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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. don't overestimate your own abilities, a white board could be a white prim...don't blame me for your limited description
  2. come back because you want to come back... not about what others think...
  3. welcome but... little advise... if you want to make friends, do something with your profile, it's totally empty. a pic, some info... liking/disliking.... or whatever you want to share. Empty profiles never invite to a talk.
  4. you better ask in the wanted forum, this part is for the more techinical user problems. you can be lucky when one asks only 1k...but could be 50k or more too... the image you show looks equal in color nearly no body definition on it, wouldn't be too difficult to make a skin yourself.
  5. sound to me it is time to do some clean up...
  6. it can be caused by the rolling restarts, perhaps try another location, or type in a random sim name. If that doesn't help, reset your connection. Normally one of these will work.
  7. Firestorm works on W10 since the pre relase, never been a problem Your drivers might cause problems, not W10 or the Firestorm. download the latest drivers from the website of your brand, not the windows update. Of course it is possible your machine is of a age that the graphics aren't supported anymore... in that case you'r out of luck.
  8. MishkaKatyusha wrote: reinstall,registry cleaner never use a registry cleaner on a modern system. If you really must be in your registry, do it with knowlegde and not jsut a general setting from some random tool. With windows 3.1 this was perhaps a handy tool, but you will damage more than you repair from windows 95 and later It's just rendering. Nvidia is better for use with SL than AMD, but when your drivers are up to date ( check on website!) they should work. Next to it your connection is indeed one of the causes, try it wired. A huge download speed won't mean your connection is ok, when you have interuptions you'll keep getting issues..
  9. you have to adjust your settings at 3 places search MP and preferences if it doesn't work still, send in a ticket to support.
  10. Every product in SL comes with one or more notecards where it's described how to use it. Perhaps start there? Also nearly all products/stores have supportgroups for detailed help, here you will get often only partly or general advise, for sure when it's about avatars that are not used a lot. but to what you ask: When your skin shows you don't wear the alpha, wear that too and you won't see it anymore ( choose ADD for clothing, never WEAR or it will replace something else) You can find liquid mesh everywhere, type it in on MP search and than move to apearal/male... you'll find thousends of items, if you want to see it inworld, use the link in the mp stores to tp to the inworld stores.
  11. you can't get the ban lifted. You been on land where somebody who owns it doesn't want non invited visitors. Only the owner decides who is allowed . Move to another place, and instead of walk/run.... use tp that works faster.
  12. just in general.... it isn't allowed to mention names in the forums. Also not for possible/ or not possible bots it can be totally harmless visitors. And even they are active criminals, report them, but still not allowed to name here
  13. have a look at your firewall shut down your machine, restart modem/router, let this restart and start your machine again might help
  14. there are more people keeping a av online 24/7, because of the light weight viewer their pc won't have any problem keeping it up for long time,Can be for several reasons... just fun, help bot, spam bot....and more... Bots cna use their own program, just a few mb, or use a lightweight txt only viewer as, for example, radegast.
  15. The owner can deny access to all if he wants, for any reason..or no reason at all. You can not change that. The only one who can allow access again is the owner. But he didn't want you there and you stayed too long...so i strongly doubt he will change his mind. tbh 20 seconds is long enough to tp out, lot of places you would have only 10
  16. Alwin Alcott


    i really doubt there are only streams with that music choice... no artist is thát popular....even real artists would get boring after a while... check some here, google is your friend in this... https://www.google.nl/search?q=rihanna+streams&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=AreTVuanMYGtPNCIl4AG
  17. clear your inventory cache and relog at a empty sim /quiet sim to let it load again, not sure it helps but will rebuild your inventory. While it reloads do nothing, go for a walk or coffee
  18. yes they are griefing tools ...and only allowed on a few sims when you look at the total where it's NOT allowed. Every public sim with a normal reputation for socializing will ban you as soon you use it.
  19. many people still use their old avatar head. It is more versatile and gives a lot more personality.
  20. KellysKM wrote: When I try to open for ex.(" Dirty Princess" Raunchy Princess Outfit w/shoes) in the right hand corner of my screen for the prim question Rolligs answer is totally right. But what you tell about the right hand corner.... that sounds to me like you added boxed items as hud. If you did that, detach, and rezz it on the floor to unpack.
  21. click on a name?... you will have to add it manually....
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