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Caroline Takeda

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Everything posted by Caroline Takeda

  1. I found a few, still looking though. Anybody?
  2. We'd rather not have G-rated tourists on Zindra. Zindrians are an elite crowd and we prefer to stay amongst ourselves. We have our standards, ya know.
  3. Are you the snuff queen from next door ?
  4. My noob me: "You did not do this, did you? You dared to turn my little innocent blog into a friggin porn business? I mean really?"
  5. Really? Whats wrong with you? We have ways, just sayin...
  6. Does that include the Zindra Continent? I have my main office there, with a heliport. I could show you the continent from up in the air (got some really weird neighbors).
  7. Hello, I am looking to rent some shops on adult rated regions with reasonable regular traffic (10.000 plus). The shops don't need to be big, I do not need a lot of prims (maybe 50) and I do not want to pay silly prices. Open for barter deals as well (free promotion on my blog). Any offers?
  8. I'd say stick to the new account, but leave a note in the profile of the old one. For old friends to find you again.
  9. Be careful on Corsica roads. I got a ticket there once for light speeding with my bike. 🙂
  10. Hello, Is there anybody who did successfully connect Strawberry Creations furniture to the Lovense toys? How far I did get already: - Scanning QR Code provided by "Lovebridge" wit the correct app (The pink one , not the blue). The update notecard (4.1) refers to an menu item in the adjust menu called Lovense. There is no such menu button. It also refers to a hud provided by clicking on the LoveBridge icon (after rezing). That does happen with one of the beds, not with previously purchased sofas. When I wear the hud, a message appears "You are now allows to use ...owned by Caroline Takeda". When I try the same with an ALT, It mentions that alts name, whereby the furniture is owned by myself. The creator of the Lovebridge assumed that they are using an outdated plugin and the notecard is not configured correctly. I did try to contact Strawberry but don't get an answer. Questions: 1. Is the connection to Loveense only possible if the actual owner of the furniture is doing it ? 2. Am I missing something or is it the furniture? 3. Is there anybody who managed to connect and can tell me how exactly you did it? I really need to get this going, as I started selling quite a few of those in my affiliate shops with the main USP being able to use Lovense toys with it. Help anyone ?
  11. Self-Employed. Sales and Marketing Consultant, Affiliate Marketer and Blogger. Current contract: Interim Sales Manager and Key Account Manager at an international IT Training Company.
  12. Bar No.5 is fun too. Most guest are street whores having a break from work. You meet the occasional Nerd there, as well as some locals. A lot of chat in local.
  13. Maybe one day we get another letter from it (Genesis 2.0) Could start like this: Hello Folks, It's been a while we talked. But I feel it is about time to clarify a few things. I initiated and orchestrated what you guys call evolution. Ok folks, some thousand years ago, I told you that I did all that in a couple of days. That's bull***** of course, it took me a frigging long time to get all this where it is today. You caught me out on that. But lemme tall ya something mates. You are just the beta version as yet. The problem is, I am running out of time, as my lighting system (you call them suns or stars) has a few bugs. Those stars tend to explode every now and then and yours is about due (no worries, I am working on the issue). But could you do me favor until then? Could you please stop *****in it up yourselves? As you know by now, it took me Millions of years to get there! Thanks in advance Jehova (You can call me Bob) P.S: Was fun at the time, but I got bored of them Dinos.
  14. There is one little detail I miss in this discussion. The science of evolution evolved since the days of Darwin. We know by now that "the survival of the fittest" is only a part of it, but by no means all of it. Just to throw in one important element, simbiosis is also a huge part of it. I thought at first, this is going to be a scientific discussion, but learned it was about the old (little boring) evolution versus creation debate. One thing is very clear to me: Evolution is not a hypothesis anymore, not even a theory, it is a proven fact. Weather or not evolution had an architect or a "concert conductor", I don't know, nobody knows for sure. I do not dismiss the possibility, but I am almost certain he/she/it would have nothing to do with organizations or beliefs we call religions today.
  15. I just wondered how Philip would look like on a cross.. One of those...obviously.
  16. We were all made by God Philip Rosedale, formed by pixels and developed into what we are today from Ruth.
  17. One more thing. There are at the moment around 5000 SL users who do make a reasonable amount of money through or with SecondLife (I am one of them, if you are interested I tell you how). Compared to the amount of activ users (around 600.000 per month), that is not a lot. Does that mean 595.000 User are stupid or not able to do create a substainable business/income? No. It means they are not interested. At all. They are interested in other things. Socialising, creating, meeting people, do fun things, slex. It is a hobby for most, not a source of income or a business opportunity. That already kills the idea of becoming a franchise GIANT. You need more than your own motivation and vision to do business. You need to find enough others with the same motivation and vision. That is just not there. There is no big enough market for franchise concepts.
  18. Unless they have really good traffic and know the in and outs of affiliate marketing. 🙂
  19. Wili Yes, there are services. The problem with selling services (including escort services)in Second Life are: 1. Difficult to scale. You are selling time against cash. Your time is limited. 2. Heavily underpaid. Bitterthorn already explained why. 3. Almost every service you might offer, you can get for free in SL somewhere, if you know the right people or the right community. You might be able to establish a service business. Yes, some do really well (including escorts), but you will never be able to scale it enough to make it interesting for somebody buying into a franchise. And why should one anyway? What a franchisee expects as the bare minium is for one being part of a recognised brand and exclusivity in a predefined market. It takes a lot of time and money to establish a known brand. How would you do that?
  20. Yes, that is true. The sim owner of those places does not need to buy into a franchise. He simply rents out shops to the original creators. This is actually one of the most common ways to monetize a busy place. How would you get around that one?
  21. I am German. We are not stupid. We do know Chicago exists and most of us do speak at least one other language.
  22. Yes, I'd second that. Plus: I think the terminology is wrong. A franchisee typically has geographical limitations to avoid cannibalization between the different franchisees. That would be difficult, if not impossible in SL. Maybe the term "affiliate marketer" is a more appropriate term to use in this context. However, as many said before: Not really a new concept in SL. For an affiliate marketer to be successful, he needs to know what he is doing. Hence the reason many affiliates /franchisees failed. It involves a lot more than placing some affiliate vendors somewhere. It can work if the creator has a killer product, but doesn't want to get into doing the marketing part himself. For those affiliate marketing could be a viable option. I am testing exactly that at the moment, with some sex furniture as a complimentary product to something I promote on my websites now (Lovense toys). I did setup two inworld shops selling Lovense enabled sex beds (yes that does exist). It is a pilot project to see if it works and how it does complement the main product. More an experiment than a GIANT project.
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