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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. mostly simple answer would be: lag the connection between you and the LL servers needs some time to respond Reinstalling will not help and make it even worse because you need to reload caches. You can try to reset your connection, log off, shut down pc, shut down router/modem, wait for a few seconds (10) restart router/modem and wait till thats operating again, than start your machine and look if it's better. Also... use wired/cabled instead of wifi.
  2. when i use the search i get 95 hits for parcels on full prim sims, and 15 on homesteads... be sure to use the websearch with filters , not the classic land tab
  3. you can simply use the land search inworld ... here you will get only a few who visit the forums ...but there are lots of them
  4. most mesh is mod in the meaning you can apply textures, rarely put it on the object with the edit tool directly. you need the developers kit from the creator. Be aware you only are allowed to use skin textures you own yourself, or bought legal from creators to use in other products than theirs, just because you own the basic avatar skin doesn't give you permission to use it on mesh parts. Lot of creators will already have appliers for a head, if its profitable. another tip.... leave singularity, it's a obsolete viewer and misses newer functions on sl, the performance will get worse / more limited with every weekly update. Get a newer up to date veiwer from LL website or have a look here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  5. your avatar is not broken, some parts are only out of place a bit. You will need to learn the basic things about modify and all will be allright in a few seconds. The same for the eyes. have a look here https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Avatar-attachments/ta-p/700031 and after that
  6. there are no famous testing sims, it is another grid, seperated from the world we normally walk in. There is also no interaction between both grids. Things you uploadu in beta will not be available in the normal grid. you can log in in adity ( this is the official name for the testgrid) with the same pw and username as SL, using the same viewer, but different log in location. Your viewer has the possibility to select different grids.
  7. one way or another you have to stay online when you want your avatar present. Most who do that don't use the full viewer but a lighter txt based one. For example Radegast is one, basic, but still also enough to see and use most of the inworld features
  8. you posted this a few weeks ago too, in the meantime there most likely are added hundreds new items to MP so your things get further back more and more. If people don't search for your items in specificly they will get lots of others first, and... find what they look for. It's really possible your items only come up when you search for your store only.
  9. if you are this long time here you could know the forums are user based. Nobody here can help you with account settings. If things are greyed out or not available you will have to send in a ticket to support.
  10. one tab more... knowledge base https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107
  11. when you often change skin (standard avatar) you can also take the skin out of the outfit folder as soon you create it, it wont get replaced than. You can in case of mesh bodies, make copies of the body and name it as the skin that's applied to it.
  12. if you clicked downgrading you have to release landholdings, so if you clicked downgrade i suppose you are not longer able to own mainland. So also no LL home If there's no downgrade in progress contact support.
  13. you can change it in two ways: manually in "about land" or with a scipted device, mostly called radio, or any other name asociated with music control. This last has mostly already stations added to it, sometimes outdated so won't all work anymore, but it's easy to find new ones, for example at shoutcast.com
  14. received items can be a folder in your inventory or might not be a folder but a seperate part of your inventory at the bttm of the normal window.
  15. windlight settings will do not much about faceligths... that will only imporve your view after you removed the visiblility of facelights. Next to that, removing your own facelight will not make a lot of difference... the others are the one bothering. go to your preferences graphics tab hardware settings : disable anisotropic filtering rendering : disable attached lights ( this IS facelights) do not use depth of field limit your drawdistance ( main graphics tab ) disable advanced lighting disable atmospheric shaders this last few will make your visible quality less, but will improve stbility on old systems.
  16. to be honest i know none of the mentioned people... i think it depends a lot in what part of SL you'r mostly spend your time. And lifestyle / rp or timezone . The most famous here are for me the ones contributing to the community without showing their face everywhere to show how important they are,but help others, forums, simple blogs with information, personal encounters inworld ....
  17. why change to mesh if you like it what you are now? There are really lots of people who don't use mesh, or only partial for example feet and/or hands
  18. radegast should be perfect for you i think... it even can show inworld at low load costs .. and you can touch, view everything.
  19. we don't have portals here, SL is a big world, made out of sims with age restrictions for some places. You'r maturity settings are in your preferences, in search and on marketplace. Next to that, many regions will have restrictions for your avatar age, as long you'r under 30 days, or no payment info you will not have access.
  20. paypal, covered by bank account and/or real credit card should work perfectly... it does for me for many years. Your bank has to be verified/controled and /or the credit card has to be real, no prepaid.
  21. fitting mesh to the normal body or parts is always a bit fiddling around... try also the body fat slider.
  22. if you know the name it's pretty easy .... block, mute and derender... and move on. That works quicker than abuse reports.
  23. block/mute and don't respond. He can't follow you where you go.
  24. empty space doesn't excist on sl.. if there is water, there is a sim. It is empty = nothing , or there is something = land or water
  25. meestal is een relog voldoende om het in orde te brengen. Check voor alle zekerheid of het op je accountpagina wél klopt. Zo niet stuur direct een ticket naar LL.
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