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Krystina Ferraris

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Everything posted by Krystina Ferraris

  1. Come on over to Ireland then! Here on the outskirts of the midlands we get all that (and a few hurricanes but we’re used to them) 🐴🍃
  2. … and considering the price, they better be moving in permanently to said castles in the air🏰 Can’t fix stupid 😅
  3. I agree with the sentiment about watching others play a sport… as an ex pro eventer, my beautiful horses and I had some thrills flying over cross country fences and so on. However I cannot think of anything more boring than watching other people ride horses on tv 🙈 also I cannot stand it anymore… I ride all my horses bitless now ❤️🐴
  4. From 2024 apparently, if all goes to plan, darts will be an Olympic sport 😂🍻🎯
  5. Love this basically jump around to avoid something, like in checkers 😅
  6. Here’s an Italian one I heard yesterday. ”Quello è fuori come un balcone” ”he’s outside like a balcony” what it actually means is to be out of your mind. Balconies are facing outwards in a building so that’s where the being outside part comes from. It derives from an Italian expression “fuori di testa” transl. “Out of one’s mind” that is commonly abbreviated in conversations as “essere fuori”. For example, “tranquillo quella è fuori” translates non literally to “no worries pal, she’s mad”. 😆
  7. Given that those posts always appear on a weekend... it could be just a lot of this 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
  8. From what I have seen, the Lindens are always able to write clear, intelligible English prose... ...unless OP is an AI in training? 😎
  9. That is absolutely disgusting, not the first time either players are racially abused on the pitch. I hope those keyboard hooligans are found and duly punished.
  10. I honestly didn’t know that’s how it worked for penalties! Like Marianne I thought the manager chose them. That makes the effect of missing out even worse on the players, I would imagine. Saka is just so young.
  11. I agree I think all players gave everything and poor Rashford! He's an incredible player though and the pressure was beyond crazy. Bravissimi tutti ragazzi!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇮🇹
  12. Congrats to England, what a game!!!! Both teams were unreal 😱🎉🙈so stressed out now lol
  13. I lost count I think Donnarumma will get one too before the end 🙈
  14. Me too I have another early start tomorrow but I have to watch 🙈⚽️😅
  15. Yes Ceka but we’re horsey girls and we know 💩 when we see it… we clean a ton of it every day 😆🐴
  16. Half Italian here but 1/4 English and Dutch I think I’ll have to go with Italy! 😂🇮🇹 My husband is English but we’ll get over our differences haha 😆 I think it will be a great game regardless, I’m not a football fan but I do enjoy great sportsmanship… this Euro Cup surely showed plenty of that from every team! 👏
  17. The purpose of ANY virus is to survive and replicate. Killing its host quickly is a stupid tactic, even Ebola does not do that straight away - it kills after having had a successful number of replications and transmissions. A lot of what we know about viral mutations is down to studying the Influenza virus. There are two types of viral mutation, antigenic drift and antigenic shift. Antigenic drift is the better known mutation, i.e. the virus replicates and there are errors during the replication processes. These errors can sometimes lead to a new altered version of the virus surface. If the alteration of the virus surface is significant our immune system (or vaccine assisted immune system) fails to recognise the virus and the vaccine no longer works. That's why every year we need to update the Flu vaccines. Antigenic shift is also a trait of Influenza virus. Luckily it does not happen as often as antigenic drift. Influenza viruses have segmented genomes and so the shift happens when two different Flu strains infect the host cell at the same time. These two strains can mate and generate a new strain, a combination of the two mated viruses. This process is called reassortment and the result is that a lot of the population will not have immunity against this new strain. Coronaviruses though do not have segmented genomes - they have a long piece of RNA so they cannot reassort. What they can do instead is recombine, in a process similar to the antigenic shift. Two coronaviruses can infect the host cell at the same time. However the process that generate a new coronavirus is different from the Influenza: the to mated Coronaviruses give each a pieace of their RNA. This RNA is stiched together and the new Coronavirus will have a combination of the two parent viruses RNA. That is why they are called novel Coronaviruses. The consequence is the same and the antigenic shift... no immunity to the new virus in the population and hence pandemic.
  18. Indeed true crabs are Decapods and are in class Crustacea. The only exception are Horseshoe Crabs that are technically arachnids 🕷
  19. Are those canned wolffish… mouths?! 😥
  20. Let me put on my tinfoil hat. Your alt is definitely playing you, probably a scam or fraud. You should ask Drakeo as he’s the resident expert in these matters😂
  21. Manifestum est… incipit nunc eam!
  22. Hahaha s1thawk is great 😂 never heard the other two I must admit but there are so many local words it’s impossible to know them all😂
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