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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. It wouldn't take many homesteads to really open up sailing on continents, link up the North and south sailing areas of zindra, join up disconnected waterways around Jeogeot, Satori and heterocera to make them circumnavigable, open up a west and North passage around Nautilus, open up the South Corsica route. Opening up the route from Corsica to Gaeta V. Sansare could do with a homestead on the corner east of Mowbry Bay too. As it is many of the difficult routes in place just aren't doable in anything but a slow speed motorboat so the boat has a chance to avoid the banlines or bounce off them rather than getting snared up, especially where the linden routes involve 45 degree angles in parts. Straight linden routes along the edges of sims, whilst not ideal aren't a huge barrier to a sailing route. It is the twists and turns on sim borders and the just plain dead ends that form the barriers. With careful placement just 10 or 20 homesteads could really open up the continents.
  2. Well I am not all that kean on having land in Kama City either, the layout is a step back from the other continents. But I don't see any abandoned land there, the yellow for sale parcels littering the map are Life property and other rental companies advertising rentals, they seem to be doing fine & Linden Lab are getting their tier on those sims more so than most of mainland. I don't assume that at all. I said people like their private spaces in the post I made immediately before the one you quote. The reason I am saying the areas of mainland without roads or transport links have no attraction is precisely because private sims offer everything they do and more. A rather odd perception to have of mainland roads. The griefing you get on them (I don't recall ever seeing any) is much more limited and trivial compared to what you get on private sims with roads that attract the idiots acting out their 1%er fantasies, something I have heard and experienced much more of.
  3. The Seychelles channel is about as long as I can bear just sailing through a line of connected themed homesteads to get to the other end. The thought of going through 90 sims to get to where I wanted to go.. all of them in a straight line and on the same template is far too much. For this to work they either need portals, or to move the continents, such that the linking routes are way shorter and the journey is kept interesting.
  4. With roadside yes.. to some extent although I have never found it easy to find what I consider roadside parcels, at least not without paying more of a premium for the land than I would like, but then I don't value roadside so highly. I had some roadside and waterside in Jeogeot... but it was unprotected water access and soon after I bought it the neighbours blocked it off, so I abandonned it rather than try and get my money back on it. Since then I had some road access in heterocera through a slither of abandoned land but that has recently been bought blocking me from my most direct route to the road, but actually now I explore more the indirect road access over abandonned land is much more fun. For waterside access I got lucky a few years ago on a couple of places and paid reasonable prices for waterside on Zindra and near the Linden Village. But those were unusually good deals I spent hours scouring the map before finding them. For the main sailing area though, I don't think there has been a time in the last 5 years when protected water access to the Nautilus\Blake Sea water ways has not been prohibitively expensive (at least on my budget 50k L$ being about my limit on smallish parcels I like). That is certainly not a recent phenomenon.
  5. The deserted areas on mainland are the areas without transport access, because there is no reason to live there. In those areas mainland is just negatives to private estates...no estate owner to enforce a building code, greater limits on the numbers of people that can be there, no restraints on the neighbours use of security devices etc. But, the areas connected by transport routes to more sims especially around waterways demand prices far in excess of privates sims, because despite those negatives still applying, they offer something that private sims can't offer.. and that is the connected continental transport routes. Transport routes that if they invested more in, would bring in a greater return for them.
  6. The map shows lots of private sims and it shows people do like their private spaces, but it doesn't follow on from that that they don't also like sailing or flying or using mainland roads from time to time. Many will have boating slips on mainland as well as their private homes and many more will just visit mainland to use the many airports and rezz areas to enjoy their vehicles. The pattern of property values on mainland around roads, around waterways is the indicator of the added value people put on these areas and that Linden Lab should be factoring in to their decisions on how to develop and maintain interest in their platform.
  7. I think it worth considering the Horizons development. 50 new sims with water and road connections, laid out in a themed way, 36 of which were residential, 14 Linden owned, water sims, hubs and the gaming area, all bought as soon as they hit the market. Whilst part of their success was the fact it is adult land on the adult continent, perhaps partly the link with the game area... but I think mostly it is the themed build with road and water access to the rest of the continent that makes it so attractive. The success of that development was (I think) before improvements to parcel size and tier on premium accounts. Whilst the adult nature of the development was a part of the attraction I think a much bigger part is the road and waterway access to the rest of the continent. What I take from that is similar developments are viable and would work just as well. That redeveloping and improving the moderate and general mainland areas is financially viable. It must be possible to do something with the South of Sansara to improve it with roads routed through the wastelands of unwanted rushed half finished sims. Waterways extending water access around the continents and even developing out to link continents either by portals, by moving the continents together or in the case of Jeogeot with some Horizons type development. All these ideas would seem financially viable. Linden investment would pay for itself, land barons would snap up the residential parcels to sell on just as they did with Horizons
  8. Whilst I still think moving one of the sets of continents closer and building a land bridge between them would be worth the effort and temporary disruption of broken profile links, another possibility that I would think possible would be to link remote sims together so they function in every way as if they are together whilst being apart. Atanua to Blush, or the ANWR could be linked up with just a couple of sims and the continents effectively joined together without moving the continents across. Whilst I don't know anywhere else this has happened, it might well be a real possibility that has been overlooked. I seem to recall a weird temporary glitch in the past where the sim I rented appeared to have a border with a different sim elsewhere on the grid, which suggests it might well be a possibility.
  9. A little surprised the Anime community has not been mentioned. Whilst some of the attachments and links with hentai add some suspicion to their motives, the scale and popularity of the anime genre is such that there is a large community of fans especially from Japan that just want to express themselves in that style. Like with all groups there are good and bad, but perhaps it is more common for someone from outside to assume the bad than is warranted.
  10. Both Grange and Carnworth currently have banlines on each side of the corner at Netherbeck. Even knowing about the banlines in advance, you are as likely to get snared in them as not. Previously when I have looked it was the corner sim that had the banlines. Like whackamole, they come and go but sailing through there is only for the most adventurous. Technically Mare Secundus is "Central Area" (according to the Wiki's break down of areas). For some time now the route there from Sea of Fables hasn't been too bad, just the tiny banline in Pierce as a snare (the owners parcel is ls no bigger than billboard size - they can only have banlines there because they enjoy being antisocial). and from there on to Coelho and the Western waterways going SW is and has been open for at least 6 months now probably longer. From Conniston to Bay City, taking that route there are no more than three or 4 banlines to pass and none that awkward for anything smaller than a bandit 60, or Trudeau 12m (I think the trudeau has to edit through one low bridge). You seem to be content with water access with a bit of danger, as an adventure. For me though I come at it differently. I organise and run cruises for 3 groups now... and for a route to be to my mind open... it needs to be easy enough that it is the sim crossings people are complaining about not the banlines and resident obstructions. For me then an intercontinental channel to be worth aspiring to and advocating for has to be an easy route, one that doesn't have 90 degree turns, in minimal width Linden waterways with banlines on one or both sides. Ps reading my paragraphs back as a whole I am sounding grumpy or mansplaining, arguing.. That is just the way the words have come out, I am intending to sound conversational. Please try to overlook how the words look.
  11. Good question, Eowyn. Whilst the Fairchang move last year ( I think) was a small fraction of moving one of these sets of continents, but it must have been about 30 sims... so it establishes they can do bulk moves of linked regions.
  12. @ChinRey you mentioned the difficulty getting from the sea of fables set of waterways to those on the bay city side. Currently at least the route out the SW corner of Mare Secondus is pretty good for all but the very largest ships
  13. On the other hand shifting the continents there are much fewer homesteads required to make the linkage. The yellow indicates new sims, It would be great to have more around Satori to make it fully circumnavigable, I don't think it would need that many.
  14. 1. Not if the linkage with Sansara is with the ANWR, on to Bay City and Bay of Space Pigs. 2. we might be talking at cross purposes, the Carlisle route is much better at the moment but still has a parcel with a banline at the north end and entrance to the river system there that extends over the waterway. It is easily passable, but I know if I ran a cruise through there even marking it out on a map and as a warning some people would likely still run in to it. My point is that the river systems around there have always been awkward with new owners from Carlisle\Weatherall south adding banlines. I have run cruises there before and banlines have appeared between making the maps and running the route a few days later. I just don't think an intercontinental route to that area, at least not as a sole linkage would be ideal. Great as a secondary one, but like with links between Nautilus and Corsica the links should ideally be with full sims of water and straight linden access to easy sailing areas (eg the sea of moles on the west of Corsica and the East access route links with quite a lot of sailable sims). The only real issue with linking the potential route from Atanua to the South Eastern side of Heterocera would be the route ways around Sphinx, they are at an angle and in places too shallow for boats with a keel. Ideally a few homesteads south of there could be added to make the link up with the ANWR for boats of all sizes.
  15. Ideally an intercontinental route would be open to boats with non-phantom masts.. but even without... Has Weatherall opened up again? I did try to persuade the owner there a few weeks ago that their banlines were causing problems, but they didn't seem to care, or rather maybe just went on the defensive straightaway... but maybe they have seen sense after initially digging their heels in? The problem with that route it is like wackamole, you manage to convince one owner to remove their banlines and then someone new gets a parcel on the route and puts more up. It is fine for little motorboats at slow speed using a non-linden viewer with parcel borders showing on the minimap. But anything bigger or for anyone using the official viewer ... a moment of lag too much on a sim crossing and you are looking for a parcel to rezz a new boat.
  16. Bevel would be good but the route through from there to East River Community and then on to Bay City and Heterocera has a couple of bottlenecks with inconsiderate landowners and banlines.. linking to Bevel would be good but I think the route through from East Heterocera would be a little easier with perhaps a couple of additional sims along the south edge to avoid similar problems
  17. Moving the continents together you could fit a landbridge between Atenua and Exeuxoa in probably less than 10 homesteads without any disruption additional to that caused by relocating the continent sims and those in the way. This would seem to be the most obvious low impact low cost way for them to do it, and with benefits far out weighing the inconvenience. Hopefully while they are at it they could add a few more sims around Satori and Heterocera to make them circumnavigable, it would be a huge benefit to everyone on both continents and everyone that likes to sail and fly.
  18. Ohh, I am slow... I thought for some reason all Hru's friends had problems initiating chats with the right person.
  19. Not sure I am disagreeing, but for clarity you don't have to be a large landowner to participate or enjoy those kind of communities. Conniston and the East River Community are just a few sims boat ride from a parcel I own. On the Atoll I am a short road trip from virtual soho, and any number of interesting locations and communities. I have a rental on mainland at Fudo I can sail to Bay City from, off Nautilus I have a rental at Snug Harbor, with my own group.. a private estate connected to mainland. I can't effectively think of any difference between my land rights on the private parcel or the one rented on mainland. Both afford access to some wonderful communities Bay City for example from the first, Sailors Cove and all the mainland marinas from the other. The costs however are noticeably different with the mainland rental being much cheaper than the private rental. I love both and wouldn't give either up whilst I can afford them.
  20. His 'me'-ism corresponds closely to the cult of personality aspects of fascism. Similarly 'nepotism and loyalty' whilst not defining aren't incompatible with fascism. The differences lies much with their approach to the role of the state in solving problems. Mussolini would boast 75% of italian businesses were run by the state, Trump might be taking some steps in that direction with for example his recent idea of trade barriers, but whilst he might be moving in that direction the USA is a long way to the opposite end of the scale on that particular issue.
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