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Ted McGregor

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Everything posted by Ted McGregor

  1. "Demands to believe the impossible do not lead to peaceful outcome." - Christopher Hitchens.
  2. Zorin OS 16 .. grateful they made it .. grateful I bought and installed it .. grateful I'm using it
  3. Call it 'Weird Nation' after this quote by Philip Linden :
  4. True, but I was answering more to this post (definition of randomization ) by Rowan rather than the initial one by the OP.
  5. [sarcasm] You dare speak up ? Who's alt are you ? WHO'S ALT ARE YOU , SOCKPUPPET ?!?! [/sarcasm]
  6. Isn't that described for now in the blog post you mentioned : " "gacha" is defined by a chance-based outcome as a result of a payment. Enforcement won’t start until September 1; after that date an Abuse Report for “Gaming Policy Violation” will be the preferred method of reporting this content to Linden Lab. We will continue to allow any sales where a payment is given for a known item. " * words bolded by me, not LL
  7. You mean the cashgrabbers that will not accept their cashcow has been taken away from them ? It's futile to make me feel sorry for them, Prok, ESPECIALLY since only you seem to represent them.
  8. Again, repeating myself here : in this case, LL seemed, to me at least, set on banning gachas. Irreversably. If you convey they just might give in if there' s enough nagging going 'round by endusers , I'd not disagree, albeit I still find it very unlikely for them to cave in. It' s not their usual way of operating.
  9. Hence I said, 'in this case'. I never stated LL never changes it's mind. I do however believe that end-user input is usually in the long run not responded too nor acted upon by the Lab if at all.
  10. Which, in this case, is set to zero and remains as such. It could not be more clear.
  11. A lot, but do bear in mind it will be futile as those 200 pages. LL's 'mind', for whatever reason(s) is set. Your output here will not change that.
  12. A full upgrade from Debian Buster to Bullseye and it didn' t break .... It didn't break .... ... it didn' t break *mumble* .. I must still be dreaming ...
  13. Right on, but if either of you suggests Schwartz sword-fighting I'm out ..
  14. Checking out my hardware which came to a completion today ... 😁 whilst being in SL waiting on my so, in the forums and watching the FP2 of the second half of the F1 season which started today.
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