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Raevyn Addams

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Everything posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. I usually do see a lot of abandons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays as most people are still of the opinion (in group) that these are the days releases are most likely to happen.
  2. Aww! Thank you, Kira, you're too kind! And being that you're such a complimentary and all-round verbal philanthropist yourself I'm rather humbled. Wish I could debate philosophy or fine arts half as well as you, I'd be UNSTOPPABLE! 😆 Thanks again. ❤️
  3. As others have answered as to the possible reasons why they might be empty, let me take that a step further and tell you why them being empty is a good thing. As much as we would all love to see all the houses and house boats decorated and see our neighbours themselves actively out and about so we know without doubt the place is being "used" as opposed to just claimed, the fact they're not is doing you, and the rest of the region a big favour. Avatars usually bring a lot of lag with them with all their accessories, scripts, textures and attachments. When you have too many in one place you will start to experience lag, generally speaking. The same can be said for objects (again, generally speaking). The more there is to look at, the harder your computer has to work to show or render them all. Fun fact: Something not a lot of people know (and I myself didn't until earlier this year) is that larger textures are notorious for creating lag. I tested this theory by placing three 1024 textures together in a room. They started to blur or throttle within minutes. After replacing these same textures for 512 (half the size) and they don't blur anymore. But you would be surprised to find just how many objects there are with large textures, even on the smallest of objects. There are other factors especially using un-optimized or high poly mesh that also creates lag, but people don't seem to know or care about that either. TL:DR: Basically the more there is to see there are the more lag you'll feel and the harder it would be to move around in Bellisseria if every house had a lot of "stuff" in it. Maybe you knew all this, and could probably educate me on the finer aspects of it, and I'm sure there are experts here that will correct or explain further, but maybe this might help others who were wondering the same thing. Because I was one of those people wondering why houses were empty around me when the first houses were released. Now I know better.
  4. This is the only reason I'm excited for campers or trailers. Don't get me wrong, I love the houses and houseboats we have now in Bellisseria but it's all so.... 1950's sitcom clean and perfect. I would dearly love to see some trashy areas, or at least less than picture perfect (but perfect in its own trashy way!) While I probably won't be moving into one any time soon, I have friends who would easily bring some Jerry Springer to Bellisseria if given half the chance. I just think their potty mouths and engine parts cluttering the yard might have them bounced out before they got to plant their first pink flamingo... I dare say Patch will let us know just beforehand. Read and follow this thread to stay up to date and for more information as it's released: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/435708-the-new-linden-homes-update-post/ But yes, as with the houses and house boats I'd imagine you'll get what you get... unless you abandon and play the house (or camper) lottery to get one you like more.
  5. I don't voice now. I did in the past, but even then it was only sporadically. The main reason why I don't is that I'm self-conscious. I sound far more "eloquent" with words on a screen than I do mumbling Aussie slang against a backdrop of passing trains, traffic, or barking dogs. And that's on a good day. Generally while I'm logged into SL I'm usually at work (and it's not a 9-5 job), so I can have an hour free or a minute free, but am frequently AFK enough that any hope of holding a RL conversation is the equivalent to having someone waiting on hold on the other end of the phone with no idea when I'll be coming back. It's just not practical. Personally I find voice intrusive. I don't want people to know what I sound like, and I don't want to know what they sound like. I'm happier imagining. To me, the fantasy of not knowing is half the fun! It would be jarring to see a toddler avatar speak with a deep guttural voice... (though there's nothing wrong with a man or anyone else for that matter wearing such an avatar, it would just ruin the illusion for me is all - yes, I know we're all adults behind the keyboards, or supposed to be anyway). Not only that, but with text if I make a mistake I can use the backspace key and correct. Can't do that in voice where miscommunication is apparently far easier than text, especially if the other party doesn't speak English as a first language (or know a lick of Aussie dialect). Not long ago I was wandering a store in world and heard this sound that I couldn't place. I didn't know where it was coming from or even what it was and it was driving me crazy. I spent a good few minutes actually looking for the source. Eventually I discovered that someone had voice on (though they were the only other avatar in the room besides myself and we weren't talking), and all I could hear was music apparently playing in their RL background so loud that it was distorted with a lot of static. The store we were in was lovely, with nice ambient sounds (usually) that were being drowned out by this inconsiderate clod blasting music like a walking speaker dialed up to 11. I was quick with the mute button that day. And if anyone needs to know what I sound like and thinks I'm hiding something: I am. I'm protecting my real life identity that I don't need or want to share with anyone unless I choose to do so, as is my right.
  6. That's not exactly true. Both manual and automatic refresh plug-ins still do work but the same time limitations exist for both. As for how, there's a section on refreshing here that might help: Good luck
  7. Just spotted a house boat, so might have been yours @xMatcha.
  8. HEADS UP! Abandoning in Edgar in next few mins. And RELEASED! Hope new owner loves it
  9. There might be an element of truth to that theory. During the triple region release the other day I spotted Patch and Derrick Linden (see pic) hovering above.
  10. (and) Thank you both! ❤️ 🤗 I don't have a general rule, no, but I have a general idea depending on what I want to include in the space. By that I mean I know I will rez my baby and what her general LI is, so I also need to include furniture that's scripted for her, and those items have props that attach on sit when in use, or attachments she wears (such as toys, etc). So I know how many prims I need spare for those and that's the bare minimum I know I have to keep spare. Anything above that is a bonus. But as I am a fan of clutter or realism I like to squeeze as much out of my prims as I can (which I usually can do if I link as much as possible), so there's usually not a great deal left.
  11. No, you're not being greedy. As others have said, you're paying for a premium membership just like everyone else (who is looking for a house or house boat in Bellisseria). Is it greedy to move if you don't like where you are in real life? No. It's freedom of choice. If you can, and you want to and you have the means to do so while we live in a democratic society you should be able to. Of course there are those who won't be happy, but it's not your job to please them, it's your job to please you (providing no laws or ToS are broken). While I understand their frustrations, their opinions don't override yours. We're all Residents. We're all (supposedly) equal. As much as I could argue of how they might feel differently if the shoe was on the other foot - I mean how they would feel if they had the home and for whatever reason wanted a change and others were judging negatively, or even hurling abuse as some have, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because speculation doesn't change anything. Do I do it? Yes. Though usually a glance at the map will tell me if I think it's worthwhile. Either way I'll decide quick, log in and release with a glance around to see if it's a view I can "live with" because that's the point. I'm not going to live in a place I don't like to please others. It's my SL and my choice, as it is their choice to chase their home or their ideal location when and if the time comes. I still hold out hope for that place on the beach, but at the end of the day if I don't get it I'm still happy where I am. People can judge me for playing catch and release or Bellisseria roulette but see that point I underlined above.
  12. I've seen at least SIX houses and ONE houseboat in the last 12 hours, that's an insane amount of abandons. 🤔
  13. Might have just spotted it, @Juliet Ducrot. Just spotted a Traditional.
  14. Last saw Traditional 7:10pm AEST / 2:10am SLT. One thing I will add, there's been a lot of page crashes lately. No idea why.
  15. Took a bunch of pics and posted them on another thread, but I like this pic even if you can't see a lot of detail. White house in the middle is my home. Love this view. ❤️ Pics here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/436002-bellisserians-show-off-your-home-and-garden/?do=findComment&comment=1962478
  16. ^ View from top deck ^ Entertainment area (outside back doors) ^ Backyard ^ Sandpit (looking from entertainment area) ^ Side porch overlooking canal
  17. BEWARE: pic spam ahead! House: Winchester Region: Donovan Prim allowance used: 242 Features: One bedroom, one bathroom, wrap around porch, half-covered back deck, entertainment area, sandpit, fire pit, and landscaped gardens. Notes: I preferred the smaller styled homes and didn't want to use the same model as most others, but the addition of a back deck was ideal for the location overlooking the canal so I persevered. I tried to squeeze as much detail in as I could for such a large house and still give it that lived in look, while keeping at least 100 prims spare for my animesh baby Riley. With her rezzed I still have 10 prims spare for attachments etc. I also purposefully reused the same plants to link together and save on LI and textures loading (though likely a moot point with so much other clutter to render). The sandpit was born out of necessity to fill that corner of the yard without adding a pool, since the house is situated close to a pool and beach, and gives some illusion of a family home. Still not overly happy with the bedroom but can live with this for now. All in all though I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. ^ Front of house ^ Front porch ^ Entrance ^ Kitchen and Dining ^ Bathroom (looking in from door) ^ Bathroom (looking out from shower) ^ Bedroom (looking in from far corner) ^ Bedroom (looking out from leaving bathroom)
  18. @tootsiepop1 You're right, it is close! Not far from pretty much everything either; the pool, the gazebo/beach, the lighthouse, the canal...
  19. I've been looking and I can't find it! I'll keep trying but at this rate you might get home and beat me to it! 😆 EDIT never mind, found it! Pic is coming
  20. Okay anyone waiting for a house get ready, about to release in Everett. 3... 2... 1... GO! EDIT: And released!
  21. I was hoping against hope for Light, same as pretty much everyone else BUT I managed to catch something just not what I want. So back it goes so someone else will enjoy it. And they should. It's almost a straight line straight down to the lighthouse.
  22. Releasing a Traditional house in Everett in 10 or so mins, top of the hour. Nice landscaping out front.
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