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Casidy Silvercloud

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Everything posted by Casidy Silvercloud

  1. Yes, I know what spankers are, I have a few, lol. I'm looking for a specific one. I'm not only looking for myself, it's also for someone too chicken poop to ask herself, lmao. We've seen it a few times lately but didn't get the chance to ask. I just saw it again and tried to "what's she wearing" hud someone but they left before I could get the button pushed, lol. It chats in local, but doesn't have an object name it starts with (like the pretty little liars ones always have the object name in chat, and so do some other spankers, make sense?). It doesn't say the typical "so and so spanked so and so's butt", it says all kinds of random things in local and some of them are hilarious. It doesn't make any sounds, that I know of, but sometimes I have sounds off. I don't think it has animations or any of those redness things built into it either, but I've never really looked closed enough at anyone to know. It may or may not have an access list. I can script clickies, but nothing quite like this. We're looking on mp but I'm 6 pages in so far and haven't found it. It might not be on mp. Someone here has to know what one I'm talking about lol.
  2. As is the case with literally every business that exists on this planet. I don't know about other planets, because I don't live there, though I'd love to visit someday. Every company, if you want to personify it like that, is along for the financial benefit. Even companies that have altruistic behaviors now and then, are there to reap the reward(s) of doing so. If it wasn't for employees and customers, companies wouldn't exist. If it wasn't for companies, customers and employees wouldn't have somewhere to go, work or do whatever it is we're all doing. Sometimes they all work well together, sometimes they don't. Sometimes one group does a better job at something than others, or more things that ultimately lead to success than others. Sometimes, they all do great at what they're supposed to do, sometimes none of them do. It's all one giant crapshoot that either works, or doesn't.
  3. I think part of the problem for you and I bet a lot of others, might be the different time zones. If sl isn't active when you are, it is probably a bit of a drag. I can totally understand that. I don't know about sl being EU friendly, because I'm from the US like I bet most of the people in sl still are. So, it's active, mostly, when I am too. Sl has always been US friendly, the lab being a US based company. In the summer it's a bit of a pain for me if I want to hang out with other people too. But that's because I have a job that gives me much of the summer months, minus a few weeks here and there, off, while everyone else is still at work, lol. That's usually the times I use to explore sl by myself, find good stuff, read blogs and, now annoy people on the forums. Otherwise I'd probably get bored af and get into mischief, or leave again. I'm sure there are things the lab can fix. I don't know any program or game, thing, out there that can't use some improvements. Honestly, I can see a lot of differences from when I started in 09, to when I left for some odd years, and coming back now today. I can see many improvements the lab has made, but also how sl and the people in it have evolved. It's come a LONG way. It was a lot to take in, even if a lot of things were obvious, not everything was. I had to figure out where in the hell my windlights went (ugh), how to go fully mesh, where to find things, check all my old lms most of which are dead or lead to people's homes (and boy do they NOT like visitors sometimes, ooopsie), find out that some of the clubs and sims I went to are defunct (so sad), realize that a lot of my old stuff just isn't "it" anymore (again, so sad, ). Seriously, it's a lot of crap to take in lmao. I'm still taking it in, probably will be every day I log in.
  4. A lot of the stuff you pay for is sub par too, lol. I'm sorry the whole "I work for a living" comment just rubs me the wrong way and seems really out of place, so I'm going to ignore that part. You could easily spend just as much time searching for quality stuff to buy as you can quality free stuff. Sl has a lot of stuff, not all of it is good, or fits someone's taste. Whether you're buying things or searching for free things, it will take time. This is an entirely free av, skin, hair, body, head, outfit. If someone shuns that because it's "free",(and most probably wouldn't even know it is) they're an idiot and probably not worth others' time. None of it was that hard to find. There's a lot better quality items out today than there was when I first started, both free and stuff you have to pay for.
  5. Not really, but you do need to be able to look and be wiling to put the work in to do it all on no budget (or even low budget, but no budget is just as possible). Sl can be enjoyed without putting a dime into it. You just have to know how to look, where to look and have the patience, time and desire to actually do the looking (and putting together). Group gifts and general freebies make this possible, they're just not always consolidated in one place, neither is the information about them. You might be surprised what you can find for free with enough effort. It's that whole effort part that makes it more difficult, rather than availability or possibility. New people won't have the knowledge right out the gate, but they can get there with enough information and guidance. That's why certain blogs and websites exist, to provide that information. I have a mesh body now, it was totally free, and the head was too. Most of the clothes I have for her, totally free, I have hairs for her, shoes, accessories, skin, all kinds of things that were all totally free, and all very nice and updated Granted, I have stuff from years ago that was not free, but most of it can't be used with her anyway because it's very outdated, lol. I essentially started over when I came back, having to find all new stuff. It's time consuming sometimes, but fun. There's a lot of stuff out there that requires nothing more than time.
  6. I don't actually have an answer for you OP, lol, but I will test some of the more popular brands since I have a mesh body that uses bom, it might result in the same issue your friend has. I have 4 of the demos I just got off mp. I don't think any of the parts will work with my body anyway since none are really made for it, but maybe I can recreate the issue your friend is having (if it's a bom issue, and it sounds like it might be). I'll let you know if I do! Just editing this one to update. I tested deluxe, v, sensations and vaw-just demos of course, all on the mp. None of the 4 (I tried the maitreya version of all 4, since it's the closest to atenea) I tried would recreate the same issue. 3 of the, I guess the more known brands, do not work with atenea. That was expected behavior, but it may be able to be remedied with a custom alpha where needed. I didn't bother checking function, just fit. You can't use the alpha hud in the body because it doesn't quite work for all the areas needed, but a custom alpha may work. I have another brand (vaw, maitreya)on right now that, surprisingly fits, both bom and rigged versions. Again I haven't checked function, lol, but fit wise, it's not terrible, I don't think. I may be very out of practice here, though, lmao. It needs colored, obviously, but it's not sticking out, or stuck inside where it doesn't go, either. That one may be the best of the 4 I saw on mp. I didn't look very hard for options, and am likely very out of practice in this virtual arena since clearly xcite is no longer where it's at, lmao. So, your friend may have options if they choose to go with one of the free mesh bodies out there. I suggest demos, your friend may have better luck with one of the others I did not. It wasn't really an extensive test on my part. But the issue doesn't reproduce with a free mesh body, so it may be an option for them with enough working.
  7. I don't actually, at this moment anyway, or I wouldn't be on the forums at all, lmao. There is nothing disrespectful about being honest with people. One of my dear friends actually makes quite a lot in those games, I introduced her to the fishing years ago, lol. I was honest with her then, and I'll be honest with people today. She only earns what she does today because she put the work in to do it, and she makes no bones about it, no one should. More people would enjoy these things and get something out of them, even lindens, if people didn't pretend they're something they aren't. I do hope you know willi makes all earnings public, so, people can just fact check me if they want to, it's right there, lol.
  8. It's been missing for years, poor dear. I have no idea where it went. Well, I do, but the one I have is an old xcite and I'm pretty sure it ran away to join some colony, or something.
  9. Everyone can be a dude, it has no gender, calm down. You're only mad that I'm right and others reading here know I am too because lots of us are familiar with it, lol. I do hope you find people to recruit though and that you all enjoy it, have fun, and earn some money. Good on you for trying, bad on you for lying to do it. It's cool though. If you're honest with people I bet you'll recruit more of them. Lots of people are always looking for ways to earn in sl, even just a little money. You just gotta go about it better.
  10. Ftr. I'm not knocking the game actually, or even the creator, although this particular game of his is a bit odd, some people like it. Such games are a good way for people to earn a little pocket money, with enough time and dedication. I can't stand the whole pyramid scheme and "im me for more info, because if I tell the truth here, no one will be interested" stuff. I've used these kinds games, from all different creators, since I started in 2009, lol. I've used them as a player and even when I owned land years ago to get traffic. They can be fun, you can meet people and you can earn some POCKET money. I'm just honest with people about what's possible and how they really work. There's no reason to not be.
  11. Alright dude, let me break it down for people since you feel the need to be dishonest. I know what game it is, I know what your guild is, how much you've earned and ow much it has earned too. I know how it works, don't lie to people, plain and simple. Ftr, anyone curious about this actual game, can do a search for goldtoken, when you get there, look under "our games" and then "society rpg", you'll understand a bit better what it is and why OP is being so dishonest about it. If you want to actually earn money using the games by this creator, you can, but it will NOT be $300l per day. If you do it long enough, you might get $300L per week. You will not earn anywhere near that using the "society" game though. You can earn it doing the gold, fish and trivia hunts, if you're willing to spend at least 4-5 hours per day tp-ing all over and standing in one place for the fishing until you've fished it all out (and that's assuming you hit some of the fishing events with multipliers). Yes OP, people DO play those games to earn money, not just because. Trying to pretend like you do it for some altruistic reason is just silly. We all know why we participate in these games, lol. Even willi knows that's why people participate in the games. Places have them to get traffic, people participate to earn. It's okay to admit people aren't going to make a mint off it. The society game has over 2600 players with the majority of them being what's called a trainee (and having never earned or cashed out a thing from it-minus a small handful who have). The second biggest group are called workers-they do the mundane stuff people like OP don't want to do and are recruiting other people to do for them (second bottom rung on the pyramid). Then you have rentier's who handle property, but do nothing else to contribute. Then you have a smaller group Lord/Lady (op) they're considered "investors" in the "community", they get there by getting votes/tips and earning gold points (and most of them have been with this particular creator for years on end, so enough time will earn you that in any game). The upper people in the pyramid are called baron/ess and there are only 5 of them-one of which is the creator, then there is a king. It's an RP game where it's possible for some to earn but certainly not all or most. If you're into that, go forth and have fun, just set some reasonable expectations for yourself. It's really not as involved and secretive as OP suggests, lol.
  12. Apparently ll sends these out to most people, it doesn't mean they're impressed. They do it to help keep people engaged, that's it, lol.
  13. If this "game" is what I think it is, or at least is created by who I think it is, you're being quite dishonest. Yes people CAN cash out $300L per day on each ATM, but most people won't earn anywhere near $300L per day. Many don't even actually earn that per week without putting in way more than just a couple of hours a day. As with most traffic increasing games created by the same person. That's exactly why you need more people for your pyramid "guild", because you'll earn more off them than they do off you, or the rest of the "guild", and you can't cash out what you want to without them. I've used other games by the same creator to make a little bit of linden here and there. They are exactly what you think they are, not great, but they're alright if you've done it for a while and know what you're doing. This one is by far the most convoluted and screams mlm pyramid (which is why there are so many inactive "players" in it, lol), because that's what it is. If you can't share specifics on the forum, you probably shouldn't actually make a post. People are going to come here to genuinely find employment of some sort in sl. While many posts aren't super specific, they're at least a bit more honest and give some better details. Using buzzwords fed to you by the creator won't help here, lol.
  14. The marketplace definitely could be improved, but it's really not difficult to list a product. There are things the lab could do to make it easier to shop, and consolidate listings to include things like multiple colors of the same item, and the demo, inside just one listing with drop downs and such. But putting products on the mp right now is a pretty simple thing, just perhaps time consuming at times. The page to list has everything you need right there in front of you, no ambiguity, no mish mash of information, no confusion at all. They could improve the look and function of the main website too, and make the mp website look a bit more like the main website. However, they are two different websites, they are not simply pages of a singular website (though the main website does have multiple pages that should all look and function similarly). Them having some visual differences isn't necessarily a bad design. The mobile viewer is coming, the new starter avs are already out and people are already using them, the new user experience is out and is being used and improved daily. Moles and lindens seem to be here in the forums more often and I would guess probably inworld more too. Have you ever actually made a detailed mobile app before? That you say "it shouldn't take 5 years" indicates to me that maybe you haven't, and definitely haven't made one, a viewer, that can be as complicated as one for sl needs to be. Yes, 5 years isn't actually that unreasonable given that the employees working on it may be working on multiple tasks that help integrate the mobile viewer with the actual world of sl (and let's not ignore the things going on around the world in that time frame either). There's a crap ton more involved here.
  15. Let me introduce myself, an exception, to you. Hello, I'm Casidy. I have both a VR headset, and enjoy sl, but do not participate in VRChat. I'd introduce you to my friends in sl who also fall under the same umbrella, but they don't like the forums. There are plenty of people who have a VR headset and don't engage in VRChat. As an aside, I understand a bit better why people are suspicious of people new to the forums, lmao. Y'all give the rest of us a bad rap by being so contentious all the time, man.
  16. I posted a peeve, so I definitely need to balance that out with a delight. People that offer free stuff, lmao. It's not just free stuff either, but also stuff at lower prices, which is pretty cool I know, we all love free stuff, amirite? But, for reals, I went to a couple of events today, to look around, and I'll be damned if people didn't put out some really nice stuff. It's not all my taste, but that's okay. I didn't buy anything, because I'm just a window shopper. But I did get me some free stuff, and now my av is a sexy bish Though she's neither a bish nor sexy, she's strutting round this house like she is, and that's all that matters, huh? Oh, and my explorations made me give up sorting my inventory, so I'm delighted about that too!
  17. Yeah that's the biggest issue with that one, the need for alphas more often than not. It's doable, but it takes some working. Some maitreya stuff fits it, some standard sized stuff fits too, but it really depends on your shape, a LOT! Lucybody atenea though, hands down absolute BEST free mesh body, even if you don't get the BOM hud. It's the most compatible with the most stuff with the least amount of work and comes with some nice add-ons built in. It has a nice c-string built in (black and a pretty pink/white one) which is a nice addition when someone who doesn't realize most dresses and skirts don't have panties. Unless your body is bom compatible and/or the skirt part isn't skin tight, a lot of panties don't work and will poke through. Or you can just go commando and see what happens lmao. (I don't recommend that to those that give two fugs what others think/say, though, lol)
  18. Today's peeve? Myself, lmao. I'm standing here butt ass naked on my platform, and have been for some time, because I got distracted by my inventory and never bothered getting dressed. My actual peeve? That I haven't yet cleaned my inventory of clothes. I've had a system av since I joined, until very recently. I DO have some mesh clothes, they were just all standard sizes, and I have way more system stuff. I made the choice to sort this hot mess and I realize now I've been doing it for over two hours. I have a folder, of old folders and boxes, with old clothes (system and standard sizes). I figured I'd keep some to test on the senra avs and some just because they'll never again be in sl. I yeeted a whole bunch because, why even bother with them, lmao. What in the actual fresh hell have I done. All my old building stuff is also packed up but I did that like in 2015 or so. My building folders did, in 2015, total over 60k items just on their own (not including anything outside of them, of which there is plenty). Those also include sculpts though, lol. Glad I already got those all boxed up. I STILL have clothes from MIS, dollyrock, blaze, bf, immerschoen, the sea hole and every other store that was around in 2009, lmao. I'm not getting rid of all them, those were amazing clothes in 2009. I need an inventory break, before I break my inventory.
  19. Heh, your blog is where I found a crap ton of places, and I have no idea why I didn't draw that connection before now. But, THANK YOU!!! My fav body is lucybody atenea, by far. The only one that comes even close, imo, is Sweet's Ruth (even though there are five million versions of Ruth, that one is better than all the others, and it still has enough flaws to be annoying). I've tried pretty much every single free mesh av there is. Most of them are really not that good, or they're so complicated to even attempt to get them to work and shape right, it's not worth the effort. Forget finding clothes that fit them. The lucybody is in a MM board, and it took 2 days after I clicked it to get (if it doesn't reach the goal, it keeps your name in, so you don't have to go back) but it was so worth the wait. I've sent more people to go get it, lol. Lucybody, so far, has been compatible with almost all maitreya stuff, although I need alphas in a couple of instances. In most cases, I don't need to. If you get the BOM hud (it's $250, but you know that) pretty much everything else works exactly as you'd expect. It can also use system stuff with BOM capability, which I have a lot of. Even without that hud though, a lot of things still work, the bom mode just helps. I have a few outfits a friend bought me that are rigged for just maitreya, and they work on my lucybody without any issue or alpha. A lot of the free stuff out there works well too which is a huge plus. You know there's a ton of free stuff. It's also completely compatible with the free lelutka heads, without a weird neck gap, seam or need for a choker to hide it. Most of the other free bodies aren't as compatible as they seem, especially at the neck, even with"fixes". A lot of them "break" at a specific height inworld and you instantly become nearly headless. A great party trick, sure, but not fun otherwise. This might be different for people that make curvier or even thinner shapes, but it works great with my shape, and the skins I already own too (which also work well with my free lelutka head, bonus, lol).
  20. Okay, fussing about with Blake today. Honestly, it's a much easier process. His head needs the most work, lol. The lips bug the crap out of me on him and I can't even pinpoint why, they just do. Even the skins for blake right out of the box are better (but for my test I used a male skin I already have, cuz I like it better, lol). Ok, so, this is the blake body, head, hair 5, a skin I own, an edited shape and my cazimi eyes because I just really like them lol. Oh and I threw on some boxers I have cuz we gotta protect the forums from rogue ken bumps. And the same with the white tank and light denim shorts form the blake folder I'm a handsome devil, well, I will be once I fix the head some more, lmao. Right out of the box the shape suffers from a few ailments, including t-rex arms, but that's an easy fix. All sliders except package on the body respond pretty much (and it's weird that doesn't, but maybe it's not a "bone" lmao, poor guy). The ears have the same issue, but I am pretty sure it's the same head, isn't it? If so, that would be why. The lips, like I said, are bugging me, but that's just a me issue. Blake will be MUCH easier for people to adapt to their liking than Jamie is, much, much easier. Jamie gets funky if you play with her too much, Blake only needs a little bit of play and he's happy, well, minus his package, so, not sure how that works, but alright! I'm going to fiddle more with the head and make more shapes t see what I can do with this fella. Oh also I added a bento hand pose because the splayed hands drive me nuts and I don't have an AO that isn't girly and cute.
  21. I haven't tested the Blake yet, but Jamie absolutely does not respond to all sliders. The ears do almost nothing at all except size, and tip. Under torso muscles the arms can't actually be made to have much muscle at all even when set to 100 (and it does very little for the rest of the torso muscles). Love handles need to be turned way up to make it look like you have internal organs. Some of the face sliders do nothing, or so little it's not even negligible. There are several sliders that do pretty much nothing at all, or have a terrible effect when used with other sliders. The saddle bags for instance, mess up the hips and the butt, it's a bit convoluted to get them to not have a weird effect (but doable, if you know what you're doing). I don't want it to all sound critical, because I do think it's a really good first step. We can all put in lots of work to make it, work, lol, but newbies might not be able to. These are for newbies, simple is important. Maybe we can come up with shapes, skins and other things to help simplify it for them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course. A shape that looks terrible to one person will look just fine to others. I'm not saying it's impossible to make good shapes. It's very possible and it will be a fun challenge to try. Some of the shapes others have come up with, I don't like, but I LOVE that people like the shapes they've come up with. That's one of the beautiful things about sl in general.
  22. They are starters but they are definitely not better than using a system av in all respects. They do in the feet and hands, and some of the areas obviously not as smooth on system avs, for sure. But system avs respond to all sliders. Even though it takes as much work to make a shape for them as it does these, system avs right now are way more customizable with many more options. With the right skin, clothes, shape, system avs aren't super horrendous either. I know, I've had one since I started until just this past week or so, lol. These are definitely better than some of the current mesh avs in the library though, I will agree on that. They just need some work, and people willing to do something with them so newbies have somewhere to start. That's where we come in, I think. Just because they're starters doesn't mean we should make new people mad as soon as they get here, lol. Simplify the onboarding process and it will help a ton.
  23. That's exactly why I only used things from the folder it came with. I wanted to see what new people or those just using these avs are really working with. I can tell you, it's really not as much as it seems and it's definitely a bigger undertaking than new people will need, or want. It's not super horrendous, but I think it's only so because we know how to make shapes already. New people likely won't. Even if they have experience with other character creation in whatever games or things they play and do. They look goofy af if you don't make any alterations at all, lol. I know they've said they want them to be temporary solutions, and may not optimize them much further (or may, that seems to be up in the air, so I leave room for the possibility). Right out of the box, these will drive people away from sl faster than they will entice them. Cuz they look goofy af lol. They're pretty frustrating when you know what you're doing. If you don't know, I can't even imagine. There's no rhyme or reason to how the bodies respond to sliders, or don't. Kinda like with the arms and how even taking the torso muscles to 100 does almost nothing for them. No shape, or skin, will fix that. Tomorrow I'm going to mess about with mesh stuff, alphas and see what I can do. I'm sure I can put together some decent looking stuff. But, and it's a really big but, unlike mine, I know what I'm doing, lol. A good first step, no doubt at all, but it needs some work. I'm sure they already know that though. It has potential, and that's at least something. I plan to keep at it though. It's a fun challenge, frustrating or not.
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