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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. no you don't get special offers.. As premium you "only " have the right to buy mainland, and get the first 512 sqm free of tier fees. When you'r no premium you still can rent land, mainland, or estates, owned by other residents.
  2. have a look at your firewall settings, it might block some ports sl needs
  3. it just happens... and nope... can't do anything against it other than avoid rocks and walls...lol instead of tp you also can sit on something nearby ( if there is)
  4. depends on too many things at your own end, your machine your isp your connection your router your .....
  5. of course nobody can forbid you , but wth do you go to freebie hells ... those are known for the griefers they attrackt. And not really because of the great quality of things offered there that mostly were already freebies when i joined....9 years ago...
  6. if something is wrong with sl you can find it here... spares a lot of posts http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Premium Stipends DelayedPosted by Status Desk on November 24th, 2015 at 09:20 am PST[Posted 08:23 AM PST, 24 November 2015] We are aware that not all premium members received their weekly stipends. We are currently investigating this issue. Please keep an eye on this blog for further updates.
  7. do no post every step seperate please... go back to link i gave you it's at the bttm of the page I have sold Linden dollars. How do I transfer my money out of Second Life? You may choose to withdraw your US dollar balance via PayPal or bank wire. To process a credit transfer, go to Process Credit. For more information about your options and limitations, see Account Balance.
  8. Mirandaaaaaa wrote: I saw the notice yesterday that there was a delay in the weekly Stipend but I have yet to recieve mine. Just wondering if they are still being delayed so should they be contacted? you'r not around long enough perhaps... there's no "resolved" in the status... but well... could also be you didn't look at it at all of course... Premium Stipends Delayed [Posted 08:23 AM PST, 24 November 2015] We are aware that not all premium members received their weekly stipends. We are currently investigating this issue. Please keep an eye on this blog for further updates.
  9. i'm not totally sure what you mean, but most likely the answer you look for is at this link https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107
  10. Alwin Alcott


    please enter some more info in your post, we can't read your mind system specs please and your viewer info (help/about)
  11. put your drawdistance to max, but be prepared to experience lag. When you give others access to your skybox and than go spy on them is pretty rude... I you don't want them there, get a security system.
  12. you need to contact support. The answers you get here are by residents as you, and we don't have access to your details.
  13. your only hope is clear your inventory cache and let it reload. But it's a big chance the non copy is lost.
  14. some creators use the shirt layers as tattoo ... same as some use the undies for shorts ....
  15. go to your account page account / billing information and add your type of paymenth method there https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.2
  16. normally you will only have to give some information and they will send a confirmatio to your new email adress. I can't think about another reason than your pw isn't correct. If you have it saved it's possible you didn't save it there after last change. SL website stores the pw on more than one file.
  17. not likely that it will work ...accepted are CREDIT cards, but SOME reloadable and tracable prepaid cards are accepted too, this mostly excludes real giftcards. Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  18. when i read the knowledge base ( free to search for everybody.... ) it's no issue.... it's just not possible Supported file types You can upload several different types of files for use in content creation. Images You can upload the following image file types: *.tga (Truevision Graphics Adapter) *.bmp (Bitmap) *.jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) *.jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) *.png (Portable Network Graphics) When uploaded, images are converted into a valid size. Valid scales are square powers of two. To prevent unintended distortion, keep this in mind when creating images. The maximum resolution for uploaded textures is 1024 pixels. If you upload an image that is a higher resolution than this, it will be scaled down to pass the upload requisites. Valid image sizes include the following values: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024 Sounds Sounds must be in .WAV file in standard PCM format, 16-bit/44.1kHz/mono or stereo (converted to mono), and less than ten seconds in length. Thus, 9.99 seconds is fine, but 10.0 will fail to upload. Sounds cannot be saved as 8-bit, 22.05 kHz, or any other frequency. Sounds in other formats can be converted in most sound programs. An example of a free quality converter is r8brain. Compression formats such as MP3 are not supported. Animation You can uypload animations in .bvh (Poser 2 or newer) and .anim formats. Recommended settings are ten frames per second. For more information on uploading animations, see How to create animations.
  19. you also can see your location form the website, no need to log inworld
  20. perhaps too easy... but are actually logged in?...or only clicked the viewer and go see what happens? ... because nothing will.. As others also asked, edit your post and add your system specs please..
  21. you could make this huggggggeeeee post a lot shorter... all he drama in it isn't relevant. i stole money..got banned .... i won't even start with... you'r so stupid to share accounts, but you are example of abusing it by TAKING = STEALING money from him. well... yes you broke TOS and got banned. That also means you aren't allowed to create a new account. That's second breach... so yes... that got banned too. Keep trying and your IP will be banned.
  22. normally you can right click the name in the chat window ( in normal chat it won't work ) and can see the owner. Its a very old "joke" but must say if this kind of talk is normal at the places you visit the impersonation is a very sweet tool compared to the words.
  23. the minimum buy is US$ 2.50, thats a lot more than the 100L$ you try, in limit buy that would be around 567 L$, in normal buy sligly less, 546 L$
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