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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. if you know how o contact the real owner you can ask him to transfer the sim to you. Otherwise you can do nothing. For LL you are not a part of the agreement so they can't talk with you about this. As long the owner keeps paying there's nothing happening. If he stops the sim will be reclaimed by L, and taken offline. You always can buy/rent another sim from somebody else, or buy one on the forums below or order one at LL.
  2. no sorry we can't help, thats about the lowest score on graphics you can get... impossible or nearly impossible to run SL on that
  3. choose "add" instead of wear, if things have the same attachment points it will replace when you use "wear". with "add" everything will stay in place
  4. if you own it one second before your new billing cycle starts you will be paying for it... its about the max land you own before the new billing cycle.
  5. sounds to me your connection is badly responding. Try finding the cause of that. Reboot everything possible from entry point to your machine. And check your firewall.
  6. i wouldn't directly state it as fraud... the land mostly really is for sale for that price. The rent aftewards is mosly mentioned in the body of the message. It's at most a bit misleading, but as with all offers... first read, than decide. The mechanism to be on top of the listing...depends how you sort the list....
  7. that's how the standard avatar is designed, only a new mesh avatar won't have this.
  8. only option is to contact support by ticket, or if you'r premium use chat
  9. look if the transaction completed or failed. If it failed try again... otherwise send a ticket to support or call them
  10. your name will be on multiple ban and mute lists within a few days....
  11. simply add the new one with the applier, it will overwrite the current one. You also can choose to hide the tattoo layer with the HUD if you don't want it to show on your skin.
  12. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=371 170472 matching items found. You may be able to see more items after you log in or join Second Life.
  13. just to add... if your dancing gestures also produce a song, be prepared to be blocked by quite some people.
  14. there is a seperate button for that, if you don't see it you can add it manually by right clicking the button bar/ toolbarbuttons and add "snapshot to disk"
  15. if you had typed "hyperlink"in the little searchbox above you wouldn't have to wait for an answer [http://secondlife.com Welcome to Second life]
  16. if the nails you bought are meant for TMP any other mesh body or the standard avatar will not match. I don't know where or what you bought, but nearly everything what is sold for tmp is marked as so.
  17. Im getting so tired of this.. hope for you there won't be any worse things happen ever in your life... if this is already so bad for you what would be the case if something REALLY goes wrong.
  18. it's quite simple... if you'r no member of a club you can't get the benefits of it... you made the choice to run around free, so you will not get official support. Next to that... your problem is so simple that you can ask in the forums for a solution, no need to use a technician for a little attachment/wearable issue.
  19. be a little patient, in a few days your limits will be raised enough to spend as much you want. You could try sending in a request to support, but i doubt that will be faster than a 2 or 3 day wait. your second day you can already buy for $ 100 ... after 8 $ 300 and after a month $ 1000 but be sure to use the buy option as soon you can because your limit will only start counting after your first purchase. btw... keep advising and hinting on the other virtual world can lead to removing posts or ban. If it's that better for you, don't spoil the fun for others who dó like SL.
  20. you'r going to remove your post every day after getting suggestions, and just start over?... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/sasds/td-p/2966994
  21. if you don't have special skills it won't be that easy to find a job in sl. Nearly everybody can dance on animations or shout a few lines as host.. but perhaps you'r lucky in finding a job. It's about special skills that the good jobs go to. --||-
  22. a platform to rezz your building would indeed help. You can terraform later to the desired level, as long it fits in the limits of your landheight. If not, you could look for artificial landscaping using mesh or prims. After rezzing you can "lock" the building with the build tool. so it won't be possible to move it without double confirmation. Be carefull.... it doesn't prevent to delete completely, it only adds a second confirmation!
  23. well you refuse in general the most common jobs in your post so it will be pretty hard to find. IF you advertise yourself go to the employment section... and add your skills.
  24. you can't compare other sites to sl, sl has it's own standards for payments. Did you verify your PP with CC or bankaccount?... if the last one is the case it's possible your bank doesn't support direct withdraw of the funds and sl possibly wont accept it. What you could try is add a amount to the paypal account and try if it works than. Still not? contact billing/support
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