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Krystina Ferraris

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Everything posted by Krystina Ferraris

  1. Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.... 🐴
  2. The guys who wrote that rule should have wiped themselves out then. Then again most religions thrive on hypocrisy 😆
  3. I thought this was a happy post about inclusion, diversity, acceptance and most importantly about celebrating all these and more during Pride in SL. I can’t see how arguing about flags and colors helps but maybe I’m wrong. On topic, in my little bit of wandering around SL I saw a lot of support for the Pride event, even in places I never saw it in previous years. I think that’s great to see!
  4. This 100% the basic “animations” in SL are pathetic, probably way more pathetic than starter avatars
  5. You almost read my mind 🔮Adult MP purchases will incur a surcharge of 30% of the value of item purchased. Call it a naughty tax if you will! 🦁
  6. Calm down everyone, it was just a test to see how everyone would react when they break the real news…
  7. Hey Mari, that's a first step I suppose at least they're recognizing they need help with training their dogs. Some people don't even get there. I hope the dogs get the help they need and in turn I hope your life gets a little better too.🌞 I am not a small animal vet but I do help in the smallies from time to time, and as many vets can attest (looking @Cinnamon Mistwoodat you Cinn 🙂 ) it's usually not the big dogs we are wary of. Occasionally, there are some very reactive big dogs but by and large is the small ones who will nip if they can. I blame social media for a lot of the wrongs we see. Brachycephalic animals keep being bred because people love handbag dogs with squishy faces. Puppy farms exist because people keep wanting designer dogs or breeds they can't afford. People keep buying dogs as accessories or Xmas presents and then realize that there's a lot of work involved. So they get surrendered. Or dumped. Or worse. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of stupid stuff happening in the horse world too (I am talking from my experience in this part of the world) with people breeding from the same lines and ending up with awful genetic conditions. Does that stop them breeding from those lines? Nope. Why? Because people like the color, the paces, the pedigree lines on the passport. The more suffering I see in animals the more I hate humans 😞
  8. Some people think it’s normal for small (and also not so small) dogs to bark continuously. Obviously it isn’t and it is beyond me why the owners would not look into it rather than assume it’s “the way they are”. Stereotypic behavior in any species warrants an investigation and is a sign that something is not quite ok. 😔
  9. That’s it you are the real John Titor… it all adds up 🙌
  10. You hardly post negative stuff, the one time we both did we were quickly put in our spot lol 😂 🐴🦁
  11. They’re looking for better “bud” for part 2
  12. Must admit I didn’t think about that, that’s a great observation! 🦁
  13. Hahaha yes very accurate comparison! However horse manure is useful for growing mushrooms, roses and a bunch of other nice things… not sure that stuff in the OP is actually useful for anything 😆
  14. This is what happens when people write under the influence. Besides it all being a whole load of nonsense it is a whole load of nonsense lol Bring back whatever you were high on to your grocer, it failed.
  15. Thanks Little that makes sense, I never knew of a time when LL charged for alts. It probably would curb the trolling provided there were a way to definitely associate accounts with an individual.
  16. How did they know you were an alt if you created it with a different email address for example? Sorry if this sounds stupid, just curious to know how they would charge people for alts
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