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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. Good job, Marianne. For me, no, I can't stand the hud shoes. I really can't; there are just too many other things for me to enjoy whether rl or sl. I wish some designers would try to make the illusion of toenails by creating disappearing socks like the ones that disappear for our fingernails. I would buy those type of shoes if someone COULD make them? Disappearing sock feet toenail shoes.
  2. I've only had two items left in que for 8 hours on Marketplace and I've purchased at least 500 items from there; something like that. If you need something in a hurry, yes u should just buy it inworld. Marketplace has saved me hundreds of hours as the browsing features are incredible. It would take me two to three years or more to find what I've found on MP in about the three months I've been here. Marketplace just rocks my world; couldn't live without it. And I've only had two delivery failures out of hundreds of transactions; it's marvelous, just marvelous. I shop rarely inworld because for me it's too time consuming, and my extra lindens are to support SL entertainers; that's what I use my spare lindens for, after rent, furniture, needful things, I pay for entertainment, then I spend money on my avi. I'm not providing the entertainment, they are, so those are the Mom's and Pop's I support; the entertainment end. I always see people free-loading on the entertainment part, but I think that's wrong and I'm not going to be a free-loader. If the music is something I don't like, I tp out after anywhere from 2-5 songs. If I crash or freeze, I drop the lindens next time. The entertainment needs to be supported on SL, imo. 'Cuz when the entertainment sims go down, there isn't much to do in SL except look at an empty sim. And the 8-hour que doesn't bother me because it's only logical the owner needs time to get online as RL just happens. And I ordered the item, so I want the item if there are going to be anymore. If not, I get over it. ETA: I did go inworld to check for one dress inworld that I couldn't get on MP; it wasn't inworld either. That's the only time I checked. Also, it was sort of Fall type item, so I just assumed the designer discontinued for 'a time'. She may bring it back in the fall, but it's not inworld either.
  3. I had a wonderful indoor garden in my last rental home. I wanted to try to create a magical indoor garden feel just to as you say "zen" relax; it was nice, I miss that indoor garden. Now I have a two bedroom, two story rental home with a kitchen (those little kitchen items take up a lot of prims!, but it's kind of cute nonetheless). My dream would be to have land where I could buy that item on Marketplace called "The Secret Garden" taken from the book and the movies. Perhaps one day I will have that Secret Garden, it just depends on where my SL will take me over the coming months and years.
  4. Sorry if I was abrupt there Ceka, sorry I had to run out the door to do errands and enjoy a lunch. Anyhow, no I understand the 'your world, your imagination part' of course, but see that is NOT the problem. The problem is the default arms are made that way, so, thus, 10 million users can't have the same imagination to have short arms. It's just the way the default arms are made in the first place. For some reason, arms seems to be the last thing for people to adjust or to even consider for some reason?, and also the head size as another poster suggested. These two always seem to be overlooked; arm length, size of one's head, especially if they are using the default size as their height or fairly close to the default size for their height. But I see far more avatars with short arms than I do small heads. I think the arms seem to be the last thing people even consider.
  5. Again, this thread is for human avatars who want to look human, please. And a guide inworld that comes with the shape is what I'm talking about because people are spending real money to be on SL to look cute or smexy, but it doesn't look cute when a human is adult-sized everywhere except the arms, which are about the size of a 6 to 10-year-old. A basic guide inworld for the shapes can't be that difficult to create or add. I think it's a good suggestion.
  6. No, I mean a guide with the shapes not a guide forum-wise or blog-wise. Most avi's are obviously not reading the forums or blogs. I mean a guide that comes with the shape.
  7. Thanks for your help Marigold! And, I'll check the vid out later tonight (thanks for that too)!
  8. A month, well why do so many avi's still have these children-sized arms on adult bodies? I guess they are not reading the forum. Most avatars still have these little arms on adult size bodies no matter how many times we try to coax them over to the forum. People spend a lot of time AND effort in their avatars, so their should be some kind of guide with at least recommended settings for the arms, because the arms do look like arms for a child rather than for an adult. Oh and yes I should have stipulated this thread is for human avatars only please, as adding in differing creatures is too confusing. My height is set at 96, arms at 77, and it's pretty darn good. I think I started with arms set at 50 or something ridiculous but was doing and learning so many other things, my arms went completely overlooked for quite some time and were way too short, but getting better!
  9. Most avatars, or almost all, have their arms too short. To check out how long your arms actually are is to stand up straight, good posture, now lower your arms down towards your legs. Your wrists and hands should fall about mid thigh area. To test this, place your wrists on your thighs, then completely relax your hand to see where your hand falls on the thigh area. Most avatars have their arms at about hip length and that is way too short. This is a helpful hint I learned when I was painting (not currently painting at this time). Follow the steps above to see where your arm length should be. I set mine at about 77 and it looks pretty good, but might need to even go a little further than 77. I'm still working on getting my arm length right also but I'm getting pretty close. ETA: This thread is for human avatar arms and shapes only, please.
  10. That's cute. My cat when he was little used to try to bat at tennis balls when I was watching tennis on TV. And, he'd run back and forth as the tennis ball went from side to side on the TV. There is also this joke about cats in a book I can't remember the name of but it said something like: I enjoy TV so much more now that I've gotten my GE transparent cat.
  11. As long as there is no Prince William SPAM, I'm good. I had enough Prince William spam on Google front page to last a lifetime, so I took off Google front page and now just have a google search bar as my starter page and happily kissed Prince William SPAM.... Hasta la vista, baby! Prince William SPAM, you are now terminated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8DHO7XFVkI
  12. No, it's not "stretching it", as you say. This is NOT a dating site where u look at pictures first plus read a well thought out profile. Not to mention a lot of avatars aren't even their RL gender. You didn't know that?
  13. He's defending his hot tub? Well, maybe we should turn the heat up on that sucker and throw some potatoes in! Those hot tubs are already too hot, u could already boil potatoes in them. Women, always multi-taking. Good place to boil potatas! ETA: And yes, I got that stupid message again. That sounds like griefing if someone is asked to leave a shopping sim upon arriving. People don't create shopping sims, so they can ban people. That would be very counterproductive.
  14. Hi, I'm awake, it's morning again. Yes, I get greyed out bots but that's with 50 or more avi's in one place. Yes there is a club that almost everyday has 50 to 100 avi's at any given time, plus vendor stalls. I've been able to stay on that sim that has 50 or more avi's at any given time (even for a time of two hours), but most of us are having difficulty loading as that is a lot of avi's plus vendor stalls! (That place is Big Daddy's; seems to always be jammed packed, although I've never visited Big Daddy's on a weekend; I'm hardly on SL on the weekends). Anyhow, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to load this museum sim or get kicked so fast like that to where I'm stuck in a wall and freeze, as I'm able to load other shopping sims without such a difficulty. I'm going inworld now to drop a notecard to the sim owner as I just checked on Marketplace and Kitaro's is not there. Anyhow, I feel I need to see the size of a painting before buying, so paintings, art, furniture, I need to see rezzed most of the time. The neighbor's problem, whatever it is, needs to be toned down a bit so people can shop please. Going inworld to contact owner about the probs I'm experiencing just trying to shop at all on the sim; it's crazy period. There's no reason for my computer to do that; I've shopped inworld at several museums already. This one, it took four days to finally buy one painting; that doesn't sound normal.
  15. Hi Marigold, I decided to go back and investigate this. I didn't get the message this time. I was able to buy one painting, but then it crashed me again. I think it's a griefer, and I will contact the land owner tomorrow as I'm about to log off internet for the night. In the meantime, someone else can investigate it because I'm beginning to think it's a griefer who is trying to crash that sim? The sim name is KITARO MUSEUM OF ART AND ANTIQUITIES, and it's moderate. It might be possible the sim doesn't like me because I have too many scripts on, but I kind of doubt that. My conclusion is it some kind of griefer and the sim owner should be notified as I'd like to buy more, but at least bought one so far from there just now; did not get that message again. However, could someone be trying to grief and crash the sim? I think it does need to be investigated because I'm always crashing, but now have one painting from there, finally. Thanks for any help in trying to discover what this is. And I'll post that weird message I got again, which appeared about 5 times. I kept hitting ok and was about to tp out, but the messages kept coming up every time I hit okay, and even once I was in my SL rental home, the message was in my home and still needed to hit ok: This was the message: A.E. Defender Plugin, Division Labs, You are not allowed to enter this parcel, you have 10 seconds to leave.
  16. This is a crazy message. I don't know what to make of it. Have u ever heard of such a message before?
  17. To protect them from what? Someone buying a piece of classical art?
  18. Okay, I've been trying to go to this museum for several days, but it always crashes me or freezes me. Today, I decided to try again and got this message: A.E. Defender Plugin, Division Labs, you are not allowed to enter this parcel. Now I'm assuming since museums have nude paintings, this A.E., means Adult Entertainment perhaps? I have been Adult verified for weeks now and have visited oh about two adult sims and had no problem. Is this a bug or something? It's just a museum and that's all for crying out loud. What am I supposed to do here? Why am I getting this message from this museum? ETA: And it's a museum of classic art from centuries past not a museum of modernized SL generated erotic art. This is a classic art museum only. This should be general in the first place.
  19. oh, okay, found it... it's an icon that looks like a tree. Yeah as far as copyrighted, I also thought I could send a link, but the watermark is over the faces, so the photo would just be used as an idea to draw something, and to draw something not exactly the way the photo looks, but just to use it as an idea as the idea I have still needs to be done in 3d with some prims, etc. Couldn't use the photo alone for anything. Yeah, I could draw it possibly, but not make it 3D nor do I know how to do prims.
  20. I've searched the database for this info and came up empty handed. I need to post something in the wanted section and I need to use photos as I don't use email at all. So, how do u post a photograph into a thread? Also, it's a copywritten photograph with a watermark so can't be stolen, I just want to use the photo to give a creator a particular idea of what I'm looking for, but they would have to draw and color it, not use the photo itself. So, is it okay to post a copywritten photo with a watermark... or do I need to set up an email account if something is copywritten? So, 1) How to post a photo? 2) Is it okay to post an original photographic watermarked work that is not mine just to given a creator an idea, or do I need to set up an email to do that? Or, if I can't post a copywritten photo in a thread, can I send it to their IM? 3) Can I even post a photo in an IM?
  21. Oh wonderful! Awesome! I wish someone had told me before! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  22. I've seen that favorites option when I need to look at my transactions log, but have not found 'favorites' yet. If it had a bar that says put in favorites, I might have found it already. So, exactly where is the favorites option and how do you work it?
  23. Yes I thought that also about the skateboard instead of paying for the loan, but then I thought the skateboard could be a type of transportation and maybe that's the only transportation Hanahhh can afford at this time? However, nonetheless, Void is still correct as far as prioritizing how monies are spent, yet we do need to learn from our mistakes as life goes onward....
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