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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Lots of inconsistency among regions on the AWS cloud. My parcel on a private region, which was running 99% Scripts Run, and 7.50 ms of Spare Time before the uplift, is now running 84% Scripts and 0.001 ms Spare TIme after. No changes in active objects or # of scripts before and after the uplift that I can see, although the script time is using up most of the server cycle time now. But on my mainland parcel, I don't see any difference between SL/agni and the AWS cloud performance:
  2. Linden Realms has not really been uplifted at all that I know about - but they did add a duplicate LR region to Aditi , for testing purposes, which is in the Cloud. You cannot move your Aditi lindens to the main grid or cash them in, so it's just a test. At least I have not heard LR regions actually being moved - How would I know from looking at the region Info in Help/About? The region name would be the same. There is one added LR estate, LR47 etc now, that you can sometimes get sent to thru the portal. I wonder if that is in the cloud?
  3. That's rather generous tipping ! But if your budget can afford it, great. Make one request and you would tip me $1000L. I would not get the no spam bonus, because our club owner and manager requires the hostess and DJ to mention the club venue tip box once an hour. Sometimes I forget though, but that hurts the club owner, since newbies usually have no idea where the club venue tip jar is - It's not obvious. Tipping the club also sends you a gift, that varies each week. I have never had a hostess that NEVER asks the patrons to tip the DJ if you like their music. I feel embarrassed when they do ask, even if only once an hour, but it's part of the club culture to remind patrons. Sometimes I forget to tip until the hostess mentions it. Not sure what you consider SPAM, but one spam/hour hardly seems punishable to me. I also see no correlation between hostess spam and her/his tips. A good hostess is worth tipping, whether she spams or not. The best hostess I know spams too often, usually a one liner to tip the DJ - BUT she also greets AND talks to everyone in the club, IM's them if she knows them or they are new, and provides endless entertainment while the DJ does his job of selecting songs and taking requests. She also keeps track of patron's RL and SL birthdays, puts up signs and decorations for their parties, and spams the music groups once an hour, as is required by management. She is exhausted at the end of a two hour set. I suspect different music genres have different club rules - when I see an inactive local chat, with peeps not even tuning into the DJ, a figure they are there to pick up women for a one nighter. If I knew who they were, I would ban them We have a social club with loyal patrons, not a meat market like some clubs with large silent audiences.
  4. When I checked in Aditi only the Linden Realm portal was live, and just one LR estate was loaded. It's just a test to compare LR in the cloud vs the present LR and look for new bugs not already in the main LR. Region crossings were faster, there was no lag at all, and I didn't keep losing the HUD like in the existing LR servers. But then I was the only one in the entire LR estate, so I would expect no lag. The loading of the LR HUD was also fast when I entered the village from the portal. Unlike the existing LR, where the HUD either never loads, or can take minutes to load. The workaround to their non loading LR HUD is to run around outside the village and cross region boundaries. That usually wakes up the HUD loading after a minute or so. The HUD loading station in the village simply does not work anymore! Biggest problem with existing LR is when a region gets 8 or more avatars, or whenever a region is sharing with other overloaded regions, you get motion lag, rubberbanding, and loss of avatar control, which can lead to SL logging you out. Usually one of the quests are broken too, and you need to switch to other LR estates (there are three now, down from six) to complete all the quests. Whether the breakdowns and lag in the present LR will exist in the cloud is unknown - they need the dozens of avatars with multiple attached followers, the flyers with illegal huds, and the constant region crossing of avatars to really test it. So, without any avatars and their threesome cheaters, and the monsters bored unable to lock on and chase, the cloud looks good.
  5. You won't find anyone will those "skills" today. Commercial broadcast licenses are only for a broadcast station owner (not internet stations). DJ's have never needed a technical FCC radio license, and today most don't know the difference between an electron and a ripe banana. DJ hardware is obsolete - most commercial stations and DJ's use computers for all music and programming. CD's are about as useful today as a 1960's dial telephone with copper wires. Digital software is now the standard. Anyone using analog or early digital standalone hardware is just too old to upgrade. But photos of the racks are still impressive. A following, eg fans, is about all that's important. Most DJ's with fans have active promotion, managers that spam the clubs. A DJ with a harem also helps, BDSM, GOR, Bloodlines, Bikers - wherever you can collect willing slaves to attend your sets is useful Even the most popular DJ's with 1000 fans in their groups (a handful in SL) will be lucky to get 20 of them come to a set, if it's a new club. The largest crowds are attracted to the club atmosphere and reputation, not the DJ. And those clubs do not pay the DJ. Those clubs do well when their house stream is on, and no DJ or hostess present. And don't forget the hostess - a popular hostess, with 1500 friends on her list and a really great forward personality can bring in more people than most DJ's. Sadly, there are only a handful like that. My tips for a 2 hr set range from 2,000 to 10,000 - tips only - depends much on who is in the audience. Average is 2500/set for 4 sets/week. I don't think I am unskilled - was a professional FM radio DJ back when we could choose our own music and program themes - before 1980 and corporate radio bought out all the independents. In SL it is basically a hobby with pocket change. A hobby does not mean unskilled, just not profitable.
  6. Actually it has changed. I was using Firestorm 6.3.2 version, and they still use "Simulator Channel" in the drop-down, which is why I do not see the simulator version. Mine lists nothing in that field. Finally a reason to install the latest Firestorm version, w/ all the EEP bloat I never use. On second thought, I have no intentions of upgrading to the latest FS version or the EEP Beta - from the 140 comments on 6.3.9 alone, it has more bugs and stability problems than 6.3.2. If I want HD snapshots I can use another 3rd party viewer.
  7. I still don't see what you do - Is this a new addition to the latest Firestorm? https://i.gyazo.com/52b97f443fc6e26d8c5a8f589522aae3.png No build number listed anywhere.
  8. I don't see simulator version in the top menu, and I have both options checked. To see the simulator I need go to Help/About Firestorm and look under Second Life Server 2020-08-17T21:59:51.547110
  9. Yes there is - see this blog, all you need to know to adjust your camera positions: Improved SL Camera 2016 version <=LINK You should also be using Firestorm, and use their Backup/Restore feature, so you don't lose your settings if you re-install.
  10. I suspect Visibility was turned off, and the OP did not actually walk on the parcel they were standing. Another technical question though - How do you make your tags completely invisible to others? (on the same parcel of course.) Viewers have options for viewing name tags of others in General Preferences - but nothing about hiding your own from others. You can still see the account name on Radar/People, and the letters are visible characters. Is there a script you can wear that completely hides your tags from others?
  11. "R - Floor: Come closer. You must be no more than 5 meters from the crystal to touch it." So much for crystal detectors - This has been standard in the LR for the last 2 years. You can't stand in one spot and pick off crystals that are not next to you. Teleports are ONLY allowed between 3 locations in the LR. Try to TP elsewhere and you will still end up at one of the 3 designated allowed TP points. Two are recovery safe areas, and the other is the Village. A speed enhancer does not let you collect crystals any faster - in fact you lose control. They might save you a few MINUTES in running the 4 quests. It takes about 15 minutes to complete all four quests with NO enhancement HUDS. You can only cash in the quests once a week for 50 $L. So these speed cheaters spend 10 mins in the LR per week! OMG the sky is falling, and they are to blame because I can't find a green crystal. So much BS. Develop some game skills instead of blaming others for your lack of skill. Remain stationary at any location other than the village for more that 9 mins and you are transported to the Portal Park, outside the Realms. I wasted 30 mins watching the minimap green dots this morning, as nafys suggested. I saw exactly TWO avatars using a speed/flying HUD. Neither one of them collected any crystals or completed any quest. They must not have found a green crystal to begin the quest, so they left. What effect would they have on another player - ZERO! Molly, I suggest you actually play the present LR game, so your understanding of the changes is up to date.
  12. Grossly False! How do you "cheat" when collecting crystals? You haven't been there for years, if ever, based on your silly comments.
  13. I have run across people who seem to think that "all green crystals belong to them", despite they are just standing in a safe zone and watching other players collect green crystals with their cam. I am not sure where this entitled attitude comes from, but there is nothing in the LR rules that say everyone must only take one green crystal, or you are a meanie that harm others. This is a game, not a charity. Finding the green crystals is a combination of skill and luck. I have never used any "speed hud" and have always found my first green crystal in the first hour of play. Sometimes I am lucky and find several greenies in the first region I enter. But since I am collecting ALL colors of crystals to cash in later, while I am running all over the regions looking for a green crystal I am also collecting the more common crystals. My rule of thumb is that I will find a green crystal by the time I have collected 100 orange ones. It seldom fails. Knowing where and when to look, what the cycle state of the crystals for each region is, and who is competing for crystals, is all part of the skill set. I can't remember the time when someone using a "speed hud" stole one of "my" green crystals. If they got it first it was because they were closer then I was, meaning they arrived first. For the first few months after opening the new LR, there were a few notorious players that were both flying and speeding, usually with a tiny invisible body to reduce detection. They seem to have all been banned, since I never see them anymore. In fact I am usually the only player in regions where you are most likely to find a green crystal. And if there is one, there are usually more, including some blue crystals. There are also times when some regions just turn off crystal generation for an hour or more. In which case, you reenter the portal to a different LR. Regions get broken all the time - its part of the game to recognize that, and simply find one that is working.
  14. Yep, you have the best account that has NO privileges of the inferior Premium account. Your status could be on hold for years. LL responds to issues that increase their revenue within hours. Unless you start making more noise, you might be at the bottom of a long que of "things to do someday". Have you checked the Linden Home page to see if you are eligible for one? You have 4096 sqm of tier available, meaning you are not a Basic member, but I suspect they didn't program that for Charter members either. On second thought, you might find out you have NONE of the Premium member perks, because they didn't exist in 2003. All you get is your 4096 sqm tier and $500/week stipend. That should allow you to buy mainland directly from a private seller and use your free tier for that, and probably buy abandoned land from LL (using a ticket to start the process.)
  15. Well it's been around for about 4 weeks already. If LL knows nothing of this, they should now If they restricted the age to 16 and 17, and they stayed in General regions, it would be legal according to the TOS. Why would anyone spend a few thousand USD on a project that was illegal and would be shut down by LL in seconds if it was not approved?
  16. Judging by the latest youtube videos of the lodge, it looks like the SL moles gave them a copy of the empty Campwich lodge in Bellisseria. Maybe the part-time moles have picked another landscaping project on the side. The joined regions are all General rated, and not accessible by SL members. Restricting access in and out of a region is trivial in SL. It's up to the parents to prevent an underage (<16) child from getting an actual SL account. And I agree, LL must be fully aware of this project, and are making extra income from the land fees and special restrictions. My only concern is mixing 7 to 17 in the same estate. That happens in RL camp though, some counselers are under 18, but parents send their kids to camps anyway. Or maybe they will bracket age groups scheduled for different weeks. Be interesting to see if it works. Lots of green dots on the regions this summer should tell that.
  17. PaleoQuest A3, the golden tooth swamp jumping is broken. Simply walking 10 meters sends you back to the resurrection circle, accusing you of using a speed enhancer. No one is able to complete or even start this quest today. I think the Linden's should try to fix their servers and software, before they worry about cheaters. But perhaps this is their solution: make it impossible for ALL to complete the 2nd quest. That will slow those cheaters down, yes that's the ticket! Actually this so called speed bug has affected all of the quests. Legal running or jumping sends you back to the beginning on every quest - but the 2nd quest is always the worst. And no you can not get to the B3 Paleoquest, which is still working. File a ticket? Sure why not - it has never helped in the past.
  18. Can someone list an RC region with 542403, that is public and not Premium only, please? NM, Maestro Linden provided some regions in the other thread. Thank You
  19. We were on 541970, and we rolled this morning to 542391, which does not have the time/date fix (: All the RC channel regions I visit are on 542391 now. Still looking for an RC public region on 542403, so I can at least sent an alt there to check group notices. Seems they put the time/date fix on the fewest number of RC regions. Would be nice if they would reveal RC channel names too, but I guess they change these so often now they would get those wrong.
  20. Second Life Server: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/simulator/2020-05-08T19%3A15%3A39.541970.html Scheduled Tuesday 2020-05-19 03:00-09:00 PDT Second Life RC: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/simulator/2020-05-15T18%3A31%3A37.542403.html <== only one that fixes timestamp Bug https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/simulator/2020-05-15T17%3A44%3A47.542391.html Scheduled Wednesday 2020-05-20 07:00-10:30 PDT ========================================= 2020-05-15T18:31:37.542403 Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Release Notes Fixes a high profile bug in group notice archive timestamps. Also includes some internal fixes. Resolved Issues BUG-228696 Group notices do not display proper timestamps =========================================== So the timestamp bug fix will only occur on one of the RC channels this week, on Wednesday AM? I hope our club sim is the lucky RC channel that gets fixed. That won't help everyone else on the Main Channel who uses the Group Notices archive to find present events!
  21. Investigating - We are aware of an issue with Group Notice timestamps showing the wrong date on some viewers. We've identified the issue and are working on a fix. Ref: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-228562May 12, 17:16 PDT Some Viewers? The Bug shows in the latest LL Viewer, and Firestorm. What viewers are not affected? (Of course it's not the viewer, as the Status report wrongly implies...) Latest LL Viewer.
  22. Since LL put the same Bug on both RC channels and now the Main Server channel, the answer is no. There is no indication the next roll on Wed for the RC servers will fix this bug, as it has been classified as "minor", and has not yet been assigned. This affects all businesses in SL that use Groups: Events, Clubs and Store owners. If every commercial group owner and club owner would file a ticket with LL, well after 5000 tickets, perhaps LL might upgrade the priority? Nah ...
  23. And today they put the Main Channel on 2020-05-01T18:46:43.541440 , so this bug affects nearly everyone!
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