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Casidy Silvercloud

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Everything posted by Casidy Silvercloud

  1. No, go use social media for that. I already know there are people in sl near me. I know there are people on this forum in the same state as me, probably not too terribly far from me. While yes it's sort of neat to know, I don't really care all that much. I like meeting people from all over. I like seeing different perspectives that can be influenced by general location. I like reading about others' experiences no matter where they are in the world. It's also nice learning new things from other areas of the world. If I wanted to mostly talk to or meet people in my area, I'd use social media, it's fantastic for that. I'd join message boards and groups geared towards my area. "Trolls" exist everywhere. Sometimes, as annoying and troublesome as they can be, they're also entertaining.
  2. So, I was having a day. You know the kind where everything that go go wrong does, and your poor little heart says I just can't do this today, so more stuff goes wrong and you feel even worse. One of those train wreck sorts of days minus the train because someone forgot to put the wheels on right. Now every piece of the train has scattered about to the ends of the earth in ten gazillion pieces never to be put back together again. So then I choose to go popple mode, ball up and pretend nothing exists, because now I'm just a fuzzy ball and balls don't have to care about anything. But then I remembered, Saturday Sale has presents. Well first, I remembered I can ignore the world burning down around me and go find something better to do than deal with it, so sl it is. Back to presents now, I almost forgot about this event. Yes, I am totally that person who goes to events just for free stuff. I make no apologies, they wouldn't give them to me if they didn't want me having them, so there. I did get all the presents, it would be rude not to, yes? I also, though, bought some jeans I liked and they were only $75L, I'm happy about that. On top of that, Jian has lil tiger cubs for only $75l and it comes with held, wanderer and companion. So now I have a baby tiger cub by my feet and one running around my house. The train wreck will be there when I decide to be adult enough to either deal with it or continue to ignore it until the earth implodes. In either case, I still have baby tiger cubs.
  3. I don't think I've run across a vehicle without the lock and unlock feature in a while. I'm pretty sure most of mine have it now, and those that don't were probably made before 2014. Have you checked Olympus Motors, 777, Vix might have some too. Surplus Motors. Those are the places off the top of my head without being inworld to check. I have a couple of SUVs, they aren't necessarily jeeps, but, similar and I'm fairly certain they have that feature. I forgot where they came from, but they're a bit older too, just after 2014 I think.
  4. Nailed it, all of it! You get a gold star for the day But only the day, you have to give it back tomorrow 🌟 That's a weird star, here's a better one, it's even smiling!
  5. Man I brag about my job a lot, don't I? What can I say, I LOVE it! Getting to watch kids who, while they know what a farm is, have never stepped foot on one before. The absolute amazement in their eyes, their little ears perked up listening like this is life and death, the smiles they think no one can see. I just love seeing children learn something for the first time, really learning it and not just listening to someone talk about it. Also, watching those same kids, a few who are typically a bit ornery in class, clean up messes that others have left as we walk up and down the orchard (with no prompting at all). I mean, come on, how could that NOT make you smile? We had a fabulous field trip anyway, but the owners of the farm were so kind about it. The kids were picking up dropped apples, cleaning up left behind bags, baskets, garbage and putting them at the end of the rows for easy cleanup. There are signs all around asking people to be kind as they pick and clean up as they go (dropped apples go to animals, no waste!). Apparently not many people do, including the other (older) school classes that were also there. The first real field trip of the year tends to set the tone, this couldn't have gone any better! I'm so proud of them!
  6. Lock your platforms! Unless of course you like falling, then don't lock it and: invite a lot of people over for a party on your platform at 2500+m up in the air put a bunch of balloons set to physical on the ground all around your guests get the guests nice and drunk get the drunks to start kicking the balloons around quietly remove the floor (go into fly mode first!) laugh your butt off!
  7. No matter how long you've been here or how much you think you know, there is always more to learn (and forget!) No one is really an expert at anything in sl, no matter how confident they might seem, or pretend to be, not even employees! You don't need to spend a rl cent, or your currency equivalent, to have a good time or have a good sl Today's freebies aren't at all like those back in 2009, lmao. They still won't all be your cup of tea, but there are a lot more awesome ones out there today! Not everyone is in sl for the same reason(s) you are, and that's okay!
  8. Lmao I should add something like that to it. I mean he IS derpy and I'm sure he'd be willing to get on mic for me if I asked nicely and gave him some pb. Then again someone might hear that whole dog eating pb thing and, well, it is sl, it would fit right in, wouldn't it?
  9. I got asked the other day if my 1st life pic is really me. I said yes. The person was dead serious, apparently. I offended them when I lol'd the comment. (it's my fav derpy dog in the world)
  10. Today's peeve? Parents! Ok, not most, but, you know, those real treat ones. We have a field trip this week, and already have enough chaperones. Today I get an irate message from a parent because I didn't accept her request. Sorry mom, but those slots were filled last week. She tells me I have to call her on my lunch break . I have to let her chaperone the pumpkin farm trip in a couple of weeks. I tell her I have room for two more parents. She says "ok, but I have to bring my four other kids with me and maybe our puppy because he's not trained yet". Oh sorry, mom, we can't allow that. A single sibling, especially if it's an infant, probably, but four kids, all of which I'd have to pay for and two who would need pulled out of their own classes to go for the day, nope. Also, no pets, ever, he's not a service animal! "But it's not fair we weren't at this school when they were younger, they didn't get a free pumpkin or fun trip". Sorry mom, but for one they aren't free, I pay for them, and two, that's not my problem. She thought calling the principal on me would help, lmao. It did not. She's not even allowed to attend class parties. I had no idea, since I didn't have her older two in my class. At least now I know what I'm dealing with. I'm so glad most parents are nothing like that. I feel for her kids though.
  11. I didn't realize those still existed. I don't know why they wouldn't, but I had assumed they'd fallen off into the abyss like everything else, I guess.
  12. Well, I played the mushroom mayhem game and, I've got to say, I make an absolutely adorable mushroomhead If I were a man you could say I'm a.. fungi (ignore the slow performance of my poor potato not loading background lmao)
  13. Well today I set out to do some Halloweeny type things, and was quickly disappointed by every single pumpkin patch I found. Then, I found a magical place, which doesn't look so magical, but definitely is. They let you pick a pumpkin and then rez it out and carve it right there! I don't know if you can carve it away from there or not, I haven't tried. So far I have picked and carved 3 pumpkins! Don't worry, they grow more super fast! They also have this cool grave game, which I have to wait 51 seconds to play again because I didn't read instructions, oops! (am I allowed to leave a lm if it's not my place and I have no affiliation? Well if not, someone at the lab can remove it, lmao) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port Caledon/195/50/23 KUDOS to you folks, really. I am absolutely tickled orange about the pumpkin patch! This week coming up, weather permitted, my students and I have a trip to go apple picking and cider making. In a couple weeks we'll be heading to a pumpkin patch (I pre-buy all pumpkins so everyone gets to take one home). So it's kinda nice to see stuff similar in sl. Or maybe I'm just weird. Fall makes me happy, it's not so hot, students are still eager and haven't yet hit that wall of who knows what to call it, there are so many activities and fun things we can still do (indoors and out). I love it!
  14. So, I went to the destination guide, because why not. I went to the haunted section, it looked promising. But first! A trip to a pumpkin patch This is at The French Farm, and it really is a pretty sim. They lose 10 points for not letting me steal a pumpkin though RUDE!!!!!!!!!
  15. I had no peeves for today, until I started trying some stuff on, and now I'm reminded of a peeve I had last week and ignored. Creators who sell pieces meant to go together, but you can't actually wear together because if you do, parts of the pieces poke through the other pieces making them unusable or making it look ridiculous. They are even on the advertisement being worn, together. I originally thought it was a me issue so I put it away to deal with later. Later is today, and it's not a me issue. (yeah yeah send nc, contact seller, blah blah, it's still a little obnoxious peeve). All the props to creators even still At least I had a different cami to wear under the sweater and it looks like it goes together. This is my penance for buying things, isn't it? Yes, yes it is.
  16. I think everyone is manipulated in some way, whether they realize it or not. We probably don't even know it the majority of the time. I think it would be impossible to live life, in sl or rl, without being manipulated in some way. Everything around us has the ability to manipulate how we think, react, speak, act. I see things I like and want (that "like" is me being manipulated by how something pleases me in some way) and I'm likely to buy it, or at least put it on a wishlist until I can, lmao. In rl I think I'm far more easily manipulated. That whole :oh come on, just ten more minutes" from screaming, smiling and happy children is the BEST form of manipulation on a beautiful day to break the rules and take an extra long recess.
  17. I'm glad it's not more frequent than it is now. I've only got 4 years under my belt so far. Give me a couple more decades doing it and I may change my mind, lmao.
  18. Peeve of the day- Days off in the middle of the week, lmao. At least it only happens every now and then, but still. I've already done everything I need to do.
  19. There is a difference between casual conversation, or even serious conversation, and someone looking for others to do their doctoral work. I took every thesis, every dissertation I ever did pretty seriously. Students that don't, won't make it very far, in my experience. Having an advisor that doesn't help you take it seriously can be just as problematic. If it's presented as just a conversation, just someone looking to see if their own personal habits which are affected by sl is having the same experience as others, it's taken differently. Context plays a big role in responses you might get. That's like using dog whistles to rile people up which might get the responses you want, but it will also lessen anything you say moving forward. As I tell the 6 year old children "if you have to call people names to make your point, your point isn't valid".
  20. Words have meaning, whether we want to attach it or not. When the word is used flippantly as a means to degrade others, it absolutely should be pointed out. There are far better words one can use. Anyone who feels the need to use it that way, has very little to offer any kind of conversation. That doesn't mean I "sweat" it, though.
  21. I teach little kids 4 days a week for a living and even they know not to ask everyone else to do the work for them. Most of them are better at communicating too, and they've only just recently started their educational paths. A doctorate student should absolutely know better, period. I will definitely critique someone claiming to be a doctorate student who clearly doesn't even have a grasp on what that entails. If you can't ask the questions you want asked right, how do you expect any of the answers to be accurate? Ignoring any and all typos or possible grammatical errors, there are plenty of other errors in the information OP shared that scream "I'm lying". I really wish people would stop using the word Nazi so flippantly, but I can understand why someone who does wouldn't even notice the wording others use, as they clearly lack good judgment themselves and would easily overlook it.
  22. Possible, but highly unlikely. Most apparel, which the OP talked about, has not and would not take their creations to rl fashion production. It's not even remotely cost effective for even the most successful fashion brands in sl. The cost to do so would be astronomical. I'm not talking about etsy or any other "put my designs on already existing materials" type of site either. That would be far easier. Most of the rl brands that once existed in sl haven't in a very long time, and apparel brands were very limited to begin with. So it's not very likely OP did any research at all, or they would know this with one very quick search. If OP isn't some AI generation, it's just someone trying to get everyone else to do their work for them, which I find not only hilarious, but also not very likely for a doctorate level student who most definitely would have an advisor. If the advisor didn't tell OP to find some other avenue, the advisor should be fired too. I'm not a fan of students getting others to do their research for them, especially at higher levels. It just screams lazy.
  23. More likely than not is that OP is taking word salad others have previously stated regarding the metaverse and online environments and trying to apply them to their own "research", or worse, pass them off as such by changing the verbiage a bit. If OP is serious about the research and the content of this thesis, OP wouldn't be making comments about buying sl brands in rl because they simply don't exist and OP would know this. In other words, that whole "brands I like and buy in sl I then go out and buy in rl" was a total lie. Bad way to start your research off, lmao. If I were actually advising this student, and I will use that term very loosely, I would not so gently suggest finding another thesis idea because this one won't provide much of anything at this rate. I have a hard time believing this person is getting a PH.D in marketing, given that they don't even seem to understand the concept very well and a doctorate program is certainly not an entry level program., so there should be a bit more competence. Then again, teachers often tell people "do your own work" and when using others' experience to broaden your research scope and available information you have to do so with a swift hand and small brush strokes, not a giant rag mop that flops the paint about willy nilly hoping to hit something.
  24. I think topics like this would honestly go better if both men and women didn't try to answer for one another. How the hell does a woman know what an individual, or collective group, of men want? The same can be said in reverse as well. Sure people can guess at some of the most basic things that people, generally, might desire or seek out, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're right. Individualism exists and as much as I enjoy being a woman, I'm still me, an individual, with varying degrees of complexity that won't ever all or even mostly be the same as another's. I can only say the things I want, the things I seek out, things that I enjoy or would enjoy. I can't speak for any other female, nor would I try. I also can't speak for males, primarily because I'm not one, but also because, I'm not those individuals either. Women who say what men want and men who say what women want are often more wrong than right, even if thy hit a few generalizations on the head. It makes it difficult to take things they say seriously in any other capacity when they think they can speak for others. There is no "most women's expectations" list, nor is there a "most men's expectations list". Those things will vary as much as the individuals. Anyone that proclaims to have the answers for all, or even most, is lying through their teeth. Yes even those online "what women/men want" or "expectations" articles are, mostly, a load of horse poop.
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