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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. First use the menu option 'Develop' > 'Render Metadata' > 'Lights' to highlight all the actual light sources in the area - there will appear boxes around them. If you see one in your kitchen the next step, providing it's at least modifiable (ideally copiable too, so you have a backup copy in case you mess something), is to edit it, activate the 'Edit Linked' checkbox, choose below the 'Features' tab and start left-clicking on whichever part of the kitcken you think might be the source; if, for one of them, the 'Light' checkbox below in the Build / Edit panel is selected and has parameters, that's the one: simply unckeck that box and it will stop acting as a lightsource (and, as long as you have the viewer highlighting all the light sources, the box surrounding it should disappear). A different kind of 'light', more apparent than actual but which may do as you describe (looking still bright in dark settings such as night) is 'full bright'. This is not an actual light source, it's just that the viewer will ignore the sun settings (and in fact the entire windlight properties) and still show a given texture with a consistent, day-like brightness. It's a different property, but you can deactivate it pretty much the same as before, just checking under the 'Texture' tab in the Build / Edit panel, instead of the 'Features' one.
  2. Syn Anatine wrote: I'd rather they bust their butts to fix whatever broke than to update the grid status. Amen to that. I did check on the grid status web, out of curiosity, but fact is, what could they say? 'Logins are closed for maintenance / fixing something'. Kinda obvious, given that that's the exact same message you get in the viewer itself when trying to log in.
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: [...] It would help a bit if shape-edit had the option of using the actual lighting at the time as well as, or instead of, the flat lighting that it uses now, or even have several preset choices of lighting. The option to not use an additional light during appearance editing exists, by going to the Debug settings and setting the 'EditAppearanceLighting' parameter to 'FALSE'; some viewers may, as Firestorm does, make this option more easily available in their preferences.
  4. Perhaps you refer to this. As you can see, there's an /app/agent/<agent_id>/im function.
  5. Sounds pretty much like the Area Search function several third-party viewers have.
  6. If your apartment shares the parcel with those for other tennants, you won't be able, because there can only be one music stream for each parcel.
  7. DerpWolf wrote: [..] Lousy. Can't say I disagree. Perhaps one day Linden Labs will standarize a system for that. Meanwhile, I can imagine skin / clothes creators yelling 'YET ANOTHER MESH APPLIERS SYSTEM??' every time something like this comes out, because they have to put effort for each one individually, according to the different systems' properties. SLink hands / feet / heads, butts, legs, breasts, lips, ears, genitals, whole or partial body avatars... no wonder they wait it out 'till each system becomes popular on its own. They'd have a full store just for the different appliers.
  8. Skin, shape, eyebrows shaper / system hairbase, and eyes, are the types of items you can't choose to wear 'none' (or, for that matter, more than one). Instead, you just wear a different one, and it will substitute the one you don't want.
  9. None. Some creators use parts of their skins / clothing textures in appliers for known systems such as mesh hands, feets, breasts, bottoms... but only they can do it, typically by selling those appliers apart, and each one only for the specified system. It's up to each creator to offer them separately.
  10. In order to deploy a certain photographic technique (think multi-exposure HDR, though it's not that), I need to have everything in the scene not changing at all between two or more shots. I've already managed to freeze almost everything... the clients' avatars, their eyes, flexiprims, particles, animated textures, sun position and even sky clouds. Everything... ... except water movement, and animated objects such as pets. The former is of no major concern because I can usually get by capturing it in a third, single shot (though it'd still be nice to know how to stop that, too, if only to avoid that annoying high-res capture 'tiling bug'). But animated objects, when present (and necessary) for the scene, are a royal pain in the ***. The vast majority don't even seem to have an option for that and, short of stripping them completely of scripts (an option most of my clients would understandably refuse), I still haven't found any way to freeze them. Is there any obscure viewer function for that? I'm using the latest Firestorm release, 4.6.1. Thanks :smileyhappy: ETA: I know there's a 'freeze' option in the snapshot panel itself... but this one unfortunately is of no use for this particular purpose, because it actually prevents operating pretty much everything outside of that panel... which means I cannot make the one change I need to make between shots. And even if it did, this option tends to do funny things precisely for animated objects... sometimes their movement 'leaks' somehow through the freezing, making them appear disjointed between each capture.
  11. kholek wrote: [...] Is there a different place I could attach the nails? Nope; for it to work the way you want, each fingertip would need to have its own attachment point. And they don't, there's only one for each hand as a whole, so that things like gloves will usually follow wrist movements, but anything more specific and finger-bound will always look misplaced when using most hand gestures.
  12. lonewolf3751 wrote: [...] why furries are so hated within SL [...] Did you ask the haters?
  13. Abbey Wingtips wrote: [...] Have reported as inappropriate content to moderator, the spammers. maybe if we all do so, this might help? It might improve the daily cleanup's efficiency, by lowering the chance that any particular spammer ends up overlooked by the moderators because no one reported it in the belief that others already did. But I'm with Qie: at this point not fighting it may be our best option, in the hope that it gets so bad that eventually Linden Labs feels compelled to reconsider their current, spectacularly failed strategy.
  14. FloofferMcNooters wrote: [...]` I know that if I buy an item on one computer, and log onto the same account on a different computer, it won't be there [...] That shouldn't have happened. Regardless of the computer or device you use to log in Second Life, if you do it to the same account you should see the exact same items, because they're stored remotely, not locally; therefore any failure in that regard is necessarily an inventory loading failure in the computer or viewer where you don't see that recently bought item. And inventory load failures are relatively easy to fix, by performing a local cache clean to force the faulty viewer to reload your whole inventory from scratch (at which point the apparently missing item should re-appear). Actual inventory losses are far less frequent -and for that matter, they can occur whether you stay in the same computer & viewer or not.
  15. I'm gonna join the cheering here... you got exactly what SL is all about, Mike :smileywink: Keep enjoying your experience, it's always a pleasure to see that.
  16. It's worsened alright... and heavily so. Not so long ago it used to be in waves of around 15 pages before the moderators started acting; recently it had climbed to about 23 pages. Today it was well over 55 pages which, at 20 threads per page, and even discounting the occasional non-spamming post that got through, means we've clearly passed the 1,000 spam-posts mark... in each wave. Considering there's several waves each day, I wouldn't be surprised if it neared 2,000 daily spam messages.
  17. Ren Toxx

    phat azz

    AlessiaRylee wrote: [...] I look up were at but i seam to not be able to gte in there [...] Try as I might, I cannot understand what you mean, Alessia. If English isn't your native language, you might want to try posting your question in the appropiate international forum... perhaps il Forum in italiano? If your question was where to get the actual PhatAzz rear+legs, so that you can use those underwear you mistakenly bought, try teleporting to Luck Inc. I'm not sure if you want to buy them just for that reason, since they're probably several times as expensive as the underwear you bought, but... there they are, at any rate. If what you wanted was to somehow wear them without having to buy the actual PhatAzz... you can't; those types of clothes are specifically made for that product. Perhaps you could try sending a note to the creator of that underwear, explaining your mistake and politely asking if she might send you a non-PhatAzz version? (Note: if you do so, try asking someone with better English skills to help you writing the note).
  18. Antumbra, to begin with, I don't even know why did you open this thread at all. You essentially asked if what you're doing is OK, everyone* told you that it's not, and now you resent it? Why make the question, then, if you weren't going to accept the answer? Antumbra wrote: [...] It's not like i'm FORCING anyone to do anything! [...] By that same token, hardly anything would be spam; heck, even the hordes of Hindu escort threads we suffer in these forums everyday would not be spam... after all, they're not forcing us, right? They flood with hundreds of posts, but hey, we can ignore them and we can choose not to visit those sites, so it's not spam, right? And, really, Antumbra... 'uptight and antisocial' because we'd rather not be spammed? Do you seriously believe those are even remotely related concepts? If many commercials phone you or ring your home door or reach your email every day offering cable, pills, bibles, miraculous diets, travel plans, enlargements, washing machines, etc., do you honestly think all those people are trying to be friends with you? If you IM someone with the intent of advertising your store, and no matter how you sugar-coat it with 'hi, how are you? You seem an interesting person whom I'd like to be friends with... now, let me ask you something about this dress...'... your intent still *is* to sell something, NOT socialize with that person... in fact, the very fact that you act friendly merely as a profit-seeking manoeuvre, should make the pretended friendship all the less desirable; quite honestly, I wouldn't want to be friends with you -or, for that matter, even socialize with you- if all I were to you is another advertising target. Um, and another thing... you seem to recommend that 'people loosen up and not take everything so seriously'. It actually is a good advice... but judging by your reaction to most of the answers here, you seem to have forgotten to follow your own advice. I already gather that you didn't like the answers but... as I said, it was you who posed the question :smileywink: (*) And yes, I know not everyone here told you that... but since you generalized saying that 'everyone on SL are so uptight and unsocial', surely I too can generalize, right?
  19. El visor Phoenix está muy desfasado respecto al sistema actual de SL, y una de las cosas que le faltan (y que nunca tendrá, pues se abandonó su desarrollo) es la compatibilidad con SSA (Server-Side Appearance), el método actual empleado por SL para renderizar los avatares... el resultado es exactamente el que ves, con el añadido de que los demás también te verán gris a ti. Si intentabas emplear Phoenix por alguna razón concreta, coméntanosla, a ver si te podemos recomendar un visor alternativo que te sirva más o menos igual, pero sí esté actualizado a la tecnología actual de SL.
  20. If it's the one I think, I'm not sure what exactly they're trying to cover up, what with today being about twice as bad as usual, if not more.
  21. The Destinations listing is maintained by Linden Labs (from users' submitted suggestions, yes, but it's the Lindens who sort through them and decide) which, shall we say, doesn't usually give the impression of being exactly overstaffed. Conversely, many users may fail to bother submitting suggestions to that list at all for that reason; also because the submission process isn't as easy as it perhaps should. Some of the people not speaking in public may be doing so privately, in IMs. Or doing some other things while they wait for any interesting conversation to start -and there's no telling what each user may find interesting enough. Some users may be AFK (“away from keyboard”), and therefore unable to join the conversation at all, even if there's an interesting one going on. And yes, there are tags to be used to indicate you're AFK, but sometimes they're forgotten -or ignored, for that matter. Keep trying. If it really was your first time, you've unlikely visited enough places. Check not only the “what's hot”, but music clubs and events and other places described as social gathering points. Many of them have a more constant flow of visitors who, indeed, would be ready to talk.
  22. Go to your viewer's Advanced menu, enter the Debug Settings, find the parameters 'RenderAutoMaskAlphaDeferred' and 'RenderAutoMaskAlphaDeferred', and make sure they're both set to TRUE. Some viewers, such as Firestorm, have these settings available more directly (and intuitively) in their preferences.
  23. morganbelarius wrote: [...] but I still don't talk to anyone. It freaks me out to even try! [...] Why? About the worst that will happen is that some will reply rudely, but you need to put that possibility in perspective: there will always be rude people; the trick is to learn to just shrug them off and keep trying until you find the good ones. And you will. Unless you don't even try. morganbelarius wrote: [...] Do I just say hello to people? Won't they be bothered? [...] Not anymore than you would. Whoever is bothered by just a 'hello' pretty much automatically tags himself as unworthy of your attention. In fact, it's even a useful reaction: you won't have to waste your time with someone who only later will reveal him/herself an idiot so, again, you'll have more time to focus on the good ones. P.S: I do get that you're extremely shy, for whatever reason. So am I. But if there's a single thing I've learn about socializing, is that there's no 'infallible method' or 'manual' for it... just this: keep trying.
  24. Actually, a copybotter is someone who creates content by illegal means, not one who just receives it (knowingly or otherwise); therefore, unless your ex-friend saw you selling such content (or, far more improbably, in the very act of replicating it from original material), his accusation shows perfect ignorance. Dunno, as if he was accusing you of being a man in RL. My point is, Sephina: do you feel like you need to care about the ramblings of an ignorant?
  25. A clean reinstallation (or at least, though still quite effective, a cache cleaning) should do the trick most of the times, but a next step many people aren't quite aware of, is letting your inventory to fully load: proper avatar rendering shouldn't be expected before the inventory is completely loaded, and in fact, it's often the case that the items needed for it are almost the last ones to load (maybe it has something to do with your last outfit being also the most recent items -I'm talking about the outfit links, not the actual items). Oh, and after you let your inventory fully load, wait for like a minute, then log off; until you do so, you won't be sure your new, cleanly loaded cache is properly stored in your hard disk, and if you crash or are forcibly logged out, the whole process may have to start from scratch -thus leaving you unrezzed again.
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