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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. I don't mind sigs at all, but those flashing ones were definately hurting my eyes. They should allow sigs, but please no flashing ones; that's too hurtful on the eyes, at least my eyes do not like seeing those flashing things; I was getting eye strain from 'em. So sigs are on off for now.
  2. Thanks, done. No more sigs for me right now. YAY! Those flashing coins were bothering my eyes, and I have no desire to go on any hunt of any kind; it's not my thing, but I needed those flashing banners to stop. YAY, done, gone!
  3. Yes, this is too bad. I thought there was an area under privacy where one could turn off all im's and messages. I thought I had remembered seeing that feature under privacy in the preferences area. However, when I looked in preferences yesterday, no it didn't have that. I think they should add a complete privacy button to the preference area because if you know a particular club or hangout that is a happening place 24/7, you don't really need an invite, all you need is to tp there. I think the only feature they have for complete privacy is to set your avatar to busy once you log on and change the time of how long u stay in busy mode. But I do think you could make it as a Dj because Reggae is almost never played on SL, and a lot of people love Reggae. I like a lot of world beat, so yes I think you could provide a niche for this type of music and be successful at it, in the niche. I'd like to go to some Reggae events, but I'd assume people would come in dreadlocks and their legalize marijuana t-shirts now. Anyhow, just a quick question, as a Christian, how do u PC feel about avatars showing up with marijuana related items, if indeed that were to happen? I'm just asking because I feel very strongly that marijuana should be legalized/decriminalized; however, I feel it is best for me to leave controversy out of my inworld SL because I'm just here to have fun and enjoy the music scene. I don't think I'm interested in using SL as any type of a way to make a statement. I just like peace and quiet, and prefer to keep my political feelings on legalizing marijuana out of SL so as not to create controversy which I don't feel is necessary. To me, I just want my SL to be fun and light-hearted. But, anyhow, I was just curious how u would feel if people were making some type of legalize marijuana statement while you played Bob Marley and Ziggy Marley?
  4. I was just looking for this info because I need to do a Marketplace transaction this morning to get some things and I was wondering "is the a rolling restart" this morning? I hope all goes well with me this morning trying to get my MP items delivered. Crossing fingers. ETA: Can't log into SL this morning; it keeps saying region may be experiencing difficulty. Anyhow, I am so glad I checked the viewer before I checkouted on Marketplace. I'll try the viewer again this afternoon, and hopefully I will have a successful delivery later this afternoon! I am so glad I checked viewer first 'cuz no can do as far as log in right now.
  5. Oh I agree that there is no comparison with IMVU and SL. I was just comparing their advertising. IMVU all over the place; SL almost no where. I do see your point about 150000 new users suddenly showing up, but when IMVU struck that deal with Netflix, I thought what a coo and a smart move. Although 27,000 of their currency must be way less than SL's currency, although I did download IMVU when I saw that Netflix deal, however, about all I liked about IMVU was I thought some of clothes were cute and IMVU's clothes are about the same as SL average, running about 400 on IMVU per outfit, so 27,000 of their currency must be a lot! Anyhow, did not like the IMVU set-up itself, so I removed the program from my computer. Plus, IMVU did just seem like a chat room with avatars dancing. I didn't care for IMVU, but they sure do advertise well. One thing I did like about IMVU other than the clothes, was that when a room was full, it was blocked to more people coming in. They probably have it set up this way so as not to crash or get laggy. IOW, they had a room limit which in some ways is smart but in other ways is a pain. However if a room was full on IMVU, it gave you a ton of choices of other rooms to go to that were not full. That could be too controling for SLifer's, but it is kind of a good way to keep the experience good, free of lag or free of crashing. On IMVU they call them rooms not sims, but with their limit set up per room, IMVU could handle 150000 new users because they have a limit per room, which is really more like a chat room. I was on IMVU for about 4 hours and didn't like it tho.
  6. Oh cool info. If I have fraternal twins, I think I will name them Rose and Dale then.
  7. Philip Rosedale is a real life person? Never heard of him. So what u saying Ceka, I'm not understanding what u r saying?
  8. There's no reason you have to get pregnant the exact SL way. It's your dime, your time, your SL. If you want a baby just go to Marketplace and get one.
  9. I was thinking of a girl first, but if I have a boy next, I'll certainly consider it! Maybe I could have fraternal twins. I still haven't made my decision yet as I think I'd consider it more of a doll because I have no ideas what the prim babies do or how they move, etc. Do the prim babies say I need my bottle or I need to be burped? Do the prim babies say anything at all? Or do you have to buy a hud for that? I guess you'd need some kind of hud? I haven't researched Marketplace about this, but I have seen the prim babies and they are cute!
  10. True, I've seen some dudes split as soon as the baby is born. But the tummy talker thing should be done in your own home and to your signif other, otherwise people and their mate get sick of the talking tummy very fast. Just rp and pretend these are your babies. You can buy prim babies on Marketplace. Or you could pretend you adopted them. However, if you want to go the full gammet, I'd suspect the tummy talker talks for nine months and then tells you when to deliver? I could be wrong tho.
  11. I think you have to get a baby talker thing and then keep enlarging your shape with a baby bump, getting fatter and fatter. That's the crust of what I know. I don't like those tummy talker things tho. I'd rather just get a prim baby and a cradle, and then I guess I'd just have to name the baby myself? ETA: Yes, tummy talker. There are a whole bunch on Marketplace from 10 linden to a WAY LOT MORE! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TBF-Talking-Pregnant-Belly-Tummy-Talker/1834507
  12. Maybe true Suella, but then all merchants have a sig banner. Back to the OP, I'd like to know if I can skip the pregnancy part and just buy a prim baby. But I was wondering how do I name the baby if I don't get pregnant first? ETA: I have no idea how this pregnancy thing works, but you have to buy some sort of baby talker thing. I've seen those. They can be a bit annoying though. I'd rather just get a prim baby and a cradle rather than have a tummy talker.
  13. I think Venus said it best here. I do not want to listen to someone pleasing themselves. I've heard Dj's like that and leave because it sounds like they are there to entertain themselves. You do need to reach your audience, not just play songs because u like them. That's a bad approach because it turns out to just be no fun and it's like I'm in there house listening to what they like to hear rather than what a SL audience would like to here. Especially the Dj's who are into country and metal do that. It's like they just play their country or metal songs from their house, like I was visiting there in their rl home. It's dull, and not a good way to "make it as a Dj". If I visit a person's home in rl, yes I have to listen to the music they are playing. But on SL, this is like a party atmosphere and u have more people to please than just yourself.
  14. Hello? I'm going to give out as much as advice as I want, no begging will do. I went the broad spectrum commerical route because I've seen it all in the biz, not to mention I was going for the title of the thread "what does it take to be a SL Dj"? thus assuming that yes she does want to be successful at it. There are clubs set up for specific genre's like folk, or just blues, etc, and those are fun to visit sometimes. However, I can get bored with all folk or all jazz too quickly, so I tend to hang out with Dj's who play a mixture of the classics plus throw there own great surprise songs into the mixture of the set. And yes you do need some sense of what is successful or not because it is going to cost money to download.
  15. I love reggae and some world beat tribal-like music, especially the American Indian influenced new age style of world beat music; it's very spiritual. I believe you could specialize in Reggae especially since hardly any Dj's I've met play that, so there would be a need there you could fill. I'm not even sure I've heard one Reggae song yet?
  16. Okay, I'll wait a bit because I saw a Linden in an art Gallery (didn't want to disturb the Linden because I didn't know if he was just looking at art and enjoying the art, so I didn't want to bug him). However, when I went to start viewer about half an hour ago; it said something like viewer not available at this time or some sort of message like that. So I think perhaps a Linden shut it down for a bit while the bug gets investigated. Could be, could be not. Anyhow, message said cannot open now or somethin' like that. lol. I don't remember. I just assumed someone shut it down for a while to fix the bug.
  17. Oh breathes a sigh of relief. Yes, all the items I checked yesterday to check the prims the easel and the sofa were YES on sale, but said OBJECTS. However, the easel I bought once rezzed in my SL home, did say prims, not objects. Phew, I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
  18. Okay, I got location restored. Thanks much. Next, the bug we need to fix.
  19. Okay, will go and do that next. I'm afraid someone is going to tell me that we have to redo our whole OS; do a complete wipeout, then reinstall. I hope not. Is this bug going to be fixed? omg Sorry if I sound overdramatic but I just bought a bunch of paintings, and I don't want them to get corrupted. So ya, I'm a little upset. I wonder if upgrading our spyware to their newer upgraded spyware would save us from having to do our whole OS over again? But we just paid for updating our spyware this May and I sadly doubt my rl bf will be willing to pay for another spyware for me because we had huge rl plumbing expenditure recently. *sigh* Anyhow, going inworld now to try to reinstate a location because all I have on login screen is: username password a green log in bar and a mode with only advance or basic, so let me see if I can fix this first.
  20. omg, it's a bug. Well, how do I get rid of it? It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a SuperLinden to the rescue. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! ETA: I was also going to start a thread on my location area on the toolbar when I log in that lets you get to your home because it's gone. I don't have a location area of my screen when v2 is fully loaded and ready to log in. I can't log into my home, even tho it is set to home inworld. IOW, my starter screen only has basic and advanced to chose from, and that's it. No location area? I HAVE A BUG. What do I do now??????????? Help!!!!!!!!!!! SOS
  21. So, you bought items inworld, but didn't get a pop up window that said I paid so and so this amount, and then you click ok, and then the item wasn't delivered? How exactly did the transactions of the items you bought work because once you hit buy for the item, a window appears in the lower left of your computer screen where u hit OK, and then the item is delivered. Did you hit OK? Kele, if you hit OK and lindens are gone, your items are in your inventory then most likely. Items are named funny names and can be hard to find. The best thing to do when shopping is to hit your recent tap at the top of your inventory and instantly rename the item into something easy you can find, such as Shoes: Black Clogs, or Jeans: Black, for some examples. You right click on the folder in your recent items, and then chose rename. It is important that you do an inventory search to try to find your items asap. If you can't find them, you have to go back to the stores and find the names that your items are called so u can do an inventory check, and I'd say do it pronto, and get back to us asap. Ok?
  22. Okay, here's what I did. I went back to the store I just bought an easel from. I right clicked it and chose edit, and it said 1 item, 6 Objects. So I went into my home and clicked on the easel I bought and it said 1 item, 6 prims. So, I went back to the store I got the easel from again and when I right clicked and chose edit, I could see a light small case p and an i hiding behind the word Objects. So, it's like the word prims is hiding behind the word Objects and they are superimposed upon each other. Anyhow, I guess objects are prims? Because I also right clicked on a sofa in that same store that I do not own and it said 1 item, 17 Objects. So, Objects is trustworthy then I'd assume? ETA: I have v2, original from this website. However, yes the words prims and objects seem to be superimposed upon one another. I can barely read the word prims hiding there behind the more bolder white word OBJECTS.
  23. Okay thanks, let me go check and I'll get back to you. I don't know what a row of tabs is, but I will try to find it.
  24. I'd suggest calling your credit card company to see if they can retrieve some sort of record transactions.
  25. How do u find out how many prims an items has? On Marketplace, it tells you, but inworld, no. Is there a feature to check the prim count: furniture, lamps for example?
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