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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: If you can revive your old account, you can most likely turn a profit going Premium. All Premium members get a stipend -- those joining now get L$300 per week, but an "oldbie" account from back in the days of "First Land" can get L$400 or L$500 per week, which works out to more than the cost of membership on the annual plan. this is perhaps a bit confusing. Reactivated accounts get the current stipend of 300L$. Only when you kept the old premium all the time you would get the old stipends. When you went to basic and you take premium again it will be at the current benefits ..512 sqm free or Linden Home, and 300L$ stipend weekly, even if your account is 12 years old it won't make difference
  2. when he can IM you, you didn't block him, but only derender. If you block/mute him he won't be able to contact you. If your hubbie does the same, the fun for him will be over soon.
  3. i think you changed environment settings go to menu bar "world" - "environment settings"- and choose the one you like... i would recomment "default" for start... and than later choose one you like most
  4. you can put your eyes a little bit further/deeper in your head so they will fit better. Go to the "worn" tab in your inventory ( or to the folder where you have your eyes stored ) right click /edit ( to be safe, make a copy of it first! and save that) the build/edit tool will open en your eyes are selected, than carefully move them a little deeper by dragging the arrows with your mouse. If you mess up and the eyes end up somewhere else ( the buld tool can be a bit difficult to use sometimes), don't worry. You made a copy that will attach to the right spot again. A second method is adjust your shape. But also here... save a copy first or the shape will be unusable when you make a mistake.
  5. check if you enabled groupsliabilities... if that's enabled the fee will be hold for a day till around midnight and paid out to ALL members in equal parts. 200L$ at 200 members is 1 L$ each .... 200 L$ at 4 members 50 L$ each. If you are the only one ( and only owner) who should receive it, be sure liabilities is unchecked, so only the owner will get the fee. But you also will be the only one who pays the groupsliabilities.
  6. a) yes, except you go rent on a private sim, in that case your free 512 doesn't count b) yes it won't count, except your landowning exceeds the limit for a tier level so for example 1023 sqm will keep you in the 512 level, but 1025 will be in the 1024 tier level. But you can buy up to 1536 before raing to the next level.. c) you will pay the entire billingcycle for the amount of land you owned. Abandon at first day will still give you the bill for owning land that month. d) yes you can always go back to a Linden Home as often as you want. Even when owning more land, but you won't be able to use the free 512 tier level on that other parcel. e) you have to abandon or SELL the land before you can't longer pay the tier level, or your account will go in debt and your account will be locked till you paid the debt. You can't downgrade to basic as long you own land, you will have to abandon it upfront.
  7. Ideal heeft hier niet zoveel, oftewel niets, mee te maken. Het gaat over cash out, niet het kopen van L$. Er moet dus wel een geverifieerde rekening zijn, met CC óf bankrekening. Het probleem met € of $ is gemakkelijk op te lossen door beide eenheden als valuta in te stellen.
  8. there is nearly always a difference between estimate and real sale... report it as bug for 2 cts ... ehm.. sorry but for me thats abuse of resources.
  9. it happens not every day but it's happening sometimes... and i'm pretty easy in it... NO thanks.. don't like the answer?... well pretty sure we would chat a second time anyway ... how old are you is a sortlike question in the first minute... when telling them to look at my profile they can see i'm over 8 years.. when keep pointing to that most poof... sometimes i really wonder what they think about sl... facebook or datingservice?...
  10. please don't post this question multiple times. have a look at your firewall, the viewer and voice have seperate accesses, possible voice is blocked by a update.
  11. Alwin Alcott

    Acount balance

    contact the owner of that fishingrod .... but be aware you talk about a value worth 1,5 cents in USD and 1 ct in €
  12. op de eerste plaats moet je een geverifieerde paypal account hebben, een andere methode wordt niet meer gedaan. op je accountpagina verkoop je je L$ naar USD deze worden op een aparte USD balance gezet. Deze kun je via proces credit naar je paypal account over laten boeken. Dit kan enkele dagen tot wel 2 weken duren.
  13. rate and compare to ...?.... what's the reference to rate?
  14. hope i did read your post well enough, but i miss a very important detail.... what's your graphic card? Most likely that's the thing to blame... not the viewer.
  15. yes Charities are business... they sell a product ====> help to others, and not to forget: a good feeling to the ones who give people pay generously for both products, the Charitie makes costs for the product and takes that out of the income ...offices... employees... this is a normal business model...
  16. it's not that difficult... by using the "forgot name" and send to email on the webpage. When you recovered one name, give it another email adress. Than again let sl send another name regitered at the old email... till you got none anymore.
  17. it's the same as for all other mesh clothes, the only difference is the size of the avatar. You can find tutorials for mesh on youtube, or buy templates/basic designs on MP and texture it yourself.
  18. no, if you own "no transfer" items you can not give it to another acount. Each individual is seperate for LL, all use for no transfer materials is for the original owner only. And no to the question to change the name either... you can only put the display name to the same, but username and account will stay seperate.
  19. simply go to your profilepage and put your account type to basic, at the end of the cycle your acocnt will turn to basic
  20. yes you can... the owner can make the rules, as long they'r not against the general rules as set by LL. You can even run a G club at Adult regions, if your visitors will understand is a secondary question... Of course the other way doesnt work... no A rated on G rated...or M on G..or A on M
  21. this will only work well if your mesh body allows it... if it's designed in a special way you will not get it right that easy. If it's the most used ones...slink or tmp, you can use the normal sliders for your shape in the viewer, be sure to copy the shape before you start fiddling, but it's really fun to see what it does to your body. If you think you screwed up...simply wear the saved copy... and you can start again. you can contact met inworld if you want, perhaps easier ....
  22. a computer says there are trouble? where do you try to buy? tell a bit more what/where and we might be able to help. Af few weeks ago LL asked to renew the CC info to everybody, did you do that?
  23. Imprudense is under this: Out Of Date Viewers These viewers have not been updated recently enough to be considered fully compatible with current Second Life services. Depending on your usage, they may or may not meet your needs. perhaps time to upgrade to one of these: Active Full Viewers These viewers are projects that are updated regularly to track new developments in the Linden Lab viewer, and implement a full graphical environment. Viewer Description Platforms Alchemy An experimental Second Life™ viewer striving to be at the forefront of stability, performance, and technological advancement in the open-source metaverse viewer field. Black Dragon The primary goal of Black Dragon is to enhance and refine the visuals of Second Life as well as having unique design approaches and features. Firestorm The next generation viewer from The Phoenix Firestorm Project, Firestorm is based on the LL V3 LGPL code and offers extensive interface customizability including V1 skin options, feature and option rich with 24/7 support. UKanDo Yet Another Second Life Viewer! CtrlAltStudio The CtrlAltStudio Viewer has been set up to try out and share a number of ideas, the first being stereoscopic 3D display. Kokua Kokua is an open source viewer for Second Life and OpenSim-based virtual worlds. Catznip Catznip aims to refine and reinvent your window into Second Life. Our focus is stability, usability, privacy and plenty of new original home grown features. It's about taking a fresh look at things and attempting to do them better. Singularity Singularity strives to combine the beloved look and feel of Viewer 1.23 with the latest and greatest of available technology, and to stay compatible with future Second Life changes and features. Restrained Love The RLV enhances your experience when you use it in conjunction with RLV-compatible objects, which are able to restrict the user from detaching items, receiving IMs, hearing chat, teleporting etc.
  24. when you want mesh breast, you need just that. There are several brands for sale at MP and inworld. Appliers are made for adding textures to the breasts to be covered when wearing clothes.( or adding skintones)
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