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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. gridstatus page.... Unscheduled MaintenancePosted by Status Desk on December 16th, 2015 at 12:17 pm PST[Posted 11:19 AM PST, 16 December 2015] We are performing unscheduled maintenance. While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may experience degraded performance. Please check back here for updates.
  2. Blake Rockwell wrote: There is nothing wrong with my router, I just went through Dianostics with my provider the other night and I have no problem connecting anywhere else. the other night is not now....
  3. before starting yelling check the status page please... http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Unscheduled MaintenancePosted by Status Desk on December 16th, 2015 at 12:17 pm PST[Posted 11:19 AM PST, 16 December 2015] We are performing unscheduled maintenance. While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may experience degraded performance. Please check back here for updates.
  4. before filling the forum with useless posts http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Unscheduled MaintenancePosted by Status Desk on December 16th, 2015 at 12:17 pm PST[Posted 11:19 AM PST, 16 December 2015] We are performing unscheduled maintenance. While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may experience degraded performance. Please check back here for updates.
  5. i would not be surprised if you are the one breaking the agreement about this head. You were the first one passing it full perm to another. Free to use in your build is nearly never meant to pass full perm. Because you had it from another site, you are most likely not the holder of the IP. If you modified the model enough to get IP rights and you gave it away full perm without licensing... sorry he's allowed to do with ti what he wants.
  6. mostly tp issues are sometimes caused by connection problems. Try resetting your modem, and never agian touch your cache for this reloading your cache will every time take apart of your bandwith to refill it, and cause more chance to crash when your connection already isn't what it should be.
  7. to be honest... i have no clue where you'r talking about. the object you want to upload is always resizable if you are the creator and owner. But when it's made of prims, one prim is max 64 m. If you'r object is mesh i hope it's a simple structure or you might have to pay a serious upload fee
  8. Alwin Alcott


    go to a empty sim click clear inventory cache relog stay there till WHOLE inventory is loaded again. another thing that could cause this is you clicked in the custom settings from your inventory and selected show nothing.
  9. please don't hijack other posts with other questions. You can find this info at the knowledgebase https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.2.1
  10. you will need to register a valid payment method at your web account page. The card you mention is not in the list, but you can try, i'm affraid it will fail to be accepted. The exact amount of L$ will depend on the exchange rate and how many you buy, the more, the cheaper. You can also do a limit bu and ask for a certain amount for a price you want. ( of course non realistic exchange rate will never get through) Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  11. keep also in mind a lot of those dances/gestures use sounds, or whole songs...streams When a land owner picked his music carefully he won't like your noise a lot an most likely ban or at least block/derender you. The same with lot of other people around, you will spamming their experience with annoying sounds and tunes, ene when a handfull supporters is around you others will be hating you for it. Many will block and derender, or even report you for griefing.
  12. DJThorn wrote: Mixxx offers more, is more stable, and costs, less. It's free. Mixxx works on Windows, Mac and linux. so is vdj
  13. only a few weeks/months ago it was required to re add the payment info, perhaps you didn't and used the old one?
  14. did you only add it as payment method, or, whats also required, set it at method to buy L$ and recurring fees? If not do that and see if it's working.
  15. my suggestion would be you contact billing directly.
  16. ehm.. if yo have a skybox i assume you rent another place too, in that case it would be a lot cheaper to revert your account to basic, the rent for the LL home can't go over the premium membership, it has not that value. If you do a renter will be gone before the first week is out and he finds a better and lower rate. Of course you can rent the house to somebody else, but don't forget the use of it is limited, only you can change the house by the dashboard. Next to that you will need set the house to a group or the renter won't be able to rezz his things.
  17. Q and A isn't meant for this, please ask in the Wanted forum. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted or use google... https://www.google.nl/search?q=free+furniture+second+life&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=9QBwVq7ZI4P2PcSpm7AM
  18. go to a sandbox of decent size, there you can rezz it and pick up items seperated again. You already can see how many prims items have, use area search.
  19. you better try at Lumiya .. 3rd party viewers have their own supportpages, LL won't help with those. Support If you have any questions about Lumiya, please contact the developers by email: support@lumiyaviewer.com Alternatively, you can contact Alina Lyvette in-world, but please note that she's quite often AFK. E-mail is far more reliable, and preferred, method of communication. Any feedback, positive or negative, is highly valued and appreciated. Thank you!
  20. nobody here can help if you only tell it's not working...."seems" is a difficult thing to guess what it is. It also can be just a hick up in the system. Try again later or you can re add your payment info, and try again, or if doesn't work contact support/billing Funds on your paypal only will work if your account is verified.
  21. this isn't help or support, and Server is not really relevant for your question, but residents might come with a possible solution. try resetting your pw, and see if it works than, your keyboard settings might be changed... caps... dots or comma...
  22. isn't your header answered in your own body of the topic? if the vendors are around and people have them...YES they are around....
  23. of course you are free to get land from the auction, but buying inworld takes less than a second. Use search / landsales and select the fields you need ....
  24. i think it will be no script but often it's by tattoos or other layers Try to reset to default avatar as soon you have the menu, you avatar doesn't need to be loaded for that. In firestorm it's Avatar/avatar health/ reset default male(female) character test
  25. outfits are just a part of the inventory, so please be more clear. If you moved original clothing your outfit folder might not find it Or you deleted it... and outfits only contain links
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