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Casidy Silvercloud

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Everything posted by Casidy Silvercloud

  1. Ok, so, I posted in the other thread earlier with a test. This is a better test, lol. This is just using the stuff in the Jamie folders, skin, hair, clothes, everything. But, I did some serious work on the shape. It's not where I want it, but it's a big improvement. This time I worked on the head(shapewise) too, because that Jamie head right out the box is just..oh no, lol. The butt is just odd, no matter what you do to it it doesn't necessarily look bad, just, like it doesn't go there, it's weird I can't explain it, lol, but I don't like it. Make it bigger and it looks like if it weren't attached, it would be welcome in the macy's parade. Make it smaller and it has the same shape but looks like someone made it out of playdoh and slapped it on. Oh well, lol. She's about 5'8" give or take, still taller than I want her, but any shorter and she looks like a hobbit. The body doesn't do short super well, I tried, nothing against hobbitses but, she's not one. It's not as bad as I was expecting, but also nowhere near as good. A good skin, shape, clothes, AO, and maybe accessories (makeup and whatnot included if you want) and it wouldn't look too bad. I don't know how they expect newbies to get all that though, so, good thing they intend for it to be VERY short term use. Also, mark me down as another who can't stand labels on clothes, freebies or not, blah.
  2. I got bored playing with the senra avs, I needed a rum break
  3. I think I'm going to make shapes for the Jamie and Blake bodies. New people are going to play hell with those shapes out of the box as is to get them right. They will likely just get frustrated with the weird oddities and how sliders do or do not respond. What you think a setting does (or what it does with current mesh bodies and system bodies), isn't always the case. Could be good starters for new people with a bit more work, but the shapes need to be yeeted in file 13 and started over.
  4. Ok, I tested Jamie. This isn't as full of a test as I want, but it's a good start. Warning, it's a lil long, I tried to keep the pics smaller so they don't take up a whole page. The pics aren't edited except to to resize and fit the forum First pic: normal me Lucybody Atenea Lelutka Lily head/brow shape My own shape WoW skin Cazimi eyes (those were all free, btw, lol) Stealthic Hair (a splurge, lol) old Delish system bikini which was like $10L back in 09 (keep it pg lol) Second pic: Jamie Body Jamie Head Jamie Skin 3 Jamie Eyes dark blue Jamie Hair/hairbase 9 Same shape as pic 1, my own (obviously doesnt work well, lol) delish bikini Third Pic: Same as pic 2 but with the Jamie shape 2 (none of the jamie shapes are good out of the box) Fourth Pic: Jamie Body/Head/Hair 9/Eyes dk blue My own old skin (looks good everywhere except face, ftr, that's going to be a problem I think, skin is odd on the Jamie head) Adjusted Jamie Shape #2, but still weird looking Ftr, I don't like the height of Jamie out the box even if it was a nice shape, it's too tall for my liking, lol. To get the shape editor to state my av height like my usual shape is, or close, I have to drop the height way tf down. Also I made no changes to the head shape at all because that's a whole nother can of worms, I was more worried about the body part for this test. Shape issues- The editor states the arms muscles are at 77, which is ridiculously high to still look like twigs, so, not sure what's up with that part. Even setting them to 100(4th pic) gives almost no muscle at all, which is weird to me. Like others said, some sliders respond either very little or none at al. I set love handles to 100 to get the waist to look like I still have internal organs. The torso length is also extremely long out of the box. I shortened it. Saddle bags affect the hips more than they do typically too, and the butt is set to 45 which is oddly bubbly without looking good (didn't get a pic of that, this is a thong bikini so, pg pics lol) The legs are bugging me, they're too turkey leg-ish and I can't really pinpoint why other than the fact that sliders don't all have the effects I expect them to, lol. I'm still working on it, but that's my novel for now.
  5. I would like to assume that's the case too, and if it is, that makes perfect sense (whether or not I like it, lol). I do also hope that everyone who applies gets the kit. So far I have no reason to believe that the lab won't approve everyone. Experiences I've had with copyright in rl makes me extra wary of convoluted legalese and pay close attention to any phrasing designed as CYOA (though I totally understand its necessity from a business perspective). I err on the side of being extra cautious and careful, but that's just me. I can see why others might too, and I can understand their apprehension with the wording. It's good to be cautious when it's something you work to create yourself and want to protect. I can still make the things I want to, for myself, anything that doesn't need the kit anyway lol. I just won't, for others or make meshes unless I want to apply for the kit. I haven't yet made my mind up on that. I'm giving it time to come out and be "a thing", give it a chance to get off the ground and have more kinks worked out first. I think that's the best way to do it for me. I look forward to seeing what others make too, though. I've seen what people can do with system stuff, sculpts, prims and now mesh, so, could be some awesome stuff.
  6. I saw that. His clarifications actually only take a CYA stance. That's totally not a dig on Patch of course, it's what he has to do and what any smart legal team would tell him to do. But he didn't actually clarify anything except to say "but we might not take that part seriously". I'm glad he tried, really, it helps a lot to at least try and clear things up. His clarification says "we'll only use it for stuff we can't yet tell you about" (which is a good attempt at trying to ease some minds), but the contract you agree to, says otherwise (which is pretty typical in business, lol). That's also not a dig at the lab either, all of their TOS and such things are written on convoluted legalese too, lol. I just take some issues with the way some things are worded, personally, an how they can be potentially applied in the future. I still reserve the right to change my mind at a later date though, and I might, who knows. For now I can at least make BOM stuff for myself if I want to try it on and mess about with it. I used to make system clothes in sl, so that part will be easy. Long live my flexis and sculpt parts, I'm so bringing them back! dun...dun....duuunnnnnnnnnnn (ok not really) (but maaaaaaaaybe....)
  7. I'm still reading through another thread on it. I was going to use one of these bodies when it came out after reading about it before. But then I got the free mesh body I have now and I'm quite pleased with it. I was going to apply to get the dev kit for the senra bodies, but I have changed my mind on that (and reserve the right to change it again lmao) because of some of the terms you have to agree to. I don't mind applying, even if I don't think that's in their best interest. What I won't do, is submit my creations for their review before I can even upload them. That goes against how I feel about creating in sl in general, so, I'm torn on that whole bit atm. So far responses I've seen, and all the creators who have been in here making stuff for 14+ years being angry about the lab ignoring them entirely is making me stick to my guns on that one. They know way more than I do, I've only ever made system stuff, sculpts, prims and some full perm mesh stuff I've bought. So if long term creators that i respect are taking issue, I'm going to sit and watch that unfold for a bit. I haven't tried the body on yet, I plan to just to see if I can work on some system stuff which I can make BOM, but it's not like I can sell it or even give it away for use with them since I have to get the okay to do that from the lab. That totally defeats my whole purpose, but we'll see, it might be fun for testing out my texturing skills again. I won't be wearing them though. I like the body I have, lol..
  8. How about two, to make up for my poor performance thus far
  9. Nu uh, not my fault. IT's luna's, she was talking about her friend's stalker and asked about listeners. I easily go off on tangents though, lmao.
  10. I know you used to be able to. But I tried it, and Qie was quite right, you can't anymore. It never used to say both in the lil popup and local chat that you can't edit the no-mod item, but now it does. I bet that whole message about possibly breaking an item is just a remnant from the old "yes you can take that out, but it's going to brick, are you sure you want to brick, are you reeeeeeeeally sure you want to?" time period when we could delete scripts from no-mod stuff.
  11. Funny you ask that. My cousin was cleaning junk out from a house and had her kids with. The kids wanted to play with "the funny machine", aka, fax machine. As most things do, it kept them occupied for all of about five seconds. She went back the next day to get the rest all cleaned out and the damn thing scared the crap out of her when someone sent a fax to it. I don't think it was meant for that number, or why that number even still worked. I was lmao, she thought it was haunted and completely forgot her kids were playing with it the day before. I guess some people do still use them. What for, besides making a grown adult almost wet herself, who knows? Probably business crap, I imagine, lol.
  12. That very well may be a change then. I do know there was a popup warning, or at least when I was paying attention I think I recall a warning, lol. I'm sure I just clicked ok anyway since breaking it was exactly what I aimed to do. Oh and yes we were talking about the same thing, no-mod objects, not the scripts themselves. Well hell, it should let me break whatever I want to break damnit, as long as I know I'll be bricking it by taking out scripts. That used to be fun with little things people made that looked awesome but did stuff I didn't need it to do.
  13. I haven't tested it since I came back, but I used to take them out of things all the time that I didn't need to function just wanted to look cute. It "broke" anything that should have done something, but that was usually my goal. I had some decor items that did "things" like play music or talk in chat, etc.. They were nice decor items, I didn't need them to do those things. I couldn't edit or look at the script of course, or essentially turn it off, but remove it, no prob. Maybe they changed this though, I'll have to check later when I log in.
  14. My advice is only based on what I used to know, things may have changed since I was last here. Anything can be used to read local chat, unless it comes in the form of owner say or chat that goes to a specific av/UUID. So, in theory, yes something can be turned into a listener through scripting. The script can't be made impossible to find in an object when the object is taken into edit mode. It can be made so you can't see what it does, but it will always be present in the item, somewhere. It might not be in the root prim of something, you you'll have to look at all of its parts. It also can't be made so that it can't be removed. It can be made to make an item no longer function once removed (both with other scripts or even on its own if the function was directed by it). But you can always remove them. That's all just for local though and will only read/record/disperse what local chat can read. But I don't exactly know how that will garner information about where someone will be unless they only talk to others in local chat. If your friend suspects an item, have that friend look at everything out, the script will be there, somewhere, if it exists. It's more likely that: your friend has someone else telling this person where she is without your friend knowing it, your friend is friends with this stalker on another name, or your friend has patterns (and those are easy to determine and follow). I'd say the last one is the most likely, but the other two are likely, and all three are far more likely than a listener object spying on her.
  15. I have been unintentionally, though sometimes comically, been entering people's parcels and sims a lot lately. One place I did it twice without realizing because of 2 different lms to 2 different spots on the land lol. Old lms are tricky lil things. I try not to be a nuisance and I leave really fast, but I'm sure my simple tping in has annoyed at least one person. Shrugs. It's not my fault these places moved, so best to set security if you don't want anyone tping in. Ban lines may or may not help. Unless the lab has changed things (I don't think they have), I don't think they go the full height of a parcel unless it's a specific ban of a specific av. Just because it hasn't happened until recently doesn't mean it can't and won't happen again. If that used to be where an event was held, it makes even more sense that it only happened recently (around whenever that event happens, probably). If it was a club, store, someone's family land, all equally possible.
  16. Sup Bazzilla, welcome in! I'm not new to sl, but new-er to the forums myself. Make sure to fasten your seatbelt, keep your arms, legs and any appendages you like having inside the vehicle at all times. Enjoy your stay!
  17. Context and consent matter. Some rp I don't mind one bit, some bothers me tremendously. This is where context comes into play the most. While I may not like everyone's flavor of rp and may not want to participate at all in it, I won't necessarily be extremely bothered by it at all times. I can't stand ickle baby speak, but I'm not going to chastise someone in local for using it around me. I also won't rp with them, I'll walk away. No one is owed my response, to anything, not that I think everyone believes they are. There are other types of rp I just won't even acknowledge, much less engage in, in any form. Some of those types may get told which of their own orifices they can place their rp. Context and consent, both are super easy.
  18. Never met a toxic one myself, just two really weird ones, lol. I've never banned them, but they came close!
  19. Yes I can, if I own the land. I can ban anyone I want for any reason I want. I banned those d-bags on lands I rented, sims I managed, even a club I managed. I'm allowed to do that, the lab says so. Also, how do you know they're only rp-ing that they're a jerk, maybe they really are. Another also, I know some pretty weird squirrels I might not want on my land too, but that's besides the point and off topic I think.
  20. Forced rp in sl isn't welcome. It's never been welcome, it will never be welcome. I have a feeling there are things you don't like "ist" things that would get your goat and get you all riled up if people started saying and doing them (even in a textual rp, again one you didn't agree to beforehand), that you'd complain about too. I think you're just looking to be offended about something and GOR is it today. Maybe it's because you enjoy it, or have friends who do, or have friends who left sl to do it somewhere else and you're mad about it. Either way, I'm not sorry the behaviors so often acted out by people very into that style of RP have long since stopped. Sl is better for that, at least, even if it meant people left. No one in sl should have to put up with "ist" behavior.
  21. I think it was being recommended as much back then, it was just so prevalent. Griefing in general was more prevalent in sl (and I consider behaving like that to be griefing in it's own form). Ignoring people works, for the most part, but it doesn't stop the behavior for everyone else in the same way a ban on a sim does. Bans solved a lot of problems for sim owners at one time. I can't say I blame them, really. I'd probably assue people were just exaggerating too, if it wasn't something I'd seen or dealt with. Because it does sound ridiculous. Then again, it's sl, lots of things are ridiculous lol. I think some people put that in their profile because they afk frequently or are more interested in ims than local. Too many gestures are something that makes me ignore local sometimes, though I don't think I've ever put that in my profile.
  22. It was definitely NOT exaggerated. I saw plenty of it, unfortunately. One of the land owners I worked for had to ban so many of them that preemptive bans were put into place and rules had to be made about the public lands they also owned. A few of the clubs I used to frequent had to also put in new rules. Honestly, it wasn't everyone, obviously, but there were enough of them. They didn't get their rap out of the blue, it was with reason, the same as many places have "no biting" rules, even still today because that too was annoying (and still is, lol).
  23. Oh dear lord. So you'd be perfectly happy if I came up to you in sl and, in local, started spouting off things laced with bigotry, racism, sexism, who knows how many other isms, treated you like you're just some stupid POS to be stepped on, ordered around, talked down to, treated like complete and utter garbage.....that's just fine by you because you're not really participating so it's ok for me to do that? Just because ONE person is rp-ing that bs, doesn't mean everyone else around has to, or wants to, or wants it on sims they own or manage. THAT is the kind of bs that got people in GOR banned from sims, because it happened with such frequency it made places so uncomfortable for others. I don't care if you experienced it or not, I did. I saw others experience it. I've read others' experiences too. Those people who participated in that ROLEPLAY which you seem to need to emphasis for no real reason at all because we all know it is, are the very ones that sent others who weren't into behaving like miscreant cretins to look for somewhere else to go or something else to get into. They are the very people that drove the "good people of GOR" elsewhere by contributing to, and creating, the bad rap it has. Blame them, not everyone else in sl for driving GOR down. No it's mostly because people don't want to, have to, or have to want to, participate in your chosen roleplay whatever that might be. We know real from not real, we're still free to be irritated by other people's need to rp everything, everywhere, at all times and getting angry when the rest of us don't want to be active participants. Not everyone is rp-ing constantly in sl.
  24. I was responding to you asking if anyone had looked it up or mentioned conan. No one did, because you did. I don't know why you expect everyone else to know where all the GOR people went. It was pretty clear everyone didn't, and doesn't. You mean like tons of other sims that have come and gone over the years? Most of my old lms lead to either nowhere, or new places now. Some of them used to span 5+ sims, but they're long gone. ***** happens They associate that because they behaved that way, end of. I don't care what they did on their own lands, in their own homes, on sims they were welcome. I care how they behaved off them, and that was so atrocious so frequently that they had to be told to GTFO. Shrugs. Why defend the very idiots that got GOR the crap rep it had, and still has in some cases? Those misbehaving wanderers are part of the reason so many left GOR (either to go somewhere else, or completely).
  25. I would much rather sl be less active then have to continually deal with the bs GOR male avs were dishing out left and right. Maybe others didn't and don't care about that or never experienced the absolute douchebaggery of it all, but I did. Obviously others did too. I would feel the same about ANY group of people, male or female, that went around treating people the way so many people in GOR did. Does that mean everyone who was in it was a bad person? Of course it doesn't, but I won't be sad that it's no longer around. Clubs, stores, nature sims, museums, who knows how many places, didn't just ban bloodlines, biting, GOR, etc. because they were behaving themselves in public, lmao. It would be nice for sl to be more active, no doubt, but I don't think making GOR super active like it used to be is the route anyone should take to get it there. Not that I do have answers, because I don't, lol. People stopped participating in it for their own reasons, and there could be many of them. I know why my friends stopped. I don't know, or care, why others did. I do know that plenty of people who used to be into GOR are still in sl though, so I doubt GOR slowing to a crawl or less has affected concurrency as much as some want people to think. Breedables aren't as popular as they once were and there were definitely way more people into that(still are, for the ones still around), but it hasn't killed concurrency either. Lots of things contribute to that.
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