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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. To address this about empty sims, yes I too find them a lot. However, there are a few clubs that are so popular you get grey bots or eggs not to mention way too much lag because there is just frankly too much stuff and too many avi's in them. They should set up some kind of "room limit" with a message that says 'sim is full at the moment, try again later'. That would help people search for other clubs and also help with the lag problem and/or the crashing or freezing on the sims that just have far too many things going for any computer to load that much stuff. I've been to some clubs that are so jammed, they do need a waiting list. lol But definately female input is needed. I'm always saying to myself, SL was designed by a man who doesn't understand that women are by far the largest consumers in the world period. Male avatars often have like 5 to 10 outfits, if even that. In comparison, women have a lot more than that; at least 500 or more, not to mention we need more shoes than a male avi! However, "room limit" is a good idea also, that gives people incentive to seek out the empty sims and have a better overall experience with SL and their computer. However, clubs do need to hire Dj's that play music as described in their description, so that's why I assume some clubs are so full and other's not, it's just bad Dj hiring. In the wanted section, people should say what type of music they are looking for when placing a want ad either for a Dj or for other jobs. Sure, we can find new names of clubs by searching the wanted hire section, but they say nothing of what type of music it is, so I don't bother seeking out their club. If they said what type of music they play in their want ads and it's a type of music I like, THEN I would seek them out. If a want ad just had a name of club and Dj and hostess wanted but no type of music listed, I don't bother to seek them out as they failed to provide info about the club and it's music.
  2. Yes they could and should do a whole lot better for their customers, especially women. I don't think LL has a clue on HOW females shop. They definitely could use a lot of female input to make SL better. Women tend to be the largest consumers in the world in general whether RL or SL, so female input is definitely needed (exclamation point). I mean just take no wish bar area on Marketplace... I have lost so many items I would have liked because I couldn't store them and now cannot find them. When creating a business, you need to take your largest demographic consumers into consideration.
  3. Well, I don't understand WHY on earth did they set it up that way in the first place? My name is Mayalily, female SL and RL and I have no desire to be a male avatar and wear a mustache or any other male parts. I'm only interested in girlie girl item, and have no desire to be a man ever, let alone a male avatar with the name of Mayalily. They should just give you one library when u start, if you're a female you get the female library, or a male, vice versa because a lot of people have a female orientated name and I see male avatars with a male orientated name, so therefore there is no need to have inventory set up this way in the first place, and when I found out I couldn't delete them, I was pretty mad. And yes I do get many problems with inventory such as a message that says "inventory is taking too long to download", then I get kicked to the curb and have to go on basic and I lose my whole inventory for awhile. And this IS my inventory, I'm paying for it, so I'd appreciate it that they DO NOT PUT STUFF IN MY INVENTORY I DO NOT WANT... I am perfectly capable of picking out the free or 1L items on Marketplace I DO want. So, it's not appreciated. Offer free things but let people chose them themselves, don't just put stuff in there as I do consider that my inventory and no one else should have access to it but me. How many more items I can fit when I get messages like "inventory is taking too long to download", I'd say it's probably not much. I was just wondering the other day, am I going to have delete an item just to buy a new item and do that each time I buy a new item, one has to get deleted? I don't know Dres if making the male default inventory invisible is going to help or make more room for much more in my inventory? A simple thing LL could do is to send an avatar a notecard when they arrive in SL that tells them how to search for free and 1L items on Marketplace and give them a $300L gift certificate for Marketplace so new users will have an incentive to learn about Marketplace, rather than putting default items in there that are a clog. And I've seen several threads where people have said they have gotten new state of the art computers to run SL and they did not get better performance nor improvement with SL by buying a new computer, so it's not just my computer.
  4. I'm glad u brought this up because one thing about my inventory is that I cannot delete the male stuff. I don't need the male related items, but they WILL NOT DELETE, and yes it always says "inventory is still downloading"... my inventory takes soooooo long to download and sometimes keeps logging me out. One of the things I really do not like about SL inventory is that it will not let you delete the male items. I'm a female, what do I need male items for? And why did they make them non-deletable? It's a clog. I'd prefer to not have them period. But, I'm stuck, so I shop hardly at all anymore. And I got a bunch of free stuff added to my inventory from the birthday and I don't want them nor even know where they are? This is my pet peeve about SL. I DON'T NEED MALE STUFF AND CAN'T DELETE IT! And I didn't need more from the SL b-day when I can't even find the items. I'd prefer to pick out free or 1L items from Marketplace than to have such a clogged inventory. But sadly, I may only be able to buy one outfit a month now, if even that. My inventory is way too clogged with stuff I never put in there. /Mayalily screams bloody murder. Please do not put free stuff in my inventory I do not ask for nor want. It seems my inventory grew about 1000 items from SL 8bday, and I have no idea what that stuff is or if I even want it. URGH! This is definately my pet peeve about SL.
  5. Yes, I see the kids, well you're not a kid at 20, but they do make a lot washing cars. You could invest in some good sponges and get some towels from a thrift store. You can also make good money cleaning houses. Just write some of your cleaning specialties down, and then print them as a flyer and drop some in nearby mailboxes where u live (the client usually has the cleaning supplies and paper towels in their home already). You might make quite a bit of extra money doing that, that you could have some to save to start a SL business or pay for more books....etc.... ETA: For Hanahhh, a cleaning agency charges about $150 dollars for four hours worth of cleaning; so there is definitely a market for you and clients who need cleaning services less than $150 dollars for four hours! I'd say charge about 10 dollars an hour, do a great job of sparkle and shine and some vacuuming, and you will make very good money!
  6. 14? Oh, lordy. Anyhow, on SL you have to invest money first to make money, even if you wanted to be say a photographer for instance. $200 dollars is a lot to borrow at 14. Mowing lawns, doing car washes, cleaning houses, that's your best chance. I always love a good but inexpensive car wash from the kids around where I live, and they do a nice job, too. Get your friends together, put up signs that say car wash, and get to washing. ETA: Ha, Knowl and I posted at the same time. Yes, it does take money to make money.
  7. I'll add I like your name also! I think it's a cool name. Good job! I wanted something with May or Mae, but kept getting that is taken, that is taken, that is taken, until I finally got a name: Mayalily, not taken.
  8. Yes, I just did a test pic and it sure did make it small like a thumbnail? Anyhow, let me just try this thumbnail looking thing as a test. ETA: Yep, I got a grey blob thumbnail looking avatar. ETA: For Ceka, the dimensions where: Width 170 pixels, Height 195 pixels (but that was for a blank space, which I was assuming means a background, but I guess not). aaaaaaaaaaahk I'm in avatar college!
  9. Okay, I'll look into this today. ETA: After reading it again, it does say u can use Photoshop. I was just glancing and saw the GREEN lettered words that said download Gimp. So, it's an either or. My bad. I need to NOT just look at the GREEN highlighted parts.
  10. But how would solitare to win money be any different from playing poker to win money? They are both card games. So, what IS the difference exactly?
  11. You got 9000 lindens from camping? That's a lot, too. How did u do that? (Send me an IM sometime of how u did that from camping! 'Cuz I'm expecting SL twins soon, so I need some extra money to help my babies.) I've seen many TV documentries on online gambling, and what I got from the documentries, is it's sort of allowed, but user beware as a lot of things are computer-generated (rigged) to make u lose, so if you go the online gambling route, you're kind of screwed. That's why I'd never bother with Zyngo or whatever it's called. That's kind of why online gambling is illegal in the U.S., it's far too easy to rig. Not to mention the online game creators are deep in the middle of South America or somewhere else that is usually too hard to find. Online gambling is extremely player beware because the authorities have an extremely difficult time finding out where the game seter upper is even actually located.
  12. But can I import my own background instead of the default ones? And if so, how do I import a background... do I put the background in my stored uploaded images area as long as it is the correct size as described in Suella's badge making post?
  13. 20000 to 30000 lindens, that's a lot, imo. I'm not interested in that game myself, but since you said it's no great loss, aren't there other sims where u can play that game?
  14. I was reading Suella's instructions on how to create an avatar/badge, and it says to download GIMP. So my question is, is downloading GIMP the ONLY way to make an avatar/badge here? I'm not interested in downloading Gimp as I have a lot of stuff on my hardrive already, not sure how much space needed for Gimp, and I'm not interested at this time to use Gimp. I have photoshop, can I use that to make an avatar. And if so, what do I do now? And/or why only GIMP, could someone explain?
  15. To address the OP again: You could put something about secondlife.com in your Facebook profile. And then when people see secondlife.com in your Facebook profile, they may join, then send something to your Facebook area that they have joined SL thanks to you and are having a great time, and then perhaps you will meet them in SL? I really don't think SL is a question of "strangeness"... I think it's a question of time in each person's 24-day. Some people would frankly prefer to use their time doing something else; reading, painting, writing music, etc....etc.... But what about just putting secondlife.com on your Facebook page, or does that seem strange to you to do that?
  16. Exercise increases all kinds of good things in your body and makes u feel overall better. And when u feel overall better, u will have a happier and healthier RL and SL. I often exercise with SL running as I don't have a SL job yet, so I don't feel I need to always be at the keyboard. I use SL as a workout tool. I just go to an empty sim (but now I have a SL rental home I can do this in), let my avatar dance, and then I do my workout in RL (which for me isn't weights, it's more dance aerobic oriented.)  Regular physical activity that is performed on most days of the week reduces the risk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the United States. • Reduces the risk of dying prematurely. • Reduces the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease. • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes. • Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure. • Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure. • Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. • Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. • Helps control weight. • Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. • Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling. • Promotes psychological well-being. Specific Health Benefits of Exercise Heart Disease and Stroke. Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (good cholesterol) and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels (bad cholesterol), improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working capacity. High Blood Pressure. Regular physical activity can reduce blood pressure in those with high blood pressure levels. Physical activity also reduces body fatness, which is associated with high blood pressure. Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes. By reducing body fatness, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes. Obesity. Physical activity helps to reduce body fat by building or preserving muscle mass and improving the body's ability to use calories. When physical activity is combined with proper nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases. Back Pain. By increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility and posture, regular exercise helps to prevent back pain. Osteoporosis. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent many forms of bone loss associated with aging. Psychological Effects. Regular physical activity can improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself. Researchers also have found that exercise is likely to reduce depression and anxiety and help you to better manage stress. http://www.nutristrategy.com/health.htm
  17. I think the problem with inviting people to SL is not SL itself because there all kinds of things to do here, some G rated, some PG rated, some just pretty things to look at and quite normal. I think the problem with SL for some people is that it is too time consuming for them to make an avatar and learn all these things, whereas Facebook or Twitter, it's just plain and simple, easier/faster/quicker; no avatars to make or clothes to buy, etc. So I think it depends on how much time the person has, along with how much patience they have, but I don't see any reason to not invite them based on SL's "strangeness" because a lot of SL is quite tame or mild really; it just depends where u go. I already know a lot of my family would not have the patience for SL, not to mention I'd be helping constantly and may never have a SL myself. My family would just say no, go to Facebook or Twitter instead 'cuz it's easier for them.
  18. I'm enjoying reading this as it's kind of funny to discuss and especially to do the tests. Your signif other will love it! Yes, they are wearing a bra top, exactly how much they would bounce braless?... I don't know, I'll have to do some more tests, but will wait to my signif other comes home from work. hehehe When I'm doing just regular dancing, I am using mostly my legs and hips, so I don't see much breast movement. I see hip movement. Anyhow, I'm still working on my chim and haven't gotten that done yet, so avatar physics is a way off for me. As to whether I got ruthed or not is a mystery, but I don't think so. I was wearing the avatar physics when I lost my shape, and that's the only time that happened to me. It wasn't that I was ruthed nor needed a character test, it was merely that my shape detached and if your shape does detach it will turn you into an egg/oval, and that's what happened to me just that one time. Why, I don't exactly know?
  19. lol :smileyvery-happy: After watching this belly dance video of a rather large breasted women (which I'll post a link at the end), I can still see tho that it is the shoulders that make us bounce and also muscle isolation. I also just did a lovely test in front of my rl bf doing a belly dance shimmy where I could jiggle while isolating, and then did just a regular dance and my breasts hardly moved at all. He enjoyed watching me do a test for avatar physics tho. However, with the regular dance, he said no you're breasts don't hardly move at all. I have belly danced in rl and I know the movement comes from the shoulders more than anything (you can especially see that in the youtube video in my last post. She is moving her shoulders back and forth to achieve that "shimmy". This is a vid of a large breasted belly dancer. I don't see her breasts moving a great deal except by using shoulder movements, which we really don't do when we are just dancing regularly. It sure would hurt if my boobs bounced around in RL as much as SL thinks they should. lol, that would be painful. Anyhow, I was studying this to see just how realistic I could get it, but then the avatar physics caused my shape to detach, so I moved on to other things right now. But animation is interesting to me, nonetheless. ETA: Also, the bum muscles are tight, at least on me. My bum doesn't bounce around much at all, so I don't get the bum bouncing part? That seems way off to me. Bums are full of strong muscle mass?
  20. Oh where do u read these? I bought some SL fashion mags on Marketplace, but couldn't get them to work or I unlinked them somehow? To address the OP: I'm mostly a marketplace shopper and don't feel a need to go inworld to look at clothing as clothing is not rezzed inworld. Although I can understand some people wanting to go inworld to shop to avoid a delivery failure. I read the forums, ask, right click on a dress if I absolutely love it when I see an avatar wearing it, and then look up the designer on Marketplace. Or sometimes, just by luck, happen to stumble upon a designer just by chance. Also, I do check "see the best selling items" or whatever they are called (can't remember at this time exactly how it is worded), but when I look up best sellers, I usually find some great promo deals on Marketplace, not to mention CUTE! Other times it's just random, such as in Marketplace search I typed in the word glitter and stumble upon something I love. I do love the promo offers tho. 50 linden Fridays, I haven't found yet.
  21. I wonder if men think 'good' boob bounce is different from a woman. I wonder how many women using these avatar physics things have actually danced in front of a mirror to see how breasts actually move in RL? I have danced 3 times in front of a mirror and have rather large breasts and they don't move like milk jiggling in a jug. The movement comes from the shoulders down through the pectoral muscles. When we dance we are using are muscles and that is what is moving. Breast mass is a lot firmer than I think most men think. And I was braless when checking this out; it's the pec muscles moving and I can see my shoulders causing some movement but it's subtle. Also, did a shimmy check just now again. If I hold all my muscles still, I can do the shimmy. If your other muscles are moving, I don't think a woman can do the shimmy. You have to hold your other muscles completely tight to achieve this. Here's a dance video of a guy dancing, you can see the movement is coming from the shoulder area to the pecs. I couldn't find a vid on a girl dancing yet. ETA: Belly dance video. A belly dancer can only make the breast area move if the other muscles are tight, otherwise they don't move much. You have to isolate that area of the body muscles alone in order to achieve a breast shimmy. http://www.5min.com/Video/Belly-Dance---The-Shimmy-1876 
  22. Whether small, big or in-between, I think common courtesy is a what matters. Treating someone the way you would want to be treated. Also, im's get capped, so drop them a note card instead. Also, I came across an item on Marketplace I liked and in the advert of the item, the creator stated she could alter it your liking. I thought that was cool that she's ready to work with her customers one-on-one to individualize an item.
  23. My experience, my body parts look like jiggling jello. Now I know there are adjusters to these things, but I've never seen one moving correctly, not yet anyhow? I also won't be using them because if the bouncing is wrong, they will bounce your shape right off of you, which is what happened to me. I've also seen some people shout out "be careful not to fall in love with me, I've got my avatar physics on". So I went close to the avatar to see if I could see anything moving, and I could not. It was like a zero movement, so I couldn't understand what they were so excited for? Their body parts weren't moving, not in my viewer screen. ETA: If you turn into a white oval and were wearing avatar physics, the most likely reason you are an egg is because the avatar physics bounced your shape right off of your avatar, and without a shape you will be an egg.
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