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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. lol! We should do a mole thread. What happened to me after I bought my skin and zoomed into the face and neck area, my avatar skin has a mole on the neck in the exact same place I do. I thought that was kind of cool, and most certainly a rare coincidence, I'd think.
  2. I'm glad you took it as a compliment because it was!
  3. Almost everyone gets this lag. I've noticed I can be laggy at first when starting the viewer, but once the viewer gets "powered up" so to speak, the lag lessens. I've also noticed that my spyware sometimes runs furiously when I'm on SL, and then once the spyware is done being so furious, the lag lessens. Do you notice that the lag lessens if you wait awhile while the viewer gets going? (I also tp to some places with less scripts just to get going on SL) before I go to a club where there could be lag, and then I'm pretty good at the club places where a lot of scripts are running most of the time. Also, have you noticed anything with your spyware in connection with SL? My spyware and SL are in constant enmity with one another, so with SL, I need patience. I don't have any technical answers for you, however, but perhaps someone will...?
  4. Yeah, that post could be taken either way. It was a little strange of a post, not to clear. But right, who wants to hear people jiber jabbering when they are trying to listen to music? That would be counterproductive.
  5. To the OP: Yes, it's too much sometimes. One group I did have to leave because of it. I didn't know I had "control" for controlling the spam other than leaving the group. I'll have to check into some of these tools. I don't like being spammed all day by the groups either, but they fade/disappear fairly quickly (the notices I mean disappear/fade away). It's the group chat spam in some groups that drives me nutz. I don't like that chat group spam going on the right side of my screen. What do I do to get rid of that other than leaving the group? I'm asking because I like the group, but don't want the chat spam; it's way too much. I also have an IM where they can reach me, hello?
  6. @ Venus it still looks like you to me but with dark red lipstick. Anyhow, I hope Venus takes that as a compliment. Or else Venus thinks I need glasses? lol About the dress. Love it! I will eventually be getting one and in red. About the song: I like it very much! It's very romantic. It's a good song for a formal type dance.
  7. Is that a slam against female Dj's? Well, the men or male avatar Dj's are worse, they play way too much metal you get metaled to death (their macho stuff), and the male Dj's also play way too much Country or Rap when the sim's theme is Rock. Women do a better job at knowing what a change up is also, imo. There is one male Dj though who is out of this world and should be a Dj in rl; he's that good. Not to mention that most of the male Dj's play that trance crap. I find overall, the female Dj's are just better, with the exception of one.
  8. Thanks Dres! What a relief! I was reading that blog and basically went "no way", not this year, anyhow. Also, I need time to do a better photo inworld, the one I used was just for testing purposes, and failed as you can see, but the photo was no good anyways, was just doing a test. And okay, won't change to jpeg. For some reason I thought I might get better quality with a jpeg, but didn't, so that's no use.
  9. 9,000, is that all? lol I think in 3 months, I've visited maybe 50 at the most. And some of those I have visited and liked are already taken down, i.e., no longer exist. ETA: I don't really care how much a mic costs, SL is complicated enough, and my computer needs some tweeking for this new generation viewer, as it's called. I already have a rl love and other's may as well, so why would they want to mic anyways and add more techno babble into their lives. I don't need any more techno babble and troubleshooting for a mic, that's for sure 'cuz I already want to kick Bill Gates!
  10. On the SL homepage there is a beautiful lady in red in what looks like a period costume and she's holding a mask. Who is that? My guess was it's Venus? Anyhow, love the costume in the photo and eventually want one! Who made the costume? Does anyone know? And is that Venus. It kind of looks like her?
  11. Thanks Venus! I need to start keeping a notebook.
  12. I know, I tried to crop my photo to the correct size and got this horrible avatar. Thanks u all, I'll look into this and see if I can do this because I have never done layers on Photoshop if that's what u r talking about by a background? I have another program that does layers and is so much easier to use, I might be able to use that but I'm not sure the other program supports a png. It's an older program. I think the program that I'm talking about where I know how to layer, uses jpeg only. I'll need to check on that. But anyhow, r u talking about making a layered photo in Photoshop or another program and then importing it here? I still need to read the blog instructions in this thread, so that may give me some answers. However, cry, I want to do this the easiest way!
  13. I only get alets inworld from one person, Larry Jeans, 'cuz I want updates from Larry Jeans. I always hit decline to everything, but after looking around make take a landmark. No inworld I get no spam, but you are saying my email is full of spam? Well, too bad, 'cuz I don't use email for that very reason. If someone is a merchant, they should make an alt and just visit their store to avoid the spam. Then the spam will be sent to their other email. I'm afraid to look in my email now as I have no idea what's in there. I can't stand spam, so I don't use email. I really have no need to at this point in time because I don't need a business account. I've decided to use the phone when I want to talk to someone, and I'm not interested in reading a lot of links that people would send me anyhow, such as watch this funny video. That takes too much time away from RL. Facebook is better to visit for that type of thing. If you want to see someone's video, they can put it on facebook. I hate email because of the spam and it's too time consuming. ETA: I just quit email because in one email account I had over 3,000 spam posts to delete. I said to myself, I'm not doing this, and said goodbye to email and decided to use the phone or send a card in the snail mail. We do have one email account that my rl bf clears out because that email is for emergency family use. I don't like to even visit his email. I let him handle the email because he likes email. As for me, phone or a card or visit Facebook.
  14. SL has a huge single's community and SL is kind of like an internet dating website in some ways. There are intermingled and gay singles club where I live in RL. However, if someone is looking for a partner and they are gay, they would go to a gay club in RL to find a date or to start a relationship. Clubs are often dating venues in RL and SL. If someone just wants to go a club just for the sake of hearing music or the Dj in RL or to meet a friend, then they are not going to a gay nor straight club for a date nor to look for a relationship; they're just there to hear the music 'cuz they may already have a rl partner/significant other. It is kind of hard if you have a gay friend and cannot go there, but you could always teleport them to a club where u r at. I doubt in 20 years or so, maybe less, who knows, SL could be all intermingled? Maybe so, maybe not, because trying to hunt for a sim that suits a person is a difficult task as there are bizzillions of sims. It's probably done this way because sometimes searching for the sims that would attract a person is like searching for a needle in a haystack, and since SL is kind of a dating/partnering website, designations help a person find what they are looking for. Hope that makes some sense.
  15. I'm searching through my threads and can't find the one that tells you how to check something that I think is called FPS to see what your graphics card is doing, or something like that. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about and/or how to check that again. I need the steps again on how to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  16. Okay, my avatar for this website looks awful as you can see. In my photoshop, I changed the png to a jpeg, is that what I did wrong? If not, how do I create an avatar to put on this website?
  17. Unless it's in the American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine, I do not wish to have dueling websites with you nor anyone on this subject. As I said, I am not googling anything on this topic and I do not wish to read your googles nor engage in dueling websites about this either. Do I believe the internet can teach? In a word: No. Anyone can write a website. So, as I trust the American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine, all I came up with is this: The Deviant Mind: when I googled American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine and rape fantasy. It gave me the deviant mind. Nuff said for me. If you can find something in this link about rape fantasy, good luck on your search. http://www.deviantcrimes.com/articles.htm I'm done with this discussion. Hope that spells that out for you.
  18. lol! True. I wish I could remember some of the funny translations the translator was trying to decipher from the British slang 'cuz some of it was very funny but I just can't remember right now. However, that Chaplin film outdid all the funny things I've ever seen translated, and is drop dead funny to say the least. (and no, I'm not deaf, just used to using the translation 'cuz I love foreign films more than American films.) However, for British films, we put it on mute, and watch the translation of the words that go along the bottom when watching British films; and then the sound comes through the surround sound speakers. If you have a set up like that, you should be able to just hit the mute button for translation on any film, and then the sound will come through the speakers, even if it's an English speaking film.
  19. I agree with the consensus that violence even if role play is not healthy for the mind and bears no good fruit at all. The dark side of life some people are attracted too, however, for whatever reason? As for me I don't even like Halloween because it's creepy and creepy doesn't interest me at all. I said before I liked to be in the light of SL, the beautiful cherry trees blooming, and then I mentioned something about Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator on another thread so I went to check the Wikipedia about the film The Great Dictator and it rung a bell with me. I don't know why people would want to add more clouds to their life, instead of living in the glorious light of what is beautiful and true. Quote from "The Great Dictator" by Charlie Chaplin (and excerpt from the Wikipedia): Hannah, who was previously mistreated by Tomainian police agents looking for the barber, hears the barber's speech on the radio, and is amazed when "Hynkel" addresses her directly: "Hannah, can you hear me? Wherever you are, look up, Hannah. The clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world, a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed and brutality. Look up, Hannah. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow—into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me, and to all of us. Look up, Hannah. Look up". Hannah looks up with an optimistic smile.
  20. Luc, that video in your sig, well I couldn't understand half of what they were saying? A very interesting fact, my family uses the translation device on our TV when watching anything British. If you didn't, we wouldn't have a clue what was being said in the movie; we'd miss half the dialogue, not to mention how funny some of the translation can be. I remember watching Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator and we decided to put it on translation. The automatic translator didn't have a clue what Charlie Chaplin was saying at some points in the film and it was so roll on the floor funny we had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard as the translator was trying to decifer the jibberish of Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator. To address the OP: You change your name under the edit button of your profile in the SL viewer (that's how one does it on v2 anyhow).
  21. I added the defragging and registry errors as a generalization as other's are reading these threads and may want to look into those two issues. As far as Google Chrome and setting as built in browser in SL viewer, it's incredible and super fast for browsing SL. Sims load about 50 x times faster for me since doing this. Maybe your problem is the third party viewer then, but if you keep uninstalling and reinstalling things, yes you could get registry errors. Does SL need better servers? I'd have no idea.
  22. I was not protesting anything, but I do applaud Scylla for standing up for what is right and how she handled it. I'm just protesting the fact that someone could teleport me there by sending me a lm that says "Cake" for instance or a tp that has nothing to do with what's involved in the actual sim and says "Shiny Pearls". If anyone tries to teleport anyone to one of these sims unbeknownst to them, then that should be sexual harassment and be a violation of the TOS. I'm putting something in my profile, and avoiding adult sims at this time. I'm going to stay on moderate 'cuz it's my SL too, and I do need to be the captain of my own ship and where it goes. And other people need to respect that this is my ship and my avatar. Just as in RL, it's my body, no tresspassing.
  23. People in SL who create a sim (sim to me means a simulated reality) are spending a lot of money to do so. People in RL do not take their children to a club in RL, but neither do they take a dragon, so I see your point to a bit. You should make the most of your child avatar experience by experiencing being a child again in places that make you feel like a child again and/or be with other child avatars just making sandcastles for instance.
  24. I think you are talking about a trist or a fling wherein an attraction occurs in the moment where two people hardly know each other. That is not rape. Rape is an act of violence and terrorism. An instantized sexual moment wherein two people hardly know each other yet feel this strong attraction for one another, is consensual. So, we need to agree to disagree that women fantasize about that kind of terrorism upon themselves. If they do, they cannot actually have much self esteem. This is why I believe the dark side of SL is not healthy to engage your mind in, as it will bear no good fruit in your life. I prefer to look for the good fruit of SL as well be in the light of SL, which is so much more blissful, peaceful, joyful. So, please, let us agree to disagree because I am googling no such thing.
  25. Common? I've never heard of any women having any and I have mostly women in my family including me. No such thought has ever occurred in my head, so I find that biased as no evidence was shared to reach such a conclusion. But you know what, they say you can't understand a person unless you walk a mile in their shoes. So, if you haven't been through it, I don't think you'd understand. I just really disagree with you, as since my family is mostly women, I can tell you most assuredly that they do not wish of nor fantasize about being raped, nor do I.
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