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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Nalytha wrote: Well, the guilt kind of started eating at me as well as the knowledge that my home looked like a noob made it. Well.. a noob did make it. So I put it up for sale. I might make a small profit. Oh please don't sell only because you're afraid the neighbors may not like it. At least ask first. What if the guy who bought most of the land did it not because he needed the land or the prims but simply to keep the eyesore makers away? That may very well be the case and if it is, I can promise you he's very happy to have you as a neighbor no matter what you may think of your build yourself.
  2. wherorangi wrote: look at the pic that ChinRey posted and think: how could I make something like that work ? As much as I'd love to steal the credits, it was Parhelion Palou who posted that lovely picture, not me.
  3. What does the win_crash_logger.exe actually do? I've only noticed it because it always fails to install when I update the viewer. Checking the task manager I see it somehow has been installed at some point anyway, two instances taking up more than 25% of my cpu's precious time. Anyway, I've just killed both instances along with the four(!) instances of slpulgin.exe and so far I can't see any negative effect whatsoever.
  4. Alwin Alcott wrote: ... and don't go where he hangs out all the time That's very good advice. I think I know who we are talking about here and that person always hangs out at the same infohub. If it's somebody else, well griefers tend to be very territorial. There are seedy part of Second Life where you don't want to go if you're sensitive to verbal abuse and infantile pranks. Not that many though and it's a big world.
  5. Nalates Urriah wrote: But, they have been messing with servers in Aditi. It is a testing grid. But, a lot more than usual has been changing in Aditi. Has it? I haven't seen that error recently but I've been so busy sorting out my backlog of meshes I haven't had time to do much building the last week or two. I may have missed the excitement this time. Nalates Urriah wrote: Hopefully this will pass. Always does. These errors come in waves.
  6. Vulpinus wrote: Or is it just a regular Aditi annoyance? I'm afraid so. Aditi is a testing grid after all so things aren't quite as stable as the main grid. The usual solution: Patience. If you're in a hurry and don't need to test LI or physics shape, you can log on to another grid instead. I use my own private grid in those cases but there are several public grids with free mesh uploads too.
  7. QueenOfMassacre wrote: Is it appropriate to report him, even if it's after the fact? Yes but the sooner you report, the better. QueenOfMassacre wrote: Is it okay to report his new alts when I spot them? You mean before he's done anything at all with that alt? If you can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it is him maybe but how are you going to do that?
  8. I'm sorry I can't reply in Spanish. Hope English is ok. If you still know and have the email address the account was associated with, got to secondlife.com click on Sign In and then on "Forgot my password". If you don't have access to the email address, you need to open a support case: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  9. Linden Lab had to throttle the http requests a while ago because people were abusing it to such an extent sims were starting to crash under the load. And, ummm... not sure how to put this nicely: This is the HUD for a piece of clothing, right? And it sends http requests every five seconds or so? That's exactly the kind of http request abuse LL had to put a stop to.
  10. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. The limitations are: The item has to either be modifiable or come with a resizer script already installed. No single part of the item can be smaller than 0.1 cm. This is often a problem with shoes since they are often made from many very small parts. No single part of the item can be bigger than 64 - that's never a problem with wearables though. Fitted mesh can not be resized. If you want to resize something, first make sure you have a backup copy! If something goes wrong (and it probably will if you've never tried it before), just delete, create a new copy and try again. To resize manually, right-click on the item and select "Edit". Then Hold down the ctrl and shift keys, click on one of the little white boxes that appear and drag it until you get the right size. Or, perhaps better, get a copy of a free general purpose resizer script, such as the MBAGR. Drag the script onto the item, click on it and there you go!
  11. Nalytha wrote: Well, the guilt kind of started eating at me as well as the knowledge that my home looked like a noob made it. Well.. a noob did make it. So I put it up for sale. I might make a small profit. You call that a noob build? Good thing you never saw my first attempt at making an SL home then.
  12. AdamZadig wrote: So i noticed the SLOCCA badges on some brands and decided to apply but after two weeks of no response im assuming theyre busy or dont accept new/small brands like mine. First time I even heard of the group to be honest. I've just sent in an application and got a message it could take up to 14 days for them to reply. 14 days - that usually means about four weeks for stuff like this. We'll see what happens. ;-) Actually it's a good chance I get a response much faster since they're going to reject me right away. I didn't notice until after I had sent the form but it turns out they don't like full perm mesh sellers and I do have a small full perm store on the side.
  13. Yes you can only post inworld snapshots. There is a way to "cheat" though, promise not to tell anybody? Rez a prim Load the picture you want to post as a temporary texture on one face of the prim Set that face to full bright Size the prim to a suitable size and format Take snapshot I'm afraid you can't take multiple snapshots and choose. Once posted a picture stays posted. The snapshot you get is always the one you see in the preview image in the Snapshot window. You can't take pictures in 1st person view (I assume you mean mouselook) but you can move the camera anywhere you like, click on the refresh button in the Snapshot window to update the pciture with the new angle.
  14. Unlike other lag issues in SL, script count can have a significant impact here. When you enter a new sim what you essentially do is log on to a different server. That means, among other things, that the new server has to load and start every single script you carry with you and that may slow down the process considerably. Avoid those vehicles that are loaded down with dozens of scripts and remove all unneccesary scripts from you avatar (including the AO - no need for that while you're sitting still in a plane) and you'll have much less problems with sim crossings.
  15. You should have received an ibnvitation to the CasperTech User Support group when you bought CasperLet. I suggest you join the group and ask questions there. Both regular users and Casper himself and his official support people are very friendly and helpful! They also know a lot more than me but I'll try to answer as best as I can anyway: 1. How may I limit each Tenant use NOT more than 20 prims? You can't but you can use the prim counter to alert you and the tenant when they go over limit. 2. How may I limit each Tenant use only the shopping stall I give them, and not outside of it? Ummm... you could tell the tenants to behave? You could also partition off the stalls and only allow regular members of your tenant group to rez on those aprcels. 3. Once a Tenant rent a stall, how he would be added to the rez group automatically? You need a bot for that and that's hardly worth the extra effort and cost for an operation as small as you describe. You may also want to think twice whether you want automatic group invitations. A few hours of delay shouldn't make much difference for long term tenants anyway and it's a good way to keep the shorttimers who are mroe trouble than they're worth away.
  16. I addition to Alwin's excellent suggestion: change your password too! It's a good precaution to do that every now anyway and you should always do it immediately if you have the slightest suspicion your account has been compromised.
  17. You're always welcome to Sakia's Tearoom - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Coniston/113/14/39 But ummm I'm not sure if it counts as a hotspot yet. It's only been open for two or three weeks and I think it takes a bit longer than that to build a crowd...
  18. ChinRey

    Beta Serveur

    Do you mean Aditi, the beta grid? No need to apply for that. In the Advanced tab of your viewer preferences, (Me->Preferences->Advanced), you'll find a checkbox named "Show Grid Selection at login". Click on that box and next time you log in you get a menu where you can choose which grid to log onto. (This is for the regular viewer btw, the fucntion may be hidden elsewhere on third party viewers.)
  19. To add to Ilithios' list, here's the text from Abnor Mole's "Good Neighbor Commandments Obelisk": Thou Shalt Beget Privacy Walls, Screens And Shrubbery Around Thy Land Which Please The Eye Of Thy Neighbor As They Do Thyself Thou Shalt Not Set Thy Security Orb To Teleport People Without At Least A One Minute Warning, Lest Thous Beest A Jerk Thou Shalt Not Block Roads Or Sea Lanes With Thy Objects, Nor Shall Ye Set Ban Lines, For They Are The Suck Thou Shalt Allow Build And Run Scripts On Thy Land And Use Autoreturn To Keep It Tidy, For It Is Thy Friend You can pick up your own copy of the obelix at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Coniston/7/49/35 and lots of other places too.
  20. Wow! :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  21. Ricky Shaftoe wrote: Thanks for your reply. I may contact the person, as you suggest. Yes, that is always the first thing you should try. Talking to people to solve problems seems to go against the very foundations of Second Life culture but it's amazing how often it works and it doesn't cost anything to try.
  22. Nalytha wrote: Any thoughts on how I should proceed? As everybody else have said already, you don't have to do anything. But, despite Alwin's snide remark, there are some truly wonderful places on mainland where different bulds by different people work together rather than fight each other and the one thing all the good places on mainland have in common is that the neighbors talk to each other. What would you do if you moved in to a lovely new house in a lovely neghborhood in RL? Would you lock the door and hide away from everybody esle or would you go out and say hello to your new neghbors?
  23. Nalytha wrote: I think who LL is targeting the most is the people who are actually going to spend money. So they care most about not just the casual players who never spend anything. They care about the money makers. Maybe but if so, we're talking big money here, individuals who spend/invest at least six digit number of dollars every year on SL. It's a dangerous route to take anyway. Most, possibly all, "free" online games and other services are financed by the "whales", the few big spenders, and those are of course the ones everybody want to recruit. But focusing too much on them and ignoring all the small fishes is bound to backfire because it's all those small fishes that attracts the whale and besides, every whale started as a small fish. (Yes, I know a whale isn't a fish, but let's not discuss biology here!)
  24. Perrie Juran wrote: ChinRey wrote: HarrisonMcKenzie wrote: Sansar isn't SL2. You mention that early on, but it's clear that it hasn't sunk in. That is a problem of course. Linden Lab, creators of the famous Second Life, is building a new virtual reality. Despite all the known facts, it's very hard not to think of it as "SL2". That probably explains the contradictions Nalytha mentioned: Just like everybody else, Ebbe and the other Lindens can't help thinking of Sansar as a Second Life replacement. Even though they know better, it's still there in the back of their minds. My first gut reaction to your statement, "Linden Lab.... is building a new virtual reality," was nope, that's wrong. At least in part it is but I'm not sure if in whole. So far the way that Sansar has been described they are building a new platform for others to build realities in. When SL opened, while yes it was a paltform also, there was a virtual reality (a small mainland) there for people to explore. (Am I splitting hairs here?) It's my fault if you are. I should have remembered to add quote marks around that sentence.
  25. Bobbie Faulds wrote: As for comparining SL to WoW, there is no comparison. WoW uses a set of textures that are optimized and used on everything in the game and are preloaded onto your computer. SL, however, is about 98% user created. Yes and that was an important part of my point. Even a scene optimized for efficiency as much as possible in SL, won't really be good enough for Sansar as LL describes it. I tried it once and although both I and other content creators who saw it were amazed at how low the lag was, it still wasn't anywhere near that goal and it's easy to see why.
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