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Casidy Silvercloud

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Everything posted by Casidy Silvercloud

  1. That's not sl, the thread asked what happened to GOR in sl. What happened to most of GOR in sl, is people left it. Like many things, it outlived its fresh by date and people moved on. Some went other places, none of those I knew did, but some others I'm sure did. You did mention conan, so why would anyone else need to? Maybe people didn't know that's where they went, so they didn't need to bring it up. I am glad some of the things associated with it have died down or stopped entirely. But that doesn't mean I'm necessarily glad some people left sl to go GOR somewhere else, unless they were troublemakers. There definitely was a time when male avs in GOR were as obnoxious, if not more so than bloodlines players. There were female avs too, but male avs by and large took the cake. I wasn't here as long as you, and I left for a while, but I did join sl in 2009. Both GOR and bloodlines were massively popular then, and both were equally obnoxious to the point that sim owners had to restrict their access. It wasn't just intolerance it was a case of too many bad apples too often so cut them off in the orchard before they hit the basket.
  2. I think it can too, or will, as long as it's done right and expectations for use and what it's capable of are tolerant of the potentials for problems. I wonder if it will help bring people back for GOR though, and help keep sims with people. Maybe it will just help people stay engaged when being at an actual computer isn't possible. I don't know that it will bring in new people but it might help new people already interested in sl stay longer.
  3. I think the mobile viewer's success will depend 100% on whether or not people have to upgrade existing devices to use it. People can say "oh this app works just fine on any device", but more often than not they're wrong, lol. We ran into this problem with some apps we had to use for work this past year (I teach, ftr, in case that hasn't been obvious in my posts, lol). It was a new set of apps introduced to help mainstream things and make life easier for us all. It was anything but, it was horrendous. What SHOULD have worked on nearly all devices only partially worked on some, failed entirely on others and rarely ever synced up properly even when it worked. It was just one big ass mess all year long. They asked us to stick it out with them for 3 months while they finished working bugs. 3 turned to 6, 6 to a whole school year and those apps STILL suck dirty behind. We're not using them this year, we've flat refused. I'm going to bet that a mobile viewer may have some of the same issues, even if the lindens keep saying it won't. It's not uncommon for apps, honestly, it's the biggest problem with many of them. If it does the same, people aren't going to go out and upgrade their device or buy a whole brand ass new one just for sl. Less and less people are upgrading devices in general, because the economy sucks so many places. SO I do hope it works for more than it doesn't, but I feel bad for those who fall in the "it doesn't work" camp too, especially if the lab is counting on this viewer being a helpful bandaid or solution for sl.
  4. I just finished watching Leverage. Now I'm watching Leverage: Redemption.
  5. I looked for one too and really, there isn't. I just randomly inject myself to topics, it works nicely.
  6. Some are probably just not as stubborn and hard headed as I am. I don't really care if people like me or not, but not everyone feels the same. I think some people come here, sl and the forums too and just want to fit in. I used to have that problem in sl, rl too actually. It made me feel all kinds of awkward and question everything about myself if I couldn't just fit right in with others. It took me a long time to take on an idgaf if people like me attitude. Now I figure if people don't like me today, maybe they will tomorrow. There's a distinct possibility they never will though and if that happens, sucks for them. I have hoards of short minions that absolutely like me, and they're the best judges of character I've ever met in my life. I don't blame people for being suspicious no matter how much I wish they weren't. There's probably good reason for it for some people. From reading the alts thread it seems so.
  7. To be fair, this section still isn't the most welcoming to new posters, or returning ones. It's not horrible, but it's not as welcoming as people think. It's hard to get a foot in the door and not have every other person be suspicious. New and returning posters really do have to pay close attention to everything they say and do because someone is likely to assume they're someone else. Its a weird thing but I don't think it's special to just this place, it's everywhere. People all over are more suspicious of people they don't know, which is probably a good thing, so long as it eventually works itself out. I can say it feels a little awkward, for me, to jump right into posts, anywhere here on the forums. I'll keep trying, because I'm stubborn like that, but I understand why some people give up.
  8. When I was last here, GOR was still everywhere. Lots more people knew about it, talked about it or participated in it. I've noticed since I came back, that's no longer the case. I don't think GOR is anywhere near as popular as it used to be. Most of the people I've seen talking about it aren't doing so in a positive light lol. That happened a lot back then too, GOR was fodder for a crapton of jokes. I have friends that once loved it. Not a single one of those that still log in do anymore. People move on from things all the time. For the timezone thing I think you're just SOL on that. It can be a crap shoot for people not in US or close to US timezones. If you can't open your own venue that caters to people in your timezone, you're at the mercy of everyone else. That's always been present though. It likely has nothing to do with economics, just logistics. Times are hard for people all over the world, for some it's always been. This really isn't a new thing. I get thrown off kilter every summer. I may spend more time in sl, but I spend way less money on frivolous things in rl. I'm definitely not spending it in sl.
  9. I'm a real life human bean!!!! I made myself presentable so my friends don't have to be embarrassed to admit they know me. I'm so nice to them.
  10. Tic Tacs are delicious, thank you! I'm forever making a fool of myself. Sl is a good place for me, especially in the summer since I have nothing better to do lmao.
  11. TIL that I do in fact remember how to properly sort my inventory, and make outfits. I also learned how much I dislike that part and how easily I'm distracted. I've made two outfits in the last 3 or so hours of trying ***** on.
  12. I can run pretty fast, I sometimes throw things too, that's my greatest defense. I spend entirely too much time with toddlers, lmao.
  13. I tell other people and their alts how horrible I am. It keeps the ruffians away.
  14. Damnit. Never should've trusted that uber. Driver was shady af
  15. Raises hand Hi, I'm Casidy, I'm not new to sl or the forums. See I even have an old last name. I spent too much time replacing my sl knowledge with rl knowledge and fun things when I ran away. I'm too lazy to be more than one person. I'm terrible at rp. I used to wear the same outfit for a week or more because figuring clothes out was a hell I'd not wish on the devil himself. I only just remembered how to build in sl again yesterday and broke my house five times before I got it right. I don't plan on replacing the doors I deleted, it can suffer. I can often be found screaming obscenities into the void. I blame the substances and rl. I like music. I like most people. Sometimes I'm funny, sometimes I'm a *****, sometimes I'm just trying to find information and sometimes I'm bored. Also, I recognize some of the names here, but I don't know a damn one of you. My bad. There, now you all know me. Where do I go to get my one week chip or whatever the hell it is we hand out here once people know you? Is it really a chip? I'm probably going to lose it, or eat it, if it tastes good.
  16. Ok, and? It was an observation calm down lmao.
  17. This thread reminded me why I don't like soap operas, lmao. How many personalities does one person need? How the hell do you keep them all straight? So many questions I don't think I want answered.
  18. That's the body I got. I saw it on one of the links and went to click the mm board. It took a couple of days but I got it today. Before that I was using a sweets ruth or something. Lucybody's a really nice one. I did get the bom thing for it though so I could wear a skin I like. Now I have an excuse to go hunting for more clothes since I've cleaned a lot of my inventory up and it's barebones. The head I have on is one of the lelutka free ones. I must've I picked it up when I was going to return a while ago. It had an update when I tried to wear it. I saw on the page there that scandalize has a whole platform of 200 or something outfits. That's my next adventure. I bet there'll be a lot compatible. I do appreciate all the great ideas. There's a lot you can forget and changes in a 7 year break.
  19. I found a new mesh body thanks to these links. I just wanted to thank you both again. I ran into someone else yesterday who was also out freebie hunting, so I passed the info along. I no longer look completely unpresentable, just a little unpresentable. Now I just need to go on a clothing hunt. I'll get there, thanks to the links!
  20. I got called an alt, it feels like a privilege! It started off as some weird "how u been here so long and not no anything"[sic] and quickly rose to mr toad's wild ride of insanity. I rode that train until it came to a very abrupt and rude stop too. It was awesome! I have been here a long time and there's a lot I don't know about sl anymore because I left before everything really took off apparently. That just made it even more funny. Me, I don't care if people have alts. You do you, I do me and we're all square. I don't care about people's alts. I'm just not invested enough in other people to care if they want to play the multi-av game. I don't think most mean any harm. Anyone who does, who cares? Let them do their thing, eventually they get bored or move on. If not, at least it's entertaining to watch! I don't have alts, but that's because I'm having a hard enough time coming back to mesh, figuring out how everything works, deleting lms and emptying my inventory of old crap. I'm too busy to handle even one of me. I don't have alts in rl either, for the same reason!
  21. Thank you both, this should keep me busy for while.
  22. I do have a mesh head, a couple, they're both lelutka and have the evox, whatever it is. I can use those if I can find a skin that looks good, goes with them or whatever the kids are saying these days. So for the skin I need a body skin that either goes with those heads or just full system. A kind and foolish soul took pity on me and helped me kludge one of the free bodies together to look somewhat presentable in public. I can add also good for maitreya body to this list. I don't have that body but mine is compatible with at least some of the clothes with my alpha hud thing.
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