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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. yes they can report you for it.... but i really doubt there wil be taken any action.. As long you don't have explicit sexual intentions LL won't do a lot i think. If a guy with a giant erected ***bleep*** lands on a General sim i would also respond... but just no clothes...take a breath and wait 20 seconds.... Next to that it's of course a little bit strange not to wait a minute before starting to warn you, every user should know it can take a little before clothes rezz.
  2. mulana wrote: ahhh, sorry. where should i post about spell/ magic hud ??? well... it's not really about making friends but you ask about a product. Normally it would be the "wanted" subforum. But the chance you find a lot of help there about spellhuds ..... i doubt. There aren't that many people using this huds. Perhaps in the Roleplay you would get more responses, although your question doesn't really belong there too So... perhaps just keep it here unledd a moderator thinks it's wiser to move it. My remark wasn't really to say you shouldn't post here, but aiming on the last line...spell huds make enemies...no friends :smileywink:
  3. you post it on the wrong place..... spell huds don't make friends, only enemies. Except the users most others hate those griefertools.
  4. zantsuken wrote: However, as time goes on, some people will die in first life and not have any use for their Second Life account (although is is pretty cool that your creations can live on forever in cyberspace). ... even when a person dies in rl ........ the accountownership will go to the family, it will not be terminated unless the rightfull owner ends it.
  5. when you use a dancemachine there is mostly a special button to resync the dances. If you are on a poseballset you can try /sync ... or sometimes it needs a channel, but normally it will mention that in the manual or as soon you hop on. Switching to firestorm has not that much to do with going out of sync. All viewers will show you both going out of synchronisation after a while.
  6. ehmm... nothing wrong with those pants... it's just as it should be worn When you going to make a wardrobe for him... be sure to select carefully and see if there's the logo or name of the body in the description, because "just" mesh clothes won't fit well. Always use a demo, EVEN when the product stated to be made for that certain mesh body, i already had some diaspointing results for both main mesh bodies. Some clothing designers never fit their own clothes i think... or they would think twice before using s sl*nk or m*sh pr*ject logo.
  7. Every Linden Home covers a 512 sqm parcel that is yours as soon you got it delivered. You can set i to privat use so nobody else can enter it. If it's wiser to go buy 5112 sqm of mainland is totally up to yourself. Keep in mind a LH doesn't count to your prims, but when you go to mainland, your have to buy a house yourself ( or build it) and it will take prims in use from your total. As long you'r owning only 512 sqm you will get no additional fees. You can name the house as you want, double names also are allowed., and in the "about land" you can change it if you want.
  8. double click to open from the inventory and "save as", oor right click and "save as"
  9. it is only possible to join parcels that join a border. And are on the same sim. It is really impossible to join them if they are not connected. But what happens is : when two parcels from the same owner are on the same sim, the prims are shared. You can use all your primlimit at one parcel ...or 2/3 on one and 1/3 on the other...
  10. when it's your side, resetting the router/modem can help, it won't harm to try that. You will be at least sure it's not caused by your own network.
  11. not very likely, you will only loose access to your account. It might survive for many years at the dark basements of LL servers. If you decide to reactivate the account in, lets say 4 years... it still will be there.
  12. you can go back to basic at any moment, but because you paid upfront, your status will not change before end of the billingcycle. Be aware you can not downgrade as long you own mainland, or donated tier to groups.
  13. what you say about the huge amounts of money might be the cause .... if it looks like fraudulent actions LL wil take action. Transactions of millions aren't normal resident to resident payments... and by lending money to others, it can look like you are doing illegal bankingbusiness, you might violate the third party sellers rules, who were closed earlier this year. but this are just some thoughts... contact LL for the real reason, but don't expect they will answer... they are the final judge in this. Keep also in mind, if your are banned, you act against the rules to come inworld with a alt account.
  14. your router works connected, so it's not your isp. your router doesn't work by wifi...so thats the cause, most likely your connections bandwith is good, but your stable connection isn't. Are you close to the router?...walls?...ceilings?....electromagnetic devices nearby?..so many things that can make wifi signals interupt or fading. Note that SL clearly mentions that wifi isn's supported and using it might not work or have issues. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Wifi-and-satellite-connections/ta-p/1296823 Second Life is not compatible with dial-up internet, satellite internet, or some wireless internet services. Occasionally these types of connection may work with Second LIfe, but Linden Lab is unable to support them or to address issues related to their use. For the best Second Life experience, always use a hard-wired DSL or cable connection.
  15. just guessing here.... but could it be possible you look in the "recent " tab?.... in that case indeed stuff will not be after relog.
  16. easygrow Dreadlow wrote: Live Singers And D j's Must We Pay Royalties, And Pay The Tax Man, With The Tip's We Get In SL.? You're responsible for taxes if you cash out, but not generally if you keep your earnings as Lindens. Royalties are a separate issue.
  17. if you'r not a direct victim of thie issue you can do nothing, and whý would you do something?...and when not involved.....you'r no police nor official investigator. Who told you something is copybotted? might even be that the one you accuse has a total legal use of the item. Lot of things are sold as template or full perm for resale or use in new builds/creations. To avoid that everybody with a bad mood starts reporting others for this issue i think the way DMCA is handled now is not perfect but better than everybody can accuse somebody without real reason..
  18. being noob is not only age, but also a state some always stay noobs
  19. you also might have been playing with your shape settings?.... go in edit appearance mode/shape and look at the hoover settings...
  20. 30 fps is AWSOME for SL really... only in the (paid) browser version you will constanly have a higher fps, but with other limitations. Second Life isn't a optimized computer game, so everything you see has to be downloaded to your local machine, there is nothing pre-made and installed on your machine. the best result for optimizing settings for SL. you find in your preferences /graphics, the higher, the more demanding. Basicly the only thing that can improve sl is a good connection and fast graphic cards. When you think you fps has to get better : lower your drawdistance, shadows (both) reflections, point lighting, dept of field.... and a few more.. ( all or/and ..depending on the result. Mostly drawdistance is the first to give improvement ) fps 10 is low of course, but when you can keep it between 15 ( busy places) and 30 ... it's pretty good.
  21. {edit: corrected answer as Rollig and Lindal mentioned in their replies} All Linden Homes are on moderate rated land. BUT you cán abandon your Linden Home and BUY moderate/adult rated mainland. The first 512 sqm will be also free of tier fees as your Linden Home parcel is. And if you put a house on it, it will take your prims. A Linden Home doesn't count against your primuse. All land you own above the 512 sqm will raise your tier fees. If you want to move to adult rated land because of ...ehm.... doing thingies nearly everybody does in his private home... you can do that at the general/moderate sims too, but be sure it is IN your house and you have the Privacy settings enables so nobody can look into your house from the outside of your parcel. To be completely sure not to be disturbed you also can set the parcel entry to only the ones you want or group.
  22. it's nearly sure there's no danger to give him 50L by paying his avatar. If it's wise to do is a second thing .... it's basic begging. When people are able to buy a machine to play SL on, ( around 400 dollars at least) ... they are able to spend a little and upload some money too....a CC isn't needed. When they meet 10 people like you a day... well x7 is a nice income for SL .....
  23. keep in mind LL uses the Second Life Time, not your local one, so 3 days for you might be still 2 full days for LL. As addition to Rhonda's answer, it's not raising after being in sl for 8 days, but depends of date of first purchased L$
  24. did you get a message?.... busy sandbox?..... perhaps try a simple relog, could be somthing bugging a little in your viewer/connection.
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