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Krystina Ferraris

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Everything posted by Krystina Ferraris

  1. Ceka, Love - thanks guys ❤️ Thanks to everyone for listening to me, I just needed to say it I’m so heartbroken 💔
  2. Today I suddenly lost one of my elder horses… I was there with him and until then he was happy and playing with his field mates. I did my best to save him but it was his time I guess… this one hit me hard. It’s my job and all that but I am sick and tired of death. 💔
  3. 🤣🤣 it’s an animal, totally legit let’s say it.. ass
  4. That looks amazing so beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️
  5. Nothing like hair stuck in the crack… that makes for a cracking hairstyle 😆
  6. I don’t know to give you and accurate answer I need to run some blood tests and do a post-mortem. If you know anyone willing to volunteer 😂
  7. I think you’re overreacting and verging on white knighting to be honest, as the OP essentially wants to control someone else’s SL. Her perception of what is rude may be different from mine, I admit I have a thick skin, however ultimately it does not matter as it’s an individual’s perception that counts. If she feels that she is unfairly treated by someone the tools available are fit for purpose. If it goes beyond that the workplace is responsible for keeping their employees safe. Full stop. Any other issues with how women are treated are beyond scope here, in my humble opinion.
  8. Maybe that’s true but in my case I am quite the silent type in RL too and I still get hit on lol - must be my stethoscope 😂
  9. What the OP is asking for is impossible at present with current SL capabilities. So why are we still talking about it?
  10. Because this type of people are intellectual and financial cheapskates 😃
  11. this is gorgeous, I love it! It gives me such a good feeling.. the snowy landscape, the cozy interior and the lovely outfit 💙☕
  12. OK I'd rather not make this thread about myself if that's ok, as I was stating MY opinion on the OP's author's assertion which I quoted above. It is the OP's author, not I, who used the term "metaverse" saying that she has no experience of any metaverse platform and she is here trying to gain some. So it is relevant and so your assertion on why it is impossible to gain experience in any "metaverse" should be directed at the OP and not me.
  13. This, yes. Every time I stand up from a chair or anywhere it’s like I have springs on my butt, I jolt 6 feet up in the air.
  14. Ok I rest my case, I might have misunderstood the author based on my own personal experience. Yes a PhD is supposed to be research, i.e. something new which is the same in all areas, including mine. Maybe medicine is different, so my perspective might be skewed, but I surely wouldn’t research into a branch of which I have summary knowledge of.
  15. You’re quoting me when in fact I am borrowing the use of the term “Metaverse”, in this context, from the OP, hence “quotes”.
  16. Based on the above response, i am just saying that one wouldn’t do a PhD in quantum physics without having a solid knowledge of physics. Doing a PhD in “metaverse shopping habits” without playing around in a “Metaverse” of some kind and being a newbie at it seems the same as attempting a quantum physics PhD without understanding how quantum mechanics works.
  17. I don’t know, I am doing my PhD in an area I truly understand and am invested in. Why would anyone do a PhD in something they don’t know anything about is beyond me.
  18. Ah the Gorean Master… the true alpha, strong silent type, the rock you can hold on to when $hit hits the fan and hell breaks loose around you. The one who needs a a floating title above his head to make you kneel and respect him. Yes, how come there is no help when the Master throws a tantrum? How dare you all.
  19. My mother was from Venezia, that looks spectacular and so realistic!
  20. It's awful! At least impaction colic can be resolved but you're right, it's hours or walking (usually between 2am and 5am lol) and getting that tail up and down to get those farts coming haha I had so many calls for worm colics too, those are nasty and so preventable. Had a few with torsion too, jumpers, and we managed to get them to the theater just in time to save them. I lost a few too, they figured it out too late
  21. And you are right to do so if you find that it suits you. Also you are correct in your understanding that adequate water intake is necessary in order to maintain gut motility as water keeps the walls lubricated. Increased fibre intake requires increased water intake as fibre is not soluble. Humans along with other mammals require fibre to feed the gut bacteria. Our GI microbiota in turns regulates immune homeostasis, in short it protects our immune system. Other animals, such as horses function in exactly the same manner, hence why we see so many new autoimmune conditions in horses that do not eat their required daily intake of forage and instead are fed hard feeds. I always use horses as a parallel as I specialise in these awesome creatures hence they are my reference for everything physiology related 🙂 Cells of our innate immune system such as macrophages reside in proximity of the gut macrobiota and studies have also shown how the gut microbiota conditions the immunoregulatory roles of intestine epithelium by regulating the expression of antimicrobial factors, i.e. protecting us from infections. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0017996 At the end of the day everyone should do what they feel suits them best and follow medical advice given to them. There are however some biological facts that are hard to disprove.
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