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Everything posted by Malanya

  1. Tex Monday wrote: Malanya wrote: Isn't a person who is raped in RL still physically injured in some way even if there are no cuts, bruising, etc? I mean a physically forced act has to injure you even if in the slightest way. I don't think there would be any PHYSICAL injuries. There might very well be mental or emotional injuries, especially if the person has a mental handicap. To be physical, they would actually have to be in the same room with you. I am referring to RL rape Tex and I do believe that when a person who is raped in RL do have physical injuries from force no matter how someone may minimize it because you can't see external signs. Force is force and in RL any force has some physical AS WELL as emotional affect.
  2. Hi. There are groups inworld to join. I will send you a private message for one that I found, not sure I can name it or the group founder here on the forum. You can search within sl to find groups that offer support and have discussions about various things. I am sorry you have been confined to your home and I realize sl can be a great way of socializing and many other things. I hope you are enjoying your second life
  3. It is an interesting topic because I believe right now our privacy policies (I remember when they came into effect in the healthcare field) have many loopholes and unless you actually read all the fine print they really aren't protecting us, many loopholes that allow them to share what they feel is allowed and if certain situations arise they can give your information to others. It will take awhile for it to be a more secure policy and rome wasn't built overnight as my father used to say. I find it interesting, I no longer have a Face Book account, haven't for years because they can't keep information safe, how come so many people put that "creed" for lack of a better word, that they are stating to FB and the government their information can't be shared? I can't remember the whole long paragraph but I do remember seeing many people with that on their page. I have also had red flags by a few of my financial institutions that didn't allow a transaction out of the US.
  4. Isn't a person who is raped in RL still physically injured in some way even if there are no cuts, bruising, etc? I mean a physically forced act has to injure you even if in the slightest way. If a child or adult who is not mentally capable is involved in any virtual acts like this, I feel that the caregiver or the parents are the ones who should be responsible. A disabled person who is mentally unstable should have supervision for many reasons if on the internet for protection not just virtual worlds. A child who is not monitored while on their computer is a bad idea. I know many people who don't allow their kids to use any computers unless its in a common space in the home and can be seen when someone walks by what they are up to online. If it's a teenager who is home alone playing on the computer, that has no mental health issues, well they created the account so I am sure they can close the window, TP out as someone else suggested. If they signed on using an adult's account in the home then I guess the adult shouldn't use "save password" at sign in for any site that is not suitable for a kid.
  5. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I have to assume you mean this as a hypothetical situation, because there's no way I can figure out that it would be possible to do make someone go through something like that in SL if they didn't want to. If nothing else there's Ctrl+Q. That being said, if you somehow managed to take over their computer so that they couldn't stop it, it still isn't rape... but the act of taking over their computer could very well be a prosecutable crime. ...Dres i totally agree with that . on top i add that using this word for things that are not related to real rape is an insult against every person who has been victim of a rape... you can talk about mental abuse... but rape is different. Yes, a criminal act to access someone's computer is a crime, but RL rape is so very different. Those people didn't CHOOSE to participate in the act.
  6. Staralien wrote: Here's a can of worms I just opened: If your avatar is raped, (if such a thing were possible to do against your will) can you prosecute the person in real life? Should you be able to? Rape is a violent act, and in this case it would be basically raping someone's mind. Mind rape. No. You CAN'T rape an avatar or perform any "mind violence acts" on one. You do realize that any participation in anything that is viewed as violent is done because a person chooses to act it out? The person behind the avatar wants to participate. No people should not be prosecuted. I can't even think of why you would bring up such a scenario that is impossible. There are many things that are considered violent in sl so maybe you should just unplug and walk away or ... ignore what others do that you are going to judge. Rape is a serious RL act and I can't believe you are actually comparing it to kinks people have in sl and act out. That's an insult as I see it to anyone raped in RL. Mind rape omg. Edit: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion/RAPE-PARTIES/m-p/1918881/#U1918881
  7. A clean reinstall and then signing in to a quiet sim such as Hatton should work. If you recall i have had to reinstall FS a few times but for other reasons. Having a large inventory has never affected me in almost 1 1/2 years. My inventory loads in approximately 45 seconds whether I am signing in or did a clean install, a lot has to do with your connection and if you use a router or directly wired to the modem. Congrats on your wedding biz you may want to get inventory boxes to store your no copy objects on your land and in your folder. The FS support group has some very knowledgeable people. Good luck
  8. Ginger, it's not about winning or losing. Lucretia gave you the truth. If you visited the Vista store Inworld, then you received a warning right at their store about people trying to scam payments while purchasing right at their store. You can't miss the warning on your screen. That being said, I would be leary of buying anything on the Marketplace when a store is telling you customers can be scammed out of their money. Sorry this happened to you but you are only receiving normal replies to your post.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Malanya wrote: True as a sim owner that's renting a parcel out is not always aware of what renters have. Courtesy is not a well known word it seems in sl. Additionally just taking a stroll through someone else's property, home whatever is rude and if that's the case OP had no business there. Maybe it's a resident who doesn't like someone else, could be the issue. People AR over things they don't have full knowledge about many times as it is. edit spelling And while according to the Pharisees and Sadducees the offending Avatar should be stoned for putting these things out, really, I have better things to do with my time than searching for and or A/Ring this stuff. The owner may only be using the cuddles. If and when I should stumble on someone pumping pixels on G Land, I might caution them in case they didn't know the rules. But I'm not here to play Policeman. Agreed. There are far more interesting things to do in sl then try and find people on their own land doing something that may be considered wrong.
  10. True as a sim owner that's renting a parcel out is not always aware of what renters have. Courtesy is not a well known word it seems in sl. Additionally just taking a stroll through someone else's property, home whatever is rude and if that's the case OP had no business there. Maybe it's a resident who doesn't like someone else, could be the issue. People AR over things they don't have full knowledge about many times as it is. edit spelling
  11. Hi Matt, you can rez here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blake%20Sea%20-%20Half%20Hitch/128/128/2 and http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blake%20Sea%20-%20Swab/128/128/2. You can rez your If you want a place to keep your boat such as a slip I would search Yacht Clubs as there are many that can accommodate depending on how many prims your boat uses.
  12. Ceka Cianci wrote: wasn't there a thread in the old RA forums where someone came in and wanted everyone to rate how hot she was? something like that.. omg i remember her getting the hardest time from that.. the forum had fun with it.. hehehe haha I remeber my cousin on some rl "Hot or Not" website where people voted how hot you were! I thought tht had to be one of the lamest things I have seen on the internet at the time.
  13. Ren Toxx wrote: Not that I don't think you have a point but, just for the sake of argument... I guess sometimes it really is too much, even in the land of excess-by-default. I mean, I go around seeing hundreds of pretty darn hot avatars every day, and I honestly do not feel the need to IM them and say so, much less try and take it any further; maybe because you're right and beauty is just par for the course in SL, or maybe because I feel it's a bit of an inane thing to do and not conducive to any meaningful conversation... fact is, I don't, I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near the only one, and so in the end there is a bit of an expectation by some people that every now and then they'll find someone able to look beyond the virtual beauty and engage them in something deeper and more interesting than 'hi, you're hot'. My point is... I don't think there's anything wrong with expecting a bit more from at least a small part of the SL population, and regretting that that part isn't any bigger. Yes, it still comes with the territory... and yes, more than a few just pretend to be annoyed by it because it sounds higher-minded than showing all-out flattered. But still one can wish there were a few more actual brains behind the avatars :smileywink: Need more people like you in sl male and female
  14. squashy Beeswing wrote: Why is it so many forum females seemingly feel the need to boast about / complain about / boastfully complain about how they keep "getting hit on" becos their avatar is just too damned attractive? FGS, it's SL, it happens to EVERYONE. Get over it! *rolls eyes* Why'd you think there's such a thriving skin/shape/fashion industry? Could it be 'cos we're ALL enabled to look precisely as hot -- or not -- as we choose to be? Seriously, you deserve no kudos. I mean, you could be wearing one of those ghastly 'shy caramelle' skins and you'd still get hit on, guaranteed. My best pal runs around in the guise of a giant mesh rabbit and even SHE gets dry-humped by total strangers. :smileysurprised: I repeat: It's SL; it goes with the territory! RL insecurity. Trying to be someone they are not for reasons that "may" be unhealthy, not RP'ing or using sl as an outlet and escape from rl for fun. I know too many people in sl that while not rp'ing or being in a fantasy world, they are projecting themselves as someone different and let people thimnk they are someone they are not. It's trickery and they are not doing it to protect rl identity. They are just simply unhappy with themselves. There is no problem with wanting to be someone else here in sl but when you do it to decieve yourself or someone else it's sad. Of course whether we are content with our rl selves we still want to look good in sl whether we are RP'ing or use sl as an extension of ourself. eta @ Caitlin I think people mistake being hit on many times. People have a sense of humor and that can go a long way that doesn't mean they are serious, could be an ice breaker to start a conversation. When people complain about being hit on seems to be some affirmation they need.
  15. Your stories are heartwarming. Want to hear some of the stories of people i know in sl that can't do much with 10 fingers because of COPD? Or maybe you would like to hear about a rl friend i have that has systemic Lupus and can't hold a rl job as no one is going to hire someone that needs to step back, lay down and rest OFTEN. You did tell people to get a job btw. Disabled people have a ticket to work program, know much about that? Did you read Amethyst's post about people needing to work because of disability and possible other reasons that keep them at home to add to income or only source of income. My post mimmicked the same. I guess until it happens to you or to someone you love you will not understand.
  16. Hoshi Kenin wrote: A brave post, and yes, it is time for action. Note the majority of replies againstyour post are by the well known,same old, tiresome LL shills ........and people who are in SL simply to make money. In other words, a minority. When I fist came into SL, the friend who introduced me explained how just about everything in SL was created not by LL, but by the residents. Furthermore, what was made, was ininitially free or very cheap; people simply enjoyed trying to make stuff and share it. Then came greed. And more greed. Some of the items I have are truly wonderful, but it is not the quality of the creations that make me enjoy SL. I probably enjoyed it as much if not more more before mesh outfits et al. One of the classic examples is the kind old resident who makes great fun stuff, and spends most of her time around the blake sea pirate areas. Many of you will know who I mean. She does not charge, she embodies what SL was really - once - all about. However, there must be progress, and I have no beef with quality content creators who spend time ( though... it must be said ...at their own choosing; no one puts a gun to their head) and make nice desirable stuff and charge a 'fair' price. But. I do despair of the greed that pervades more and more, from LL down. No escape from RL, there! I have stopped spending the money I used to in SL. Which was quite considerable combining, as it did, my main and other alt avatar. I consider the CEO to be a walking disaster, and LL not worthy of the tremendous customer base they have for the abysmal customer care they offer in return. This latest LL catastrophe, frankly, I could care less about. They reap what they sow, and have took their customers for granted for so long now, they are beyond redemption it would appear. II am not a regulr eha I am not a "regular whatever you said" I am also not here to make money. I do know that when a business has to comply with laws that's what you do. Simple. It's very nice when people create and share, but sound like entitlement for you to think it should all be shared or you call it greed. Maybe you didn't know that some things to create these wonderful things cost people money. It's not greed when someone wants to make money in a virtual world, it's actually not up for our debate as we don't know what motivates them to have a business here, and BTW I think it's great when people have an sl business I have NO problem contributing to their success and enjoying the creative things they make. Oh how brave to sound off on something none of us know the details to and yet you I assume don't work there so deal with it or laws may not be of importance to you? The CEO, he is what he is, nothing is preventing you from not logging in if you don't like what is done here. Taking a walk outside in rl gives you better perception to clear your head, just and FYI.
  17. Steph Catseye wrote: Malanya wrote: Rommanno wrote: Most Europeans who have been using 3rd party exchanges don't use PayPal simply because it's inconvenient in Europe when compared to other payment methods those exchanges were offering by the way. And PayPal doesn't have a very good reputation here because of credit card fraud which happens a lot more often on Paypal. I doubt they will go through all the PayPal hassle just because of Second Life. I have never had a problem with my online business in 12 years of being a PayPal Business Member/Merchant I have accepted Payments from all over the world. I have never had an issue with an European transactions. People complain about everything even if it hasn't affected them directly. PayPal is safe to use and convenient. Paypal is no ideal business solution period. The fees and expenses are higher than almost anywhere else. If people like Paypal it is fine with me but this fanboy/fangirl cheering event is going on my nerves to be perfectly honest. My online career is as old as the internet exists commercially, I have used and dealt with literally hundreds of payment providers and the worst and most expensive of them all is Paypal. Paypal to Bank is the slowest solution on the market it takes 5 business days within the EU I hear it is not much different in the USA. The fees are extremely high on top of the interest they generate by keeping all their clients money for 3-4 days. It is a complete rip off. From now on I will lose 60 USD per week that 52 times a year that 3120 USD i lose over using ELDEX as a third party provider, that is the amount of a nice vacation. I have never had a problem with PayPal as a merchant and I am sorry you are getting sick of the cheerleading, I am not cheerleading I am giving MY opinion. I am glad your business is as old as the internet , then maybe you have found the utmost solution for receiving payments with the volume you are doing and what type of cart you use for your online customers. I am in the US and I don't wait days for any type of transaction to or from my bank. I am not an sl merchant. Paypal is the least expensive for me as the percentage is less than Visa/MC. I deal with large volume purchases, I only sell wholesale what I make, and it's always been good for me.
  18. Lucretia Brandenburg wrote: I was curious because everytime there is a seemingly drastic change, people always say there is going to be a nose dive in the population of SL, people leave in droves, SL won't last another month at this rate, etc. I have been around for a few of these "mass exodus" scenarios and haven't noticed that much of a difference. That was an interesting question you posted. I was just curious like you were. The actual active members don't affect me personally as I don't rely on that for the fun I have in sl and I am quite content with what I do and with whom in sl. I see your point of asking the question and it still would be just an interesting fact to know just for the heck of it.
  19. Makes sense. Thank You. I have never cashed out so I wouldn't even begin to know how the process works. Smart idea having a budget as it can be very easy to spend too much money here.
  20. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Malanya wrote: Lucretia Brandenburg wrote: The 25.00 minimum is only if you want a USD balance. From the dashboard, the lowest amount of L you can purchase is 2500, if you purchase L inworld, the minimum is 2000. If you just want Lindens, you don't need a USD balance at all. oh ok, I have not seen it on my dashboard but i only use specific areas of it anyways. This may sound ignorant, but why would someone want a USD balance instead of Lindens in their account? im ignorant too lol... so thanks for asking the question bec this is smth i never could understand lol well, so I have heard there is no stupid question asked lol but i did feel a bit odd not knowing why is has a place that "shows" a USD balance, just never knew. Oh we are not ignorant
  21. Madeliefste Oh wrote: For example for paying main land tier, or for paying for a premium account. LL doesn't accept any payment in L$. Thank you. I knew that premium account paymants had to be USD (didn't know you could use a balance in sl for that) I didn't realize mainland tier had to be paid the same way. I have always rented private estates. Good to know.
  22. Lucretia Brandenburg wrote: The 25.00 minimum is only if you want a USD balance. From the dashboard, the lowest amount of L you can purchase is 2500, if you purchase L inworld, the minimum is 2000. If you just want Lindens, you don't need a USD balance at all. oh ok, I have not seen it on my dashboard but i only use specific areas of it anyways. This may sound ignorant, but why would someone want a USD balance instead of Lindens in their account?
  23. Do you get o that page with the $25 minimum through the viewer? I ask because I have never seen it and I thought maybe it was viewer specific??
  24. Awww.. you are making me blush :matte-motes-bashful: but ty!
  25. Czari Zenovka wrote: Malanya wrote: Hi, I always buy my lindens on the sl website from my home page where it says "buy $l and Mange $l. That is on the left hand side of the wb page. I am not familiar with buying them from a viewer so I am not sure where that takes you. Same here and it is very straightforward. I have purchased as little as $5.00 USD for lindens back in the day when I didn't need much. It is straightforward like you say and I don't know about the $25.00 minimum being spoke of. I have never gone off the page to buy though I have seen it on top of the marketplace page which is part of the sl website. I use FS I wonder if different viewers take you through another step before you get to the place where you just simply buy? I am not sure.
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