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Ted McGregor

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Everything posted by Ted McGregor

  1. I wish times were simpler like the 'Are you gullible ?' - 1Linden boxes. At least it had a complimentary notecard by the creator to kindly count your losses. I mean , so I was told ..
  2. No, because only LL knows what their demography exactly consists of. And I suspect that a very urgent reason to comply with various laws in various regions of the world.
  3. @Rowan Amore Yeah, Prok barging in about law kinda reminds me of :
  4. @Prokofy NevaStop lying. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microtransaction You will see gachas mentioned there as well as they are in Dutch law since 2018. ETA : Admitted. Gachas referring there to those in mobile gaming specifically.
  5. So did I. So does LL ( for their very OWN undisclosed reason ; I do not know why this befell gachas aside other business or gaming systems requiring input of L$ ). It's the only right left for any consumer. No matter what preffered capitalistic exploitation any stuckup McCarthyist might press on you. Gacha vendors do not have unalienable rights.
  6. " Beyond this point there be dragons." ( Not affiliated with MSI ; pure fanboyism )
  7. Are you aware how these 2 states are not mutually inclusive ? LL might act on legislation from the outsideworld, like now, yet not have active policies in place for activities still redeemed illegal in RL.
  8. @Atosuria DaviauCreo que eres demasiado bonita para Halloween.
  9. Serías una cita perfecta para el cinco de mayo, chica guapa .. ayayayay !! 😍
  10. This is untrue. Chance can be calculated. I have a total number of items. I could for instance calculate the chance to pull the even numbers 10 times in a row. That' s, again, not the case with gachas. It' s not transparent. You don't know the total amount of products you are collecting from. You do not know the number of commons ( one which is copied ) and the number of rares ( one which is copied ). The script of the gacha machine is not calculating the number of availiable rares against a number of availiable commons or is deciding a fair spread. It' s gambling alright.
  11. Wanna bet I can make this next coffee come out of your ears as well ? Oh damn no gambling alllowed ..
  12. We can't do this. All my hands are filled with are coloured gumballs from a gacha machine. I got a rare, but I think it' s just 2 golden half nutshells glued together ..
  13. Yeah like that' s gonna stop people wishing for a quick buck. Got me ? Gotcha.
  14. Next : Revival of the SL economy - Gacha Escorting
  15. And was to put into place to basically protect minors from insatiable gambling constructions in games made up by adults. I'm more under the impression here minors are revolting against commercial constructs adults are putting into place to protect them from exploiting eachother. You can still sell your stuff, just not the gacha-way.
  16. Here you can see how a gumball machine is NOT gambling : you can decide for yourself to continue playing whilst seeing what is in the supllied transparent bulb and how long it takes before you might get the prize. Where' s this transparency in gachas ? The gumball analogy is moot.
  17. Must .. not .. say .. surpress. AAAAaaaahhhh. Can I have your stuffz ?
  18. Is there a gacha of a gumball machine ? ETA : asking for a friend
  19. You nailed it : as long as ALL gachas do not guarantee the rare after x amounts, it will be considered gambling from now on.
  20. Repeating gachas are the exact same thing as gumball machines, is the exact same thing. I stated before, I played gachas too. I do consider it gambling unlike gumball machines and if obtaining a rare I went out and bought it on MP instead. That' s my right as a consumer as well. I'm not a legislator. And hold of course no more power over any of this as you as an enduser.
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