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Casidy Silvercloud

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Everything posted by Casidy Silvercloud

  1. My pet delight isn't just for today, but, for a while. I've decided that I need to leave peeves at the door. This has been, is currently, and will continue to be a rough season in my life, I've come to realize. I don't have room to let peeves get in the way, for now, not even little ones. I've decided that I need to give myself all the grace I need now and might need in the future to deal with such a season. I am doing all the things I need to do, in order to do that. Hopes and dreams, when I come out the other side, definitely not fully unscathed, I'll have afforded myself all the grace that was necessary. We shall see. I have enough stuff to face, and don't have the wherewithal to allow even the teensiest negativity to slip through the open cracks. So, I shall leave my peeves at the door where they belong, ignoring their existence makes it easier to find what I need to find, instead. It's certainly easy to find peeves, or let them find me. I've realized that even itty bitty baby peeves grow up and turn into big adult peeves, they're a lot more difficult to defeat and I'm ill-prepared. Best to not engage, encourage or acknowledge them at all. I'm only typing this out for my own benefit. Once it's out there, I can't take it back!
  2. I am going to single handedly keep this thread going if it kills me, lmao. The world needs more delights and I'm waiting for my dad to bring me dinner and a different med. Have I mentioned how much I love my parents? Since I posted a peeve, I should also post delights, I'm breaking my own rule if I don't. This is a silly one, and it's both sweet, and kind of not. Yesterday I had one of the students in another class ask me out for her older brother. Not because he told her to ask me out, mind you, but because she, I quote, is "worried about him, 'cuz his girlfriend was mean and left". She said she was asking me because she thinks that I don't have a boyfriend and she doesn't want either of us to be sad, so we should date. No one told me about this part, where in the manual does it cover these kinds of awkward situations? I have had a lot of them since I started teaching, absolutely nothing prepares you, just have to roll with the punches. Also, I didn't think I was giving off "sad and need a man" vibes, I'm still fairly certain I don't. I could be wrong, lmao. Kids are wild man, wild. They pick up things you don't even know you're putting down. Still, at least she thought she was doing a good thing, right? It's still sweet, mostly, if a little weird.
  3. Sadly, no, I had the migraine when I woke up. I get them every now and then, usually meds help a bit. It was a long day at school today though and I'm certain that didn't help any. The day after holidays can get like that with little kids sometimes. They're still figuring out how to be students at this point, I give them as much leeway as I can and we have minimal work days when things start to really go awry. You're welcome, and you just reminded me I still haven't seen that movie, lmao. I really need to. It's on my list of movies. I should watch it.
  4. My only peeve today is I have a migraine that's made the unilateral decision that I cannot be left on my own, and it's managed thwarting meds. Migraines are a pain, har har, all on their own. They are an even bigger pain the day after a holiday when children are sugared up beyond belief and no one is prepared or inclined to behave like a human being. This town's ToT was Saturday, but most surrounding towns have it on the 31st. I did get to confiscate a very large bag (really big tote almost completely full) of candy today though, because it was being used as a weapon. The mom at pickup said "keep it, I told him not to take it out of my room and he did it twice, so now he gets nothing". So, kudos to that mom and yay for my desk drawer full of lunch candy!
  5. Holy frijoles, even my lowest graphic settings are higher than that. My system is definitely old, I'm pretty sure about 12 years (with integrated graphics), and certainly can't run on high or use ALM for long if I'm around a lot of people. It can still be set higher than that without causing problems. I thought my settings were pretty low and had been feeling a bit bad about them, because there really isn't anything I'm able to do at this time to fix that problem. I guess I'm doing better than I thought! Go me!
  6. I have a brother I did not speak to for a solid month once because he ruined a show for me, lmao. I warned him to shut his yap and he chose not to listen, his fault. I would feel the same with games too, if I played any, honestly. Why do people feel the need to spoil things for others, so annoying! It's the weirdest thing to spoil too. They're innocent, harmless, little vices and someone's gotta go and destroy it like they're saving the planet or something. Today's peeve, my usual, and it's not even really a peeve just, an ongoing and sometimes monotonous annoyance. I say this after just paying bills. Simply being an adult, lmao. Like some years back a tiny egg and a tiny sperm got together and said "let's smash". So now I get to pay bills and be responsible for the rest of my life. I got the short end of that deal, I'd say! I tell my parents that all the time and they just shrug and say "well, we had fun!". I love my parents, lmao. I've been an adult for several years now, but I haven't yet come to terms with it, obviously. It doesn't help when I am the after school crossing guard and keep getting comments about "Oh you must be working on your senior community service hours, out here helping the elementary kids". Then a kid pipes up with "No, that's Miss (initial), she teaches first grade". The looks on their faces when they get it wrong though, lmao.
  7. Peeve for tonight, people who try to spoil shows or movies for me. UGH! I may look and behave sweet as pie, but that does not mean I lack the capability of throat punching someone into the next century. I swear to all that is holy, this is a hill I will absolutely die on. Leave me and my little innocent vices alone, I have so few of them. I swear I have the weirdest peeves, don't I? Talk about first world problems, lmao.
  8. No, it would be the stupidest move the lab ever made. It would definitely lead to more sky is falling complaints, except those people might actually be right this time. I would venture a guess that non-premium accounts bring in more money overall than all of the premium accounts combined. There are more non-premium accounts than there are premium. People who pay premium aren't somehow immune to being a griefer, either. Not to mention that griefing looks different depending on who you talk to. I don't have a premium account, I never have, and likely never will. There is no incentive worth the, very hefty upfront (for me), expense. I have more important things to spend that money on, like snacks for my belly, and fun things for my classroom.
  9. I really do love the smell of construction paper, glue, paint, paper in general I guess, dough, clay, even powdered tempera paint has a lovely scent. I still use paste occasionally, because I love the scent of that too, it's just not a very good adhesive. Right now my classroom smells like leaves, apples and dirt, because we have a lot of nature projects happening. We have a bunch of leaves and dirt just chilling around the room and apple heads drying. That's one of the best parts of teaching, I get to engage my childhood brain and bring back all of the memories. Although it hasn't been very long since I experienced them firsthand, lmao. None of this has anything to do with the thread, except that I like the scent of fall and it definitely affects my desire to decorate in sl for the season.
  10. It so does, but that's probably because I am an elementary school teacher, I love the smell of construction paper, and I have a crush on myself. LMAO
  11. It's trick or treat night here. Normally, I pass out bags full of candy, every year, without fail. A couple of years it's been a bit less candy or candy and other things, stickers, tattoos, snacks, the fun stuff. But I have done it every year since I moved out of my parents home. This year my little outside light is off, my front door is closed, and there will be no trick or treaters at my door. Being a responsible adult sucks the life out of, life. I know, first world problems, but it's my only peeve today, and it's a sad one.
  12. My unpopular opinion about sl right now is that sims 4 is way more fun and overall a much better experience. Also, sims 4 is free (even packs if you're a rebel, lmao), has mods, NPCs, is less peopley. I like the forums, good people here (even people I don't agree with), but I really don't like the whole of sl right now. I'm having some personal beef with sl, and the peopley nature of it, though. I've travelled this road before. At least this time I have an alternative.
  13. Well I didn't blow up. Also I have heat, I did it!! Also, I had cookies for dinner, because that was really hard.
  14. I have a very good, and big, delight today! My blower motor is here! Of course it comes the day it's over 70 degrees, and not one of the days it was below 50, because, that's how life works, right? I am 95% sure it's the right part. I am about 75% sure I can put it in, properly, and get it to function the way it should on the first couple of tries. I spent a lot of the weekend watching and reading every single tutorial I could, some more than once. I think I know what I'm doing, but there are a couple things I'm a little unsure of and will need to fiddle with. If I don't come back, you'll know it didn't go well. Wish me luck!
  15. I've always wanted to be in a band called That Band. Then when people talk about our music they could say "I love that band" and such. The first album would be called That Album. The first song That Song. It would become a whole "who's on first" situation, and my kind of chaos.
  16. This depends solely on the kind of snacks you promise to give me. I follow snacks, snacks rarely let me down!
  17. Yes, this, exactly. Little of my inventory is sorted and mostly the areas that are sorted aren't sorted well, compared to what some describe. Like I have a whole folder of scandalize stuff, but not all of it is in there and it's not sorted in the least beyond that. It's not for any organizational reason though, purely so I didn't see the word scandalize for five minutes straight while scrolling inventory. My entire life is chaos at times and to be honest, I kind of like it, even the bad chaos that sometimes breaks my little heart. It's MY chaos and I've grown very fond of it over the years. I'd be lost without it, I bet. I say this as derp is in the living room running from room to room with toys and bags, knocking and getting into boxes I really need to break down and sort. He already knocked over a dvd shelf I made in shop class when I was 16 that barely qualifies as such. I'll clean that whole mess up when I get to it. The world won't end because the dog defeated my shoddy craftsmanship from high school scattering dvds across the floor, dragged empty boxes all over my house, or broke into my curriculum boxes to see what presents I got that aren't dog treats. He's enjoying himself, I'm enjoying the chaos he's causing. It's a blistery blustery day outside today, we're staying inside.
  18. I solve this issue by not sorting it at all and leaving it up to chaos to sort things for me. It works nicely, so far. But then I think we've well established that I am a big fan of chaos. I just leave things in the folders they come in and hope I'll remember. If not, and quite likely not, I'm doing a generic search if I go looking for stuff again. Mostly though, I just don't redecorate often enough for it to be a problem. Decorating outside for Halloween was easy, a lot of it I had just gotten as gifts from SnH, or just doing generic searches of my inventory for things like pumpkin, Halloween, and things like that. I only actually buy furniture from specific creators, so a search of that store name will bring up everything I have (pictures are in the folders they come in usually too, but if not, I can rez things easily to see what they are).
  19. By far, the most comprehensive list https://ryanschultz.com/2019/11/24/clip-and-save-ryans-all-in-one-guide-to-freebies-in-second-life/ Welcome to sl!
  20. I think I understand now. I guess I never really pay attention to the fact that they're all in individual folders, because they just all pop open and I do it so quickly it's become second nature for me to not even notice the folder they're in. I just scroll through, highlight, delete and keep moving. I just had to do this back in the summer when I went a little crazy after getting the atenea body and gathered up as many freebies as I could find in just a short time (my first mesh body it was fun). It was madness and my inventory easily grew by 10s of thousands in that time. So I had to go through and delete all the bodies I didn't need, lms, ncs, scripts. I can see why that would be very tedious at times. I just run through the process so fast, I probably don't even notice how irritating it might be for some people. If they all popped up in a new window, for whatever reason people needed, deleting or organizing, I can see where that could be very helpful.
  21. It's one of those "it hurts when I touch the cut on my arm", "why are you touching it then?", "because I gotta" sort of deals. Sometimes the not touching part is really, really hard., lmao.
  22. This is along the lines of where I was going. I stopped replying when the whole phishing comparison continued because it was apparent that further replies would get me absolutely nowhere, other than irritated. It wasn't a good comparison(there's a reason I went back to school to become a teacher, lmao). It's not a scam and nothing remotely like phishing. I still stand by the belief that IF someone is using it as a sales tactic, it's neither a big deal, nor effective as such. I don't think anyone actually believes those are rating stars. If someone actually sees those stars, in a store's name, and does believe that, may the odds be ever in their favor, I guess.
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