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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. Reminds me of a Stanislaw Lem story where robots called humans "Mucilages"
  2. Ok, to confirm what Animats has found, I installed SingularityBeta32-bits under PlayonLinux on Lubuntu 18.04, could connect to a local standalone, but got the identical message when trying to connect to SecondLife. I doubt it's a blanket ban, I suspect more it's a contradictory set of data saying "I'm Windows but I'm Linux" Got yo mamma in a whirl...
  3. Singularity 8373 under Linux does a good job of uploading mesh. A thought here, I believe Wine targets 32-bit programs, was the Firestorm version you tried to run a 64-bit implementation?
  4. There's an overlap here with another thread discussing multiple scripts in a linkset, this might be a good case for having the common-function script plus an individual script, so there are going to be two scripts in every prim. The common function script is passed a link-message request and replies with a link-message answer. More sophisticated but perhaps more laggy is a server in a prim in the region where the operations are happening. The server gets llregionSayTo messages, and replies to the particular querying prim using llRegionSayTo for the Id it heard the message on. Of the two, I spent more time sorting out problems on the server approach, but once sorted, it means changes to the common functions only involve updating a single prim's content, one or more scripts in several score rezzed prims would be a real pain to update.
  5. Now you tell us... @) One option then is a generic script that reads either the prim name or description in order to adapt the behaviour to a specific case. The advantage here is that by a simple tweak to the prim name or description you get variation in the behaviour.
  6. I'd always go for smallest individual scripts dedicated to the task in hand. They're Simpler to code Simpler to debug, especially five years on Easier to adapt to slightly different requirements There was a fourth advantage but it got away from me as I was correcting a typo.
  7. Also, if the furniture itself has any complicated shapes, rotations, is sculpt, etc, it's often easier to add a pose to a "normal" prim than try and work out the sit target for the actual furniture.
  8. My guess is that LL would not take action on things that don't cause offence or prompt annoyance; e.g. showing what client the other users have which apparently caused disparaging comments to be passed on users of the LL Viewer. (In my view shutting off the client in the tags achieved little, you could always tell somebody using the LL viewer in an RP sim when they leaped several feet in the air because they had typed an emote but forgotten to explicity open and shift focus to the chat-bar first).
  9. Some people are slow to change, others learned by seeing how 2006-style freebies worked and because most modern stuff is no-mod they rarely get a chance to look at a better way of doing things. Still others just don't care, "lag? what lag? I see no lag"
  10. Probably not, but don't worry, people with non-BoM mesh and mesh clothes also look like complete freaks for that length of time when they TP somewhere and their clothes and other parts hang about in odd places or stay invisible before they all get together and settle down.
  11. ^^^^ THAT For the OP: Download the Firestorm Linux viewer by going to their webpage with a browser, right-clicking on the Linux download tab, and choosing Save-as or left-click. In a file manager (pcFMan, Caja, Nautilas or whatever), find your way to where the download went. Right-click on it, choose "archiver", and it will open. Big button probably top-left "EXTRACT" - click, then bottom right, smaller button "OK" - click Open a terminal window, cd to the extracted folder sudo chmod a+x install.sh sudo ./install.sh enjoy
  12. Duplicated thread, this has been going on in the viewer sub-forum, with a very similar outcome. The OP seems determined to install via a package method, not by downloading a tarball. In a few years there may indeed be repositories for viewers, but not right now.
  13. Singularity and CoolVlViewer also work well on Lubuntu. There are some advantages to installing them in /opt or /usr locations though, such as upgrading.
  14. Have you tried object area search in case they've flown up or to the corner?
  15. Yes, it's not in the standard repositories, you have to download the tarball from Linden Lab and unpack it, then follow my earlier instructions. Start Here Linux Download link Then use archiver to unpack the gziped tarball into somewhere in your downloads folder. (Depending on your setup you might need to unzip the tar file first and then extract the tar file to a folder, I found Archiver created the folder in one go) The resulting folder is where you go to then run the install shell script.
  16. Typically in Linux there is an install.sh shell script in the top level download folder that will, when run with root privs, install to somewhere like /opt or /usr. open a terminal, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the viewer, check that install.sh has execute privs, then "sudo ./install.sh" Once done, sometimes the SecondLife entry appears at once in the internet panel on the menus, but other times you might have to run it once. I advise doing this anyway in a terminal because if there are missing library links you will only see them in the terminal output, when run from a menu entry they just don't appear and you are left with the "what happened?" feeling.
  17. This is an ideal example of where chat-listeners do actually serve a valid purpose. Have two prims, one at the front and one at the rear, the front one listens on channel 0 and sends what it hears on another channel, the second prim listens on that channel and repeats it on channel 0 for those around it.
  18. You could swap the maps in a sculpt under script control to get a changing volume, but since there are both texture-loading and update issues it is a good idea to have a small nearby sculpt-previewer showing all the sculpt maps and their surface textures in very small form so that they will have been preloaded by the time any transform takes place.
  19. Assuming the OP is on Windows, this is an annoyance, and I've found lately it's getting even stranger. I usually have the task manager open so I can keep an eye on RAM use, and when I start a viewer by clicking on the icon, I get the opposite to the OP's complaint, the task manager refuses to give the focus to the application I've just started. The only workaround I've come up with is to minimise everything to the taskbar and bring up things as I want them. In case it helps the OP, I've noticed the chats and IMs coming in will give focus to the viewer when there are several windows open at once, so perhaps this is a cause?
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