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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. what credit card?...or debit card?...or prepaid?.... what is the system telling?...
  2. you'r only at your first day, think you didn't set your maturity levels right yet, adult will be locked unless you set it yourself. Go to your preferences and enable general/mature/adult ...or stay in general areas... but think you come for other things otherwise you wouldn't get it all places you try. Next to your choice, landowners may limit access to their land for avatars without payment info and/ or younger than 30 days in Second Life. Tip for your profile.... write something to show others what you like and perhaps some likings, will make first contacts lot easier...
  3. wrong place to ask, VDJ has a EXCELLENT help on their website, with dozens of lessons on youtube. and there's only one way to learn .... do do do do do do For unlimited use of songs on VDJ you have to subscribe to one of their memershipsplans, starts at 9.99 usd http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/index.html
  4. you are very right, a head isn't a body and a body isn't a head ... if you want to be complete you will have to buy that too. In some cases you also have to buy hands.... and feet...and hair...and skins and appliers and clothes and shoes ( because regular won't fit either) ... live as mesh avatar isn't that easy Have a look at the brand of your head, and look for skins that support that. Otherwise it will not work.
  5. we are residents as you, no technicians or support from LL, so we can do nothing with your remarks, sorry. You really need to be in support section and add info to your ticket. Must say i never encoutered a support ticket taking weeks.Look at the status please. [added] are you sure you'r not in away mode or busy when receiving the items?... or simply decline without noticing when it's in a clutter of notices?... just some thoughts New items also often come boxed, they got to received items OR objects
  6. as soon you do the slightest thing else than being in chat you in fact select another function, so for sl you'r not longer chatting. when you want to talk/type again you will need to click that used chatwindow again. Only thing that doesn't act on this clicking is voicechat.
  7. adding only this to the answer you already got: i hope for you it's not a wearable object that polutes the whole surrounding near you with loud songs nobody else than you likes. You wil find yourself banned from places and derendered / blocked by many residents. When you want to listen to music, open your own library or youtube and enjoy it fully yourself.
  8. the place for full sims is a few lines below the general topic have a look here https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Regions-for-Sale-Full-Private/bd-p/RegionsforSaleFullRegions https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Regions-for-Sale-Homesteads/bd-p/RegionsforSaleHomesteads
  9. this is a forum wth would you delete a trhead? now at least others can read it too and get the info out of it
  10. ehm normally that should show up soon. Did you actually use it already?
  11. wrong place... this is Questions and Anwers we don't provide dating services try here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Role-Play/bd-p/RolePlay https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/bd-p/MakeFriends https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Lifestyles-and-Relationships/bd-p/lifestyles_relationships
  12. thats normal on demos, you can't expect the full goodlooking items for free i think?
  13. if you use the brand Star Trek and you'r not owning the rights you are in violation. Freebies or not isn't changing that.
  14. . What to do with protect accounts? exactly the same in fact as you do in rl don't let your wallet open at counters don't wear your wallet visible ( some take snapshots with the UI on the image ...) don't give everyone access to your wallet, only do manual payments, never let a object do it use a cash master avatar/alt, only put the money you need on the one you play with.(If you nee PIOF remove the paymentmethod after it's added to your profile, it will stay there) don't give your passwords change your passwords weekly use SAFE passwords, not names of pets or phonenumbers...date of birth ..marriage...
  15. there is no room to sit is as far i know a system message, and not a sitting script message. there are hundreds of sitting scripts, perhaps use the scriptlibrary ( type scripts in search) most scripts need a animation added to give it a nice pose instead of the standard noob sit
  16. so you offer the sme as already in use in search?... whats the added thing that might help people better?
  17. no you can't, the invenotry synchonises with the maingrid and you can't bring things over to main from test. The only thingyou can do is send a ticket. Support may be able to help you, but if it's really inventory loss i'm affraid it won't get repaired.
  18. irihapeti wrote: hi Ava seems like you got hit inworld by one the fake store promotion discount card scams... yes, people reading might go: Theres a big yellow dialog that tells you to be sure before you agree to grant debit permissions.... is so wrong that LL just close Ava's ticket and go: not our problem, and let the thief keep the money i don't read she got scammed by a card ... i read her account is compomised... you of course give you wallet to everybody who asks.... there is a personal responsibility...sorry for the loss but learning it the hard way is part of SL for most people, the fact LL doesn't get involved must be they see it as resident to resident issue, if it really was a scam they wouldn't close the ticket.
  19. credit cards are not the solution, it is just the main accepted payment method for LL, next to skrill and paypal. Its in fact really simple, as in real life too, if you can't pay, you can't buy.
  20. i want to add to all correct other answers .... if you buy at mainland LL will indeed not come to get the monthly tier fee. BUT when you buy at privat estate you will have to pay the owner rent, weelkly or monthly, the free 512 sqm does NOT apply on privatly owned sims.
  21. Well you clearly accepted this object from somebody, so if your last line is correct one of your friends sreads things from goonsquad. If you deleted everything not much can happen anymore. Normally all possible threats are gone than. I never heared about demo hair that is grieved, most likely a little rezz problem and your conncted it to the previous things, but really doubt that.
  22. you can go look for landowners who rent out parcels. Some will do it with houses, others only land. Some will be at mainland, others have private estates. In the last case you can go buy a house yourself, but be sure it will fit your land, and not uses all prims, because you won't be able to put any furnitur in it than.
  23. those are spreaded in all folders that contain the items you bought at those places. You can easely sort them with using the custom search in the inventory, it will only show landmarks, you can drag them to the LM folder and delete the doubles. Than you will see all on the same place
  24. ask the one who owns it, or should we go inworld an ddo that for you?... some questions are easy to solve by yourself. And no, i don't mean this blunt or mean... just a bit logic would be first step to finding things out.
  25. i think you mean a little seperate piece of land, 4x4 meters Contact support if it's in the middle of yours, that's a mistake.
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