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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. I don't own anything to take to the next level, but animation especially the dances seem to be very lucrative. If I were going to invest in anything, I'd go the dance animation route.
  2. Hi Marianne, Yes I found some, but it didn't look right, so I just put a curtain there for now. What happened when I tried to stretch the textures, the flowers that were small and delicate, got too large when I stretched it. I'll try brainstorming again about this tomorrow, or else I'll keep the kitchen, not sure yet. The rest of the house is coming along. I got a lot done today! yay But now I know what builders go thru; those little textures are hard to work with, or else I don't know how to use them yet. Not sure I want to either; very time consuming I'd think.
  3. Hi everyone, Does anyone know if I can buy a large wallpaper to block off a part of a wall? I tried putting a large painting there, but unfortunately the painting stretched horizontally just fine, but vertically no as the top half went through the roof. So, I was wondering if there is wallpaper I could buy that would stretch to block out parts, such as a wall, I don't need or want? See I want to cover the kitchen cabinets as I don't need the kitchen part (don't want to be reminded to doing dishes) and also to block out a few windows, as I have like 10-12 windows already. I know I could put a curtain and stretch it across, but I was hoping that perhaps there is some kind of wallpaper wherein I could do this to disguise a part of a home I do not need, such as the wall with the kitchen cupboards and also one wall where I don't want the windows? Anything like that... stretch to fit wallpaper? I need something feminine and/or Victorian (not too flowery tho, subtle I need). We need a decorating part of the forum.. hehehehe
  4. $80 dollars, well that's not $30.00 a day. And here I was ready to look for a bridal veil. (lol) btw, You're looking for something called an AO, I believe. AO, animation over-rider. But try some of the more inexpensive ones and give them a try because I prefer not to use an AO at this time as it causes too much lag on me. I just stand like a dork.
  5. No, that's not true. There are many people who speak to white ovals or grey bots. However, if I'm not stuck in IM hell, I usually IM the person that they are an oval or that they need to rebake their textures if they are grey. However, most people do not do this. They simply do not take the time to let u know how u look. The only way to be certain someone can see your avatar is for you to ask "what am I wearing"? Because most of the time people are not going to tell you. Try searching your inventory's search box again and type in shape. See what shapes come up for you and chose "wear" for another shape. Also, did you see your shape as a worn item? I'd go inworld if I could right now to help you, but it's my time to log off. Hang in there tho, because these ovals come and go and are usually very easy to fix once the problem is discovered. Someone may come online and be able to help you at this time if they have the time to go inworld with you. I don't; I have to log off now.
  6. You spend $30 a day on SL? Will you marry me?
  7. I'm not quite understanding. When you typed in the word worn in your inventory's search box, did it show your shape as an item that is "worn"?
  8. I had to remove a link, but the advert in the link was at first IMVU. What happened was I went searching for a free avatar and decided to look for a Lord of the Rings avatar and in less than a two-minute search for a free avatar, the advert was for IMVU. I see these IMVU items all over the place. SL needs to hire an advertising team in order to upgrade and get things working properly, imo. They also need hired helpers or perhaps a program where u can earn lindens for helping. I took out the link because the advert changed into another advert. But the IMVU advert had an avatar doing a dance that I have that I bought from SL. IMVU is copy-cating some of the SL user items, or else some creators are creating for both SL and IMVU. Anyhow, IMVU everywhere, SL no where just about.
  9. This happened to me once when I trying the new avatar physics. The avatar physics detached my shape somehow. See if you can log back in, check your folder with your skin and your shape, and make sure your shape is attached. Another way to easily check this is to type in your inventory's search box the word worn. Once you type in the word worn, you should be able to see all the things that you are wearing. If your shape says IT IS worn, you have a different problem. Try that first tho if you can. And it's also good to always check this (that your shape is showing worn) if you encounter this again because sometimes a shape can get detached; it happend to me. This may not be your problem right now, but something to remember to check in the future when this happens.
  10. No one should be able to do anything to your furniture because it should say owned by you (your username). I don't think there is anything anyone can do to an item that is NOT owned by them. To double check if it says owned by you, right click on the furniture item and chose edit. This will pull up a window for you to not only read about the item but also how to move it, including stretch (if the item is stretchable), rotate, etc. There are some items such as a curtain I bought that I could set to me only or set to anyone to change, such as remain dark blockout sheer or light sheer to let some light in. I'd assume there are very few items that have this feature for anyone to change. I only came across that one time for a curtain and didn't like the curtain anyways because I was trying to layer a curtain effect and it never worked right. The sheer I wanted to stay in the back and the scallop pretty curtain I wanted to stay in the front, but it never worked. Anyhow, I've never come across a furniture item that anyone could change, except that freaky dark to sheer curtain. However, the sheer curtain was so inexpensive, it was no great loss; it cost perhaps twenty cents. ETA: That freaky sheer curtain that would never layer right had an option to click "set to user" or "set to anyone", and that's the only time I remember seeing that feature. I chose set to user (which would be me).
  11. About Process Credit, I had no idea what that was so looked in the Database and found this thread. Let me know if it is helpful to you or not. If not, you can search the database on Process Credit to see if you can find the info you need. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/SellIng-L-s-and-banking/m-p/931709/highlight/true#M9260 As far as your other two questions, I don't have the answers and I don't understand because I don't have a LL premium account. And I also don't understand because yes once you rezz an item into your home, it leaves your inventory and is not supposed to be in your inventory anymore. I'm not sure what you mean by "toggle" either?
  12. Oh I see. Thank you for clearing that up.
  13. Oh, one thing I forgot, so this is addressed to the OP or anyone reading this thread. The default arms are too short. One thing to do is to stand up with your rl body and place your wrists on your thighs. Once you place your wrists and then relax your hands and let them rest on your thighs, you can get a good sense of wear the arms should fall on your avatar. Also, another trick that painter's do is to place one hand over your face and then you can get a good sense of about how big your hands should be. Though with fingernails, us women usually have to set our hands at 10, which looks good enough to me. But maybe for the male avatars one could try putting one hand over their face to get a good sense of how large our hands actually are. One hand (placing palm on chin) usually goes from chin to tip of forehead with the fingertips, at least on me it does (rl painting tricks). ETA: I wasn't replying to Jacki. I think this system replies to the poster above you, unless you hit reply to the OP again, 'cuz I hit the green button to the left. Learn something new everyday!
  14. That's an interesting question on how I would advertise SL, so let me think about it. I know of one success in the musical industry where they went to mega-stardom at the time WITHOUT touring, and that group was Steely Dan. They became successful by partly using the word of mouth technique; however, Steely Dan had radio play of their songs and if it weren't for the Dj's of that time backing Steely Dan and playing them so much, how would they have even been heard since they preferred not to tour at all? But again, let me give it some thought as to how I would advertise. If I owned this "game" which is really not a game because you don't win anything like one would in a card game for example, I just know I WOULD advertise. ETA: After a quick glance at the Wikipedia on Steely Dan, they did not tour for almost a period of 20 years. I don't think that type of stardom has ever been achieved since and may never happen again. Not touring for 20 years; it amazes me how they became so popular and/or even thrived in "the biz". It's an amazing story to me anyways.
  15. I'd don't see any actual arguments here, more a debate along the lines of opinion. And some people just like to sometimes over-exaggerate their posts with a lot of bleeps and foul language just to try to see what they are allowed under the terms of free speech; at least that's what I think they are doing....? Some posters on forums are a little over the top with foul language. However, to me a troll is someone who posts false info. For instance I was reading a review on a Youtube particular song and this one poster kept posting "this song is plagiarism as so and so did this song already and the chords and the lyrics were stolen, yada, yada". Upon comparing the two songs, they were nothing alike at all period. I was wondering what was up with the Youtube poster? 'Cuz that person was definitely in the Twilight Zone, and all the other posters said so too. The two songs were absolutely nothing alike, not the chords, not the lyrics, nothing. And yes things that are considered good can be bad if used to excess, like sugar instead of fruit for example, or SL taking preference over RL responsibilities, etc....
  16. @ Pussycat and Qie. Do you mean there is some kind of copywrite dispute about bronies and My Little Pony?
  17. And another misnomer about anorexia I believe stems from Hollywood celebrities and super models. However, most of these anorexic looking celebrities and supermodels are not truly anorexia, but induce an anorexia by using what if often referred to as the "Hollywood diet". The "Hollywood diet" consists of cocaine, champagne and tons of laxatives. That is self abuse, and they are not born that way nor truly anorexia. Nope, they are coked up.
  18. Penny brought up eating disorders in her reply. Well guess what I am a rl anorexic. People misconsture anorexia with bulemia, which are two separate things as I've never had bulemia, only anorexia. I was born with anorexia; couldn't tolerate milk or dairy and still have an allergy to milk. I hardly ate as a kid and was a very picky eater; I was just born with this anorexia, and it does not go away simply by someone thinking it is an eating disorder. If I weren't on medication to induce some sort of appetite, I would barely eat at all because my appetite is just not there, and I was born this way. Bulemia is the eating disorder involving binging and purging. I've never had that. Also, I am very thin boned; have to wear children size bracelets or make my own bracelet because my wrirsts are so thin. That's how some of us are born, and we shouldn't be put down either. So skinny legs and arms, well in RL, I got 'em; born this way. As far as to address the OP: No shape looks wrong to me unless the head is too small. Also, getting the neck to the right proportion is difficult. I used to oil paint and when I started oil painting I noticed that the neck is not a particularly attractive part of the body; so I painted people in a sort of semi profile to give them a jawline and help reduce some neck unattractiveness; I was always painting the neck area over because not only does the neck need to support the head, but in visuals it also needs to be toned down a bit as again necks are not a particulary attractive part of the body. I also don't like male avatars with very nicely done avatars and clothes, but there feet look like 5 sizes too big. I often wonder, why spend so much money getting your avatar to look nice and then have these huge duck feet? I don't quite understand that. Spend money to look great, but have ginormous feet. I just don't get it. ETA for Peggy: There are a lot of misnomers about anorexia and most of the so called scientific studies are simply incorrect. I was born a colicky baby and would cry all the time. Why? Because I'm allergic to milk. I was born this way and my rl nephew when he was born almost wouldn't eat baby food. This growing child sometimes wouldn't eat for days. He was born that way too because I used to constantly worry "he's going to die... he's going to die if he doesn't eat". It's a huge misnomer that anorexics have bulemia. Some do. In my family, no... it just seems to be a lack of appetite altogether.
  19. What are HTTP "textures"? I'm asking because I think I might need some kind of HTTP thing in order to get lindens from the SL exchange which connects to my payment info. So could u explain what u mean by this? And if I disable HTTP, how will I get from the SL exchange to my payment info? ? ?
  20. Oh that's not long at all. It could be that place. Try seeing if you can log into a place called Smith, Lime or Aqua. I read about this Smith, Lime and Aqua here on the forums, but you'll need someone to come online who has that specific info on how you log in someone else (the names mentioned above) in case I have that wrong. (You can also search the database if you have specific questions). I'm sure someone will enter this thread with more helpful info than I have as soon as they are able. The forums have been a little less crowded because SL was having a bday celebration, and this weekend is a holiday weekend in the States. So be patient, and I'm sure you will get help. There is also a thing called a ticket. I'm logging off for the night, but hang in there!
  21. See if you can join a group called NCI inworld. NCI is a help group. If not, someone must know how u can join that group. There are other helpful inworld groups for newbies, but I can't remember the names at this time, but maybe someone else knows. Go back to newbie island as there are sometimes volunteers there to help the newbies and people who are just stumped. Also ask a specific question, such as my hair won't show or something like that. What exactly is wrong? Is it the clothes, the shaping, the editing, the ________________________________ fill in the blank?
  22. Does LL advertise SL well, or could they use some help in that area? And if you think they need help advertising, what would be your suggestion/s? I think SL should advertise more and invest in better servers. IMUV had some great advertisements they ran and you could get 27,000 of their currency to spend in IMUV if you simply joined Netflix. I thought that was a terrific deal and a great way to advertise. For SL, I see almost no adverts and I wonder why?
  23. How long can u stay connected? And yes I have this problem too. I can usually stay connected 2-4 hours tho, and that is my daily SL time, so I deal with it. SL is not the easiest program to run, but it's fun. Also, if it's someone you are trying to stay in touch with like a gf or bf or perhaps a love interest or a business interest, get their email (if you've known them long enough, but be advised that some people will not give out their email to anyone so don't feel rejected; it's just a no email policy some people have on SL). But if you both agree to the sharing of the email, download a messenger so you talk when u r logged out of SL. Or if this is a long distance relationship, you can still download messager and keep in touch when SL/Internet/Computer gives u problems. It could be an over-heating problem for me. On my end, it could be a safety precaution built into my computer wherein it shuts down before over-heating... I don't really know for certain tho. I finally met a land lady I was trying to meet to see a house and she said it took her two hours to log into SL today. So she was stressed, though was very kind even under those circumstances, and very professional and friendly. Many of us have tremendous difficulties with SL, some seem to happen at random and we don't even know the exact reason. Also, if you have viewer 2, you can log onto basic sometimes to give your computer a little rest. Just a suggestion. But first, how long do u stay on SL before the "darn. you've been logged out of SL" message appears?
  24. About all you can do is keep AR them. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Griefers and hackers and people like that I have no clue why they are like that? My best guess is it's a type of very low self esteem or a type of destructive esteem. In other words, they don't like themselves nor anyone else. It's a terrible problem. I'd suggest getting an alt where u can live a little more peacefully. Maybe u can think about my suggestion? And once u have an alt that is living more peacefully, you can then decide what is a better SL for you.
  25. No, I have not had your exact experience, so I can't IM you to compare notes, as I've never been banned anywhere. However, one club owner or officer or I don't know what his trip was, but if anyone uses cuss words at me, I ban them and will not give another dime. It's time for you to move on any time anyone talks to you that way. Just do not give them any business whatsoever and pray they grow up one day. Also, some of the better clubs are run by women and they are just better overall managers and owners from what I've encountered. And there are tons are clubs for you to enjoy and a fantastic live musicians scene. He sounds like he has mental problems and doesn't know how to control himself, but you do not have the mental problems. Just remember the only person's behavior you have control over is your own. We do not have control over other people's behavior. If they are a jerk, kiss them goodbye because their behavior is NOT going to change. Again, we can only change our behavior, but not others behavior. That's just a reality of life and something we all need to accept about life: We cannot change another person's behavior period. Only they can do that. You sound like a nice person, and there are lots of things to do and enjoy! Also make some friends that are just friends, even if women. Make some friends you can talk to when things like this happens. No one likes to be cussed out and you said it was an accident. We all have an accident or two because SL is quite complicated. If you want to go around to visit some clubs I hang out, send me an IM anytime.
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