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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. yes but if we stop then the warchief of the new tribe wont be able to practise biting anyones head off anymore thats not good when you the warchief of a new tribe fighting for territory in the jungles of sl. you have to practise quite a lot when you the warchief and you wants your tribe to win am always happy to help people improve their skills if i can . so is ok. can practise biting my head off anytime and go raarrrrr !!! as well. is better roleplay. like more immersive when you make them kinda noises at the same time when you helping a person be a better warchief then sometimes can go raaaaarrrr !!! back at them. just so they can learn better how to play that way as well. some teachers are really skilled at that way of teaching. same with the bah! school method or can help them make armor. like out of tin if they got no steel or anything like that jejejejejje (: sry
  2. linden outsourced the coding to the support team support team now reports that user complaints are way down linden board is happy signups are way up and complaints way down board moves to public float company on stock exchange random bloggers point out that is no one actual in the game board goes pfft! and points to signups 60 thousand zillion people go woohoo !!! and buy heaps of stock
  3. this story is getting quite fascinating as it unfolds seems like there is this tribe seems a member of the tribe started another tribe and some others joined them the elders of the first tribe then kicked them out of the tribe and banished them from the ancestral lands some of the new tribe are now standing on the borders of the old tribes lands crying at the border guards to be let back in the elders of the old tribe are saying sorry you dont belong here anymore. go away the banished are saying that the old tribe is doomed + this a cool story bro moment. cant wait to see what else happens
  4. the realms is a linden test bed for the tech tools would not be good for linden to make a competition is better i think for competitions to be made by the residents when these tools are made available to us. would be quite hard for residents to compete with linden in this area. linden have the name and they also got a 'unlimited' amount of l$ to give away, which residents dont have
  5. is a number of mostly older avatars using pusher scripts with fly on. they are after the blue and green crystals. dont seem to bother much with the other colors bc the blue and greeny pay 2l and 1l each then can understand why is a mad rush to get them. is easier to get them once you know where they are. is a timing thing with them as well. like when they appear + the most common 'cheat' which anyone even a new person can do without any particular gamer skills or scripts is to use the Map. Open the Map and then teleport to a circle on a sim where noone else is can also use the Map to teleport from a arena sim back to the Portal Parks. when you do this then you keep your HUD. also if you watch what happens when you go in the portals can soon work out which arena you will end up on. which is useful if you have checked the Map looking for how many people are on each one beforehand + the thing with games is that is general accepted that you play upto the letter of the law (specially computer games). is for the umpire to decide if you made a foul. the crowd can boo the player if you not playing according to their interpretation of the spirit of the law. but well the crowd is not umpiring the game if is no Code of Conduct in the rules of the game then is also ok to sledge the other players and try put them off their game. can be unsporting this but oh! well + all this said people are pretty cooperative on the realms. like if someone is mowing a lawn for orange and yellow crystals then heaps of other people when they see that just move to another area and leave them to it people do this when they realise that is no need to mow in the same place as other people bc of how many crystal lawns there are. is actual a waste of your own time to mow the same lawn at the same time as someone else
  6. yes they are. they worthless as well every 2 or 3 years some skriptza, a legend in his own mind, comes up with the idea that they can save teh grid from all teh griffers and copybotters and wahtevs. like it hasnt been tried before. and even if it has then this time will be better bc the legend is awesome and has majik powahz after scamming a whole bunch of people who dont know better into paying for it then its FAIL. until the next skriptz legend comes along and we go thru it all over again + security orb is ok to protect your own place. is the "system" ones that share that sux
  7. if you just after the oldskool ascii then can try default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { string s = "AB횩✓CD.16=EW;GH쑒£⊠яIJK λяLMѫabcӴأ07)*+_9875ँ๑~⌂"; llWhisper(0, s); llWhisper(0, (string)llStringLength(s)); integer i; for(i = llStringLength(s)-1; i >= 0; --i) { integer a = llBase64ToInteger("AAAA" + llStringToBase64(llGetSubString(s, i, i))); if(a < 32 || a > 126) s = llDeleteSubString(s, i, i); } llWhisper(0, s); llWhisper(0, (string)llStringLength(s)); }} havent ever tested it for all utf but seems to work ok on lso and mono
  8. Mac Shoreman wrote: I ban people that HAVE done some thing bad... not BEFORE they do anything or BEFORE i know who they are. Just plain stupid comment. can mouth off at me as you like. is ok + anyways. i thought you asked a question. like my partner and i have been banned from a shop. i dont know why? + i give you one reason already a second reason is another latest greatest evah gridwide 'protection' system being offered you and your partner for whatever or no reason at all may have been added to that list once added by any owner of a parcel protection object then your name can be propagated to every other owner who has the same system installed on their parcel. when that happens then you are autobanned from all them other parcels as well the biggest problem with these kinda systems is that anyone can buy them and add whoever they like to the system anyone includes people who obtain them and then add random names to it for the lulz
  9. Mac Shoreman wrote: "is possible you now caught up in a tit-for-tat with an associate of one of the names banned from your place" I once more say. I have never ever meet them people and I have never ever been on any of their lands or any thing. No connection what so ever and pleas... Read first. tit-for-tat you ban them. they/alts/associates/business partners/friends/whoever ban you
  10. i went to your inworld shop. is a few people on your own banlist is possible you now caught up in a tit-for-tat with an associate of one of the names banned from your place
  11. the simplest anti-greifing object parcel defence is: Build: off Scripts: off Object Entry: on Autoreturn: 1 some people turn Object Entry: off. dont do that all by itself. turn Object Entry on. so that the objects will enter and then get autoreturned to owner Object Entry acts like a wall otherwise when stuff is shot into the parcel from outside. stuff piles up on your boundary and you cant do anything about them + ok. can make a defensive wall that works against outside shooters and also stops you getting hit by fast temp-rez replicators a) cut a 4m wide strip round the outside of your parcel. so when show parcel boundary lines then your land looks like a box within a box b) on the outer strip - Build: off. Object Entry: On. Autoreturn: 1. Scripts: Off c) on the inner box - Object Entry: Off ( the others as you like) when stuff is shot at your parcel from outside it enters the outer strip and then is stopped by the inner box. bc is stuck over the outer strip then Autoreturn will remove it
  12. if we all used google then we would have nothing to talk about on the forums. so lazy is good (:
  13. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Very nicely put. However: family - clan - tribe organisation is the ultimate heirarchical, authoritarian one. I'm in charge because I'm the daddy. It is also exactly what Hobbes meant in Leviathan as "the war of every man against every man" in which life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" I have never encountered any non-fictional accounts of any society that "shared resources equitably" do you have citations? I'm not at all sure that after a hard day's hunting I'm going to give any of my food to aunt Doreen's second cousin with the squint, especially after what she said about our Malcolm at the gathering. you would give to the second cousin bc of the authoritarian nature of the tribal family group. if you dont then one of you has to leave the tribe hunter gatherers tribes dont survive when individuals members pick and choose what they do against the needs of the tribal body, when those choices affect the survival of the members and the tribe itself. is survivalism. which is the basis for heirarchial authoritarian groups. on our own we are quite weak compared to other animals example: the squinty eyed cousin spends all day chewing animal skins into soft material for clothing and tents. in a cold climate, then a tribe with one chewer and many hunters, when forced, will choose to keep the chewer. vice versa if is only a few or one hunter. the hunter is only more important than the chewer depending on the make up of the group + can be difficult sometimes for us today in first world countries to comprehend how or why tribes necessarily work like they do. mostly bc we think that that we are no longer directly dependent on others for our own survival is not actual true this thought in practice. we are. we just dont see it anymore bc of the size of the heirarchial authoritarian nature of our tribes and the societal institutions we have built to reinforce this. at state, national and now even international levels. even democracy is dictatorial in effect. the tribe has spoken what makes todays tribes different from the old old olden day tribes is that you cant leave anymore. can only swap one tribes ways for another tribe. cant start your own tribe
  14. Dillon Levenque wrote: On the chance I may someday decide to join modern Slife and go to a V3 type viewer, I'll take this opportunity for a quick lesson. Is 'Block' the new term for 'Mute'? yes
  15. Melita Magic wrote: This topic has turned into the SL fora version of Prok's FIC list. is a little bit different an F from Prokofy means you feted by linden. we still working out what this F means. so far F for never heard of them, is winning. jejejejeje (:
  16. seems like linden are maybe tighting up on this was reading on other forum that linden support are being phished by scammers. seems that linden been getting random requests on other peoples accounts saying stuff like: i forgot my password, i forgot my email. i forgot my security answer. can you let me back into xxxxxxxx account. is mine honest really + is a pain sometimes to have to rl comply on the interwebz. but i rather that linden makes an effort than just believe any old random scammer who tries to access other peoples accounts + to OP. just do what linden ask of you and you will ok
  17. PeterCanessa Oh, Fhp. (forum helpy person) \o/
  18. Tiffy Vella wrote: Could I add Dizzy Banjo...Bettina Tizzy...YadNi Monde....Random Calliope....Tizzers Foxchase (inf.)....Prokofy Neva (inf.)......omg...we're making a....."THE LIST" But a second after i click "post" ill remember all the ones I forgot. yes. is heaps of people can add to this kind of list. is quite cool to see what names are added. why they are famous or legendary or memorable or just bc for whatever reason the poster thinks they are worth mentioning is like a honor roll in some ways
  19. that would be quite cool. like above 5000m. spaceships and stuff. i like
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