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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. Hi Rosey, About the ticket question and viewer 2, I have no idea, but I personally have not read that anywhere. All u can do is try to see if you can send a ticket.
  2. Did you check to see if you can log into Basic? There is a little trick I found when you can't log onto Advanced and the trick is this: Log onto basic just to get going as basic doesn't need to download your inventory. If you can log onto basic, you're good. Once on basic, move around a little, give the viewer a chance to recognize you. Log back out again and switch to advanced, and you should be good to go. If you can't even log onto basic, then you have another problem.
  3. I don't think that is true. I was at a club on Tuesday of this week and a lot of avi's had scripted hair; no one crashed nor had lag; just long rez times due to all the vendor stalls. I think SL should start using those billboard type things where the photos change to help reduce the lag and get rid of the vendor stalls because one can store a lot of items in just one billboard that constantly changes and these billboards have back and forth features to view the clothing items. Also, I've been to clubs with no vendor stalls and a lot of scripted hair and encountered no lag and I think that was Wednesday of this week. The only way to reduce lag is if everyone kills scripts, which is not happening in SL. I've seen dudes with more scripts than me because they are wearing A LOT of resizer menu items on their avatar.
  4. Yes, I was wondering IF that was a short film because it certainly IS good enough to be. Then I read the link in Keli's post, and it said that yes this short film has been submitted and has won awards. I think the ending is very Chaplinesque, the part where he puts the flower in the vase; that's Chaplinesque. (As in Charlie Chaplin). Anyhow, I thought it was brilliant, and I think the writer of the film maybe a Chaplin/pantomime fan like me. If I wrote a blog, I certainly would have given the writer credit for his brilliant Chaplinesque ending. Also, changing the color of the flower, that instantly reminded of the brilliance of Charlie Chaplin (not that they had color during silent films, but some silent films have been colorized... so that changing of the color of the flower could still be very Chaplinesque, although Chaplin has used the symbolism of one simple flower to convey such a powerful message of love and hope in many ways in his films and used it well, as did this writer). ETA: If you enjoy movies like this with a lot of symbolism, I'd highly recommend the brilliant movie "The Tiger and the Snow". Don't read the Wikipedia on "The Tiger and the Snow" tho as I just went to read the Wikipedia on "The Tiger and the Snow" and it gave away the whole plot and would ruin the movie for you if you read the Wiki first before renting it. Also, I just read the Wiki on this short film, World Builder, and the writer of the Wiki did catch on to the magnificent symbolism of just that one simple flower. Again, all I can say is, well done!
  5. See I don't understand this thread at all. You had to redo your whole operating system over just to get the plugin to work?
  6. Oh no, your's sounds way worse than me! You might need a ticket Rosey to help figure that one out. I'm wondering if there is any rhyme or reason for the plug-in failures... or are they just going to happen randomly? Because I have two failure messages generating from the same place. I was also wondering if my Spyware perceives a threat of a virus and possibly is trying to block something, and then fail? But what I'd like to know with that one particular failure message twice from the same place was that a coincidence or no coincidence? Do you think these failures are random, or could there be a reason? ETA: Well, there is obviously a reason, but what reason? Anyone have any clue as to what causes the plugin failure?
  7. Okay, I've already read many thread on this and have quicktime installed. Before quicktime was installed, SL worked fine but would randomly get this media_plugin_webkit failed message; not all the time, just randomly. After installing quicktime, I still get the random media_plugin_webkit failed message. It just happens at random, until I thought it might possibly be coming from one particular Dj? And I was like hmmmmmmm? is the media_plugin_webkit failing because our IP is trying to plugin into anothers IP address to hear their stream? So, can it be on their end, wherein our IP is trying to connect to their IP to hear their music stream, and then it fails? Anyone have any idea how and/or what the plugin is actually plugging in to to hear a live music stream, usually run from someone's home. Is it trying to connect to another IP address to hear live stream? Any helpful insight about this mystery would be appreciated. And no I don't want to uninstall/reinstall anything because at this time because SL media plugin works about 80% of the time, so I'm okay with it... I'm just curious about why randomly it fails? Can it be because of another's IP? Is that possible, or impossible? ETA: This may or may not sound like a strange question. But the reason I am asking is because I got the media_plugin_webkit failure message with one Dj twice, but NO ONE else recently, just that one Dj twice. So I'm wondering what's going on and/or why that Dj? It's strange, but true. It could be a coincidence, BUT I've had no other media_plugin_webkit failures recently except with that on Dj where it happened twice. Weird mystery huh?
  8. Yeah, Candace Hudson, very cute items! I have at least 4 things from her, if not more. I have that Candace Hudson white flouncy top on in my picture area where I'm wearing the white top; that's a Candace Hudson. Also, G Field for some cute Boho looks. G Field has adorable stuff, but G Field is only inworld at this time, I believe. Also, if you don't like the Earthstones belt, you can go to the wanted section and post something like: Wanted hip belt, and then you can get helpful hints from other's who have happily stumbled upon some great hip belts. You can go to the wanted section for just about anything u can't find. It's a very helpful part of the forum! @ Squashy Beeswing: Glad u liked Larry Jeans. I think the variety and prices are just terrific! We always need some jeans and some good tanks or camis when in a hurry, so we can just dress and GO!
  9. Looks awesome! Add me and I will be there (if rl plans don't get changed. rl plans sort of up in the air right now, no pun intended).
  10. That was a beautiful pantomime. It brought tears to my eyes. Charlie Chaplin with his pantomime has brought tears to my eyes a few times. It reminded of some old silent films (except not with overly expressive pantomine), and except futuristic. Bravo! 
  11. awww, they had one at one time. Well then the new designers of the Marketplace do not understand how women shop (that's what I keep thinking in my head; did a man design this?... 'cuz there's no wish list... lol). Women need to store a lot of things, sometimes to even compare side-by-side which eBay allows you to do now with their set-up, which is cool. Also by off-topic forum area: I mean to discuss things like movies, music, traveling, cooking, etc ?...? ... That would be fun, especially to talk about movies and music, that would be a lot of fun.
  12. Oh yes, I'd give thumps up, way up for Hudson's. Fantastic for that girlie delicate classy sex appeal look, not to mention some is so cute! I also wanted to add the Earthstones Leather and Laced belt which I did just now find on Marketplace (and can be found by using the Merchant tab located at the top of the Marketplace page). The belt may look a little low, but it really isn't; it does cover the bum area and lets you wear jeans that may be torn just down the sides for instances yet still cover up the bum area. And the Earthstones Leather and Laced belts works with all my jeans, capris, leggings, jeggings etc (that I bought from all differing designers) that are a little low for my taste. All I needed was a -1 to get a perfect fit from the Leather and Laced belt, and couldn't be happier with those belts, tho I'm sure other designers have some cute hip belts too, I just haven't found them yet. p.s. Could someone IM me as to how to add photos to a thread? I searched the database and came up with nothing.
  13. Thank you very much for letting me know that info I got on the forums was incorrect. Hope Pol can get this worked out!
  14. 1) A build/bundle made by LL labs that is affordable (say $500 or less and includes the appropriate spyware in the bundle). 2) A wish list button added to the Marketplace Website Shopping page (kind of what eBay has where one can store more items, then move them to checkout as desired.) 3) A set up where people could earn some free lindens for being an inworld SL helper or adviser; paid by LL, not the new people that need help. 4) More classy sexy clothes that delicately ooze sex appeal rather than scream sexy hanging out all over the place. So, a classy sexy category. 5) A forum area just for fun threads and off topic things. 6) A forum area just for Viewer 2 users. 7) Lots of cute sexy strapy sandal type heel shoes without huds. I prolly have more, but it's early for me, so that's all I can think of for now.
  15. lol, I know Courtney. I think Willow knows what to do with the underage teenage avatars that sneak on here with their Mom or Dad's credit card and info WITHOUT their parents consent. (rofl) Yes, underage teenagers who try to sneak on here by stealing Mom and Dad's credit card info... just know u can run, but you cannot hide. (hehehe)
  16. Yes, I agree it's not fair either with this six month window, but that is unfortunately what I read here on the forums. I think they allow your avatar without use for only six months. I could be incorrect tho? Can you start a ticket... or are tickets only for premium members? That I'm not even sure about either.
  17. Oh great, sounds like you are on your way! Yes, whoever created the Boho Baku items did a terrific job because some of the maxi skirts are so long that one would never see their feet And your avatar will look off-balance with no feet showing. At least it looks off balance to me with no feet when wearing a maxi skirt or maxi dress. However, this designer let's you have your feet showing with anything maxi. The other maxi skirts that I bought would show no feet even if I set my avatar to the highest height. Also, Boho Baku prices are very reasonable And a terrific fit, for me anyhow. Some outfits are less than 400 lindens for both a skirt And a top. P.S.. I have other 'earthy' style jewelry I'd wear with that outfit other than my diamonds (that was just for a quick pictures to show the shoes And boots that are sculpts but no modify (the info when I bought them just said one word: sculpty... And as I'm not a designer, I have no idea what a sculpty is?). P.S.. You sound like the classy sexy category to me. I think the classy sexy is a terrific look, And would probably be my preference, too. ETA: Larry Jeans for shorts and jeans. Larry Jeans has a tremendous variety of styles from letting it all hang out look to classy sexy more covered up look. He has higher wasted jeans And shorts And some really great fat packs for like 300 lindens where u get jeans, capri's, shorts in one pack for about 300 lindens. Check out Larry Jeans on Marketplace. U can use the Merchant Tab up top on the Marketplace page to find Larry Jeans. I think he has better deals are on Marketplace from what I've seen so far. Also, a lot of the jeans, capris and leggings are mostly made extremely low from most merchants, but you can add a hip belt which fits with almost all the creators jeans and covers up your bum better. There are some cute belts at Earthstones that do work with all the differing creators jeans, capris, leggings, etc, that are made too low. So investing in a belt or two is a good investment, imo, and the Earthstones one's do work great with all the creators jeans. However, with the Larry Jeans higher waisted jeans, you don't need a belt.
  18. Oh, this is sad to hear. Yes, it could be. I read on here somewhere that if don't use an account for six months, it gets deleted. So you could very well be sort of deleted or something is blocking you. Can u remember exactly how long you left that avatar idle?
  19. Those are adorable! I added a picture to my photos with the maxi shirt and tank I bought at Boho Baku. Lots of cute stuff there. See the problem with these long shirts and then fringe boots, it might be too much stuff moving at once, so I opted for the plain slouchy, scrunchy boots with no fringe. (In the picture I just added tho, I just had my clogs on.) I'm going to go back and redo a photo with the sculpty boots I bought and also see if they are sizable. When I get the other picture done, you will see that the boots are way too big on my feet and it's quite a crack up. To address the OP again: My SL performance has been no faster, no slower, no change at all when I killed the scripts in my hair. The only change I got was my hair is ruined and often stands straight up in the air like I used 40 cans of hairspray and it's stuck there. It does not move right when you kill scripts in hair, nor has anything been faster whatsoever. ETA: Photo of Mayalily bigfeet. Also no, the boots have no resizer. See how I came to the conclusion that sculpty is too big is because the whole info on the boots when I bought them was just the word "sculpty". That's why I thought sculpty boots were made large 'cuz all it said was "sculpty" period. For newbies to find photos just click on my name and then the photos show up. That one of me in bigfeet is pretty scary! And there is no way I'm ever killing the scripts in my hair again. It ruins the hair period and makes no difference in your SL in any way whatsoever. The only way it would work is IF everyone killed scripts. I've seen male avatars with tons of scripts sort of like tons of pockets with weapons and a million and one do-dads on dudes too. So, I ain't listening to ever killing any scripts again, especially not the hair, unless SL said we all had too. Otherwise, no.
  20. Yes I hope Cinnamon comes back. I hope I didn't freak her out with the ttyl in my post, so I took out the ttyl. I remember when I said ttyl to my sister and she said back what does ttyl mean, and I said "talk to you later", and she was like ooooo. So we use that ttyl a lot, but I'm not sure many people do use that ttyl (talk to you later shorthand), so I took it out of my post. /me logging off for the day and will bbl (be back later).
  21. That could be so, no foot forma or whatever they are called. But I am NOT unhappy because the boots were 10 lindens each or 100 lindens for a fat pack, so that is practically nothing at all (I paid 100 lindens for the fat pack 'cuz the picture looked great), but I have so many other great boots to wear that I got at very good prices so that makes up for that loss. These particular boots I wanted for that Bohemian Chic look, so they are kind of flat on the bottom and then scrunchy. Kind of like boot moccasins with the fringe you can get in RL if someone knows what I'm talking about. I still would like a pair of moccasin type Bohemian boots and will eventually pay good money for them as I like the Bohemian Chic look, although Stevie Nicks dressed in a Bohemian way and wore platform boots and she always looked spectacular! So I could go with a type of platform boots like Stevie Nicks wears and still look Bohemian. But I really did like those boots I got in the fat pack, but they are GINORMOUS. I'm not sure they are resizer, possibly NOT at that price of 10 lindens each. lol
  22. About Scupltie Boots: I am not a designer so may not know what I'm talking about, or as this person says I have no clue what I'm talking about and I may not have a clue. But I did buy a pair of sculpty boots that make my avatar have ginormous feet. I don't know if there is a resizer menu in there or not? Also, these particular sculpty boots have no shoe fitter, so it could be that. So are all the boots sculpty? 'Cuz I have no idea why I have that one pair of boots that makes my feet look 3 x bigger than my head, and it said "sculpty"? And yes, my hair does not flow nicely anymore after deleting the scripts and sometimes my hair gets stuck in mid air for a long time when moving and won't relax back down. I want free flowing hair only. I don't like updo's or ponytails, it's not my style. I may get one updo eventually for formals tho, but it's still not my style. I want my hair free and flowing 'cuz that's how I like it. And, also my hair doesn't look good in pictures after I killed the scripts, so I want to wear my hair like I want it, flowing and free. To the OP: I did just check Marketplace, and after you get to the women's menu, there is a category for dresses. I agree with Pussycat that you need some wardrobe essentials. Get some casual like jeans and tanks or camis, get a little black dress that can go just about anywhere, get a formal, etc. Also if you like the shoes with huds just know that they may look good adjusted on your viewer but will look off if people are using a different viewer. However, if this doesn't bother you, enjoy your hud shoes, as people really don't care if the feet are off, we are all kind of used to that and pretty much have other things to do or fix than worry about someone's shoe feet colors being a little off, so don't think people are going to judge you about your feet. I'd doubt it because people have to many other things that they are focusing on whether in SL or RL stuff that is on their mind. I've also wondered why designers can't include a type of sock where the toenails would show but the sock would disappear like the gloves we put on for fingernails. It could be because for shoes we have to set our feet to 0 and then maybe a sock with toenails where the rest of the sock would disappear, would not work when our feet are set to 0.
  23. @ Dres... lol (Yes that might seem a little confusing so you can ALSO just say one thing such as one happy or frustrating thing, or any combination such as you want to say your happy things only or your current frustrating things only. Any combination is fine. @ Knowl, I hope we become debt free from our plumbing by 3012! Happy/RL: Happy to wake up to Starbuck's coffee this morning. Happy/SL: Glad to wake up to the forum's every day and find something interesting to read. Or to just search Marketplace for a little fun and relaxation in the morning. Tho I am frustrated that Marketplace doesn't have a wish list like eBay where one can store a lot of stuff, and then move things from their wishlist to checkout. I'd like a wish list so I could store more designers and not lose them.
  24. Mayalily rolls her eyes and thinks some people think this is a juding thread. There is no judging in this thread. People don't even have to respond to one another, unless it's funny or flirty of course. Funny and flirty of course, but nothing else. No judging thread. Happy/SL: Very happy and thankful to the person who gave me a free home to stay in until I get one. That was very kind of that person to do. I will visit the free home tomorrow and find a way to thank her. That was so kind to be offered that beautiful free home. It was gorgeous from the outside. That was really nice of that person to do.
  25. The frustrated, happy thread: Say one thing each in SL and in RL that you are today frustrated or happy about. Such as I will give an example: Today, Frustrated/SL: Not today, I had a pretty good day on SL. I met a very nice person who'd like me as a neighbor. I thought the weekly rental was excellent as were the furnishings. It was five stars and had a grand piano! However, it was modern and I'm a steampunk (antique's) and I love the antique's. However, I've never done modern decor, so I'm a little frustrated as whether I should change my first preference of Steampunk and take this beautiful 5-star furnished modern place with the grand piano or not. The neighbor's are terrific too and there is a club dance hangout for the residents and a great music steam; very relaxing. Frustrated/RL: We spent a lot on plumbing recently. We weren't expecting to pay that much to have to upgrade our plumbing right now. However, the plumbing has given us so much more good water pressure, so the money was well worth it, but still very expensive. Happy/SL: Currently happy in that I had a good SL day overall. Happy/RL: Happy for the couple I know who is getting married. Hope everyone has a chance to get hitched to the person they love. If you want to skip the frustrated/happy part about RL you can also, so this is an either or. You can just do the SL part, make it as short or as long as you'd like. ETA: Also you can do any combination you like such as just saying one happy thing whether SL or RL or one frustrating thing whether SL or RL. See some examples below. Feel free to do any combination you'd like.
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