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Raevyn Addams

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Everything posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. Congrats in catching that most illusive of species, the Linden House boat, and even better to catch one so close to your best friend! In order for the catch rate to improve we'd need something as a base point, but catching a home isn't reliable. It's hit and miss at the best of times. Quite often while I'm on the forums I'm not in-world in SL and have Auto Refresh running in the background, as is the case right now. Its been running for approximately 4 hours with no homes spotted as yet. But last night while I was in-world building Auto Refresh spotted 2 traditional and 2 houseboats. There have been days in-world where Refresh catches nothing, and other times I see something at least once. But the same can be said for those periods I'm on not in-world, too. One thing I've noticed for those using Google Chrome Auto Refresh Plus is sometimes my computer's task manager picks up Crash Handlers or Google Installers. Deleting those and refreshing the Dashboard page again helps in terms of making my computer less stuttery or laggy. But in terms of catching a home or house boat nothing reliable yet. But will be interesting to see if others have the same results or different again. πŸ€” Good suggestion at least, maybe it might help someone and good luck on the decorating. (And yes I use a lot of emojis because you can't see me smiling in RL so that's the next best thing we have to "tone" - just in case someone were to think I was being condescending, which I'm not of course).
  2. This is exactly what I'm doing, but to be fair I glean inspiration from everyone else. That usually means I'll buy their items, use it for a while, pull it apart if it's mod and add my own bits and pieces until I get frustrated enough to knuckle down and build it myself. Then get twice as frustrated that the end result doesn't look anywhere near as good as the bought purchases, so the cycle continues again. My personal recommendations: Blush, Fayded, Teegle, Bunny Creek, ChiC Buildings. One thing I will say is that the doorways themselves in the Linden Homes are HUGE. If they are empty (as with the Adams* style and have no doors) that's easy enough to modify with glass pane set into the frame itself to shorten the height some. But if there are doors included (as with the Alderley*) then you're stuck with what you've got. By that I mean personally from a building perspective I like uniformity where possible. As the LH doorways and doors are so tall, if I include a door that's short and more accommodating in terms of RL height then it will look out of balance and less uniform compared to the rest and exactly like an add-on or afterthought. That might be a reason why the doors are so large. Not excusing bad builds, and I'm by no means an expert, but just wondering if that's the case here. *Hope I have the house style names correct. Not in-world to check, just going from memory.
  3. I love the idea of celebrating Halloween in a more traditional sense than we do over here in real life (it's not really a thing in Australia, but we're slowly starting to adopt it), and I certainly think decorating homes or dressing up would be something the Lindens and Moles could get behind as it helps foster this sense of community spirit that they've worked so long to get up and running. But as for anything else... I think its a bit of a grey area. Maybe a hunt wouldn't break the covenant rules but its certainly open to "interpretation" and abuse by others looking to capitalize in one form or another. Having yard decorations, or dressing up in costume and wandering the streets, or having bowls of free candy or free items that people can click on I think would be perfectly acceptable and something anyone could do. Even having something like the present Travelers HUD like the one from the Bellisseria Community group so people can TP from participating house to house might be fine providing there's no hint of advertising. But the issue is more on policing than anything else. How do you enforce rules and deal with rule breakers, etc? As for security that should be simple enough. Some sort of yard sign like there is for the Parade of Homes would indicate to the general visitor who's participating and who's not - of course it won't stop the odd few from wandering into places that don't display but we get that now at present too. I'm not entirely sure I personally would participate in a hunt per se (and I blame MadPea games for burning me out! XD) but I would most certainly enjoy participating in festivities, if only visiting homes to "trick or treat".
  4. Not sure if a question or joking but will answer just in case. Weekend region releases I don't think are ever likely, but don't quote me either. I think it could have been @Patch Linden (or @Abnor Mole, or @Quartz Mole) who mentioned something along the lines of there being no plans for releases on weekends or public holidays as they needed to have people/some development team members online to ensure that things went smoothly and address any immediate technical issues, at least after an initial region release. If someone wants to find the quote and confirm or correct me, feel free. But as much as we'd love weekend releases doubt they'll happen. Linden Labs employees need days off too just like the rest of us. But if joking please ignore this post.
  5. ^ Seconds this. If you want to meet people you need to get out and mingle, but just like RL there's a few ways to go about that. It's not really rocket science though as a shy person it might feel that way. The best advice I could possibly give, and I speak from experience, is to find something you like doing (a hobby) and pursue that. What did you enjoy doing in SL before? What kinds of places do you normally hang out? Search those places and go visit! Do you like exploring, or riding horses, or taking photos, or listening to live bands, or frequenting sales events or...? Getting out and about will bring you into contact with more people than standing in one place waiting for people to talk to you. What also works is speaking in various groups, even if it's just as simple as wishing people good morning. Provoke conversation, compliment someone on their amazing style, ask for help in finding a place or landmark or article of clothing or hair style, anything to break the silence. It's hard when you're shy but that's why finding something you enjoy helps as it keeps you in your comfort zone to a degree so talking to strangers may appear less daunting. One thing I'll add here. Depending on how long you've been a member of SL and how long you've been away, you may perhaps notice that local chat isn't as vocal as it used to be. There seems to have been a push in recent times to move a lot of conversation to IMs, or group, or even in Discord, so don't be disheartened if you visit places that appear "dead". I can't exactly help you in terms of making friends as our times don't align, but I do wish you the best of luck and hope you find what you're looking for.
  6. I guess it depends on the person too. Telling anyone anything won't necessarily make them do it, but enough hurts and betrayals just might, and not in the best way possible either.
  7. Lately I'm not all that active either, I need to knuckle down with Blender if I ever hope to get past the modeling to the texturing stage. But there's no reason we can't meet up; do the home circuit and gather at a different house each week like book club only with no books and more wine (since the Desperate Housewives of Bellisseria thing didn't really take off as far as I know), make it so anyone from the forums wants to join in they can. Oh, we'll need a spiffy name! Now I'm just getting ahead of myself... I haven't decorated at all yet. Not a fan of the Winchester or Continental but appreciate that back deck with the view so struggling through until inspiration hits... We could be waiting a while... And yes I do have a prim baby; a Zooby Animesh model Eden. About 130 LI depending what she wears, but she's worth it! And thank you @Armani223! πŸ€—β€οΈ
  8. I can only carry her or wear her, yes. I can't rez her anywhere really outside of my parcel as she is too land-impact heavy at anywhere between 79 LI to 130 LI. As yet prams still haven't been created for the animesh baby so nope, I just carry. But she's seen a lot of Bellisseria in her young virtual life this way, and shall continue to do so. As for the new location I was initially worried about traffic or potential lag but so far so good, FPS are holding steady despite all the dots on the map. If it gets painful shall take whatever measures I can (view friends only, etc, but only as necessary). I did love this area as it was being created but really wanted something right on the beach. No matter, for now this is close enough. And to my word I still only have one Linden House and my 2 other alts have none. I might search intermittently but I think my days of refreshing daily are over at least for now; lag depending. Thanks @iBrat, @Shield Markus, @Zoee Clarity ❀️ πŸ‘ πŸ€— **For the record if anyone's interested while I've been online tonight (and it's now almost 2:00am AEST) I've seen around 6 houses, the majority (4 from memory) were AFTER Donovan's release. So for those that think a region release means you've missed out, think again. Sadly no house boats spotted for those seeking them, sorry. Anyway, thanks again! I'll try and get some time after work and class to decorate and invite people over! *much hugs, goodnight for now as I'm off to bed, and good luck!*
  9. I am, and thanks! And it's a pretty good location really. @AveryWitt; that's the first time that's happened to me, though to be fair I forgot I still had the headphones plugged in so the alarm could have rung and I wouldn't have heard it. Never mind, end result was worth it. Proof again it's just down to pure, dumb, luck.
  10. Yes. The crazy thing is I've been watching TV not paying attention to the computer. It was continuing to count down. I randomly clicked the drop-down menu and saw Bellisseria. Clicked it and next and the check box assuming had well and truly missed it. Low and behold there it was. Still don't believe it. Wasn't alerted and almost missed it! Proof Auto Refresh doesn't always work (or was just pitching a fit). Either way yes, got one. Still would love one on the sand/beach but for now this will do.
  11. I'm with you on this... I'm not a stranger to drama and I don't think any of us are. Online especially there is too much room for miscommunication and hurt feelings. We seem to do it all the time without even meaning to. But like bullies on the school playground there are those that stir drama on purpose for reasons only they know. My mother used to say "If they're picking on you, they're leaving some other poor *delete expletive* alone." I'm not sure what that was supposed to do for my self-esteem (except foster empathy to people I didn't know perhaps) but it didn't solve the issue. What it does reinforce perhaps is that bullying or drama is always there in some form or another, be that in real life or online, and has been since time immemorial. Unfortunately like @Alwin Alcott stated almost everyone judges even when they say they don't. It's the human condition. We ascribe labels to everything and everyone and judge accordingly. It doesn't make it right or wrong, that's just the way it is. The only thing that you can control is what you say and do. You can't control how others hear your words, how they interpret them (though you can certainly influence factors), what they think or say or do, or how they will react to them. Some things are just out of your control. @taeyeonblue makes a good suggestion. While it's hard to let go of the frustration of having this drama continue to percolate around you (trust me, I know), the best thing you can do for yourself as much as you're able is to try and put it behind you. You can't control it. You can't compete. Responding to drama usually only incites more drama and escalates the situation. It gives the drama-mongers exactly what they want. The more you focus on it or let it consume you or control your decisions the more they take from you and the more they win. So let it go. Even bringing the subject up or addressing it with others will allow the wound to keep festering. I don't suggest you lie at all but don't be overly quick to bring it up, and if and when it does don't dwell. It's in the past. Leave it there and keep walking. And while I say this it's something I'm teaching myself too so it's a learning exercise. One more thing that won't be a popular opinion but I'll share it anyway, is learn (if you can) not to wear your heart on your sleeve so openly. As the world moves progressively online cyber-bullying especially is going to increase. That means more drama or the potential for it when you log online. Meeting new people is great but try not to be too trusting. Don't get too attached (or at least not too quick), don't take everything you hear as gospel, and most importantly don't share more than you are comfortable in losing (whether that's time, effort, or emotions). There are some great people in the world, and some that are just out to cause problems. Safeguarding won't stop feeling hurt or betrayed completely, but it might perhaps just lessen the effect should something unforeseen happen again. And we never know what's around the corner. Make new friends and reach out, absolutely, just be careful who you let in. Not everyone is out to be your friend. Not everyone wants to hurt you on purpose. Trust your instincts and the best of luck. And stay away from drama websites!
  12. Hi Pixie, you're not alone, sometimes I see them too - or did - if I don't pause and wait at least a minute or more before I start Auto Refresh (but I'm guessing that's not your issue if you read that post thing that Prudence linked above). Some people have mentioned elsewhere on the forums that they've been able to refresh at 60 second intervals, and some 75 or more. Prudence is right insofar as recommending dialing back your interval another second or two and see what works best for you with good old fashioned trial and error. That is what I had to do, as frustrating as that was. If that doesn't work and you're still capping, other options include clearing your browser cache, or at the most extreme re-installing the add-on, but I really don't see a need for those unless you're desperate (and that's entirely your call to make). Hopefully that works, and fingers crossed it does. As for taking longer to get another home; join the club. Been searching a while myself (especially since I'm on a slope) but of course these things take time. You're not alone there either! And thanks @PrudenceAnton for the link and help. I'm no expert at all, but your suggestion is exactly what I would have recommended as a next step as it's what I would have done. So thank you too! πŸ˜„β€οΈ
  13. Kicking this one back into gear because as I'm watching the regions being created... πŸ€―πŸ˜πŸ™Œ
  14. Oh maybe we WILL get a trailer park after all! And three-eyed fish in the river there! Needs to get a Piggu hubby,wrangle my 2 million prim kids, and don my best Daisy Duke outfits in preparation! *happy claps* On a more serious note. I want to say they look like Nuclear Reactors but if there's one thing this whole project (Bellisseria) has shown me is that whatever we think is likely is probably just to throw us off course and keep us guessing. Though not sure at this point what else they could be? πŸ€”
  15. ^ Seconds this. This is fast becoming Pet Peeves thread #2... Never thought I'd ask but... where are the complaints about not having Linden homes?
  16. Every time I hear those words, I hear this... (Admit it, you know you sang it in your head instead of read it) 🀣
  17. I'm sure someone's grabbed it. I haven't seen anything pop up, not even after 30 manual refreshes (not that it matters I'm not that impatient, I've waited this long). The last time I saw a house was almost 3 hours ago at around 9:00p.m. my time but was watching TV and couldn't be bothered logging in for the nightly report. Apparently my doing so is upsetting certain members of the community. At this rate I'll not be able to post at all. πŸ˜‘ EDIT: well caught @MaryFiAllen! And join the club, glad to have you on board!
  18. @Alyona Su Road Trains are very much a real thing. In Australia, and especially in the outback where I live, they are a very common occurrence for delivering usually livestock but also farming equipment, freight, etc. It's a royal PITA to get stuck behind one on a long stretch of road and no overtaking lanes for sure. 😟
  19. This song has been stuck in my head all day. Thank you, nephew. πŸ˜’
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