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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. This is no joking matter, Dres. The following photo is what happened to me when I agreed to let a hairdresser cut my bangs. I cried and cried.
  2. Cool. Yeah, I would probably die if I couldn't have hair in my eyes, and I'm always like DON'T CUT MY HAIR! whenever I go for a haircut! And every single time they ask if I would like bangs? My answer is always NO!!!!!!!! I have nothing against bangs on other people. I just don't want them! Don't cut my hair into bangs!!!! People always want to cut the hair out of my eyes all the time. This is what bangs are for people who may be from different countries than me:
  3. No, I don't have the bone structure unfortunately. My bone structure could be called "gawky"; some call it delicate boned; I call it a pain in the
  4. Oh, I have an idea, let's IM Soda Lemondrop and see if he can do a machinima of Venus' sexy walk in SL. Then Soda Lemondrop could use my default walk, and so on and so forth. We'll most definately need the hillbilly walk, too. All three of us could walk side by side....or....? This idea still needs some planning out, you see. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  5. Oh no, you don't know me or understand. See, Mayalily wants and will always have hair in her eyes. If I can't have hair in my eyes, I'd be very unhappy. I need to have hair in my eyes because it's a part of me, like that guy in the Foo-Fighters, only I'm not a guy. I'm a girl. Foo-Fighter Hair:
  6. Okay, writing this in my notebook. I've never come across this... so will look for it tomorrow. Thanks!
  7. YES! I'm quite sure! I want to walk like Marilyn Monroe in real life not SL. And, I can't believe I found this on You Tube: The Marilyn Walk: NEVER TRULY COPIED ((rofl)) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql-hpzOPuSE p.s. Good to know that ao's don't cause lag (with the exception of 'some'). I think I know who causes lag, I think Bill Gates causes lag. :matte-motes-sour:
  8. Yes I was going to say there are some free or 10 linden AO's on Marketplace also for you to try. I don't use an AO. Tried several, just too laggy for me. And I don't mind the way I walk because I mostly go to clubs and dance, and if I shop inworld which is rarely (as I'm a Marketplace shopper for time saving reasons), I rarely see any avatars when I'm shopping anyways or the other avatars I do see are busy looking at what they want to buy, not how I'm walking. I chose to walk and stand like a noob, and I don't care, nor do I think anyone else cares either how I walk or stand. However, I would like to walk like Marilyn Monroe in real life. Any helpful suggestions on that one? (rofl) Marilyn Monroe had the greatest walk ever!
  9. Okay yes, I think I have everything clear now. Copy just in case, then delete. Then find a scriptometer of some kind to check my scripts running. Pussycat says she has one. The other thing I get from this thread is that modify does not mean scripts, it means stretch to fit as in the edit section, click the stretch, and then stretch it? I understand that now, I hope. No modify to me meant, no modify, like take it the way it is, and I tried on the demos inworld and they fit fine... so that's why I was surprised to find a resizer in there, not to mention I thought it was no scripts and no modify meant exactly that no modify at all. So I need some kind of stretchable hair that won't have scripts. I hope I got that right. I do like the hair from that place tho. I think a lot of it is very cute. Very creative designer. Thanks for explaining this everybody! Stretch to fit hair they should call it! lol
  10. Okay, I have to go back to RL this morning and get going for RL. Anyhow, maybe I'll start a thread later on some good places to find script-free hair! So I need modify hair to get no scripts then? Some of those hairs are very cute; a script kill might work since it's a pony tail. Some of the hair reminds me of My Little Pony hair but cute nonetheless. However, I need some non-scripted hair, or I'm going to have to kill the scripts; if they even come with that option. I'm not sure yet about if the menu includes a script kill or not (?), so I'll have to check later on that.
  11. Oh, I don't see how no modify means a resizer menu? Weird. I'd think no modify would mean no modify, thus no resizer?
  12. Yeah I can post a link, let me see if it pulls up here. Is also says NO MODIFY, so how come both hairs I bought have a resizer menu? I wanted several more from here but both I bought have a resizer menu, so I'm thinking the rest do too? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nikita-Fride-Hair-Deluxe-Hair-side/500565
  13. What exactly is a resizer menu? Is that scripts? I bought two hairs that have a resizer menu; however, upon looking at the Marketplace ad there is no mention of a resizer menu coming with the hairs I bought. I bought these hairs thinking they were NON SCRIPTED hairs as there is no mention of a resizer menu in the whole advertisement nor in the inworld store. So what exactly is a resizer menu, then?
  14. Just the first line is directed towards your post. Let me fix that. Aw, well as they say bleep happens, what can we do when bleep happens? We either roll with the punches or we don't.
  15. @ Well, I disagree after what I've been through. It's better to get your original viewer working and be patient with it. Also, my signature, generated from this thread which I posted in before I started this thread: Again, we're the ones who lost money because of this, not you people. We did! Not you! I'm trying to help on here, not hurt anyone. I know that is not your intention either... but that still doesn't make ditching viewers and uninstalling and reinstalling a necessarily good solution. I was trying to tell this person to get V2 working in order to save them the problems I've had to endure. I knew this was going to cost money just to fix all these registry errors, obsolete software. Anyhow, I was right; as this is exactly what happened to our computer - registry errors, obsolete software, harmful junk on our computer. I really don't want to hear about it anymore. We are the ones who lost money, not any of you. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Viewer-2-7-4-makes-EVERYTHING-including-my-avatar-and-sims/td-p/980229
  16. What? I have no idea what this post means? How can I not know what?
  17. I never said u told me, too! I don't know where u got that idear? And that griefer already created an alt. He was in a newbie avatar, tho when I wrote the thread about finding other dance animations other than Henmation or Sinewave, and the first one mentioned Akeyo; a newbie avatar shows up, griefs on me, and the username of this newbie avatar was very close to the name Akeyo; don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out. Every troubleshooting thread just about on these forums says switch viewers; that is not the best advice to give out; but when I say that, that doesn't mean it came from your advice. It's just the general forum advice in just about every troubleshooting thread there is on here. And I've been trying to tell people, it's NOT the best way to go to just ditch a viewer. I know I'm the one who's been dealing with these tickets from Microsoft. Charolotte should remember because she was the one helping me in regards to this software that went obsolete from the registry errors, as her and I were speaking about what this software could be in open forum, and if I should remove because it would not update no matter how many times I tried (therefore it was rendered obsolete) and I had tickets every single day from Microsoft. I didn't want to just delete this software because it correlated with my rez day, March 26th. Last used March 26th, used frequently it said. So it seemed like a type of software generating from SL because it correlated with my rez day. I'm explaining what happened, not necessarily speaking to you about everything. And all cybergeeks now what SL is. It's a big joke to them for some reason, because yes SL is what u make it; doesn't mean u won't get griefers, especially once they know your real name and your username. Anyhow, diagnostics showed I was correct; uninstalling and reinstalling the viewer can and does cause registry errors, renders software obsolete, etc. Because quess what, that's what they found first! Not to mention a bunch of viruses; so we needed a new anti virus. I had to do a lot of checking on this because I have been dealing with Microsoft tickets for what seems like an eternity. I must have submitted 1000 send reports to Microsoft because of this. Look, myself and my boyfriend lost a lot of money that went down the drain because of this advice. So I think we are a little entitled to be just a little p.o.'d, and I really don't want to hear about it anymore. If people keep suggesting for people to switch viewers like that is such a great solution; there is nothing I can do about that period because it happens here on the forums every single day. Cost us a boat-load just to fix. I don't get what u people are p.o.'d about. We're the ones who lost the money; not you. And it doesn't matter what kind of company it is. Real name/username is ripe game for griefing attacks. And, of course, they go thru everything on your computer. It's like checking a car; they need to run a diagnostics to see where the problems are generating from. That just seems logical to me and is not necessarily "snooping" but they are still going to do it.
  18. I know these geeks who all joke about SL being some type of "sex game", not to mention my first day after activivating my adult account, a dude IM's me, seems nice, I ask do u have some time to show me around the adult grid, he messages back "wanna have sex". Mayalily rolls eyes. And now I have this griefer who I think is that person I turned down. It's like if u say no, u get griefed. Anyhow, yes after diagnostics, it is registry errors (fixed now), software went obsolete (somewhat fixed). I was having so much difficulty finding out what this obsolete software was because when I looked up the software it said last used March 26th and that is my rez day, so it was baffling indeed. The software became obsolete after I did an uninstall/reinstall and I've been dealing with weeks of tickets that seem to be generating from Microsoft. I explained this weeks ago, but was still getting tickets every single day becuz the software did go obsolete but was last used on my rez day and also the software said used frequently. So I find the website to the software, connect to live chat, and I ask what is this software for and what does it do, and live chat answers back, can't answer that, costs $10.00 just to find out what this software is and what it is used for. RL bf is not too happy about me running SL in the first place and all the probs it caused with our computer. He is not a happy camper right now, but he/we are happier at least we got our registry errors fixed, among other things. Be careful about suggesting uninstalling and reinstalling because it causes registry errors which can lead to all kinds of headaches (putting it mildly). I also only found out about a week ago thru someone's signature that said the advice here is not from LL, so take caution or something like that. I didn't know the advice on the forums here wasn't LL supported until about a week ago from that signature, and to tell u the truth I don't even know if that signature was TRUE or not? But please do be careful about throwing away viewers, it does cause problems. I can attest to that one! Anyhow, thanks for the advice on how to over-ride my username. I've also said I will go premium if I get a SL job. My rl bf has me on a strict budget now that our computer has all these issues. My RL bf thinks SL is virus filled. So, we got a new anti-virus also. ACK! A lot of money went down the drain because of all this, especially losing the cost of our last anti-virus which we just paid for in May. All that money is lost. I'll take my sig out, but please be cautious about telling people to go for the uninstall/reinstall; it's not the best way to go at all. It's better to get your original viewer working.
  19. Okay yes, I'm going to do that then. I don't want to encourage any stalking or griefing! I think this is the only way I can avoid it tho, is to just get rid of SL for now while our computer goes thru maintenance starting today! lol Hopefully, some things will get fixed today. If not, it's going to the shop for some super geek maintenance.
  20. Is there a way to block my username from the start-up viewer? I have people coming over to do some computer checks for me and do not want them to know my SL username. Is there a way to get rid of it from when SL starts up? Thanks for any info on this. I can't stand stalkers because they always end up being griefers. Also like what do u do if your computer needs to go in for maintenance. My username for SL still shows up? That could cause stalkers and griefers. Should I just remove SL program until our computer is done being tweeked or going thru maintenance to avoid the possibility of stalkers/griefers?
  21. ((rofl)).. that is too funny for words! I see what u mean!
  22. I've never been on Wow. I have no desire for any kind of killing or warcraft or warfare, even if it's virtual. So I know nothing of any games that have a war type advertisement. One could spend hundreds of dollars in a month for WoW. I never knew that. Email is needed if you have an online business. And email seems necessary for SL merchants. However, I was a merchant on eBay for awhile, and all I needed was their in-home IM system to talk to my customers back and forth. We never even needed email on eBay anymore, except for confirmation of Paypal related things, etc. And I'm 100% on eBay since their grading system started. I've maintained a 100% feedback rating on eBay for tons of years. 2D communication is not only boring, but could become a passe way of communicating. I like 3D internet environments for social internet entertainment, rl phone calls, and rl cards as my means of communication. I hate email! Facebook is extremely boring to me. It's like I got all those photos, etc, in my email already. So Facebook can be redundant and so can email. Facebook is a different type of email to me because it's just 2D attachments and a profile basically. I think some of these MMO's could be classified as trying to climb up the ladder of success games, but it still costs a lot of money to get up the ladder of success. However, thanks to Marketplace and their free or 1L items, I've gotten a lot more success than I could afford without Marketplace. The 0 to 10 linden items really do help a lot. However, the expensive items are extremely tempting so I go cash only; no credit as my rl bf doesn't believe in credit; he believes cash only, so that is how I budget my SL. I have expensive items too (some were crappy and didn't work), so the free or nearly free items balance a lot of things out with SL. I have liked some of the free items more than some of the items I paid a lot for because the picture might look good as it's photoshopped but once on my avatar was a total dud or disappointment. Marketplace is what keeps me coming back as it adds a great balance to the items that are duds or look bad compared to the actual photo shown. So, at least with SL, we've got Marketplace! I don't know if other MMO's offer such a place as Marketplace which has helped me greatly! I'm always like bless u Marketplace people! Thanks for that!
  23. Weird, u went back in time on SL, for real! That would have scared me, too!
  24. The following copy and paste from one of the links in the blog provided by Thinkerer was interesting and read: The results of this fourth annual Speed Matters survey of Internet speeds show that the U.S. has not made significant improvement in the speeds at which residents connect to the Internet. The median download speed for the nation was 3.0 megabits per second (mbps) and the average upload speed was 595 kilobytes per second (kbps). This was only on half of a megabit per second increase (from 2.5 mbps to 3.0 mbps) since last year. At this rate, it will take the United States 60 years to catch up with current Internet speeds in South Korea. And when compared to the rest of the world, the U.S. ranks 25th in average Internet connection speeds. Read the full report below and check out how your state stacks up: Mayalily wonders how much of that is true? Another link read: Installing and uninstalling software can leave your windows registry fragmented, with obsolete, corrupted, and harmful files. Mayalily has often said this in her posts. It's really not a good idea to keep uninstalling and reinstalling. Uninstalling and reinstalling should be done as a last ditch effort imo, NOT the first thing to try because it cause registry errors. Always try to stick with your original viewer. My SL was running better before I did an uninstall/reinstall because now I have do have registry errors and that's only more money to spend on SL. Last ditch efforts should be the uninstall/reinstall. Try explaining to your significant other that more money needs to be spent on SL just to correct a bunch of registry errors now. And also yes one of my software program did become obsolete after uninstall/reinstall... so now I'm trying to tell that to my significant other and that's more money to try to get the non-obsolete version of a particular software running again. And try explaining that to your loved one when he thinks SL costs too much in the first place. Always consider uninstall as the last thing, not the first thing.
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