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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. linked isn't enough, it has to be verified (controlled) paypal will pay a few cents to it and adds a code, after you confirmed that it's verified. Next to that, LL won't accept the account if the bank doesn't allow direct withdraw. Because it's for real value tradings they don't give it out before the are sure to get the money too.
  2. find the prim that rezzes/ spreads it, delete... you could use area search for this. (Contact your landlord to remove the item if you'r not owner.) Report to LL.
  3. preferences / user interface/ ui scale (firestorm), this however will change the view on the world but if it's your laptop resolution you also could change the machine setting.
  4. have a look here http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ lot of usefull info about the different choices
  5. debit cards are normally not accepted, you could find that in many other threads about payment problems. If your card is on your payment info, and stated as accepted and working, you should contact billing support. But because you say it's debit... i really doubt it will pass the payments to LL as they require, two ways.
  6. Dresden wrote: How dare you even suggest ..... ...Dres If you had take a little efford to read , it is not about rape or any other physical thing but intersocial contacts... and in that SL is absolutely NO safe place. But never mind, you'r far superior above me. I can't even remember how i dared to write what i said.
  7. Nostoll wrote: Practicing social interaction in a safe, non-threatening, gaming environment helps people reduce anxiety and gain the confidence and skills they need to attempt more social interactions in their daily lives,provide users the opportunity to practice engaging in realistic social situations like job interviews, confrontations with neighbors or even dates -- scenarios that are often vexing for individuals with an autism spectrum or anxiety disorder. A safe non trheatening .....wow you must have been at sim on a stick from Open Sim, ór never left your own parcel while it's locked for others. Look at the forums how many people are hurt, diapointed griefed, stalked.... and so on and so on.... SL is as real life... but magnified, more intense and close to your real feeling. It can't be safe or non threatening. ( and it's no gaming environment... go play candy crush if you want to be safe)
  8. totally your own choice... but don't come complain here...it's 2015 you could try take your responsibilities yourself instead blaming a company, who takes money bloody serious.
  9. you most likely mean you reloaded your DEBIT card or PRE paid card? huge chance it's simply not accepted anymore, there has been a change of comapny handling the LL payments, you have to stick to real credit cards, paypal or skrill.
  10. by signing up you accepted the TOS, you had to provide REAL and TRUE information. If you didn't you fraud. Because sl uses rl payments in and out the world your account is attached to a real human. So therefore it's not possible to change. Create a new account if you want to do it right this time, and abandon the old one. There is no evaluation phase on sl.
  11. Yes groupsinvites without asking nicely upfront is spam and you can get reported for it.
  12. you can change it by wearing a) a small (kid) shape, or b) make a smaller shape yoursefl most shapes are mod, and don't forget to make a copy from the one you wear, than go to edit apearance and adapt it till it fits.(rename it) In this case you always have a "fresh" normal sized one in your inventory.
  13. sams Byron wrote: How does one update the name, date of birth and secret question portions you filled on sign up? Can't find it on my dashboard. you can not update anything, all will stay as it was during sign up. And why would you ?...did your name change? were you bron new on another date? ....or....?..... This would only be making sence when you are not the original owner of the account. And that's not possible without prior accordance from LL. (never given as far i know)
  14. in firestorm you can set it also in preferences : only friends can see my online status. And the options you already got in the first reply. But you will never be able to hide it completely.
  15. there are more issues with this seller reported in the forums, but you shouldn't name it here, keep it anonymous. I would reccommend last step already, send in a ticket, the support of this store isn't know for it's flexibility.
  16. that has nothign to do with the viewer, but it's your graphics not getting all data it needs to show you right. Or your graphics ór your connection is failing.
  17. look if you wear any alpha layers, if notthing is on your body try clearing your cache.
  18. quesitons and answers isn't the right place for this, you better ask it on the normal forums We can't advise about commercial things here
  19. add a music url, aka stream adress, in your about land/ sound, and you have music there are thousends to find, for example at shoutcast.com
  20. shrink your avatar to 1.08 ... or make the tunnel phantom so you will pass the ceiling without physical contact
  21. in addition, you don't download the game, but the viewer to get in the World of Second Life if you expect it to be a game you will be disapointed from first minute on
  22. ad 1 throwaway emails don't excist, you most likely gave up fake emails .. if they don't excist anymore ad 2 comes in place after contacting support ad 2 you can give the right date of birth, name and answer to secret question i had several old accounts reinstated past years, and all work fine, but of course only when given the right and good informatio
  23. go to the search window and set it to look for adult in the land sales tab
  24. Alwin Alcott

    style mode

    you need the TMP body and huds always watch carefully where the item you buy is meant for, it's useless if you don't own the needed equipment and in this case EXPENSIVE equipment. it's 5k for the full version if i'm not wrong, the free version is not usable with clothes becasue it has no alpha hud
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