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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. very simple... most DEBIT cards are not accepted as payment option. You have to use the accepted methods as Credit cards, paypal or skrill.
  2. try looking in the knowledgebase... it's full of answers to basic questions here is a part about land, it's about parcels https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-parcel/ta-p/700113 regions https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-Private-Regions/ta-p/700115
  3. thanks for adding that, but i don't see your graphics...or i overread it...you upgraded but didn't check your graphics on the manufactors website? the W10 will not be the latest. on the web i see several different g6 types, but some show amd graphics did you go to their website to update? or if you have nvidea go to theirs
  4. what is exactly your problem... with help i can not.... we can not help. is your payment info up to date?.... accepted?..... what kind of payment you use?
  5. a- i didn't say you are a bad one b- landlords shouldn't advertise here anyway there are other places for it, or in the therefor reserved places, not in the general forum. c- i'm glad you still feel good d- i'm not your dear
  6. most likely when you drag a outfit from the library on your alt it will load and stop being a cloud
  7. they should skip it totally... more and more places use the old bot farms again, traffic says NOTHING
  8. get a life.... move on, all of you mute/derender SOLVED
  9. that list says nothing, there are several on that not worth the efford even looking at them because their support is really bad. Or prices aren't competitive. In the last case you will pay lots to much for your land, and when thy claim "you pay a little more because we are so good "...RUN....support should be great, even if the parcel would be free. Next to that, several large / good estate companies are not on it.
  10. perhaps the sim is/was offline, look at the map if it's there and if perhaps it shows red ( means offline) If there is a sim next to it, you also could go there and see if the home sim is actually there.
  11. yes and no there is a lot good stuff around for free, just don't step in the mistake to get things at freebie themed stores, it's hugely outdated old fanshined and you will never get out of the stage of noob with it. Many stores offer free items in their groups, this is mostly good quality. Go for that. do hunts, in a few days you will have already some real nice things to wear and use without spending money. Of course.... buying real cool and good things goes faster, but in that case it already says it... buying, so you need inworld money. be aware you might wear a starter body inworld sold clothes will not work with it, or in a very disapointing way. Change to a "old" standard avatar, that will be compatible with almost all inworld clothes. In time, or when you want to spend money, buy a new mesh body, but in that case your wardrobe again needs replacement... some will only work with specific designed clothes
  12. none...or all .... depends totally on the wish of the simowner. It has nothing to do with maturity levels. Just don't use tummytalkers or such things...chance to be ejected rises to 99%
  13. i wonder why you ask this here... this is the Second Life viewer forum, not firestorm. You can be lucky and get answers, but you will have more, and much quicker response when you ask it in the inworld firestorm group.
  14. we did take nothing from you, LL doesn't come here, we'r just residents as you who try to help others. Please check your maturity levels in the preferences, search and mp. If those are all ok clear cache ( not inventory) and relog ór do a clean install. Still nothing? send in a ticket to support ( if you'r premium could also try live chat)
  15. of course you can post questions, even very basic ones..... but.... finding things out yourself can be part of the fun too... nearly everything you can find in the wiki and/or knowledgebase https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB%40tkb or start here http://secondlife.com/whatis/?lang=en or find one of the hundreds thousends tutorials at youtube (124000 results... might have a solution somewhere ) https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=second+life+tutorials
  16. when you see a time mentioned in pop up it is mostly because you attempted to log in too many times in a very short time. If this is the case you are not blocked, but the system reserves some time to log you totally out, so next login will be possible. The time you see is SL time, but mostly you can log in directly when you choose another region to rezz. Administrative holds are announced by email.
  17. i would recommend you to read the knowledgebase nearly 99.9% of all questions are answered there, but nobody seems to be able to click on the last tab of this section. Downgrading or canceling your premium membership Downgrading from premium to a basic membership To downgrade your premium or Concierge account to basic, follow these steps: Log into the Second Life website. On the lef side of the screen, select Premium Membership. The Change Membership Plan screen opens, displaying a chart of Membership plans and prices. Select Basic Account. Click Save Changes. Your new plan becomes effective at your next billing date.
  18. nowhere.. IF one would have to do it it's the groupowner, so if they state not to do it.... sorry for your loss
  19. do NOT wear facelights or particles, you spoil the environment for others with that. You will be blocked or derendered by anyone who has a med-high end graphics. Facelights are only usefull for photographers during work. And most don't realize it will only show well for yourself, ruin it for most.
  20. what you can do is add a decent and real credit card. Debit cards are not working that well with LL systems. That you registered it at Paypal doesn't verify your account, only a on name card /bank account verifies it.
  21. use it as home... that's what it is for yes you can put your own stuff there and make it a real home yes you can have full privacy there only your imagination is the limit. That you don't know what to do is another thing.
  22. no a Mastercard logo means nothing, it is no CC. Using the logo of a wellknown company is just branding. That it is still pending is because it doesn't respond to the system. LL takes a payment ánd reverts it. If that fails it keeps pending for a while, but is unusable.
  23. You clearly didn't read anything before you went for a debit card. There are about a thousend posts about this. Calling LL has no use, it won't help. Second Life does NOT accept the majority of those! To be sure to be accepted only use Credit Cards, (verified)Paypal and Skrill you need one of the accepted payment options : Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  24. looks to me it has not really to do with your machine but a loading/rendering issue. You tell about your hdd, but forget to mention the most importantst : your graphics... please add that to your post. Also possible your hdd drains the power from your machine so your graphics get not enough. I would try a reset of router/modem first, and check the connection on stability (not only up/download speeds) Be also sure your firewall allows total free access for SL
  25. go in the edit mode for the avatar and set all sliders for the system hair to 0 ( zero) apply a transparant texture on it. Or wear a hair object as used with many shapes that hides the system hair completely. Don't step in the trick to wear a alpha for it, when you are in front of a object people will see a transparant halo.
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