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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. you can not. Everybody has to pay the membership from his own financial sourses. Of course you can pay him money by paypal or L$ that he can convert to $. But there is no other SAFE way.
  2. keep reporting to LL if you are victim of this, also if it's by Marketplace keep sending reldelivery requests to LL ..they run the system.
  3. with signup for premium you agree to automatic payment so you dont have to do anything. Unless you want to end it, than you have to downgrde/change it in time before the period ends.
  4. little report... i been there for nearly a hour, but don't get through.... keeps mixing up landmark, home and landingpoint keeps using landmarks and doesn't get thats not landingpoint or home. next one can try... i give up
  5. sorry but it doesn't work this way. a) you will only get money back if you SELL the land yourself, and it's totally the question if you will get what you paid for it, all sales are final here... b) you can easely set your landing point to any location on your land in the " about land" window c) if the banlines so bother you, disable them, if it are your neighbours ones... move your house further away from it. You can do with your land what you want, but a certain distance to the parcelborder is recommended, also to avoid prims /trees crossing to your neighbours land. d) this arent'problems, you make it a problem. e) i'm one of the answerers to your initial question and my answer stays the same... Answered on ‎22-12-2015 05:54 PM nothing is going on, its just as it is... building close to banlines brings this. Not sure it's on the official viewer, but on firestorm you easely can hide the lines.
  6. nothing is going on, its just as it is... building close to banlines brings this. Not sure it's on the official viewer, but on firestorm you easey can hide the lines.
  7. the region might be offline. We can't do anything for you than point you to messages at the main page and the gridstatus page, where you would have seen there are rolling restarts. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ This is pretty normal on a few days a week. It will normaly take only a few minutes before it's back online.
  8. Strange... you have it here too, so if the form asks you to enter it, it should come up correctly.... unless you have mutliple accounts and saved those too. If you use Firefox you can extract passwords from websites by a add on for the browser If you can't the only way is contact support and ask them for a pw reset. You will have to proof it's your account than.
  9. it's not a dpi setting. Fonts sizes are set in points, images and printing resolutions in dpi not sure what viewer you use, but in Firestorm you could try adjusting the UI size from 1 to 1.05 or 1,1 Your view inworld will be affected by that, but the viewer wil show things larger. preferences/user interface/general or try making the font larger preferences/user interface/font btw the last one doesn't work on my system the general settings of text from windows will not change the font size in the viewer
  10. I've already looked through Abiss, RageWorks, InVerse, GUDU, and Fanatik to no avail. Post slurls/mp links below, please!! ehm... i think MP will be a lot easier to look for what you like, nearly all have slurls in the add
  11. in addition to the correct answer by Innula i want to add this quote from the knowledge base: The minimum process-credit amount allowed is $10, plus any fees. when you have $ 10 you will get billed for $ 1 ... so if this quote is correct you need $ 11
  12. i have the same issue inworld since a few days i have no idea what's causing it. A relog mostly solves it. Could also help to do a restart of your connection ( modem or router )
  13. you can be banned from ANY sim, if the owner wants that. And yes, some really don't like furries...but a owner is god on his land, he can ban anyone..or allow anyone...without reason.
  14. and the most important you forget... just telling 2gb nividea means nothing. What's your system, what type/nr of your graphics... your connection.... and sometimes the firewall blocks certain ports, be really sure SL has all open what it needs.
  15. that pop up only mostly doesn't block your log in. In fact if you see that, you are inworld already. I think there's more happening than just that. Please edit your post and give some more details, as systeminfo, and what you see on your screen. You don't have to change anything, first is getting you inworld. ( most players don't like to use the word "game", it's more than just that)
  16. you most likely wear a mesh avatar. Those are very limited in adjusting. If you pick one of the non mesh in your library ( inventory/library/clothing/initial outfits) you will see you can play with the sliders as much you like.
  17. i would advise... you like sing, draw and write.... look for a job that meets that. You will love your hobby that is your job... Being a therapist will give a load of expectations to your customers, and if you'r not trained it will put a truckload of problems on you.I think that will ruin your second life. If your voice is nice... live singers mostly get a real nice followers group and pretty well tipping and wages.
  18. seems you are still one of the many that really think accounts getting hacked. This is simply nearly never happening. It is always phishing people who spread their accountdetails everywhere, use the same logins for forums, blogs, facebook and so on... yes they ask for it....please take my account. Next to that, the payment info doesn't mean there is a active card/option attached. Once its done, it stays there.
  19. instead of whining nobody likes you... there is NOTHING to like... your profile it totally empty after 4 yrs on sl, no single pic, pick or word. Even your feed it totally blank. Make that little part of public sl nice and attractive, now you look like the zillionst bot that hangs around on the grid.
  20. i have never heared about it either, but perhaps it is the wearable decor thingie from the winter premium gifts pack?
  21. there is NO other option than the accepted payment methods as mentioned in the Knowledge base. Credit Cards ( NO debit or prepaids, not even with cc company logo) Skrill and verfied Paypal. others will not work. Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  22. Alwin Alcott


    this isn't the place t ask for your rhiana objects, better try that at the wanted forum, and contact her agency to get the rights to use it.
  23. i think you try to write 0.47 L$ at channel 12? i'm not sure that will work, Linden dollars are only transfered in whole units of 1, 0.47 is less than half of that. Think you have to check if there is a minimum limit to pay out.
  24. you need land, so have to buy or rent it, if it doesn't suit you will have to look further. You can rent from other residents, private estates or mainland and you can buy a sim, or buy mainland. For buying mainland you have to be premium member.
  25. you need to choose the category that's closest to what you want. I'm premium so can't see what you have as choice.
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