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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. go for commercial if you want to run a business.... go for the cheapest go for the best terms and conditions talk to the owner before you rent, and look at your neighbours... if all have a avatar count of 50 you have a problem.... no sim can handle 200 avatars at a time... and keep in mind when you use all avatar space on a sim, your neighbours won't get happy if their visitors can't tp in.
  2. be creative and make a mesh model.. as i said, your phantasy is the only limit.
  3. there's no lack, but what i see about those machines it's simply not strong enough for sl. SL isn't a normal "game" all you see has to be downloaded to your machine. The result will be at most the same as on adroid viewers, poor, only serving the goal they are designed for: keeping in touch, but not able to have the full capacity of what a real participant on sl needs. But if you want it, work on it, the viewer is open source....
  4. as already in the other anwer is the right way to find the history, but a seller doesn't need to refund you. It's not his mistake. If the item is transfer you will most likely not get a refund anyway.
  5. two things: this isnt the place to start a rant about windows 10 and second, if you know how to use google you will find out that there are several solutions to help you with the problem you have, because it's computer related and has nothing to do with anything here. At every upgrade i'ts recommended to make a back up to go back to the original state. I'm sure you did that.
  6. sounds to me as your viewer doesn't get all the data it needs. Did you try a reset of your modem/router? clear your cache log off your machine/ reset your router/ let it be without power for about 10 secs/ restart it/ than wait till it's connected again/ restart your machine log into a empty region, and stay there till your inventory is fully loaded again ( can be a while, half hour or more if'its a lot) can also be your graphics is slowly giving up....
  7. 2010 isn't a really recent reference. store gone? = not a chance your pic says tattoo eyelashes = no mesh go look inworld or mp for newer and better, when you'r on mesh it for sure will be a useless search because it's not compatible.
  8. Second Life is what you make of it yourself, there is nothing to do, and there is everything to do. It is no game, no levels, no points nor any other goals. It is what the name says, second life. You create it, you live it. have a look here http://secondlife.com/whatis/?lang=en click around on the website, or even better, inworld, meet others.. go explore
  9. just downgrade to basic and nothing will happen to your account. You only can't own mainland anymore and will not get full support.
  10. still the wrong place but welll .... you don't need a teacher but find dance animations. The normal movement in sl can't be used for the purpose you look for.
  11. normally with the body alpha all should be invisible. Be sure to check you don't wear anything anymore. You can find this to type "worn"in the searchbox of your inventory, or go to the worn tab if you have that.
  12. you have to use the special created tattoolayer that came with the mesh avatar, or a applier. It normally isn't possible to use random tattoolayers. Those will only work with the "old" avatars.
  13. sending a report is all you can do. Linden's will not respond to IM's from inworld residents. Bothering them could even be working against you.
  14. Whenever this gets said, its so weird for me...... Its linked to my bank account by something that I think is translated as "direct debit autorisation" (german: Lastschriftverfahren) and therefore counted as an instant payment by all shops and to my liking LL. and that is exactly the same as i say ....the bank account or CC is to back up the paypal when there are no funds on the paypal itself. The intended use of paypal is that you put funds on it to pay online, the addition to verify it and add CC or bankaccount is added later to make it more versatile. In fact it works the same as the usd balance in sl, LL wil first take payments from there, and if there are no funds there they will charge the paypal or CC.
  15. you can't use "just" paypal, it has to be verified by connecting a bankaccount and/or creditcard to it, to be sure instant payment is possible when there aren't enough funds on the paypal account itself. LL doesn't take the risk of a possible failing payment due to lack of funds.
  16. why?... we don't know either can be a bug in the system can be you putted in wrong data while registering can be .... if you want a solution you have to send in a ticket to support. They are the only ones who can alter settings for you. Support will most likely ask for proof of your identity, it must be the same as you signed up.
  17. I always thought this Forum was the Creation section... Am i wrong? perhaps have a closer look Moved:Blender Problems I need help please General Discussion Forum my response was before the move ..
  18. you have to be at the creation section of these forums, there you have a bigger chance to find one who wants to help you. My first advice would be do a full course/tutorial for blender, it sound to me you don't know how to work with it yet, forums are helpfull with problems, but can't offer full courses in how to build. Start with easy things and don't expect to be a prof builder at once.
  19. SpookyHollows wrote: I'm terribly late to responding on this topic D: yikes Time slots would depend, whenever my mom works, I have to babysit. I don't know her scheduals, so that would be a bit of an issue. ehm... a employer should be able to depend on you, seems that the possibility you don't show up is quite high. Next to the response on your question only comes after two months i would think twice to hire such employee
  20. http://www.viamichelin.com/tpl/com/magazine/statique/art201412/htm/MichelinguideMainCitiesofEurope2015.htm?from=HP
  21. i'm not a photoshop expert, but when you offer 1000L .... i'm a bit affraid you won't get the best. Do you realize you offter less than 4 dollars for something that perhaps takes a few hours RL work? You'd better aim at somebody who does it for fun.
  22. did you have a look at your spamfolder? With the amount you expect to get it's possible LL has send you a request to fill in a form for the Tax department, If you don't return that you won't get your money.
  23. instead of asking here you really have to be at your manufactorers website/help W10 and SL work fine. perhaps this is the case?...Vhttp://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3707/~/windows-10-will-not-load-the-nvidia-display-driver-for-my-older-graphics-card
  24. try relogging at another place, or if it still happens: shut down machine, restart router/modem, restart it after 10 secs waiting, let it start, when it's connected again restart your machine and try again
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