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Caroline Takeda

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Everything posted by Caroline Takeda

  1. Das geht auch ohne L$ (oder ganz wenige). Zumindest um mal anzufangen. Später kann Sie dann ja vom ersten verdienten Geld etwas investieren um den Avi zu verbessern. Das habe ich schon mehrfach durchgespielt. So zum Beispiel: https://jessicainsecondlife.com/time-for-a-serious-change/ (Kosten 1L$) Oder so: https://www.second-life-adventures.com/marketplace/ Läuft!
  2. Ganz ehrlich: Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es dafür einen Markt gibt. Mach dir einen wirklich gut aussehenden menschlichen Avatar, dann kann ich dir helfen. Ich bin seit vielen Jahren in dem Geschäft.
  3. Sounds fun. I'd be in for it on the week-end (around midnight slt) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/de-DE/wishlists/Caroline.Takeda
  4. Confused Michael? The way it works is, we find abandoned parcels, build homes on them which we share with group members. A whole group of new flat(s)mates sharing places for free. Just a fun little game/adventure (there is always the risk that we loose some places, when they get auctioned out) Non-commercial and not to be taken too serious.
  5. What about lots of roommates and a home for free? Here is the plan: https://www.second-life-adventures.com/the-squatters-club/
  6. No, and no. You see, there is a simple answer. Actually I have been working for Google. I can tell you, they have a very strict anti-racism policy. It is not tolerated in any shape or form. It is also big part of the "compliance course"(including a test) you have to assist as part of the onboarding process. Google is using an AI called "Rankbrain" (<<Google that). In a nutshell: This software analyses what is the intent behind a search query. It takes in account the users context (country, mobil, language etc.) but foremost OTHER users interaction with the search results page, who had a similar context as you and used the same or a very similar search query. The longer the query the more exact it becomes. Personalized search is something totally different.
  7. Seriously? You are quoting a book that is almost 2000 Years old?
  8. Exactly the same here after the first and the second, however the second was a bit heavier.
  9. Lag originates at Frank's Jazz Club. It creeps out there and makes his way over the entire grid, just like the Fog in that movie. It reaches out even to the most remote of regions to get you. It will get you eventually. Beware!
  10. You din't get my point yet. ,"the belief that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities" To "sort" or divide people into "races" and to give them attributes based on their assumed race is already racism, even without claiming superiority or without discrimination. Human races do not exist! For a variation of a species to count as race, the difference in the DNA needs to be 30% or more. The maximum difference between one human and another is 5%. Our common genetic disposition is almost the same. Differences between come from exposition (culture, religion, education etc.) not from disposition.
  11. Molly You are mixing two different things here. Of course there are cultural differences between people and there is nothing wrong with that. I live in a city (Berlin) which hosts people from more than 100 different countries. This is actually an enrichment. This multi-culti society is what makes Berlin a very special place to be. Racism is not based on cultural differences, its based on the believe that humans are devided in different BIOLOGICAL entities with different abilities. And no, a black person does not always have the same cultural background as another black person. A black Manhattan stock broker has not much in common with a black Nigerian muslim. The only thing they share is the colour of their skin.
  12. Nope. That is a very outdated definition. Mmodern science has proven, that human races do not even exist. Maybe this knowledge did not cross the Atlantic Ocean yet. I wouldn't be surprised. Here is how we define racism today: Racism, also called racialism, the belief that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races”; that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural and behavioral features; and that some races are innately superior to others. Source: Merriam-Webster on Britannica Encyclopedia You can be a racist without discriminating anyone. You might not even be aware of your racist mindset.
  13. Thats is exactly my point. Same skin colour does not imply similar interests or experiences.
  14. Know the saying "never judge a book by his cover"?
  15. I think Rowan made pretty clear that it is not a race thing to her, but a cultural or regional thing. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. However the TO does sound indeed racist. A phrase like this: Indicates a racist attitude. First of all because it is denying the fact that there are actually no different human races. In science it is called variations not races. Differences between people are not caused by the colour of one's skin, but rather by the eniromental and cultural circumstances. A black US citizen is different to a black Nigerian as well as a white German is different to a white Russian for aforementioned reasons. Same applies to statements like: To meet more people like me (black people here), regardless of culture, nationality or regional interests, explicitly makes a difference between people based on their "race" . That is actually racism by definition. I am sure the TO has no bad intentions, she might not even be aware, that this is exactly how we define racism.
  16. I only went back about 2000 years, or 5 seconds compared to humanity's existance.
  17. I am German. My ancestors came from Afrika, Rome, the middle East, the Balkan, Asia. They were Huns, Celtics, Romans, Cherusker, Almans, Franks, Jews, Greeks, Slawics, Phonicians,...and a few more. Being German makes me a bit of everything. And thats a good thing actually, that is what made us a strong and succesfull people. Yes, I know, there was this one guy....who started a little argument in the 30ties over this. He is dead! Good ridance.
  18. Psst. Your wife did throw them in the bin. For reasons!
  19. Try Bar No. 5 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hoogenach/53/129/65 My ALT Candy works there behind the bar. There is a lot of open chat going on (some of it might be a little naughty).
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