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Everything posted by Maitimo

  1. I think it mostly goes a bit like this - User is 25 and female in RL. She wants her avatar to look about 20 so she aims for a look that's about 5 years younger-looking than her RL self. What she is blissfully unaware of however, is that she actually looks closer to 17 than to 25 in RL, so she ends up making an avatar than now looks like it's actually 12 yet sincerely believes that it looks like 20. It's actually no surpsise that the trend for hyper-curvy bodies has taken over. There's no way anyone would believe these avatars weren't children, if they used Maitreya bodies.
  2. If you can afford to join that group, you can afford to rent your own place instead.
  3. It's my understanding that the OP is somewhere on the autism spectrum, so I expect it's nothing more significant than being a part of their "subject of focus". I personally hope they keep asking; the questions are always interesting. Anyway to answer the OP's question, I think the average human female avatars are somewhere between 18 and 25 and average male avatars are maybe 28-35.
  4. You've been told over and over again that the feature you want is a griefing feature. It's never going to happen. It is controlling because YOU would be the one who decides what OTHER PEOPLE should see. Yes, everybody else DOES have an absolut right to see you. That's written into the TOS, in the part that says "thou shalt not affect any other user's experience". This fearure is CONTROLLING This feature is GRIEFING This feature is AGAINST THE TOS This feature CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT EVER HAPPEN Honestly, your insistence on this feature, and your failure to recognise that it does, in fact, cause harm and grief, proves without any doubt that Secondlife is neither suitable for you nor is it compatible with your needs. It would be much better for your own mental health if you leave altogether and find something more compatible to do.
  5. Raise a support ticket. You'll need to know some things about the account's history, and you may need to provide some kind of ID.
  6. Did you actually click on the link that @Silent Mistwalker posted? One of the sections in there explains it. Basically, the problem is that you are "ghosted"; in other words, although your viewer crashed, you haven't actually logged out. I bet if you log in with your alt and go to the location your main was in when you crashed, you're still standing there. Sometimes it helps to send your ghosted account an IM or pay them L$1; this sometimes causes the region to realise that the avatar isn't really there. But the most reliable solution is a re-start of the region. If this is mainland, or Bellisseria, you can request a region restart from Linden Lab by submitting a support ticket with the reason "Region restart". Tell them why. You can add this to the ticket you've already opened; that might be quicker than starting a new one. If it's a private estate, you'll need to contact the estate owner/manager to re-start the region for you.
  7. yes I think so; if they turn cloud, they at least know that something is happening, even if they can't see it yet. But to see no sign at all that you've even worn something... I think that would cause more confusion and frustration.
  8. Oh I can just see it now... "How do I change clothes? I clicked this ten minutes ago and nothing is happening."
  9. I agree, kiddies. And probably H*LL too. I don't think there's a published list; that sort of thing is kept intentionally vague to avoid people "gaming" it.
  10. That's exactly the perfect situation to be in. As long as you've got smaller folders within the big one, you'll be fine.
  11. I filed it in but as you're not collecting the name of the platform that respondents use, I doubt that it's going to be very helpful. The processes involved in purchasing for each platform vary widely and the way it is in Second Life doesn't compare well with others.
  12. You know that Second Life is an entirely different thing from Metaverse, don't you?
  13. You need to buy the shape in the advert, and also the head that it's made for (Lelutka Kane). The stylecard that comes with the shape will tell you what else you need to buy. And @Emma Krokus is exactly right about the lighting; you get the same range with the new EEP as with old Windlights, so CalWL and Nam's Optimum Skin & Prim are still there. I like Nam's best, but really, any lighting that has high Ambient light and low Sun light will give a similar effect.
  14. One of those Victorian greenhouse/arbours would be nice:
  15. This is the new head I picked up in lelutka's Black Friday sale - Inez. I think it looks more androgynous than the one they specifically made to be androgynous.
  16. I'm seeing the same issue with both situations; both in-region and out-of-region teleports. Repeating the teleport (going back and returning again) seems to fix it, so the objects aren't actually missing, but the usual trick of selecting where the object should be isn't helping this time.
  17. The Tiny Empires bots usually gather in circles of 8-12 bots together. I usually see those at the bottom of the sea somewhere, never seen them gathered around residential homes. And of course traffic bots wouldn't do that either.
  18. If I owned a whole region, or just lived in a permanent skybox, I probably would, but generally I don't like to do seasons when the rest of the region remains the same. Especially in the Linden Homes, which are all pretty much summer all year long, and having a square patch of snow with winter trees just looks starkly out of place. I do put a bit of Christmas decor in my house though. Christmas is the only holiday I decorate for. @archangel969 your place is so beautiful.
  19. So I decided to roll for a Trad again, to see how I feel about the new open plan styles. And I have to say I really like the Westminster in particular. I was hoping to roll another beachy one, no luck with that but I did get one by a river in Foxbridge.
  20. If you are using V-Tech, you will need clothing specifically made to fit V-Tech. Anything else will deform and look bad
  21. Hi Quartz, I have checked my block list (no Moles on it) and tried resetting the mailbox, stil no good. I am still getting the "Welcome to Bellisseria" notecard which gets sent to me again every time I click the mailbox. I'm getting quite the little collection of those Also confirming I'm not in "Busy/Unavailable" mode
  22. Same here. I've tried this on 2 separate parcels and can get neither the content pack nor the security system. Even waiting nearly 24 hours for delivery from the first one, still nothing.
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