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Krystina Ferraris

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Everything posted by Krystina Ferraris

  1. What about the black flexi hair down your back paired with shoulders the width of a French armoire and the customary dark tan… and t-Rex arms that stops at the biceps 🤨
  2. Adding here that some years ago a guy I was friend with dropped enough info about his rl that I was literally able to find him through LinkedIn and a Google search in less than 10 minutes. I told him just to warn him that it wasn’t a good idea to go around telling random people this stuff. I can only imagine what you can do with voice, cam footage and pictures showing your face 🙈
  3. Voice verifying with some rando exposes enough of your RL to allow those with unsavoury intentions to get enough info. Some places ask that along with voice verification, you also submit a picture holding a sign with a specific phrase on it or cam with the person. Why anyone would do that or think it’s a great idea is beyond me, but to each their own.
  4. Upwork and sites like that tell you if the person/company behind an ad has paid sub and also if they posted before and their rep. It’s easy enough to spot dodgy stuff without adding anything else to it.
  5. I have one of those! I can wrestle cows and horses but can’t open a stupid jar 😂 those grippy tongs work perfectly
  6. Well said and I’ve signed the manifesto already. I am also getting the design just right for the t-shirts 🙌
  7. Yes and this was really an issue between mid 2020 and 2021, we were absolutely under siege with these fake bot calls here in Ireland. I used to get between 5 and 6 a day at their peak. This happened after our health service was hacked and the PPI of millions of citizens was sold on the black internet. They never recovered that. Most people wouldn’t answer and just hang up right away but some clearly didn’t as thousands reported getting scammed badly. The typical bot would say it was the Revenue calling about your owed tax.
  8. Exactly this. It also happened here (read it on the news and was reported internally in our vet corporate) a few times that 3rd parties doing various type of customer support for banks or credit card companies were found guilty of selling customer’s PI (and credit card details) on the black market.
  9. That’s quite unnerving Love and I read that too, all done with AI voice cloning (it’s amazing btw if you have a chance to play with it). Like all good things some people find a way to exploit those for nefarious purposes. Like the screwdriver or text box 🙈 My thoughts on the exploitation of voice cloning using SL captured samples is that people are naive (to use a kind word) to go for voice verification in the first place. Why would anyone do that? It isn’t as if that verification is provided by LL and that makes it even more suspicious in my view. You are exposing your reaL self to a self-appointed “voice verificator” (perv) for what purposes exactly… 😂
  10. That's beautiful! Really captures his personality 💖💖🐾
  11. They save them for later as spares, in case portions of the first 16 get lost or damaged. It cost $L 100 per character to replace damaged ones.
  12. I remember a thread a while back where it was asked if people would visit real world locations after visiting their SL counterparts, eg. Santorini or London. I can’t find it now but will search for it.
  13. This exact issue happens to me most times I tp somewhere. Even when going from my home to an empty sim.
  14. Good grief Love be careful I hope you’re ok. Feeding time is always risky, and I thought I had it hard with the stallions 😓
  15. Inside of egg cartons work a charm, apparently! https://soundproofliving.com/egg-cartons-soundproofing/
  16. OMG I'm a peeping Tom and cam inside people's homes, the stuff I see is indecent I tell you. Gimme a break lol
  17. Just like their offices are better and so is their use.of.punctuation.
  18. That’s more what I was thinking 🤦‍♀️🤣
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