you rent is ligth commercial/commercial, otherwise your neighbours can report your shop and you'll get the landlord at your door
  16. assuming you own the other half it would be a simple calculation.... each own half the prims/landimpact, and half the script time. You can see the free script time at the statistic bar, if it's less than half the total he/she uses more than normally should be her part. If you have estate manager rights you could also see the used script time in the region tools. If there's enough script time free there's no reason why the sim would lag. Could be client side than.(as mostly is the case) performance tools : ctr+shift+1 brings up the statistic bar,there you can read almost all to see about the sim performance. If you have one or two parcels for business or home doesn't matter, fair use is using only the amount of resources that are in rate with your landowning. So the other renter has the right to use nearly double of the sim resources than you.
  17. you must have a quite limited memory.... if you'r here for ten years and relly look back, it was hundreds of times worse than now. I don't understand you can't simply enjoy what you have. Even in rl happyness has its limits, so also SL isn't 100% perfect. If you know there's a bug with loosing clothes... simply use a outfitfolder to wear the things you like as soon you rezz... and if you'r relly unhappy, log out, go rezz some stuff in rl
  18. did you give google a try to show some links?... not sure it's helpfull but you get some hits there https://www.google.nl/search?q=creating+jewelry+second+life&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=bLmBVYWEA4iR7AaUmIu4BA
  19. at your account page you have the tab : contact info next to that i would send in a ticket or even letter with the new info to be sure they have it.
  20. if you can create mesh you can do it yourself, otherwise i'd advise to buy it at MP or inworld, there are several of this horrible things for sale :matte-motes-confused:
  21. i have no linden home, so i'm not sure it's possible, but how about setting access to owner only or group? (about land)
  22. most simple action: rezz a prim, flatten it, and drop a texture with the pic you like on it ... position it at your desired location ... done ..
  23. most likely you have missed mesages from LL. Think they ended in your spamfolder or your email blocked them entirely. When you process L$ to $ above a certain amount, or expectations you end above it during a year, you have to fill in some tax forms. Contact support if you don't find the original message from LL to find out if thats the case.
  24. when your house is attached to another you didn't read the description, there are only one or two attached type of homes. And this info is given at the page where you can choose your L home. All other types are single. But keep in mind the examples as given are only showing a home standing alone, in real there are many others close to yours. Simply make the steps as told in the other answer to get a new one. ( max 5 changes a day)
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