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Everything posted by Cerise1488303085

  1. Hi, you can cut it to step 3. Click your name next to the envelope icon in the black banner at the top. It would be nice if that link looked like a link!
  2. Hi, that could be easy or it could be squishy, the distance between faces can mean lots of things! We have llDetectedTouchPos, we can use that with llVecDist to get simple point distances. llDetectedTouchNormal can add enough information to find planes. llDetctedTouchST can add enough more to find the middle of a face. Combine these to find the distance between face centers, parallel planes, or what you need. It gets more squishy if the faces are not flat, the object is moving, etc.
  3. I looked at this some more. There are valid open issues that have no component selected, and the old query does not return any of those. This is not related to the protected component ID 10930, it is from narrowing by component at all. So, components should not be in the search string if it is to be userful.
  4. Today has a little update for Post Toast. When you open an Answers thread page, comments are automatically expanded. This feature depends on a timer, and I have tried to tune it to work OK on very slow computers. If you see Answers pages that don't expand by themselves, let me know and I will see if it is something I can help.
  5. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I'd like to add it to the agenda but it seems like what's there now is from last week still. Should I just add it to the bottom? Done, maybe it will get some attention this time.
  6. LiveReport wrote: Paladin Pinion wrote: Recent by thread and message: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/recentpostspage/post-type/thread What is the difference between that one and this one? http://secondlife.lithium.com/t5/Forums/recentpostspage/category-id/Forums/post=type/message ETA: It seems this one is more complete. Hi, if you use secondlife.lithium.com then you may not be properly logged in and miss sections like off topic and private areas. Use the community.secondlife.com version. The first link show all new threads, blog posts, answers topics, etc. The second link shows individual posts, but only in the forums sections. Community hidden links on the SL wiki has a list of new content pages with a variety of options, with the correct domain already plugged in.
  7. So, here is something to try to maybe isolate the trouble. The 3D tab on the Photoshop settings has "Allow Direct To Screen" in the OpenGL section. Turn off that box and see if the trouble stops. This wil make the 3D feature much slower but it gives Photoshop more control of the displayed colors. If that change works, it is time to look at the advanced settings in your graphics driver. There could be some OpenGL acceleration switched on that is more appropriate for gaming. With "direct to screen" on again, you can try to turn off driver acceleration features until you find one that stops the posterize effect.
  8. The Lindens who deal with security issues don't really need to see this thread. You posted a link to a public blog that has been around for years and to viewers that have been around for a long time. They already made the blogosphere and Youtube and Twitter circuits months and months ago. You are posting old news, like stuff that even Neil knows about by now.
  9. Hi, if you have real fears that a real security problem is exposed here, the best way to make sure the right Lindens are aware is with a SEC issue in JIRA. SEC issues are not treated like the regular kind. The details are private, they go straight to the correct people who can deal with security exploits, and the tickets are seen in a short time. The web site you linked to is not new, and the viewers it talks about are not new, so it is certain that the right Lindens already know about them. Still, a SEC issue and not this forum is the right way to report it.
  10. I did not get the error when logged in, so it could be a protection problem on only some components. For that case, taking out only some would give partial results, so out they all went.
  11. Hi, there was a note in the 2011-04-04 scrpting UG transcript that "Search JIRA for related issues" was not working. The trouble seems to be that JIRA searches on component only work when we are logged in. For now I took out the components part of the query, this will make the results list less exact but it will run. Adding - The components should not have been included at all, they were making the searches miss valid issues because not all issues are flagged with them. The search strings are in Template:JiraSearch/LSL Issues and Template:JiraSearch/LSL Bugs.
  12. So, were all three of these chairs "inspired" by the same source? How original are any of the SL versions?
  13. Josh Susanto wrote: The Meat Ferrari is a Ferrari and it is mostly made out of meat. How could someone be confused about that, especially with a picture of the thing? Hi, "not as advertised" can mean "wrong category". This can happen even if you have the product in the right general area, but there is a more specific subsection that could fit it better. LL won't tell you the right category unless you contact support and ask, or you can go it alone and try to make the right guess. Dakota Linden tried to explain their reasoning here. It would be really nice if they could come out and tell people what the category should be if they know it, but that's not the way they roll. If you were flagged for "not as advertised" then maybe you are off Ferrari's radar, but even LL skipped that name for their simulator RC channels to prevent legal trouble.
  14. Here is a pathological example. It is compiled to LSO, the slower execution makes this easier to test. The loop is inside a user function, it is much easier to reproduce that way. The loop spends all its time flooding the event queue with link messages, and the flood causes the trouble. If detach is a short time after a ping message prints, the "Bye!" and "Hello!" usually appear on reattach, after the loop finishes and the events can be processed. If the detach is a few seconds after a ping message, but before a new one, the "Hello!" and "Bye!" tend to be skipped. The event queue is stuffed with the pending link messages so there is nowhere for the attach events to go. The effect is not unique to self generated events or link messages, but this is an easy way to show what can happen. integer gCount;MessageFlood(){ integer x = 0; do { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, "", ""); } while( ++x < 10000); llOwnerSay("ping " + (string)(++gCount));}default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(.01); } timer() { MessageFlood(); } attach(key id) { if (id) llOwnerSay("Hello!"); else llOwnerSay("Bye!"); } link_message(integer sender, integer um, string str, key id) { integer y = 0; }}
  15. What happens to your script after state_entry? Is it able to service any other events, or is it spending long times stuck in single event handlers? In the extreme case, an infinite loop in any one event handler will prevent the script from handling any other events at all.
  16. Yes, attach() can be missed at rez time if the script was in the middle of a long loop when last saved. Independent confirmations are here and here.
  17. Hi, traffic bots are always against the inworld policy on bots, but enforcement is not very good. If bots are set as "scripted agents", they do not influence the traffic numbers and they are generally allowed. Only Lindens and the account owner can tell if an avatar is set up as a scripted agent, we cannot see that information.
  18. There was just a conversation about this on SLU. The old profile code is still in there, just inaccessible. This could have been made switchable by a debug setting with very, very little more work. A gesture like that, even if it was a "secret", could have prevented so many upset users until LL can get SLPlugin into a less embarrassing state.
  19. Blue Goo changes for today: nested quotes are different colors and yes the lines are thinner. The highlight color is now more on the violet side of things, the green was too bright. Signatures got a small tweak so they don't look so much like the revised blockquotes.
  20. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: I don't know where to get nPose either, since GridShout was shut down (I've just been looking). You're right though, it doesn't use poseballs. It is much more than a female sit/pose system though :-) Hence the 'ladies first' protocol and instructions on creating sub-sub-menus for your favourite threesome animations. Yes, nPose is much more than a "female sit" system, it is a full futniture system with capabilities a lot like traditional MLP. The inworld location is in the Diamond Land region, there is a free vendor to get the scripts in a prebuilt example pad, and a group joiner for updates. The example configuration includes rezzed prop and chain point demonstrations. There are notecards in the kit with helper scripts like an MLP notecard converter.
  21. Void Singer wrote: to counter or support what being said by the voices that are driving opinion in the community, they have to actually DO something about it. Yes, but that is not a function of the platform. The data mining is a way to learn things that need to be done, and it provides the opportunity to stop criticism by addressing it before it gains traction. Obviously it cannot magically make the company act on that intelligence.
  22. No. It does not really matter if the identified people are generally supportive or not, as long as their output is filtered before their names are "borrowed". The most direct example is the access to the knowledge base. A person with no interest in contributing to it won't, and because all edits must be approved by an LL employee, someone who contributes in a negative way will not get far. In a less direct way, the company has better information about whose word spreads fastest, and hence what needs to be countered or supported first.
  23. Hi, LL broke support for Tiger a few versions ago. The system requirements page still says that 10.4.11 is supported, but at present this is not true. There was a JIRA issue filed by a Linden to fix this, but that issue was moved to a Linden private area, and now we do not know if 10.4 support will be restored or permanently abandoned. It is probably time to look for a copy of Leopard or Snow Leopard, and use an older or third party viewer until you can. EDITING: I see that LL made a decision. The system requirements page has been changed, the minimum OS X version is now 10.5. LL utterly failed to adequately communicate this decision. For all their talk, still nothing has changed with them.
  24. Darrius Gothly wrote: Secondly, if the high number of Kudos is not responsible for the increases in Rank for some of the more prolific contributors of "Topics guaranteed to be pulled" ... then what is the purpose of these forums? And what is the purpose of the Kudos? If the people that routinely stir up trouble and create drama are also being given advanced Rank as a form of "Reward" .. what are they doing that is worth rewarding? Ranks identify the easy marks. If other users take notice of a poster's output, there will be a trail of accepted solutions and kudos and high page read counts and thread responses. So, start dropping those names in blog posts. Give those users extra "privileges" so that their names show up in visible company documents. Make it look like you are associated with what they do. These users might not be in your camp, but those cues give the impression that they are. The company can give a little satisfaction from the user base by feeding them other people's work, and the best part is that they get the work for free. It is instant artificial goodwill for a company that has burnt most of its own. If a high rank is got by silly games, it can be ignored without trouble. The formula has still done its job, it has still reduced the pool of marks to evaluate and coopt.
  25. It is strange but it does look a little better, maybe because half of the grid is done in the same urban decay themes.
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