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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. That's because some items are in a different language. However, the icon tells you whether it's a shirt, undershirt, jacket, etc, even though it's not in English at times. So yes I found that a little confusing at first. I'm like what's a klunedetert (just making up a word). lol Also I like to rename my items according to category and then a little explanation. I have boots, shoes, dresses, outfits, skirts, tops, jeans, capris, shorts, etc. All my shoe items that are renamed start with the word Shoe. All my jewelry items start with the word Jewelry and then a little explanation of what the jewelry is, etc. However, even tho some items we purchase are in a foreign language, the shirt has an icon, etc, etc.
  2. Quoting Ishy: "I am one of those I guess, but even I couldn't imagine a serious business meeting in a 3D fantasy world." I guess what I am trying to say Ishy and could have said it better by trying to point out that SL IS 3D business meetings because SL IS a commerce platform, and business owners should approach their conduct as such within the standards of RL commerce, AND take their approach to their business meetings seriously, especially how one treats their customers, and those business meetings are going on all day 24/7 on SL whether one believes it or not. IM's and local chat should be approached with appropriate guidelines like RL businesses. And on the other side of the coin, customers should work within guidelines of appropriate customer actions. Because SL is a commerce community. As far as cost, SL is more expensive than other MMO's on average, and often times SL seems for the rich. Yet, I know in this community, SL ranges from the ultra rich to the ultra poor who have an ability to play SL thru basic, but plus including every type of budget in between. Basic is not fun for me. I want to make my own avatar, but I hardly call it inexpensive for a "game" nor does my rl bf.... he's like AHHH! SL costs to much in his opinion. SL also has elements of the old Monopoly game in it as well. I think SL could improve itself in a lot ways, so actually more inworld business meetings need to be held so as to avoid chaos when an event is starting. One of those improvements has to come thru appropriate communication, however, as well as good advertisment because SL IS a commerce community. This is a community yes, but it is a buying and selling community which also gives people a chance to learn about appropriate business conduct. And if you want to learn about appropriate business conduct, than simply think RL and what should come first are your customers. It's really that simple, conduct business like u would in RL and that needs good communication skills, advertising, and constructive ways to reduce the dreaded lag. I also believe busisness owners should have the right to advertise their SL business any way they want, whether it be an internet ad, passing out flyers at rl events, etc.... In short, SL actually is business meetings all day becuz' these are businesses and this is real money. Not to mention that LL needs to advertise so that SL can run better; i.e., less lag, new servers, guidelines for appropriate creation in clothing and limits should be set for when a sim is full, but tell people before hand what is included in the event; don't just post this happening fill in the blank at 4pm SL time. Because who wants to spend hard earned money on something that is just going to create a lag envirnment that the users cannot enjoy half the time. Let alone the cost of the sims, I believe, is way too expensive. If LL would advertise, I think we would all have a much improved SL with more space for the sims. Also, inworld advertisers/advertisements, such as Coca-Cola or whatever/whomever should be allowed to help people afford a sim. Advertising IS how businesses are run in RL to add to a better overall experience in any entertainment, from sports to the kitchen sink, and SL definately needs more help on the advertisement scale of things to create a less laggy environment and that would thus give more sim space and financial support for the sim owners.
  3. Quite an interesting read. I think SL is like getting to be a part of the entertainment; thus interactive entertainment. I don't like 2D platforms as much as I like 3D platforms. Facebook I find boring. I didn't like My Space much either. Also, email is boring. I'd rather IM on SL and talk in group chat live and in the moment. 3D is more difficult, and SL is pretty much community run, but still standard business practices should apply, and I think are doing fairly well. Only one person cussed me out and that ended my relationship there as there was no reason for it. And I only say fairly because I've talked to other people who had the same problem and that pretty much ended it for them; or in some cases they are used to it and cussing doesn't bother them. However, I'm not. I don't care for being treated that way especially since I hardly knew the person and/or there was no notecard (i.e., being told at the last minute! All they had to do was say so in the events section.) Better more cohesive business practices could help SL. Also, SL is a capitalist "game" for many and has capitalistic aspects in it; also SL costs a lot more money than the average MMO. SL is a capitalistic, interactive MMO type of entertainment in a lot of ways.
  4. I kind of agree that 3D business meeting will not replace real one-on-one meeting but those meetings could eventually be done via internet or TV. I do, however, agree and expect that SL should run itself as a professional business and that land owners should stick to the basic standards of running a professional busines, i.e, no cuss words. Don't just take for granted that because I am an adult that I want to be speaked to in unprofessional manner because I do not. I expect good business ethics from SL, just like a real business. No cuss words, the customer is always right... etc. And hire help for newbies don't just expect them to know everything and be more explanatory in your group invites in the events section. If you are running an event and u want only no prims and no scripts, let the people know before hand so they can shop and dress; don't tell them when the event is starting. Some people need to learn some basics of how to run a business and/or hire management. It's a bad economy tho, yet still that is no excuse for cussing someone out, nor having that be exceptable as an appropriate business approach. Scream in your pillow, don't scream at someone else. Some things have a lot of scripts and that is not explained. I recently just bought two new hairs thinking they were unscripted; but ended up being scripted. ...
  5. Cool find! That's cool! I got SL into a google search quite by accident. It was the thread about The History of Screaming in Music, and in one my posts I mentioned that The Kinks were banned from America for a long time during the height of their touring years because they were thought to be communists. (lol) Anyhow, that was how the story was told to me, but actually The Kinks were banned from touring in America during the height of their populaity not for being thought to be communists but because a type of guard or police officer said that the English were/are no better than communists, and one band member of The Kinks punched the guy in the nose, and that is how The Kinks got banned from touring in America. Anyhow, whoever looks up why The Kinks were banned in America and the communist myth, they may stumble upon my thread and find SL. I thought that was kind of cool. Come on down Kinks fans! I think the future is going to be like SL. Bill Gates needs to get with the times though so we can run these types of platforms. Mr. Bill Gates, please get with the program! I think a lot of communication platforms will be like SL say in about 20 years or so. So much less violence, so much more fun, and Facebook and Twitter make me *yawn*. I think Facebook is boring and platforms like SL will be what is happening in 20 or more years I believe. The violent games will still be there, but they are not for me and not for a lot of people. SL type platforms I believe will be the future, and on our wide screen televisions because it's great, non-violent, fun, awesome entertainment! I think what SL should be labeled is as "inter-active" entertainment. It's like listening to your favorite Dj, only being there with him/her, IMing and talking about music or just how your/their day went. It's an inter-active type of entertainment that for it's most part is not violent.
  6. Yes, that's true. To the OP: You could also go premium for a few months so you can connect to live chat. It's very inexpensive for live chat and support, I think it's about $10.00 US dollars a month. Macs I've heard some are built like Fort Knox; so you might need some live support with a Mac and a particular viewer about to be phased out soon. There are many options here to try, but do consider opening a ticket and/or even going premium for a months for live support and chat. SL is worth it but so is your computer, so hang in there!
  7. Yeah, but not for long. I read on here August is the time that Phoenix will die. So what good is going on SL for a month and then nada? I think it's better to try to see if you can get V2 or Firestorm working so you can have a prolonged SL that will last longer than a month as I read in August Phoenix is over. So, put in a ticket to see what's up with your V2 probs too because Phoenix won't be here much longer.
  8. Yes, but aren't they discontinuing Phoenix in about a month? Or am I confused on what they are discontinuing? What exactly r they discontinuing? If they are indeed discontinuing Phoenix, I'd take Jacki's advice. I think Firestorm is the closer one to v2. I'd suggest try Firestorm first.
  9. Big Daddy's is pretty great, but it's always packed. However, on the packed side even tho laggy, there is always some fun to be found there almost any time of the day, as we are all in different time zones. Also, the Rock is usually packed too and always full of fun. You could always drop by those two for some fun, mingling, dancing, and I heard some great "Queen" songs played today at The Rock. Hardly ever hear Queen on SL, and it was great! There is a jazz club that is very cool. They played the whole soundtrack to "Chicago" for one of their shows and I had so much fun, but unfortunately I can't remember the name? I'll have to look in my inventory to see if I have a lm, but I might have been teleported there and forgot to take a lm, so if I find it I'll post it here; if I don't post it back here, then I forgot to take a landmark. I'd like to go back there too, if I could just remember the name. ETA: Don't worry if it's in the wrong place because I have no idea of what type of music topics they want here either? lol However, someone will move if need be.
  10. Okay I was able to get to Akeyo (my destination guide is taking forever to rez since last night for some reason) anyhow bought one. It's a cute place, met a griefer who thru me through the floor and the griefer was in a newbie skin. Idiot! And then he asks me for money. As far as Henmations, I think I have all the dances I want from there. The others I was considering from Henmations were part good, part bad, such as getting too athletic with somersalts, hand stands or deep knee bends like I would be doing a Russian dance or something. And the others from Hen I liked were leaping a little too much like I was ready to do Ballet. Sinewave, I've pretty much gotten all I want from there also, so very happy to have some dances, but a griefer shows up? Not too cool.
  11. I need individual dance animations to add to my chim. I know of Henmations and Sinewave.... any place else with good individual dance animations to add to my chim? Looking especially for sensual dances and not too athletic, i.e, no somersaults, etc. Any suggestions for sensual women's dances, or just individual dance animation places I can check out? I need a little help 'cuz every time I try to search the destination guide, it brings up couple dances, and I need individual.
  12. Yeah variety is! No doubt, but what I think happened to me and why my arms were so short for the first three months was 1) I had a lot to do and learn, and 2) There is no exact space for arms. Arms is in the torso area, I believe. What I see is a lot of tiny arms, so let's just take a figure any figure... I used 10 million users in one of my posts in this thread... so 10 million users can't have the same imagination to have child size arms but adult sized everything else. For some reason, it's always the arms that seem forgotten. Could be because arms are in the torso area, but I'm not sure why so many like tiny arms. Maybe it's becuz, as said in this thread, they feel they look like apes. But what I see is tall giant legs and short arms, so it looks off balance; adult legs, child arms, and that only exagerates the very tall legs, and then the avatar looks all legs; more like a daddy long legs spider. Some people see apes, I see spiders. Does it bother me? Sometimes, but mostly NO 'cuz I've had tons of fun dancing with one foot gone or one whole leg gone, while someone else may have had a little head upon ginormous muscles or ginormously long legs with little stubby arms. So, in the end, it's all good. However, to tell the truth, I wish someone had told me months ago that my arms were too short 'cuz i like my arms better now. Also, if the shapes came with a basic guide of where to set your arms to your height, AND THEN people chose short arms, then that would indeed be their imagination at work. I don't think this is a your world, your imagination thing. I think it's simply that a basic guide should be included when we buy a shape; then we decide what IS our imagination as it breaks the rules of the guide to feed what our imagination wants. But I don't think that is what this is that all these avatars have the same imagaination to have short arms. I think it's two things, 1) Arms don't have a separate category, and 2) No basic guide with shapes to at least get arm length appropriate to height and legs. oh and at PC (a little off topic for a sec): I bought my second non-scripted hair and I love it! Going for a third! I love the new hair I got and has no scripts.
  13. I like! This is pretty much what I see when I look in the mirror. I think I need mine just a little longer to about 80, unless I'm going to decide to lower my height.
  14. Let me try to translate for you: Here's the basic chorus: I shore like dat Candy, I don't go for dem turnip greens... Another line: I don't drink Coca-Cola But I shore like an ol' moonshine... (moonshine is type of homemade liquor for some people who don't know). ((rofl)) I love that song, Candy by the Heartbreakers. I think it's extremely humorous, and Tom Petty sounds like the ultimate brat in this song. I think it's very cleaverly done and makes me giggle. The guitar sound is just tremendous and so retro sounding, I think it's a work of genius. But, that's jmo on the song. I really do like it, a lot!
  15. I think the way that should read is American Spelling. Since everything is so automated now, it's seems the default spell checker on here is for American spelling only. I hate a lot of these automated things, especially the new automated closed captioning that I use for foreign films, etc. The automated closed captioning gets so many words wrong or just makes up words (which can be funny at times for me as I'm not deaf) BUT for deaf people, I feel sorry for people who are deaf because those are not actual words - the automated system is just trying to make up a word that comes closest to what the person is saying. But for deaf people, that will not help them learn (it will un-learn them) as no such words even exist. That's automation for you! It's stinky sometimes, especially for deaf people.
  16. No, just a regular scanner. I wuvs it as it has so many incredible options! It's just for old photos and docs, that kind of thing. You can even fit a book in there to copy some of the pages; this is cool for some of my old antique books which are out of print and nearly falling apart as they are very old books.
  17. Well, we're going to have agree to disagree on that one. 'Cuz there ain't no way I'm checking out of Marketplace until I check viewer, etc. I try to avoid a delivery failure at all costs 'cuz I don't want to have to IM all the creators about a failed delivery. So we have to agree to disagree completely on this subject.
  18. Yes, I thought that might be the case. I was going to say that most electronic items on sale are being discontinued. At least that's what happened when I bought the scanner and/or was searching for a new scanner. However, I love the scanner and it should take me into the next ten years or so. But a scanner is hardly anything like a pc. However, yeah, a lot of electronic items on sale, are usually being phased out or about to be discontinued. ETA: But now I see your post, that's it's second hand (used). Yeah, that would be no returning. You'd be stuck.
  19. Ask if they have a return policy if you decide u don't like it. If they don't have a return policy (some stores don't now if it's on sale; at least that's what happened to me with a scanner I bought on sale, no returns, but the scanner worked out great for me and the price was unbeatable). So if there is a return policy, I'd say definately buy it and try it! ETA: You can also do a google search on the item you want to buy, read the reviews on it, and/or even post a link here to the tower u r thinking of buying. I'd like to see the one you are thinking of buying, and the price. If it's a good price, I might consider one also. Can you post a link?
  20. No, V2 gets that too. As soon as you log into SL the next time after checkout at Marketplace, little icon boxes show up and you have to accept each one on V2. Also, to bring up the pricing menu to search for items from 0 to 10 linden, you need to hit 'see all categories' located near the lower left hand page of the Marketplace home page. Also, you need to set your feet to 0 for da shoes. Most are hud shoes, so good luck lol with that one. There are some hudless shoes, but you'll need a hunt for that one, and I think the hudless shoes are for V2 only, tho I could be wrong on that one.
  21. Yes I agree and understand this; my world, my imagination. If we want a 120 -year -old avatar and young clothes, that's okay too 'cuz that's someone imagination. The reason I thought of this to design an age to my avatar is mostly for photographs, as I love photography and do want some good SL photos to put in my house. From far away I can look almost any age, but in photographs Mayalily looks a lot different age-wise than I thought; so I'm having some difficulty knowing what direction I want to go, but it's mostly for the photographic end. I don't really like the way my avatar looks in photographs for some reason, tho I really haven't had too much time to do some photographs. All my photos so far have been for testing purposes only. However, I want to make an appointment with a professional photographer to get some photos done, and I want to look as good as Marianne. I guess I'd call what I'm looking for: balance. @ Marianne, I LOVE the first one.. lol (And Marianne has achieved a great balance. I want that, too, somehow...?)
  22. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, chanting more than screaming. I don't think tapping rocks together would have made our ancients scream either, it would give them a beat, which was a type of communication or warning signal. But if we take early man and screaming, all I can think of is childbirth. Now, that's something to scream about! Not to mention they had no medicine nor do we even know what kind of medicine they had for women going thru childbirth. So, I'm sure a lot of screaming was going on, but it was women screaming.
  23. Amazing! This might be the one. Thank you Keli, I will check out dates, recordings, etc. At the time this came out, I wonder what the people of that time thought? About The Kinks, You Really Got Me, couldn't say enough good things about that song. I like The Kinks more than The Beatles, but The Kinks were thought to be communist's or something like that, so they got banned from America for a long time.
  24. This song sounds like it has a Who influence. Very interesting, or else I'm getting hard of hearing now.
  25. lol, I know. American English, that's like so totally bogus, dude. Or is this American English: 
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