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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. i think windows did nothing special, but likely you choose to erase old data during install. You get that question during installation process. Type it in manually and normally you will have it listed again after that.
  2. well... i think you can see that as learning money, those items are lost forever. You can try ask the seller if he wants to send it, but he has the full right to decline that request because you are the one who made the mistake. It's not without reason there is a confirmation asked. Sorry but there's not other message to give.
  3. create a group and invite the other to that in the about land window, set land to group at first tab than set rezzing for group only at the option
  4. in the edit mode of a new skin you can replace the basic textures for yours thats pretty it.... make a new skin in your inventory new bodyprt/skin and edit mode replace textures there with the new ones. done
  5. change the windlight setting till you find one you like.
  6. the same as normal textures/ one for the head one for the upper body one for the lower body in the edit mode of a new skin you can replace the basic textures for yours I think you should keep in mind more and more mesh bodies are worn, skin appliers work differently than the basic skin only.
  7. to your PS ...for godsake..... you realize i hope we are only residents like you, helping with the best possible solution we know. Next to that... if it excists? sure, somewhere, but the reason you need permission from others is that most of sl is owned by others, it's not open accessable gaming zone. if i pay for a sim, i can lock it or open it, totally as my mood is, and even change it a million times a day... not even asking nicely but just kicking others out. So agreement upfront is only in your own benefit. And LL will never attach your sim to another owner without that agreement.
  8. mute it.... done and gone, and remove the name here please, it's not allowed. You have the risk your post gets removed or she can report you. /me points down to Darius.... done
  9. if yo use the words "Filled" i get the idea you only sold your L$ to dollars IN that case they will be waiting you in your USD balance till further action. But every financial thing you do no will be taken out of your balance, and not your other payment option. It also can be possible your pay out to paypal is on hold because you have to send LL a few forms. The email with the request for that often gets in the spamfolder. Be sure to check that, without answer LL wil not transfer a single cent to rl .
  10. i think this is not your cach but your graphics ... too hot..to old... bad conneciton..? what are your specs? .
  11. you can simply use the land sales tab in the search... and than.... jump around from place to place...till you find it. Or keep an eye on the forums here, sometimes there are really nice parcels for sale/rent For private sims sailable water will only be available when buying a cluster of sims and start your own, or rent at a landlord who did this already for you. One sim as sailable will get boring very soon. Most wanted area for sailing is the Blake sea area. If i'm not wrong it's partly LL and partly privat. When you'r able to find a nice parcel there.. it will be pricy. When you don't mind to pick up your boat before sailing, tp to somewhere else and rezz it for a tour.... you can live anywhere and simply tp to blake or other regions. This will be the friednliest for your wallet. note... to own mainland you need to be premium, or rent from other residents, as on private sims
  12. mulana wrote: i cant do sl in world job because my rl timezone is different from sl timezone......... this is of course simply BS not true... SL is actvie 24/7 mulana wrote: freebie game ??? where can i find them ??? i am sure you know how google works.... we have something like that here too... it's called Search... really it's worth a try, type some words and magic happens.....
  13. the use of animations doesn't have to be set to groups, it can mostly set to "all" ... what shouldn't give a problem on a private sim. The land you can set to group, or let it be group owned. That's where your staff should be. Next to that you can set different abilities in the groupsroles.
  14. and another tip... don't start begging, you will be muted, blocked, derendered and ejected at more places and people on sl than you even dreamed about.
  15. behind the format numbers in your build tool/texture tab you see a little arrow... those flip the texture
  16. if you know how to use the search... it works like google... type in some keywords and voila... results... the Q & A forum isn't really meant for this kind of questions, try the wanted https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted best results you will get in the inworld search. keep in mind the freebie shops mostly offer really garbage, lots are even older than my avatar is..8 yrs... your starter avatar will look better than wearing their stuff. Better go do hunts, and join groups from stores. It will take a little time, but you will look like a premium model if you can find the patience to look around. For example.... 7 deadly skins has a great advent event... free skins everyday. If you ask somebody there kindly you can get a voucher to get your sign up fee for the group refunded. Join womens stuff/ mens stuff group....midnight mania boards.... and so on...
  17. just to add, a landowner can forbid anynoe on his land, also fly over. And why is that pic in the post? Not a bad pic but it's kinda irrelevant i think.
  18. you don't give a lot usefull information to help. Pleas go back to your post, edit and add a bit more, like your machine specs and the message you get. btw it's no social media in the meaning of a facebook or other picture/message sharing tool
  19. account issues are normally solved pretty quickly, my experience is you get a email form support asking for answers/prove of identity. You can see those also in your ticket history. If they don't hear from you, case will be closed. Perhaps those went in your spam?... NB you have to use a guest email to contact them for that account or it will be send to the wrong one.
  20. if it is for financial issues you can call billing, they will NOT assist you in technical things. If you are premium you can contact live chat or file a ticket. If you'r basic you only can file a ticket in certain categories. Contacting Linden Lab billing support If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277
  21. yes you can, the answer of Aletha isn't correct.. Public sexual activities are not allowed. To be safe enable the privacy settings in the "about land" Even running around nude is allowed, just don't show (male) erections or explicit sexual behavior
  22. i have seen the ugliest noobs dating girls, and the most handsome guys standing in a corner... there is no best shape skin clothes car house ...and so on.... be yourself
  23. please stop posting this issue, it's on a dozen topics now Unscheduled MaintenancePosted by Status Desk on December 16th, 2015 at 12:17 pm PST[Posted 11:19 AM PST, 16 December 2015] We are performing unscheduled maintenance. While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may experience degraded performance. Please check back here for updates.
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