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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. when you want to rent you can do on estates or mainland agents, when you want to own you can buy at mainland yourself. You will have to pay tier fees as soon you go over your 512 sqm free level. In the search you have a seperate tab/drop down menu for landsales. You can choose estate there also.
  2. perhaps you took a new avatar?, have a look at these other post, it might be the same problem https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/My-avi-won-t-let-me-change-any-clothing-Help-I-ve-tried/qaq-p/2962432 https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Steps-to-changing-your-avatar-from-starter-to-mesh-clothing/m-p/2953459#M61453
  3. normally muting would help, but it might be something you wear yourself... go to the "worn" tab of the inventory and look if you see something that doesn't belong there. If you want to do it radical, do a character test and reatach your things again. If it not helps you can see the owner of the thing in chat, block the item and the owner. If that doesnt help, send a support ticket to LL.
  4. change your windlightsettings till you find one who make you look good, or use.... i hate to say it.... use a facelight, but be sure it's a very soft one, with a low radius and brightness or you will look like a walking lighthouse. Windlight should do the trick perfectly without facelight. BUT be aware, any of these setting will only work for yourself, how other see you depends on their settings.So if they use a perfect windlight setting and you start wearing a facelight you look horrible for them.
  5. it's perfectly possible to be in SL without spending one single real dollar, it will only take a little longer to find and collect the nicer things.
  6. I’m lazy never bothered to learn some basics ps. I don't really want to change my avi - its been the same for ages and people recognise me. keep doing what you do, don't bother, ignore these words just don't buy it because it's for mesh avatars not standards.
  7. we can't really give advise for your question, there are several around and all have their cons and pros. As you are a starter i would recommend you use the ones provided at the venues you visit. Lot of places won't allow you to use your own couple system because it requires rezzing abilities. Some sytems have a special feature for that, and you can use a poseball server if the venue owner allows it. If you want to use it yourself at different places you need a portable one, or hud attachment. For example TIS sells one. For static use at own land there's the Intan system or you also can use simple poseballs you rezz out at a place you own or allows rezzing. For example 3fx and humanoid But there are many more, depending on your taste...style... mood....
  8. i didn't have a closer look to what you design/create, but there are several monthly sales events inworld. as example for guys there's the Mens Department and Men Only Monthly ... there are more for sure...
  9. if you'r on firestorm ( i don't know if other have it too) you can disable tp requests. If your real friends know this they can sent the slurl by IM. You'r also not getting the random tp requests from friended dj's and hosts
  10. best way is to go look around for yourself, there are so many different likes about living it's nearly impossible to reccomend. At MP and search you can get a impression about what's available.
  11. there's nothing odd with a young looking av and older in rl, it's SL, not a dating service or facebook. In SL it's what you can be, want to be and not what you are in RL.
  12. VDJ SAM have a look at shoutcast, i'm sure there are many more options
  13. it's a 1500 L$ lesson.... accounts are rarely hacked but mostly phished because you enter pw at doubtfull places, or others have acces to your PC. Do not use the option "save password", and change it often.
  14. auto fill is mostly a feature of your browser, not related to sl or any other program. Perhaps check help of your browser or put a search in google? For some applications is auto fill a dangerous add on, other people using /abusing your machine can use all of your saved entrances.
  15. You can't even be sure it's a hud. Everybody who is in a same group as you can see your real online status. Even hiding it for non friends doesn't override the group setting.
  16. as far i know you only can use searchwords and have to do all other things manually i know firestorm has a option to hide/show items as mesh, notecards , scripts ...
  17. ehm... not all...omg... just the "Dubbel"
  18. not sure what you'r into...but perhaps here's somebody who likes your L$ balance.... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Lifestyles-and-Relationships/Sugar-Baby-seeks-her-Sugar-Daddy/td-p/2964230
  19. outbox is obsolete for more than a month, you have VMM now. (Viewer Managed Marketplace) It's in the LL official viewer and Firestorm, others i don't know form own experience. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193
  20. So what you really say is not that SL crashes your internet, but that you don't have enough bandwith to use more applications the same time when you are on SL. So you have to look what your internet specs are, is it up as the ISP sells you? You can try lowering the bandwith use in the preferences of Firestorm. Lower some graphic settings the same time to keep the viewer run smoothly.
  21. you have to sell your L$ to USD the USD will be added to your USD balance your USD balance can be tranfered to paypal https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015#Section_.2.2
  22. are you sure you meet the requirements? NOTE: Passwords must be 6-16 characters in length and must include at least one number or symbol. Weak passwords are not allowed.
  23. is it a real mastercard or a debit subbrand?.... if it is original Credit Card and still not added, call support or send in a ticket. The basic info about cards is in the knowledgebase: You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill The currencies accepted for payment include: CAD, AUD, JPY, EUR, GBP for non-U.S. Residents, and USD for U.S. Residents
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