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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. Boystown is a 6 region estate , all rated Adult. .. not only rated it Is adult , has adult events in their clubs and a publicly usable gay cruising area
  2. i assume you used support for help in this matter. They are the only one who are able to help.
  3. buy a normal skybox and fill it with the items You want to have in it. prefilled or pre decorated means in 99.9% filled with bad free or ancient stuff. (adult stuff (even talking about it) belongs in the adult section)
  4. from that blogpost: SLEX of course! when putting dinkies tinies and other specific groups, people will get strange ideas ... what no slex?
  5. as far i know you can use any vendor for gestures selling
  6. reopen the ticket (note: don't quote support answers, those are rarely appreciated by the moderation.)
  7. for me it's just enough to call it 'Bellisseria' ... if i need to point out some place to others i'd give a landmark or region name ( those are quite easy to find on the map, ther's such handy thingy there that shows the exact position.. it's called "search" ) On the maps continents and other clusters were never named. Sounds to me somebody needed some feathers in the ...ss for something that people will need to use.
  8. I had this problem during the christmas sale with my female alt, posted about that She is not premium, and when LL asked for another account name for reference, i also mentioned my inworld main, that's also not premium. It took a little time, and even got a message in the portal, it could take some time because it was very busy. I was suprised to get the actual handling of the issue was by the concierge team, ás a basic account. It's in my opinion only a matter of patience, it might speed things up when being premium, but i'm convinced you'd get help, no matter account subscription status. It there;s no update given on a ticket after some time, or no message it can take a while, don't start yelling at them within 24 hours...., update the ticket after a few ( 4 or 5 to be reasonale) days with the question if it can get scaled up to a specialist, (they do that themself also.. ) When it's your only account i can imagine waiting is hard. But as seen the poster has multiple acounts, it's always possible to spend time on another. It's a unconvinience.. no matter of life and dead.
  9. But it aren't mistakes, mistakes would happen with one product incidentely... not whole stores. When you look, for example, to the male shape section, 30 to 50% has keyword spam. That's no mistake but a symptom. I change my look, and my alts, quite often, and will take time for about 3 pages of keyword checking. Those i find, get a report. Ignoring the other 50 pages, that's a shame, but think it's not really MY JOB to check the rules. And Linden lab does NOTHING about it, if they did the whining and grinding teeth of angry sellers would be heared in the darkness. This non acting on the own rules by LL makes Marketplace a hardly functional shopping experience. A bit strange thing when thinking it's one of their income sources.
  10. trying to pose with myself.... should buy a pose instead of waiting on the AO's to finally snap a shot
  11. don't aim just for heads, get inspiration on the MP, in the shapes section, youll see there is a lót more than what the head advertorials show as possible The free kris head has hundreds of possible looks. and demo... can't be said enough times... (always keep in mind that the pics on MP often are photoshopped, )\ and a please... do not change the original color of writing on the forums, quite some people use the dark mode, and this is what they see:
  12. YOU came up with the freeloaders, nobody mentioned that. It's about those TRAVELERS don't pay for the land they demand to use, even for a second. YOU make this weird twist in the discussion.
  13. they are not paying to use the land of others, in your, and others reasoning, it would be fine you buy a car, i see it on the parking lot and take it for a ride.
  14. Alwin Alcott


    it took her firestorm 6 hours to uninstall (skin and texutres)for OP... and the second post added another issue on firestorm that happened some time ago ...
  15. It's not hypocrite to do what you describe, but hypocrite to start a thread about being bounced for the same right somebody else used on you.
  16. Alwin Alcott


    ask in the firestorm group .. are you sure this is FS to blaim? ..
  17. i can't explain it simpler; "where it's free to fly or drive without banlines" to be more precise ; ónly owners, and their guests of choice, of mainland parcels should be allowed on their part of mainland. Nobody else.
  18. Perhaps there's a way, let LL reduce tiers with at least 50% if there's not free use of land they bought and pay for.? There's enough abandoned land, public roads and water where it's free to fly or drive without banlines.
  19. it's more likely that the very small whining minority that wants to claim access to everything they don't even contribute a dime to, know there's no chance they will convince the paying mainlanders for letting them do what they want. You have Belliseria for your travels.
  20. i do agree, íf the first poster was not understanding, knowing, unexperienced ... and a lot more things that a newbie wouldn't know.
  21. There parcel, their rules. says it all, do it or leave.
  22. ask for the details of the viewer ( find in help/about) and paste it here?
  23. well.. you can't change your legacy name, because you don't have one on the account you post with here but you can change to a new double name. but cheapest is go premium + for one month, you get 4 times 600 L$ stipend, can get the premium gift, use a house for a month (or harvest all content packs on Belliseria for decor/textures) ánd change your name for 14.99
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