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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. How do you feel about that, you 75% of LL customers who are paying more than the subsidised 25%? they don't pay more, it's the same price for everybody only LL will get less income.
  2. ad first... no reason at all to write in CAPS.. it's rude and shouting. second... a simowner can ban you for no reason at all... he might not like your big butt or small hips... or nose... or... pink skin...blond hair... in short: he doesn't need a reason he can do it anytime and everywhere on HIS land. there's nothing you can do about it.
  3. don't ask if you don't like the answer, or don't see why, i only tell whats the normal experience here after hundreds of questions about debit and credit cards. the Linden Lab statement on the matter .... A common cause of payment method failure is the use of unsupported card types. At this time, the majority of prepaid cards are not compatible with our system, even if they bear the VISA/AMEX/Mastercard logo. This includes cards purchased at retail stores, rechargeable credit cards, and bank-issued check cards. but nobody forces you to believe it... good luck.
  4. pre paid credit cards do not excist... it are DEBIT cards and generally they will not work with SL as seen on the list below, quoted from the knowledge base, it are only credti cards, and two other payment methods , paypal and skrill You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill The currencies accepted for payment include: CAD, AUD, JPY, EUR, GBP for non-U.S. Residents, and USD for U.S. Residents
  5. when the traffic is low enough you can work from home that's a modern ecologic job no just kidding, hope you find great employees soon
  6. in most cases it is very very simple to solve and already mentioned several times on these forums. Go to "Manage Audio Devices" -> Recording tab Right click your Microphone -> Properties -> Advanced tab Under Default format, change it to 2 channel, 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD quality). For people this fixed the problem for, their Mic was previously set to use 48000 Hz.
  7. most prepaid cards are debit cards, and not accepted by LL.
  8. try posting your system info here, that will help people making a advice.... ( go to help in the viewer / about and post the system info here ) my first impression is that your connection isn't what it should be.
  9. in addition to the other solutions, you also can open multiple inventory windows to expand your searchoptions even more
  10. if it tells you about something unexpected... something wrong... check your connection or grid status.... it's most likely a connection problem between you and the ISP shut down your machine, shutdown router/modem. restart router/modem and wait till it's fully connected again restart your machine. try again... or if it's crashing by your startscreen, give some information about your graphics.
  11. open the "area search ' you can see all objects with name and owner ánd distance, if you find the object, rightclick the name and delete/take/return it
  12. i think you gave permisssion to that object to take money from you. Revoke that permission, block the item. And as the.... CHANGE your password [edit] are you the only one with access on your machine??...rommate..husband..kids around? I don't think your acocunt is hacked, because a hacker won't do it repeatetly, he doesn't want to get cought, next to that, it's very very rare accounts get hacked, most are phished. You might have given your information at a malicious source. That's why... CHANGE your password. Report the receiver of the money only when you are sure it isn't right. If you report it while you gave original perission yourself LL won't do anything.
  13. in this case you mention now your account doesn't need to go on hold, its most liklely seen as "nothing" more than a dispute between residents. How bad you feel about it, i think LL can't do a lot against it.
  14. you called the wrong person... billing is not for disputes like this. You need to go to live chat for help or use the ticket system. Remove the name from your post or your post will most likely be deleted. It's not allowed to use other avatars names on the forums. You still didn't say what the issue is, people here can't give you any advice when we have to guess what happened. Just calling Scam and fraud are not helping to get it clear.
  15. they don't refuse to help you. You chose to be no premium, so you don't get premium support. But be a bit more clear about your issue... scammed, in what way?
  16. again... get rid of the idea of copybots ... You have no proof at all it was botted, in contrary, a bot will leave as less traces as possible to keep undedected. And you can do nothing against it., Nearly everything can be copied, except scripts, and the rigged part of mesh. If you know how to use google you will find hundreds of links with info about real copybot. where do copybotted items show up? not that difficult to guess ... not only in SL there are several copies of SL online. Only the ones who have the same base can use sl items. But most won't allow use of it. Only when you hve the rights on a object it will be subject to action when you file a DMCA, if you only are sidely involved nothing will happen.
  17. i been a user of this body in the past, there is a setting in your HUD to fit the neck, it is explained in one of the helpdocments.
  18. only when you have a script on your land what creates a visitorlist, not by the normal landtools as provided inworld by LL
  19. of course i don't want to waste your time, as you state so clear.... but ever found out WHEN it happens?.... because you specificly mention no copy items... Please refrain from rezzing no-copy objects and making in world L$ transactions, and remember to save all builds ... Thats what is told around restarts... they don't write that without reason. just a thought....
  20. think you have more chance to get a answer at the scripting forum ... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting but there might be people on the Q&A who are able to help
  21. what you encoutered is no copybot, that doesn't damage your stuff, only copies it without you even know it .....
  22. To maintain compliance with industry standards for payment information security and to better protect our residents, some Second Life websites have been updated to meet TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 encryption standards. Here’s a list of supported browsers: Supported Browsers: - Chrome 22 or later - Firefox 28 or later - Internet Explorer 11 or later* - Safari 7 or later** * Internet Explorer users on Windows Vista will need to either upgrade to Windows 7 or switch to Firefox or Chrome. ** Safari users on Mac OS X 10.7 and Mac OS X 10.8 will need to either upgrade to Mac OS X 10.9 or switch to Firefox or Chrome.
  23. yes, you can pay with the L$ you earn in SL, but will have to sell it so it will be on you USD balance. LL will always try o charge that account first. You can NOT pay with the L$ itself.
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